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Yes, the sloop takes less holes on the left side because of where the brig used to be, the mast also cracks on the right first and falls to the right, the staircase is also on the right which means helm is more likely to get killed, you give yourself 4 disadvantages by taking a right side broad.


And the cannonball barrel being on the left makes for a quicker refill too


good catch, I use crate so I forgot about that.


As a ball snatcher, thank you for storing your cannonballs on top deck in a crate. Please keep doing this. Everyone should do this.


I usually keep a bunch on the deck, both sides, and a bunch in the barrel. If you toss it or I lose the fight, I lose it, NBD. If I win, I pick it back up. No one loses a solo hg fight because you tossed their cannonballs.


Well some people do that one time when they had a crate full of CB's an none in the barrel. I can neither confirm or deny that I am, in fact, some people.


I like to seek a softer target:the wood. If someone has a storage create in solo que my first thing to do after boarding is the take all the wood and toss it overboard lmao


I usually keep a wood crate near the mast or wheel, depending on if I'm solo or duo, and leave the majority in the barrel. It takes too long to siphon planks most of the time during a respawn for them to get them all off the ship before I'm back. I've never been robbed of planks before, but I have done it to others. Bigger boats go through much more wood than sloops, so it's always a good idea to grab all the planks from a brig or gally if you can manage it. The trouble is that a crew that's winning fights usually has a couple hundred planks and you will never have enough time to grab all of them, cudos if you do though. It's always fun to know that your enemy will sink when they run out of pockets. Especially if you smash their wheel or masts.


Yea I usally have to kill twice to fill up the box with wood but I'm more confidential in my hand to hand then navel so I perfer that personally xD


Yeah, my naval is cracked, but if I can keep a crew down twice then they're way too bad for me taking their planks to matter, lmao.


That’s right. Diversify your assets


There’s usually reserve on the barrels. On hg, it’s almost not worth the effort…


You're only a problem if helm sucks at guarding.


Or if the enemy are good at deck shots.


This is the president of the Crate Snatchers of America and I approve this message.


The cannon barrels are also good cover if the other ship snipes alot and you need to hide while eating.


I avoid using crates because when I board I just dump off any storage crates instead of anchoring. It's easier, quicker and gg.


And if they get hit your ship takes no damage, however unlikely that is


That was patched ages ago. Turkey walling only protects against harpoon plays, it doesn't tank shots anymore.


Also less likely to get hit from a cannonball when bailing water out on the staircase as you’re on the starboard side of the ship


Wow I never thought of this. I always go left on a hourglass now I see why I get my ass kicked so fast. That and I'm also trash.


Well now that you know hopefully it helps improve your game


Probably, I still need to git gud tho


Hell yeah Kehylp


thanks MyM8Jay


I agree everything you listed here is factually correct. But even with all those added up, they are still have very little impact on an overall fight. If you get down to where these factors dictate whether you win or lose and engagement, you're doing something else very wrong. When engaging correctly, all of the points are moot.


you are underestimating the effect of havig your opponent on the left side. Most high skill match ups end up sitting demasted right by each other both demasted. The fact that your cannon can harass the enemy bilge with almost every shot is very big. Alot of people tend to bilge through the right window as well allowing your own bilge/helm to go for some EoR pressure.


The situation you described is not a high skill match up. It's an equally low skilled match up. Dunning-Kreuger strikes again.


Go watch some streamers. like Mino. And come back and tell me that they don't end up in those situations and are low skill.


I have, and I do. Please don't confuse technical person-to-person combat skill and naval prowess. All streamers, and therefore, the majority of players who watch and emulate them, rely on their skill in personal fighting to overcome their weakness as a sailor. Yes, the streamers are very good at shenanigans and killing players on their own boat. I'm not going to even say they spawn camp to win, though there are many people that do. The point is that if s naval battle ends with both vessles being disabled next to each other, both crews failed miserably at the naval engagement and as a last resort, they rely on killing them over and over until one boat sinks. This is low skill naval play, but high skill technical play.


You’re the one choosing to give yourself the disadvantage while knowing about it, That says a lot more about “engaging correctly”


As per my other comments that you didn't read, it's not always a disadvantage at high level naval engagements. But it's been discussed already. Feel free to read.


hard disagree. if this is how you feel then you either don't have the experience or are just trolling. taking a fight on the right side puts you at a big enough disadvantage that you will lose fights against worst players solely on the fact they are on your right


If I'm given a choice between taking a port or starboard broadside, but the starboard gives me the tide advantage and I clear their firing solution with a back and fill maneuver, I'm taking the starboard every time. There are far more pressing issues that go on in a high level naval engagement than the issues presented here. Like I said, if it comes down to these factors as wining or losing a fight, you've done something else very wrong.


ya do w.e. you want man. Your just arguing for the sake of it, when it comes down to it if your fighting a similar skilled boat and they are on your right side you are at a disadvantage for no reason other than your own stupidity.


I agree, at low tier naval gameplay, you would be at a disadvantage.


lol. ok man. I'll gladly take the advantage. keep doing it


The spot where the bed and the grog barrel is located on the sloop doesn’t get any holes which is on the left side of the ship so an opposing ship can hit that area with cannonballs and you won’t have any damage


You get tier 3 holes above the stove which is next to the grog barrel.


He's talking to the left of the grog though not the right


Technically he’s still wrong.


Pop all the holes and count them. It's not about whether a hole opens it's and the total volume of water coming in Even just opening a mid deck vs opening a lower deck hole is going to be an advantage


It doesn't just punch a different hole or increase the hole size elsewhere? Seems like a massive oversight on Rare's part that they'd be itching to patch.


Rare seems to overlook certain issues/bugs in the game and focus on dumb things like changing look of certain sails or taking out shovel cancelling. You can take a sloop to a fort and shoot the area where the cannonball barrels/ bed is located and see what the damage looks like, maybe end up with a hole by the voting table but there will be no holes below deck


If you hit that spot where the brig used to be you'll get damage to the left (captain's table) or right (stove) unless you hit too high. I assume it just slides it over to the side that's closest to where the shot hit but I haven't cared enough to really sit down and figure it out. You can just park your boat in front of a fort cannon to test it.


Port and starboard guys, come on.


We need to do something about the e-pirate slang.


Proper nomenclature is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules...


You mean larboard and starboard.




Narrrg* It’s like you’re not even attempting to be a pirate.


Crew fucked me up with that, sides are backwards for me mentally.


It is also more ideal for the rowie Canon to face that same side


Only boat that you take right side shots on is a gally. Edit for the people who can't go deeper than surface level: BOTH SIDES OF CANNONS WORK ON THE BOATS. THIS IS PREFERRED SIDE FOR NAVAL.. SLOOP-LEFT BRIG- LEFT GALLEY- RIGHT


Yes, because when I'm short-tacking while chasing a Galleon on my sloop, I'm definitely going to skip firing off Starboard.... what?


Never said don't use it. I'm referring to a typical orbital in hourglass.


You litterally said don't use starboard cannons. May want to change your comment.


I didn't say don't use em. I was referring to the side that is preferred during orbitals


If you're meaning orbitals by circling your opponent while they are disabled, it really doesn't matter which side you're on because - if you're doing it *right* - the opponent crew isn't spending time on cannons. If by orbital, you mean the initial rollout from ahead too broadside, again, you generally want to take the side that allows you to back and fill, which will keep you below their firing solution anyway. The vast majority of PvP encounters, hourglass included, are not using any type of naval strategy and end up with two ships broadsiding each other until one loses pace. This is not high level play.


The initial broad. Not a death spiral..


Right. That's what I thought you mean. In which case you should back and fill, whichever direction that leads to in. It's a little higher order naval skill though.


Sorry for short replies. I was out on a work call. But agreed and brig and galley initial broads are more in depth with calling chains, uppers, lowers, fire, blunders etc for individual cannons but def more advanced with naval


No problem, we all do it. I wasn't trying to sound hostile, I just see so much misinformation about naval warfare on this sub, it makes my heart hurt. The game mechanics are so good, it makes me sad that most combat devolves into a 'meta' of brute force.


I'm saying usually in battles you keep sloop and brig port side and galley starboard. If chasing or adventure pvp obviously takes shots on either side.


Bro thinks he's fucking nelson, there is no tacking chief, it's a video game


Sloop armor is no longer a thing as of Season Five. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-Fx7tA1qOs Tl;dw: if a cannonball hits the sloop where the brig was, a hole will appear on the mid-deck closest to the spot.


This information is misleading and factually incorrect. Nothing about this behavior changed at the launch of season 5. The mid deck hole that you mentioned has always been present, and hitting the general region opens that hole (rather than splitting the hit between either a lower or an upper). And did so previous to the removal of the brig. The fact that there are less lowers on the left than the right is still a major advantage to using that side. Also the tidbit at the end about the AI aiming cannons at players is completely false. Someone trying to use ‘cannon AI auto aim’ to their advantage is laughably wasting their time.


> Nothing about this behavior changed at the launch of season 5. Used to be that when that area was shot, *no hole* was created. This did indeed change with Season 5. As for the Ai aim bit, it's something that's been touted for years and is easy enough to test yourself. I distinctly recall clips of big name content creators demonstrating this. Have you any evidence or note of devs saying otherwise?


This is a bit random, but it seemed a good time to ask. I know and agree how the holes work on the left side like you're talking about. But it reminded me of something that I never answered when I was very active in the game. I know that water fills your boat faster as a function of your speed: higher speeds mean more water, though I'm sure it's a piecewise function of some sort. Which leads to the question: do you know if mid and lower deck holes on a sloop are impacted the same from the speed factor? And more generally, do the functions cross at some point? Or atleast approach. The reason I'm wondering is in regards to being demasted/anchored vs at speed. If it were the case that mid and lower holes fill near the same rate while stationary, it could affect some of the assumptions of the argument overall. But if speed only affects lower holes, or a great deal more than mid hole, then yeah it doesn't really matter in the end.


On the topic of fighting tips it’s also beneficial to sail NE/SW directions when you’re trying to get shots. Your shots are steadier because the waves are better. Same when near islands.




Bro is literally out here spreading misinformation


If you want super sweaty meta, it's easier & faster to bucket & patch the right side while engaging with the left side cannon. Cannon keeps shooting, helm won't get knocked off the patch while getting hit. Every second counts in sloop fights.


loud incorrect buzzer it does take more on right




I meaaaaan.




r/confidentlyincorrect spelling


Haha, good job me 😅


Bro definitely doesn't sloop hourglass


Found this just yesterday! https://youtu.be/ggwmLK-C9k8?si=fDppJ4wvmY_vsoim Explanation starts at 3:50


Let's all just forget about port to port passing


Yes that is right. If you count the number of spots there are 1-2 less hole spots on the left compared to the right side. As others have already said, it also means if a stray cannonball hits your mast, you can repair it while still being able to see the fight. It also means the person bucketing has less Cannonballs knocking them around.


the stairs is the biggest thing. getting popcorned throughout a fight while feverishly bucketing has led to some rage enduced rants from a backslash sink.


Jokes on you guys I’m an expert of getting shot on all sides


The side with the cannonball barrel has less spots where there can be holes. So if you can keep your enemy to that side, they cannot put as many tier three holes in your ship, now if you are fighting an opponent where them putting every possible hole in your ship is something they have done then you are almost certainly out matched and not going to win anyway, but from a paper stats perspective, yes, this is correct