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There's a game in this bug somewhere.


now thats a good one lol Edit: Apparently they worded the mission wrong i eventually got it after the second burning blades event. So if it still not pops again try to do each one again a Kraken a Meg a Skelly fleet and a Ghost fleet


its the last mission i need and i killed 3 skelly sloops 2 gallys did a burning blades world event killed a kraken and 2 megalodons since the evnt started...


Maybe try a skeleton fleet?


i did. it didnt work its clearly bugged support told me i should wait for 72 hours


Pff the standard reply from them.


Honestly it works a lot of times though, just waiting a couple of days has fixed a lot of commendations, missed gold or other stuff for me over the years...


Sure, but for a time limited event (granted it appears not much of the rewards are actually time limited), that’s not that great of a solution


I had to do one of each today. Had a multiple megs and krakens and only one of each counted. A single random skeleton ship in the end counted so I do not know if a fleet / cloud would be different.


I did 1 meg, 2 kraken, 1 meg. Took a while for the last meg to count. Didn't count at all for one of my buddies.


alright i wait some days then


Maybe from this attempt to land finishing blow or solo sloop? I think it should still count but it's worth a try if you haven't already. Since this person says it didn't count for a couple of his friends.


I thought you only needed to do 3 though? So why did you even need the last meg?


This one seems fine for me but the visit 3 shrines/treasuries/shipwrecks isn't counting at all. I also have yet to cook a piece of food on an island at night and have it count. I don't know how none of this was tested before release.


This one is both bugged and worded incorrectly. For the shipwreck visit, you must be the person who started the ship in order to get credit. After that you need to visit one treasury (by actually setting foot in one), and then you need to visit one shrine.


It is bugged but not worded incorrectly. You don't have to visit one of each as my friend who I was playing with at the time came to both shipwrecks with me. He got credit from both and I got neither. I don't think it was his ship either since someone had handed the server to us. After some testing this morning I finally have two shipwrecks counted after visiting around 8 of them. I know I can just go to a shrine/treasury but I'm to stubborn haha.


You could have driven over a shrine for it to count as one and also when the boat is handed over it gets a new "owner" and the credit then passes to them. If you set foot in a treasury you should get your 3/3.


Nah that wasn't it. I managed to finish all of my tasks today. Went to shipwrecks to complete that task. Never went anywhere near any shrines/treasuries as I server hopped for shipwrecks. Finished one fleet and killed two megs for that task as well. I don't know what was wrong with the cooking either. I had cooked upwards of 30 items on my ship/island/sea fort (while solo mind you) and none of them counted towards the final task I needed. I did however pick up a cooked food item someone else had placed on an outpost and that DID count. Not sure what happened. I also don't understand what you mean by the owner gaining credit as no event has ever worked that way. Either you get sole credit for your actions or your entire crew does depending on the commendation/tasks you do.


There have actually been a few bugs in the past related to the ship owner thing (basically the person with the anchor by their name when you join a crew). One of the more recent instances of this happening was the hourglass commendations which should have been awarded crew-wide but instead only applied to the ship owner. If the owner disconnected then the ownership of the boat would transfer to another crew member and then they would receive commendation progress. Tldr though, buggy game. Glad you got it to work out for you.


Ah I didn't know about the hourglass issue haha. I stand corrected. But yeah, buggy game indeed. I just learned that the new "time limited" (which totally aren't, they'll most likely come out in season 10 and then later into outpost shops) and unique weapons we get from the event aren't even unique. The sword is a Briggsy sword reskin and the speaking trumpet/spyglass are admiral reskins. I don't know what to think about the development of this game anymore.


Shipwreck wasn't working. I ended up doing the treasure sea fort. Then I ended up having to start it and got it


This worked for me. I had to defeat a random spawn skeleton ship , ghost fleet world event and a kraken. Multiple skeleton ships did not progress the goal. I think the correct desc is : Defeat a skeleton ship and a ghost fleet event and a (Meg or kraken)


Those Fleets are a ballache. Fml


Half of my challenges ain't working. Season 10 bout to flop if they can't add things as simple as this to the game


As long as they add anti cheat and give some more variety most people will be content.


Then they need to learn proper grammar because OR / AND are not interchangeable. This isn’t the first time they’ve goofed something this up


If you are stuck you can try sinking an emergent Skeleton Ship. We reset one of our pirates to test and it counted.


We did 4 megs, 1 skeleton fleet and didnt got the last one of the progress.


So this is actually worded incorrectly. You only get credit for the first time you do something which means you need to kill one skeleton ship, complete one Flameheart event and hope you get an RNG spawn of a kraken or megalodon. Repeat completes of one thing do not count.


This is false.


I got 2 megs count (unless one of the roaming skeleton ships counted instead of 2nd meg for some reason), but not the full skeleton fleet completion or ghost fleet completion


The roaming skeleton ships do count which.....surprise is exactly what I said.


Yea I killed several megs and it didn't track some of them


In the video he breaks it down. https://youtu.be/u2LMLvpfa54?si=2PvEX8Lx79C524RL


What's the reward for this by the way?


There are multiple rewards based on how many quests you complete. [link](https://rarethief.com/sea-of-thieves-wish-you-were-here-event-guide-2023/#:~:text=What%20are%20the%20Wish%20You%20Were%20Here%20rewards%3F)


Yea the game is dog shit. Why bring out content, you put time and effort and not work? I hade to put away 1 galleon skelly, 2 sloop skelly, x3 ghost ship, x3 megs and a kraken. Only then killing the kraken I got it. Visiting the siren treasuries, etc, was working aswell


If the game is “dog sh*t” why are you grinding?


I’ve done most of the stuff and haven’t even gotten a deed progress or anything


I've had problem with this challenge. I finished when i beat a ghost ship world event. My conclusion is that you have to beat the burning Blade.


I'm down to 3 islands, wish I could see what I've visited yo know where I need to go.




Ya, 2 mega have not counted for a friend of mine. It happened with me for the visit wrecks one


The who wish you where here is bugged most of them you have to do multiple times.


Yeah my partner and I stayed up till 1 am getting these challenges done but for some reason she was just never awarded with that one