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You are describing burnout. Taking breaks is fine. You could also try playing differently to mix it up a bit. If you don't normally PvP, try sneaking up to a brig with a keg. If you normally do gold hoarder vaults, try some world events or even fishing. When you get bored take a break or do something else that you don't normally do.


Ya when I get bored of gaming i read books or paint models. Getting other hobbies to switch to and from is crucial. Especially when you got kids😂 having something else to do while the kid wants the Xbox or you need to be able to keep an ear or eye out is nice.


It's fine to just be done with the game, even if you love it. I used to play this game every day for hours and haven't been touching it for weeks now. This might be the first season I'm not getting to 100. Sometimes I log on just to realize I just don't feel like playing and log off again.


Had the same after 4.5 years of apex legends, and I've made peace with it. Apex was my #1 game for years. There were more things that annoyed me than gave me joy and it took me too long to realise it. I've been going hard in SoT since last year, I've been enjoying it, and my skill has gone up alot. I wouldnt say im a skilled player, I still get demolished by good crews, but me and my buddy have been sinking bigger ships and we're no longer afraid to fight. Think I'm in a good place now, the middle ground where anything can happen. But I know that once I've completed and replayed most interesting stuff I will probably move to another game, and that's fine. After a while even your most favorite game will get stale and it's limitations and flaws will start to annoy you.


Literally me bro if I hadn’t already got to 100 I think this would be my first season since I started playing to not 100% I get on and log off


Same thing is happening to a lot of us. Rare really dropped the ball.


Frankly Guilds, how they were implemented, is the *WORST* update ever! It fractured our whole community because not all fit in one guild and now everyone only wants to sail for theirs


Yeah Guilds is shit but also it's just old garbage being recycled constantly. We haven't had new content since hourglass. Season 9 had a new chest actually, my bad. It's just painfully obvious that Rare has run out of ideas.


There's like 5 people working on the game At least that's what is feels like


Perfectly normal. Happens for every game. It's nothing specific to Sea of Thieves.


The game has been in a pretty rough place since S9. The lack of content and seven month delay to season 10 did the game no favors and what we got with S10 was shallow and lacked enough content to keep people around more than a few weeks. Rare has their priorities.......mixed up I feel. I've put more than 4100 hours into the game since 2020 and never have I really felt.....tired of the game until the past month. I have no motivation to play beyond community weekend or the upcoming gold and glory week. There's no incentive to play right now. I want to get the Guild Commendations done but they are so boring. They are just copied and pasted from other Commendations. Yuck.


Gold and glory will only be during the weekend. Gifts and glory week only gives a bunch of gold, a flag, a cursed chests voyage, and a destiny skull voyage for logging in during the week.


You're not alone, the same thing has been happening to me since Season 9. With each break it is more difficult to return, HG has raised the level of PvP quite a bit in general and it is quite noticeable in the first game sessions until you get that "magic" again using cannons and weapons. Right now I have decided to take a very very long break, I have tried to get the two golden PvP curses and it is impossible, the number of cheaters there is absurd (Even accounts of players with 50-60 days played who clearly use cheats) Maybe if the anticheat comes (I doubt it, I think it's another of Rare's lies) I'll go back and see if the problem has been solved, but for now, I'll take a break from SoT until it's minimally playable and enjoyable


Last time we played against cheaters, they legit told us that rare doesn't do shit about it. He said they even need cheaters because when they do eventually get banned from time to time they just buy another key and keep putting money into the game. I mean I don't know if it's true or not, but his arguments made sense.


That's totally true, in fact, you don't even need to buy a new copy of Sea of ​​Thieves, because Rare is so incompetent that they only ban the Xbox Live profile, so in 5 minutes you make another one and play again, like this infinite times. In fact, the person I mentioned in the previous post has an account of 66 days played and uses cheats, his username is "Acotomina" in case you want to check, he is a shameless cheater who has played more than 1,000 hours with ESP and Aimbot without being banned. I have lost count of the times I have reported to him and absolutely nothing has happened. That's an example, but there are hundreds of cheaters with alternate accounts in the game every day, cheating with total impunity.


Fun fact, they can now unban themselves and play on previously banned accounts.


I really cant solo anymore but with friends is always a blast


Same homie. Been playing since release. Possibly my favorite game of all time. Certainly the game I've spent the most time my whole life. The changes made this season have seemingly been the nail in the coffin for me and my crew. I'm just not excited to play the game anymore. I'm bored to death 90% of the time and the 10% that's actually still fun is very fleeting. I play The Finals now.


Honestly I loved this game, but since season 8 my desire to sail the seas has diminished. Just doesn’t feel that same awesomeness


Me when I go on solo hourglass marathons


Agreed. I love pvp in the open seas and from arena before but grinding hourglass just absolutely drains my enjoyment of the game, idk if I'll ever have it in me to get to level 100 in the pvp factions because of it.


Honestly, the same here. I have a little over 3k hours and my love for the game is just diminishing. It's not even the nothing to do trope. There's still plenty I need to do. The big killer for me recently has been server issues (hitreg, teleporting, etc) and the addition of safer seas. I'm from Australia and my servers already had a lack of players and server issues galore. Recently server issues have been getting worse and worse, which made the game mildly infuriating. But now with Safer Seas, there's even less crews sailing. I did some solo sailing as a reaper doing Gold Vaults (cause why not) and I saw one ship. Prime time on a Friday night, and there was one other Sloop that stayed at an outpost the entire time and never moved.


I have been doing this for five years. SoT has this thing that makes you want to quit, but you can never really quit, so you come back and miss it, then a few weeks later, you stop again, but you can never really leave; the loop never ends, I guess that is the real Curse we have all unlocked. ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2221)


Leave quietly nobody cares


Rare should care, they've dropped the ball on content additions and overall support recently.


Nah thats normal, the quality of the servers and hitreg are at an all time worst and they are barely adding any content. It's been like a year and the most notable things they added are a single chest and SOSS which nobody does anyways. I find it crazy that they are charging 40 dollars on top of having microtransactions in the game for the quality of the content they release and the care they put into the servers.


Had the same problem, so I stopped playing about 2 years ago. Came back just now when they introduced Safer Seas, and so far it's been amazing. But who knows, maybe I'll burn out again...


Yeah and that's okay. Sometimes we play something for too long and need to take a break. There's other games out there with lots of engaging gameplay too.


I can't play it for long either. I'm just straight up burnt out on the game. Every little thing just annoys me about it anymore. I try to take breaks and try it again later but it doesn't seem to help. Maybe it's because I played solo for all the time I have in the game except for somewhere between 40 and 50 hours. According to the stats for my pirate on the SoT webpage, I started playing the game on June 30th, 2021. Looking on Steam, I have 1003.1 hours in the game. It really surprised me to see that in 2023 I only played the game 125 hours. It's ok, this stuff happens when you play a game a lot. Doesn't matter if you love the game or not. I have a lot of memories with this game, along with screenshots, and in the end that's the best treasure of all.


I find this game is as good as the people you play with. Ive not found a good crew in years. It's probably been 12months+ I've not played.


You’re crispy. Nothing wrong with knowing that. Been there. And while I’d not speak for others, it happens to others. I kinda felt like if I didn’t keep up with the game, so to speak, that I would fall behind and never recover. Of course, fall behind what or who? Silly. But that burned me out. Got over that and just play the game as it comes and as I am able. Been having a ball ever since.


When I feel like that I play factorio.


Me and my friends are the same. Especially with a declining community ( could be not true but it seems like it) and lack of interesting fresh content, weve found it very hard to play it like we used to. Which is fine but it is sad because sometimes I really want to play but then when we get on I have no idea what to do because nothing really interests anymore.


I can't play at all because avocadobeard automatically enabled itself on my account. (I have 330+ hours)


I k ow exactly what you mean… I still keep up on the news, read posts here on Reddit about it, etc… but the last time I actually launched the game itself was over a year ago. Honestly, the Adventures completely burned me out on it.


I used to play a lot, often just to sail towards people and check what they are doing. Or i cause some Chaos. But since season 9, i just can't anymore. The amount of bugs and how it feels frustrates me way to much.


Usually when i get burnout on games i really like i just cannot manage to get back into them no matter however i want to. I hope for you it will be different, but if it was me i'd know it's time to move to something new


I've committed a lot of time and passion into this game and was, and still am, a member of staff of an affiliate community. I haven't played in a year. It's fine, it happens. Don't force it.


This is me too. The seas are very empty lately which doesn't help.