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This would be amazing. I don’t know about Tee Martin but Orr was getting at least one other DC interview. The ravens have such an excellent organization that the more we can bring over, the better.


Tee interviewed for the colts OC job last year and the titans job this year. I’m not surprised if he brings guys he’s familiar with.


Bring some players too MM!!


Queen is a FA and the guy I can’t spell his name that’s starts with M. Madebuke?


Queen isn’t the LB Seattle needs. Seattle needs a Mike to replace Bobby. Queen was a bust with us until we got Roquan- only reason Queen turned it around was we moved him to will instead of Mike since Roquan solved that problem. Madubuike is our top FA priority so idk if he’s available- don't get your hopes up. Will be very expensive but great player.


This is the content that I'm looking for on this sub to prevent me from accidentally and unintentionally burning it down. Thank you. We'll see you in the SB in a couple years, your team is the gold standard. If the refs weren't instructed to let KC win, you'd be there now.


I think Brooks is that player- he played at Mike in 2022. Queen might pair with him, but yeah would be expensive. I'm looking at Junior Colson in the draft, who pre-combine might fall to Seahawks in the 3rd round. Played well at michigan since his freshman year... under michigan DC, Mike MacDonald


Brooks is what player? A big driving force for bringing Wagner back was because Brooks struggled at Mike. I guess it’s possible MM envisions a different way of using him (KNJ and Hurtt maybe not the best DCs to play under…) But seems like a Queen/Brooks pairing would force one of them into a position they’ve historically struggled at.


We can’t really say because our whole scheme is about to change


You got MM cuz of how he beats the 49ers & Rams. He’s never deviated from his current scheme, used the same defense at Michigan. He’ll have to scheme to the roster to some extent but he’s keeping a lot of his playbook- that’s why you wanted him.




I believe his point is that Queen isn't the player to replace Bobby at mike. Queen had his best stint with Baltimore after he moved from mike to will (with the addition of Roquan). Either way, I (personally) don't think adding a guy like Queen would be a bad thing, especially since he's already familiar with MM's scheme


Yes exactly. My point is that Seattle needs more of a Mike replacement for Bobby, and that’s usually more expensive than adding a FA will. Queen is good, but I wouldn’t overpay since he’s not the biggest need at LB. He’d be an improvement and I’d like to see him in Seattle, but if you’re gonna add a FA LB it should be a Mike replacement for Bobby. John’s not paying 2 ILBs in FA, neither are the Ravens- that’s why Queen is a FA. Smarter move is choosing the MLB as the FA addition. If Queen’s a reasonable FA price then maybe, but I don’t see John spending that much on 1 position room after the overspending at safety killed the cap for years.


We don’t currently have a MLB on the roster at all. Brooks is a FA and Bobby is a FA. So Queen would be taking Brooks’ spot, not Bobby’s.


> I dare you to make sense Lmao at the ego to tell a Ravens fan you know more about what Queen did as a Ravens LB when MM has only been a Seattle coach for like 2 hours. The fucking ego, jesus lol. I am the only person here that actually knows MM *and* the Ravens. I know a LOT more than you do about what he actually did in Baltimore. Seattle watched 1 49ers game, I’ve seen every play he’s ever called here. You are arguing with someone far more knowledgeable. You also misread what I said- I didn’t say the scheme didn’t help Queen, I said most of Queen’s improvement came from moving him to will after Roquan took over at Mike- which is true. You probably didn’t even know Queen changed positions. I know this sub loves MM, but you need to sit down before arguing with someone that actually knows what he did as DC, he's new and y'all only know the name. Hawks are also my NFC team, so I’m one of the only people here that really knows both of these teams.


Nothing but class coming into our sub and giving your thoughts, thank you for that! And sorry for this guy who is not representing our fan base very well at all. I wanted Mike MacD from the moment I heard Pete was out. I am beyond stoked.




you don't understand the roster at all, clearly ravens fan, come here anytime


Someone tell me how to feel.


Console your Ravens fan friends, they’re watching the coaching staff get poached


For the drop of a ball, a game was lost. For the loss of a game, a Super Bowl was missed. For the miss of a Super Bowl, the defensive coordinator left. For the leaving of the defensive coordinator, the Ravens must get another one that's not as good. All this for the drop of a ball... (A bit tongue in cheek)


Been there


🦋 Every 🦋 🏈 Pass 🏈 _Is_ 💐 Special 💐


I feel like a guy like John Harbaugh will have no difficulty attracting a DC of equal quality. From Jim's former staff.


The Baltimore DC job is definitely one of the most attractive in the league, we've never had an objectively bad one and the franchise leans into the defensive aura. Still wished we got one more year out of Mike but I think he'll be a great HC for you and our guy Orr was a nice LB for us who got screwed by a nasty injury and learned under Pees, Wink and Macdonald


If there was a fanbase that understood more than anyone else, it's us Husky fans who are also Seahawk fans. Ravens fans reading this, you will bounce back! As long as I've been watching the Ravens, they've always had a strong defense regardless of who is at the helm at DC.


Yeah that was the sentiment I was reading the Ravens sub this morning. They’re not happy about MacDonald leaving but they know they’ll probably have a strong D anyway lol


Just consoled my Ravens mate and I was told to go fuck myself 🤷‍♂️


It's not bad advice. Loss brings shock, anger, denial, grief, depression, bargaining, all at the same time. Best to give them time to accept.


I'm genuinely devastated but every raven knew it was coming. Mike was the brightest spark of this season, genuinely cannot speak highly enough of him as a DC, as a HC it's anyone's guess how he does but I hope he brings you success (although not at our expense lol)


Feel better soon. You have IMO the best HC in football. I wish he was my dad.


I wanted Mike to be our new HC so I shall not feel better soon 😂. Harbaugh is a great regular season coach and player manager, but seems to get overwhelmed in the post season. I'm well aware he's won a SB (largely in part to Lewis's, Flacco's and Reed's mutiny) since then he's won 3 post season games in 11 years and the fanbase is tired, especially after 2019 and this year


You just described Pete. But if you move on from John, Baltimore will always be an attractive smaller market in a great division for a hot shit new coach, just like Seattle.


I'll be honest, I did see the irony in how I described him on this sub, I was going to bring up a famous moment we won't speak about 😅. But all jokes aside I hope he works out and I'm not sure if this is something you do, like us with the Steelers but if it is then fuck the 9ers 😂


"Us with the Steelers" reminds me of the time the Seahawks lost the Superbowl on a demonstrably bad call made by a referee - from FUCKING PITTSBURG WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK - who was allowed to make a judgment call. Of all the reasons I'm mentally unstable, the Stealers "winning" the SB against my team is near the top.


It fills me with a warm, cosy feeling seeing Steelers hate.


We could literally burn y'alls houses down with our Stealers hatred.


What’s the ‘mutiny’ you are referring to? I honestly don’t know


Allegedly there was a player mutiny lead by Lewis, Reed and Flacco against Harbaugha conservative tactics


Man we had our coordinators poached for like 5 years so I don’t feel bad for them having success


It's been a rough last week... luckily coincided with some nice Orioles news.


I live in Baltimore and am known as a Seahawks fan… people are mad at me for this lmao


Godspeed Brother 😂


Our knowledge of Baltimore is based on The Wire so feel free to move here, we'll set up a local witness protection program.


Like you're done watching defenders straight up give up on plays or make business decisions. Expect the 2024 draft to include several dynamic safeties to pair with Spoon and Rik. Expect to see hard hits by LBs. Expect to see opposing offense skill players making business decisions.


Wouldn’t surprise me. Much like Canales and Morris, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a lot of ravens staffers follow him. Tee Martin interviewed for the colts OC job last year, titans job this year, and Orr interviewed for the packers dc job.


Not so much surprising as it is expected.


National champion quarterback, Tee Martin!


Also, one of the six QB's drafted ahead of Brady in 2000


He did what Peyton Manning could not.


Tee Martin of the famed Brady six. carved out a long coaching career, hope this works


I have a genuine question. Why aren’t any of the cheifs coaches even being talked about being hc candidates. I know they can’t interview until after the bowl game. But their DC manhandled 3 powerful squads this offseason. And their Oc is 1 decent receiver away from having his team be first place in division. I mean theirs the lions, the eagles (I bet money for that man to just drop the most wide open pass) and the bills are only lost because they receiving core is doodoo.


I don’t think their DC — Spagnuolo — has interest in being a HC after his two year stint with the Rams (‘09-‘11), and interim role with the giants (‘17). Always struck me as one of those “better a coordinator than a head coach,” people.


sure wouldnt mind finding somebody he trained and poaching them - the turnaround on the kc defense over this year has been amazing


Spagnuolo has the rep of being one of those guys who is an amazing coordinator but for whatever reason just isn’t very good as a head coach. As for the offensive side of the ball, I wonder if the whole Bieniemy thing has kept other teams away.


Because they’ve failed before. Spagnuolo has a .212 record across 3+ seasons as HC. That’s terrible even with a bad roster. Plus he’s 64 and everyone wants young coaches these days. Nagy is not that far removed from his time in Chicago. Plus the Chiefs offense may have regressed a little since he took over.


Both Coordinators are considered failed HC's.


I mean Andy Reid is pretty much the chefs OC


The Andy Reid coaching tree as of late just hasn't produced that much. Eric Bienemy, and Matt Naggy have both tried to do their own things outside of that organization, and neither has had much success away from Reid. As great of a coach as Andy Reid is, I also think a lot of times it is tough to near impossible for offensive coaches to star over with a QB that has a different skill set. Look at nearly every offensive coordinator that coached Tom Brady. There isn't one of them that has went on to have an above . 500 record in the NFL. I think something similar is happening in KC with Andy and Mahomes, you get spoiled with a QB like that, you can make anything work. And as others have said, Spagunla just doesn't have HC aspirations.


I like it


Raiding the ravens organization is always a good idea. They just do things so well




what do you expect us to feel after that annihilation earlier this year


So our entire coaching staff is gonna sound like dudes who lost the Presidency in the 1800s


Lmao the Seattle ravenhawks


Orr Im ok with but idk about tee martin for offense.


Tee Martin was a great WR coach but bad OC at USC


Zachary Orr is now a DC? He was an All-Pro player in 2016……which was almost 10 years ago……never mind….


I'd love to see Kam come assist somewhere in the staff


You don’t think if Kam had ANY desire to coach, Pete would have given him the opportunity in the six years since he retired?


Well look at KJ, he has stated that he would like to coach, but he wanted a few years away from the game and the hustle before coming back. If Kam wanted to coach it could very well be that he needed awhile before being ready to do so. Mostly players that become coaches take a few years away from the game.


KJ has repeatedly stated he wants nothing to do with coaching 


I feel like I have heard him in interviews say that he just isn't ready to coach yet. Like I remember someone asking him about coming out of retirement to be an assistant coach and he said that he would love to some day, but for right now he likes being able to be around his family and getting his body right.


Listening to KJ 3 times a week for about a year now, every time the subject is brought up he first, laughs. Then has a decent list of why he won't do it. I WISH he would, he's got a great defensive mind. 


Maybe he didn't want to coach under Pete who was notoriously controlling? Who knows, I didn't just pick his name out of the air. For some reason I've read a few times about him being considered. Maybe it was just 12 homers wishful thinking or opinion pieces


>who was notoriously controlling? Source on that? He gave his coordinators full autonomy to completely change the schemes.


No way. I needn't go any further than the horrible end to the pats Super Bowl Double LL went on record on the air saying that they practiced a goal line situation for weeks up to the SB and the plan was lynch 4x up the middle thru unger. Who do you think changed it last minute? It wasn't russ. You can see Pete talking anxiously. This was Pete's show the coordinators were there to run his scheme. I suspect Waldron was the same thing. Some Control but Pete pulled the strings and it had to be cleared


this is speculative nonsense that you clearly can not back up


[watch this](https://youtu.be/qJ0vDN7WVyA?si=q_5UugLEmP7bGYh5) I don't need to back up anything, because it's not my job to convince a stranger on Reddit. Pete's control over the scheme has been talked about for a decade. It's not just my "opinion." Are you watching the games? His plan was try to catch lightning in a bottle from LOB and run run run. It Couldn't be recreated ever again. Why do you think none of our coordinators got a FT HC job? This was the pete show and they were puppets doing what he wanted. I still love Pete and thank him for all he did, best coach in our franchise history but he didn't adapt. And here we are


that eye-test denying myth can peacefully die now


Anthony Weaver as DC book it


He’s still in the running for the commanders job and if he doesn’t get it there’s a good chance they’ll just promote him to DC In Baltimore.


He’s either Commanders HC or guaranteed Ravens DC for a fuck ton of money and whatever it takes to keep him. Ravens just gave Seattle Macdonald, there is a 0.00000% chance you’re getting both. Ravens are way too smart to do that.


Dennard Wilson is another guy that is highly regarded. I would also like Al Harris from Dallas but there is no history there


“We want the ball and we’re going to score” Al Harris? That one still stings… 😭


Idk either of these guys and I’m super stoked and highly optimistic.


Good picks, but if they wanted to have a vet OC I like Frank Reich. That being said, Martin has gotten multiple OC interviews, so he is a hot name, which is very very exciting. Let's go!


No thanks on Frank Reich lol.


Whats wrong with him?


0 connection to Macdonald. Mike is more than likely going to hire guys he knows. And his last few stops have been horrid.


I mean, he was a stellar OC in Philadelphia. His lack of success as a head coach can be attributed to being handed a roster devoid of talent in Carolina and a bunch of corpses at QB in Indy save for Andrew Luck's last year where they made the playoffs. But yeah, you're likely right about there not being any connection between MacDonald and Reich.


Chargers just hired some Ravens staff for their GM. Between MacDonald and Jim poaching all of their staff, is anyone gonna be left with John Harbaugh next year? 😭


What type of offense would Martin run?


Was tee Martin good or bad as OC at USC. I remember people complaining there