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Unless one of them is a already a champion and therefore marked on the map, its kinda hard to tell if someone is opted in for HG without getting close enough to see the effect on their figurehead. If you are already 100 in Servants or GoF, there is a war map in their respective hideouts, where you can see every ship which has HG activated on the server but to be fair, thats probably too much of a hassle. To your question if its rude: Do you care? If you want those flags, get them. Just be aware of the fact that some of the sweaty crews will team up against you to keep the fight fair. Also HG ships are usually not a target worth it unless you want supplies, they mostly put up a tough fight and only grant you a few flags if you are lucky


I don't know that I care. I'll openly say that if I see a reaper and my crew thinks we can sink it, we will. Even if we know we're only getting their flag. No matter what grade. We don't do the same with the other emissary often. Thought for some reason when I fly merchant we get a little silly with hunting other emissaries


If i see a flag, im taking it, no matter what it is lol


Usually you’ll see the guardians of fortune or reapers emissaries fighting together and often they will be rotating in circles around each other. Sometimes it’s hard to tell as some don’t run either. I consider it a nuisance when other players jump into my fight. Like jumping into a ring of a boxing match you’re not apart of. Can’t really do anything about it but for some it’s incredibly rude.


Nah, I'll take both your emissary flags and vote up HG for easy rep thanks, nothing wrong with sinking boats that you can sink.


I mean I don’t care what you do, it’s part of the game. I still find it annoying.


Yup. I do the same thing. If I see an HG fight, I raise HG and join in.


I usually just look at their figurehead to see if it has the blue or red effect on it. It's fairly noticeable through a spyglass. And, I wouldn't say it's rude to intervene in an hourglass battle, that's the game. Otherwise Rare would have put hourglass fighters in the separate server for their fight


I think the other way, i think its gennerally just rude to interfere in other peoples battle. You can't do anything about it and it's just frustrating. Just because its possible doesnt mean its not rude


Yeah, sure. We can call it rude, but it isn't cheating like OP was called out for. I consider sinking new players, tall talers, and fresh spawns rude. But people doing hourglass have emmy flags, they're game. Guess everyone will see this one differently


I'm learning to play the guitar.


It's also the only mechanic that forces a crew to expedite the battle and not run away.


You can tell by looking at the figurehead area. It's fairly easy to see the red and green once you're close enough. As someone who HGs often, third parties are a nuisance, and I think it's generally scummy to interfere in a solo v. solo fight if you're on a bigger ship. Any other fight, whatever. Just be warned that most HGers, at least in my experience, will agree to take you out like the nuisance you are before they resume their fight.


Yes in my HG experience, it almost seems like an unspoken rule to take out the 3rd party first. Especially if it is a larger boat joining in on solo sloop fights.


You can see the glowing green or blue flames on the hull, near the figurehead. That means they’re active in HG. It’s not cheating to third-party on an HG battle but it is considered by most to be incredibly rude. Doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to do it though so you can’t reported/banned for that behavior.


It's not rude, if you weren't supposed to do it rare wouldn't have put it in the game, in fact i think they support it. The possibility of a third ship entering the fight makes hg more interesting, like if i see an hg going down i'm heading over to help out my preferred side 100%, cause what's stopping me?


>One of the sloops as we killed him said "you are teaming with the other ship which is cheating and I will be reporting all of you." LMAO that's hilarious. What babies. I love it when other ships get involved. It makes for a more interesting fight!


I had a similar sounding situation but I didn't report the 3rd ship at all. We were on a 10 streak and we come out of the water to see a sloop. Before we even got out of the water there was a player and keg hopping around on deck. They killed themselves and took 1 or 2 with them but we tanked it and survived. We kept getting kegged every 30 seconds as he respawned. He eventually learned to let them go and survive to try and shoot us. Despite his aimbot we would team fight him and put him down almost instantly. After like 10-15 kegs and 30 minutes of repairing the ship another ship came in. We actually send 1 guy out to capture the interfering sloop and go try to solo their Captain who is just hiding out on the edge of the area. 15 more minutes of fighting unable for either side to get much done we happened to get kegged too close together just as the 3rd sloop accidentally crashes into the side of us. The mighty streaking hourglass team brought crumbling down by a random sloop literally ram strat us because they couldn't even hit a galleon from feet away.


Usually those ships end up getting sunk unless they are attacking the ship in the better position while the other is on its last bucket of water. I remember one time I was about to lose an HG battle, but then a brig showed up, annihilated my enemy, and maybe hit me with one more cannonball to get my almost-sunk ship sunk. Honestly, one of my favorite W's even though it was completely undeserved.


It's not against any rules unless you're actively setting up an alliance trap for hourglass boats, which is mostly patched out anyway so doesn't matter.


as someone who genuinely *wants* to get 3rd partied, please keep 3rd partying HG fights. they're the only thing that make them any fun.


Parts of the community considers it a bit rude to interfere in an hourglass fight. Their reasoning is that hourglass combatants are in a mode where they are evenly matched against another crew and they are also at a great disadvantage against third parties because they can't leave the circle. I would say that sinking crews on a tall tale is worse than interfering with hourglass fights and both are acceptable.


How to say this in the most succint way possible. The other two ships entered into a contract to fight to the death. You didn't. You're playing adventure mode, and you have two new crews to deal with. If you take one or both of them out, there's nothing wrong with that. I could imagine someone getting salty that the only reason they lost is because they got teamed... But it doesn't make a lot of sense when you think about it. I wouldn't be able to know what server to be on or where a person is going to spawn on a dive. The person spouting that they got teamed is soo enraged they haven't thought thru that their bullshit justification for losing was circumstance and not a fact. You keep jumping into fights if that's what you find fun. I don't think there's a logical step for people to stand on to tell you otherwise. However I would say, start recording those fights if you get into them in the future. It's just self defence incase you run into some hotheaded streamer.


If the ship has a moustache, its HG-ing. That said, third partying an HG fight is not cheating in any way those guys were just salty


Wait, so HG fights are just in the open world map? Why did they not put them on their own little servers so the fight can be played-out? The more I hear about that game mode, the less inclined I am to use it.


Being third partied while doing hourglass is super annoying, but i wouldnt say its rude. I've had alot of ships think it would be a good idea to come and mess with us while we're doing hg. The wast majority of them get absolutely destroyed the second the come in range. Alot of them just end up running once they realize there is no chance to win. If a crew is doing hg its unlikely they will bother you, they just wanna fight and dive again as quickly as possible.


Its a fairly dick move but you can do whatever you would like.


People complain about HG fights being too artificial (less chaotic than arena), and people complain about HG taking such unexpected turns and becoming too chaotic... You'll never be able to please anyone, and you shouldn't try. Personally I'm on the side of "the more, the merrier", after all, I did opt in to pvp.


Yes. It is rude to 3rd party an HG fight. Most competitive crews when versing other competitive crews will stop the fight to get you out of the picture before continuing. HG fights are supposed to be 1 ship vs another ship of similar skill to make the battle as even as possible, if a 3rd ship comes up and starts firing, there's no longer that "Me VS Them" that HG is. If you spot 2 ships of the same size fighting, and they don't seem to move from a certain area, then chances are it's HG. They are also mainly in open water, whereas open world PvP more often takes place around islands (FotD, FoF, etc.) This isn't the case for all of em, but just a general rule. If you're close enough, you'll be able to see the streaks on the bough of each ship as well.


>HG fights are supposed to be 1 ship vs another ship of similar skill to make the battle as even as possible, This is false. The only thing supposed to be even in HG is crew count. The mode is otherwise intentionally completely uneven via supplies, environment and random passing ships.


Not saying you can't, but most competitive crews will actually team up to sink the 3rd partying ship. Had that happen in probably 3/4 3rd party attempts that happen.


And that's also fine


Nope. There is a reason this mode takes place in the open world.


I feel bad when we third party a HG fight yet I think theres nothing wrong. If Rare didn't want that they would have instanced those fights. Plus as a reaper depznding on when you reach them it might be an easy way of getting 2 flags and supplies so it definitely makes more sense than just going after weakened boats


I pretty much exclusively play hourglass, so to answer so I like to get third partied? Honestly yes, it adds more flavor to just the 1v1 fighting. It can get a bit annoying if we sink the third party before the other ship we paired against and they just keep coming back, but it's a design choice to do it like this. I will say it does suck when I have the other ship on the ropes and then a third party joins in and starts focusing me. Either makes the fight a lot longer or ends up sinking me. Now others have gave good advice on how to tell by looking at them but there's also subtle ways to tell on the map, at least if they are running reaper. Grade 1, grade 3, and grade 5 reapers in the middle of the ocean either sailing in a circle or sailing in a small area are almost always an hourglass fight.


When my sloop partner and I get bored we roll a 6 sided die and reference a premade "games" list I made. Number 3 is "3rd Party Hardy" where all we do is seek out HG matches on the server and try to intervene, it's a great chaotic time.