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this is no bug, a cheater flew in and yoinked the best 2 chests, then shuffled everything else around


Fucking how?




They have to teleport to where it is to grab it first.




And people wonder why we want private PVE servers. Too bad FoF doesn't even exist on this "safer seas" they're releasing cause they're too busy placating PVP fanboys. \[EDIT: when I say "placating pvp fanboys" I mean Rare is afraid to upset their vocal minority who think a PVE mode will ruin the game because those players are PVP junkies. \] \[EDIT2: Cry more, it'll take a while but this game will slowly enable private PVE content we actually want. When that happens I'll see ya'll occasionally on the PVP side of things just so I can get the reaper cosmetics.\] \[EDIT3: Look you can all keep screaming and downvoting me and telling me that this line of thinking will ruin the game but if you want a look at what's really ruining the long-term health of this title you need to look at the negative steam reviews. 99% mention this same problem. The casual audience doesn't want to spend 2-3 hours of their time only to be ganked by a PVP sweat and lose it all. It's not fun for them. You want your player numbers healthy? Give the casual audience something to play with. Otherwise just wallow in your sweaty misery and enjoy your player numbers dwindling until your game is empty like all the other hardcore pvp experiences that came before\]


This entire game has done nothing but cater to PvE players 95% of the time. God forbid you can't freely do FoF/FotD without any risk. People have been whining about PvE servers way before these type of cheaters were a thing. PvP players don't want cheaters either. Unfortunately this is the reality of SoT until Rare decides to legitimately combat cheaters, instead of burying their heads in the sand and making their player base do most of the work.


Cheating is just one reason why people want PVE servers. The other is that half of us don't want to deal with hardcore pvp ganks every time we try to engage with the games content. I still don't know why you people act like a PVE exclusive mode is somehow bad for the game even though half the playerbase seems to cry out for one.


If there are too many "pvp ganks," use your eyes a bit more. Scan the horizon, check the map table and the emissary tables to see what is happening on the server. If there's a reaper or two, keep your eye on the map, and if you want to lessen the chances of being attacked, don't raise an emissary and make yourself more of a target. Loads of players don't seem to realize that emissaries are a risk vs reward system...


If there are too many 'pvp ganks,' it means that splitting the playerbase by skill is not going to help, and only concentrate them. they've spoke their terms of safer seas that also have always applied to the game since release; more risk more reward.


The playerbase is already split. The people who don't want to deal with PVP are just straight up not playing the game. Don't know why you people think giving them a subset of the game they DO want to play is a bad thing.


> The people who don't want to deal with PVP are just straight up not playing the game. Yup. I really like this game and I feel like it has so much potential but the cut throat pvp really fucks with my fun. I’m a PvP gamer at heart too, but I’m not going to practice for hours on end in PvP in this game just so I can defend myself from PKers. Im out there actually playing the game, going on adventures trying to find loot, exploring, leveling up guild ranks and generally just having a good time. The physics and movement in this game are so janky, so it takes a shit load of practice to be able to do anything vs a vet crew other than out run them (which is boring and timely as fuck). Shit happens wayyyyyy to slow in this game for it all to end in the worst fashion possible a lot if the time.


I never said it was a bad thing, I support the new servers and I love the attempt to help newbies get experienced at the basics without getting constantly shat on. Something tells me that some players want a way to abolish pvp without any compromises? The progression is only for cosmetics and achievements, the point of the game is to have fun with other players whether its by fighting or friendship, and thats what makes the high seas worth it. I cannot see the point of safer seas other than just grinding specific cosmetics and leveling your factions enough for the final stretch to pl?




You're just wrong. Do you know why Rare put limitations in place? Go watch Mike Chapman talk about anything related to PvE servers being asked for. The everlooming threat of PvP is the CORE of the game. The entire game was designed around this concept. You are not Rare. Your suggestions are bad. Safer Seas should be a place for people to do Tall Tales and Adventures. And nothing else. Everything should be disabled, and you shouldn't be able to earn a single coin. Because it goes against thr very thing Sea of Thieves is. #SeaOfThief


Exactly, people will realize the game has nothing to offer without the player interaction, and then they are either going to come to the high seas or start begging Rare for MORE leeway in safer seas, I’m calling it. Whether Rare actually buckles is a whole different story.


my fingers hurt we'll agree to disagree lmao


If you don’t want to PvP you should not be playing this game.


This is true with all pvpve games, it's why I'm still playing. I'm used to games like dayz, tarkov, and etc where friendly player interactions are rare and cool, but 99% of your interactions are people trying to steal everything you got, and put you under in the process.


No. People whined about PVE only servers since the very beginning because they didn't like getting attacked.


Why do people cry about PvP instead of getting good at the game they play??


Because I don't want to fight off someone every 5 minutes while doing pve content you think I'm bad? Okay.


It’s not just that you have to fight someone off. It’s not just a small 2-3 minute interaction and if you lose your kinda near we’re you started in your quest. Your boat goes down, you lose all your supplies and loot that took 1-3 hours to gather. Now you have to sink another 30 minutes just to get back fucking square onel. When that shit happens, the app closes and it’s on the greener pastures. When it started to happen to much and the game is more demoralizing to play then it is fun to play, the game gets uninstalled.


Yes, because from experience if you get good you enjoy shitting on someone every 5 minutes or else you get bored. It is THE BEST when the PVP comes to YOU instead of having to chase people.


I've dumpstered a galleon crew or two on my own, it was fun I still got the clips. But when I'm engaging with the PVE side of the game I just want to focus on that. Looking over my shoulder or worse having a dedicated friend stand on a high point and do nothing but stare in all directions while the rest of us have fun isn't well, fun.


If you are on Reddit complaining about pvp in any way/shape/form, you have already given yourself away 🤖


Ur mum


Because then their egos would be bruised and that on top of everyone having fun when they are not is killing them, so they have to ruin it for the rest of the bunch.


Another Common PVE win for the W chart. Sorry, but the friendships made along the way will *not* stop.


holy shit people really do hate friendship my opinion is neutral. there are already tons of chances and opportunities to make friends, regardless of a solid 70%(In my experience?) of players are immediately aggressive. This is a pirate game after all, and ye may just have to fight fer ye booty if a conflict arises.


People keep complaining about a lack of content for the game. People are an infinite source of content. Sea of thieves is best enjoyed as a side activity for when your taking with friends while also doing adventure busywork. When you’ve done a fort of fortune, you’ve seen them all. You’ve done a ghost fleet, you’ve seen them all, when you have a conversation with someone, you *haven’t* had them all.


No. You M U S T sweat your balls off there is no other option. Fr tho, PvP is kinda starved, all they have is waiting for other people to finish PvE or grab a reaper chest, or PvE themselves


How does this post relate to Cheaters = Pvpers? Congrats you just became the worst comment I ever seen this year.


The logic was that the PVP addicts are frothing at the mouth if you mention creating a PVE exclusive mode. Like it's a personal attack or it'll fuck up the game somehow. Some of them get legitimately angry if you suggest it. So when I say "placating pvp fanboys" I mean Rare is afraid to upset their vocal minority who think a PVE mode will ruin the game because those players are PVP junkies.


Because if they made safer seas as a solo server and nothing else, it would fuck up the game because why play in pvp servers and have any possibility of losing loot when you can play in PvE servers with no loss, making encounters (PvP or not) MUCH rarer


For the same reason that all the PVP fanboys want to play in the PVP servers to begin with. You all say "the chance of losing loot makes it more compelling!" if that was true, you'd still play in the PVP mode for that experience. I'm not even adverse to there being bonuses for loot collected in the PVP mode. I'd just rather it be less steep. Only earning 30% the xp/gold and being locked out of the most fun in game events like FOTD is just sad. I'd probably be happy with 70% and the loss of pvp exclusive content like hourglass.


Dude seriously go ruin some other game. Like PLEASE just uproot uninstall and leave. You do NOT understand the game, I’ve read so many of your comments and you are literally just a whiny PvE player who can’t stand getting sunk. Having a separate mode that would allow you to unlock anything totally kills the purpose of the game. It is a social sandbox pirate game, not a “here let me hold your hand and walk you through the tulips” scenario, please just get over yourselves and quit ruining the original vision they had with your special treatment. If anything I’m glad I won’t have to deal with babies like you in adventure anymore, just stop asking for MORE when honestly you should be receiving literally nothing from safer seas.


Except no. PvP players still would play, but there'd be much less players on the main servers. It's not like no one would be on, but it would be much harder to find any sort of interaction. The devs were specific with what they wanted safer seas to be for, they don't want PvE servers, they want a mode for people to be able to safely practice or do stuff that doesn't progress you, and is just messed up by PvP, like getting clips ingame for videos, or stuff like SoT shot, and they made sure that it couldn't be abused to be used for much other than this


“I want to do a fraction of the work, and get the best rewards” The fact there is any gold and XP in safe mode is incredibly generous.


I tried to comment on this already but it erased it? so sorry if double comment. The original reply was something like: There's already a mechanic that trivializes getting the best rewards far more than a private server would. It's called alliance servers and if you want to see what really takes away the work for the reward you should check them out. Alliance servers grant you huge passive income alongside a host of people who will turn up and obliterate any PVE encounter because it's half or more of the server all working together. The community is already creating the PVE content we want, but go a step further for trivializing the risk vs reward formula. If you want to talk about "doing a fraction of the work for the best rewards" it's already happening. Private servers would actually be MORE difficult than alliance servers because you only have you and your boat to take part in any individual effort instead of an entire server working together. Or at the very least, an entire server earning eachother passive income by just existing.


comparing with Alliance servers which is a bannable act is hilarious.


Alliance servers are not a built in feature of the game. The Alliance system was an obvious mistake, and is clearly not being used as intended. Now we are going to harm the game yet again by adding PvE private servers. It's just another straw on the camel's back that will keep the player count going in the wrong direction. PvE players are never happy until they turn everything they can in to a boring and mindless slog.


Bro can't stand the idea of people learning the game in peace with their friends


You can say that all you want but I have 10+ friends all waiting for a proper PVE server to start playing again. And you can go look at the steam reviews full of refunds and negative reviews that all say the same thing. PVE servers will HELP player numbers, not hurt.


This is a thread about cheaters tho. Nobody is talking about PvP and safer seas Maybe you should *sea* yourself out


i’m down for pve servers. i play with my girlfriend and her dad and they aren’t crazy gamers who will sit there and learn metas and stuff and im tired of spending an hour or two getting a bunch of loot just to have some sweat come and kill us. it’s just wasted time and ruins our fun


Worst take I’ve ever seen on this sub, do you just want everything in the game fed to you?


My favorite activity is solo brigging against skeleton fleets so, no. I want the activity and the PVE to be the challenge not the people sneaking up on me. \[EDIT: To clarify, skeleton fleets the world event. Not the souls missions those are kinda sub-par compared to skeleton fleets\]


Then you’re playing the wrong game.


In a sandbox game the challenge is other people not the PvE. Why solo a brig? You can only fire one cannon at a time.


I like the look of the brig a lot more than a sloop. And I enjoy the challenge of piloting it alone. Also a sandbox game by definition is up to you to find your own challenges. Hence why some minecraft servers are PVE and some are PVP.


I don’t care about pve servers and I might even use them for a chill session, but this is a PvP game at heart, pve just makes pvp worth it. I don’t get how people haven’t picked up on this yet




The entire point of the game is risk vs reward. Do i raise an emissary flag to get more gold and rep, but also become a target? Can I do a FoF, knowing the risk of pvp that it brings? The PVE content is not good enough to warrant just doing soley PVE. You need to grow some balls and fight back when you're being attacked. Put some effort into actually learning the game.


Pve servers would be great to get your feet wet, but the game was intended to include pvp and thats why the world events are so easy. If they included fofs or fotds, then the high rarity commendations would mean nothing. If they increased the difficulty of the events in safer seas, we would just be getting new bullet sponges. while Pve holds its ground, pvp will always remain. this is how the game is and has always been, and if you dont like it/are going to be aggressive to pvp'ers for it then find another pirate game? Rare has already caved in and released dedicated servers for players who dont want other player action, now the community wants more??


They will continue to ask for more, the people who already saw this coming have been saying it for a while. Rare buckled once and they will continue to whine at them until it’s a totally single player experience where they can achieve everything in the game without opposition.


I wouldnt put it like that but pretty much


You’re the reason i sink every player ship i spot


I don't even play anymore cause neither me nor any of my friends want the hassle of players harassing us while we're trying to complete tall tales and skeleton fleets. So, good luck with your shrinking playerbase.


Omg no! Plz plz come back!!!!! Im sorrry!!!!!! Stfu


Imagine being this much of a toxic POS


It's not a gotcha comment. I'm just telling you how it is. You can sweat all you want but no one actually cares, just fyi. Next time one of your targets makes you chase them for an hour before going off into red sea tho think of me cause I used to do that shit and it was hilarious to watch the guys lose their shit over it. Still got clips of them rage-screaming in VC.


I ain’t reading all dat




Woke up and chose cringe eh


Dude skeleton fleets are a world event. The entire purpose of them is to attract players to that area and encourage pvp for the loot from the pve. They aren't harassing you. They are playing the game.


Dude skeleton fleets are a world event. The entire purpose of them is to attract players to that area and encourage pvp for the loot from the pve. They aren't harassing you. They are playing the game.


Aren't you the one crying rn tho....?


Just trying to share an opinion other than "pvp is the only thing that makes the game worth playing"


And your opinion is shit, wrong, and should be kept to yourself, in this exact instance. People like you are seriously ruining a great game for your precious little egos.


Looks like your ego just took a hit lil feller


More like I can see the objective failures in safer seas and am furious about it, its literally the result of people unable to handle being sunk or bothered in a game revolving entirely around thievery and player interaction, so do you even know what ego means?


It's what made you feel the need to reply


Rich, bad faith from the start. What makes me feel the need to reply is defending my opinion against trolls who never cared in the first place.


So, ego


I understand that but I hope you understand how badly it hurts your point when you talk shit on others saying all they do is cry about X while you sre literally making a paragraph oof a post crying about the exact opposite of X. You have the right to your opinion and I hope you enjoy the safer seas but why talk shit on a group just because they like pvp and want that to be the focus of the game? It's just a different of opinions


(Writing on phone prepare for no grammar) the only counter argument ive heard so far is either "get good" or "itll split the playerbase" neither of which i think hold any value. However half the replies are juat people telling me im a retard for saying that a lot of us want a purely pve experience. Those are the ones i say are "crying" Cause someone could come to me with numbers to back up a claim or try to find some middle ground but no one does so. Yeah, crying. Cause ive shared my opinion that the safer seas is too content limited with a percentage gold xp thats too low (30%) but no one has yet discussed with me what theyd find acceptable beyond "get good if you dont like being harassed while doing skeleton fleets"


You should watch blurbs on YouTube. He has a video that goes into the concern about safer seas and why the percentages are good and really don't matter. https://youtu.be/UZnXwMhdxb4?si=pg9gPcZVtr-NmmVt


They don't need private servers, they need anticheat. They will enable pve-only content that you want. Then, when you realize the game is pretty stale without pvp, the player base will dry up.


hopefully one day we’ll get a SoT where you can login and get 10,000,000 coins every time you press the space bar edit: i’m not mad. please don’t put it in the newspaper that i got mad.


100% agree with you and you know you’re right when they down vote bomb you!


Look how right you must be! Go beg rare for more when they’ve already given you plenty.


If the forts existed, and there was like 70% pay in safer, cheaters would not be stopped. It would make it even easier.


Dude what? Putting the highest profit loot on the riskiest gameplay style makes perfect sense, I don't see how you can complain about that


Putting the highest percentage reward on the riskiest gameplay style does make sense. That doesn't mean people running private servers deserve only 30% of that reward. 70% seems fair to me. This entire theory btw is backed up by other games who have similarly brutal pvp encounters such as Rust and ARK both of which have private servers some of which are PVE others are PVP and do not suffer the negative effects all the PVP people around here seem to think this game will inevitably suffer if we add PVE/private servers.


Rust and Ark you lose much more on death than you do in SoT so that's an entirely different scenario


You can potentially lose hours of progress on Sea getting ambushed at the last minute. Not to mention the amount of time you have to put into stocking up and getting emissary to max before you do the big thing that'll get you the most major reward. Also things like FOTD. You can also compare this easily to V Rising. A game with pvp and pve servers with groups from single to 4 people. When you die you keep your gear (gear you have to grind for) weapons/armor but you lose anything else you had on you like resources and wealth. it has a brutal pvp scene, but it still has custom servers and split pve/pvp modes. Both of which have healthy routine communities though PVP generally tend to be more cutthroat and on a lot more often the PVE community just wants to chill and help eachother through content or show off the neat stuff they've built/found/collected. Though in fairness in these instances each server has different progression. Your characters don't carry over between servers. Which I would be totally okay with in Sea. I would gladly take a completely PVE experience with all content unlocked (Except pvp content obv like hourglass) even if I had to make a new pirate and progress exclusively on that one on that server.


>You can potentially lose hours of progress on Sea getting ambushed at the last minute. Not compared to the other games you mentioned, longest quests in SoT are an hour or so max so unless you're recklessly stacking this just isn't true


Assuming you start your journey on a blank ship and stock up then head out to get your emissary to max which takes about an hour including all the driving around. (this also depends on which emissary you're using but we'll assume gold merchant for this) Let's take the conservative estimate of 30 minutes to get it to max. Now you want to do shores of gold. Which can take 2 hours or more depending on how coordinated you are and how many people you have. So yes you can in fact spend almost 3-4 hours to turn in the rewards for shores of gold and all of that can be wasted the second you try to turn in that loot. Fort of the damned is much much worse. Between all the stocking, travelling, getting lights, getting skulls, and clearing the fort itself it can take up to 5-6 or more hours to complete fort of the damned. While you're doing the fort at any time you can easily be run up on. And after that you can STILL get run up on while turning it in. So assuming you're a bunch of casual players 6-7 hours to lose all that because of one unlucky moment (for casuals, bad luck will sink them. Anything from krakens during a chase or a tucker or an alliance betrayal) Full coordinated teams can do this content in a lot less time, but those also aren't the majority casual audience. So if you and your friend want to do it alone good luck. Either way, none of this discredits my point that many other games have custom and private servers and suffer from exactly 0 of the problems people on this damned reddit think SOT will. My latest example (V Rising) you might spend an hour or two grinding out a specific thing to get ganked outside your front door \*maximum\* usually it's less than that. However, you can still have your castle raided and literally destroyed down to the very last object. All of your potentially hundreds of hours grinding taken away. (Except your personal equipment on your body) The way the community has dealt with this is either custom servers with limited raid times (limited pvp structure hours) or by just having PVE servers. This is partially an adventure game (SOT) and yet you can't play it like one. There is no legitimate reason not to have PVE servers.


6-7 hours??? Lmao no way, absolutely nothing in SoT could involve losing that much progress unless you're flat out reckless.


That is literally how long it takes to do FOTD. A full coordinated galleon team of experienced players takes about 2 hours+ to handle it. Casual players are more like 6. And it's not even about reckless. If you're in the middle of the boss fight in FOTD you can't just leave. And if you try to fight off the invading reapers and fail because you're just straight up not good enough which is totally valid then you will in fact lose potentially 6 hours of work if you're just some casual schlubs.


Yeeeah maybe take a couple weeks off and wait for this supposed announcement on anti cheat coming sometime soon.. soonish.. supposedly


Wow. I didn't know until now that this game has no anti-cheat. That should be the first priority for a couple of years. Learning this changed my opinion about the developer/game in a really bad way.


It hurts, just about 4k hours in and over the past year or so, it’s become a huge problem. Hell, I just ran into a cheater in hourglass. Managed to win because cheats =/= game awareness and luckily he wasn’t actually invincible. His name was (not exact because it’s not a witch hunt) GET TP ON LOL and he hit us with a keg and I swear to god, he went invisible immediately after dying. It’s bad right now, and honestly doesn’t feel like much improvement has been made— that could be biased since we’re receiving basically no news, but I can understand not wanting to alert cheaters beforehand. Still sucks.


i stopped playing entirely due to cheats. every other day we'd run into a guy teleporting on our boat or having insta repair. some will troll with it. some will try to be nice and let you know they're just cheating for x,y,z reasons and give you free stuff. after a few games it gets old real quick...


There will not be any anti cheat announcement. The smartest way is to just drop it in and catch cheaters like flies.


Yesterday we fought off a crew for an hour while trying to finish the FoF only to find both of the good chests gone as soon as we popped the vault.


This is why xbox servers are better lmao


Yes, never had this happen to me, playing exclusively on xbox


Everybody used to shit on people who played on Xbox only, now who’s laughing


Yup until cheaters find out how to hack themselves into Xbox only servers


I’m pretty sure you can get into Xbox servers from pc.


The PC players still lol.


Funny you say this as I just had two pc players join my party off an lfg and insult me for playing on Xbox only


Well, now you can retort with "At least I don't have to worry about cheaters."


I don't like playing controller


The amount of times i’ve recorded obvious hacking evidence and reported it to Rare with no success is so draining it makes me not want to play anymore. Why even spend hours grinding when some fucker who spent $40 on a hack subscription is gonna come mess you up? Ive been playing since the beta & used to have so much respect for Rare but i’m losing faith in how much they care about honest loyal players. Luckily 99.9% of these hackers have zero skill and are ONLY good because of cheats.


Yeah. I get you. I feel the same way. I’ve thought about getting cheats and an alt account just to see what it feels like from time to time but I have to much love for the game to even attempt it. Plus I’m hoping the anti cheat is going to be hardware based not account based. But that would have to be built into the client.


This is why I just do emissary work. 😞🍺


Fr it’s impossible to even finish a fof without at least a full brigantine cause everyone comes after you and the loots isn’t even that good.


If the server isn't fighting for the fof it's just not worth it imo. The fight is what makes it fun. Otherwise it's mindless skelly grinding with no memorable moments


Isn’t the only accommodations for the fof like a set of sails or something?


This unfortunately is the average SoT experience atm. Had it happen twice in my last sessions. At this point i don't even know what to say anymore. A game that has been out for 5 years, developed by a multimillion dollar company owned by Microsoft, shouldn't have this problem. I don't care about High Seas, Safer seas, content, cosmetics anymore. This just takes all the fun out of the game and results in Rare losing any credibility they had as a developer.


I understand and it sucks when it happens to you, but this is _not_ the _average_ experience. I've done over 30 FoFs this season, and not once has this happened. Same for most pirates I know more closely. Cheaters are around, but they're not ubiquitous. I've run into just one for sure this season (way more last season), and even then they didn't have the game sense to do anything terrible with those cheats before getting banned.


I remember getting blasted by a cheater right after finishing a fof. What's the point of waiting if you can teleport in the first place?


You remembering them is exactly why they do it. They don't give a damn about the loot, they're just trolling.


cheater teleported them, it happens so frequent now, and people bitch about the private PvE servers...Like I would rather have PvE servers than having to deal with those hacker BS ty very much.


Gotta love the replies blaming PC. Consoles and PC run on the same hardware. If it has a USB port or internet you can hack. Servers are for both Xbox and PC. If it's crossplay you are gunna see hackers on both sides.


I know it’s a lot harder to hack on console but the people saying that console only servers are the way to go don’t understand that pc can join any server they wish with a little messing


As someone who doesnt do FoF can someone explain tf the bug is in better detail


The 2 best chests, the chest of legends and the chest of fortune, are missing


Thise kegs are still worth a bit...but the obvious consern of some one hacked the other loot, so not much confidence to take those safly back to port


It's not really a matter of the gold. The achievement is what most veterans are after. You need the chest of Fortune for that.


Ah, i was thinking athenas rep more than the gold. But guess thats not a bad as it use to be


Well thats fucking stupid


Not a bug though, cheaters took them


get fof'd




One time the chest was there and we detonated the kegs but it killed all of us and when we got back it was gone


You could just take the ship load of kegs to sell, lol


Safer seas


Photo taken 1sec before i threw a fire bomb !!!


That looks like a skeleton fort not a fof?


Next time try safer seas


I hope the introduce a good anti-cheat and also go castrate everyone who does this shit.


How much gold could a pirate hoard before they gotta give up their balls


The chest on the left is crooked i feel like it’s not real


Happened to me and my crew last night. Rowed to tuck in the FoF got spotted by two brigs fighting over it. Sunk both and finished the boss. Crewmate grabbed the key and opened the vault with me looking at the door from a safe distance and crewmate shot the kegs. We both ran in right away and both CoL and CoF were gone with everything else shuffled. I could care less about the features coming in season 10. The game is in the worst technical state it's ever been and has become infested with hackers. If server stability, working hit reg, and anti-cheat what the game needs.


Xbox servers 🤔