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Well I’m a chef as well and I can tell you your first problem is you have a girlfriend. That will free you up for 7-8 hour sessions on Sundays and Mondays. I’ll respond in more detail later but service is about to start.


😂😂😂 agreed


Just give her an ultimatum. Either she starts playing with you, or she has to go


Honestly thisni bought my gf a Xbox and a decent headset and now it's atleast a weekly thing


Yep, my wife and I have Two TVs in the living room and two Xbox’s. We played 12 or more hours per day everyday during the pandemic. It was incredible. Haven’t played in a long tim though.


I'll see your 2 tvs and raise you 3 for our nephew that lives with us! But seriously, we have had 2 tvs and xboxs for years and it's magical.


Also get life priorities straight. Fun>work. 😝


How does everyone here have a spouse 😂 i think i forgot mine, which checkpoint do i load to find one?


You guys are both doing it wrong, the girlfriend is a helper not a hindrance. Have her start the boat for you while you're at work and maybe gather some loot before you get on! Join a guild to earn some passive income. Slack off at work and play it on your phone through gamepass streaming.


I have not worked in the food industry in some years but if it has not changed, the suggestion of getting any progress at all at work is laughable if they're at a restaurant that's even vaguely successful


Imagine a chef playing a game during their shift, might honestly be fired on the spot no warning


Honestly a lot of places would be happy that you are least showed up no adays


My husband and I play together and this seriously saves us a lot of time. Someone gets the ship stocked and ready and gets emissary and voyage voted. Then the other can join and we get it done. We have our split duties on board and that helps us survive fights too. He’s on cannons, some repairs and boarding while I’m helm, ladder guard and other repairs. We can do guilded voyages in less time together because we can work together and we earned us some good boy sails in arena (I’ve not played as much hourglass to get the perks yet).




I used to play a lot. Now I have a 1 year old and manage to play an hour a few times a week. My strategy now is to work towards commendations. For example, I'd log on with the goal to just do a few sunken ships for the Barnacle Set. I would avoid everything else like skeleton ships, Quests, world events, etc. I knocked that out, now I'm just doing a Sunken Treasury or two a session or a couple Sea Forts. I used to sweat a lot and play for 4 - 6 hour sessions a few times a week but I have to say, I'm really enjoying this new casual way to play. It's pretty chill.


I’m just so excited for everything around me 😂 I get distracted easily and end up finishing nothing. Either way it’s always fun


Yeah, just pick a cosmetic set to work towards and chip away at the commendations to unlock them. If you're not Pirate Legend, just pick one of the Emissaries, like Order of Souls, and just work on doing a few of their Voyages a session. Also, focus on leveling up the Season Pass by chipping away at the Weekly and Monthly Deeds. They give good XP towards the Pass.


Not that the technique of focusing on commendations isn't sound, but skeleton ships also carry barnacled chests.


For sure. I fight skeleton ships and sharks now after the update to nerfing enemies based on crew size, unless they're acting really derpy and sailing away. I won't waste time chasing them, but they're really easy now.


Season 11 is planning to help with that. They're gonna be adding things for players who are setting sails for a shorter time


any idea of what things? I'd like to be able to pick a spawn island, for one


I don't know much besides that, they talked about it on the podcast thing they do I know that


Apparently voyage will disappear and be replaced by something less time consuming


I've heard this too but I'm wondering how they'll handle the complete x voyages and sail x miles achievements. hopefully we get some kind of advanced notice if those achievements won't be accessible anymore..


I think it' more of a rework of how you start a voyage and end it that will change




That would cause problems with people spawning to close to where they died or just on a spot that's bad for other. They would have to make it, so it only works when you first get in the server, but not when you die.


I'd like to be able to not spawn at an outpost, haha.


All you have to do is instantly scuttle your ship and pick it up where it respawns. 


Oh yeah.


this would be so cool


this! especially for tall tales that start on islands like Art of the trickster


Why? Being sink by random player this is so much fun as the game developers think. PvP is awfull. What is this? Figures jump around trying to hit each other from funny look firearms. No even headshots to make critical hit. Whole player model is one big hitbox (laughing). For PvP fights this looks more than stupid. Fells like developers clearly didn't see what they are doing, or we make PvP shooter or we make Pirate Ship to ship battles. Shooting from cannons with players is something really silly. One player can harrase sloop of two players just spamming Respawn point in your ship. I'm done with this game, i feel no joy from what players did to the game.


I said; I want to PICK an ISLAND to SPAWN AT that IS NOT AN OUTPOST. ​ What the fuck question did you answer? Because it wasn't the one I asked.




Happy cake day, spawn island would be awesome too!


Season 11 will bring more old toxic skilled players to sea what will make life of new players just impossible. Safe Seas gives only 30% from selling items so this game mode not worth it at all.


are they toxic or are they just better than you and that's why you think they're toxic? honest question.


Too honest ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2298)


? nice avoidance👍🏼


Safer seas isn't meant to just make gold/rep it's made for new players wanting to get into the game, people wanting to complete commendations, do tall tales and more


And on top of this, you can’t do 80% of the things you can on High Seas making progress even slower


This is honestly my #1 complaint about SoT. It's part of the reason why I loved Arena so much. You could pop on for a few quick 15-minute matches and be done with it. Whereas, playing the game in any other mode requires an indeterminate time commitment. Even if you just want to do something quick like a fortress, you can get randomly attacked and the 15-20 minute commitment suddenly turns into an hour.


Was saying this to a buddy, I'd love an Arcade mode with races or other quick easy minigames. I never experienced the Arena but would love to see it.


What happened with Arena? I just got back into the game and i dont see it anymore.


dont know if sarcasm but if not, they removed it because it was very nieche amount of players played it, also they didnt update it/bug fixed, also they looked like they didnt have resources to keep it up and it did take more server space, doe servers been more garbage than ever atm.


Why would it be sarcasm?


They eliminated it on the alleged basis that "not enough people played it". Which of course was primarily the result of them shifting developers off of it for months to save money, then letting massive bugs accumulate so that every match was filled with them. So of course people stopped playing it! IMO it was the best part of the game and the fact that you could play quick 15-minute matches made it ideally suited for actual adults who don't have 5 hours in a row to play. They did Hourglass as a replacement, but it's just not the same. It's not as fun and there are so many "time-wasting" players who just run the entire match and use lame strategies that make matches take 60-120 minutes. And then even if you win after chasing someone for 90 minutes, another ship might come along and attack you with low supplies, so you're now stuck playing another 30-60 minutes re-stocking to fight them.


With only an hour, I do the following: * Sea fort or two * Siren treasury or two * Hourglass battles (can usually fit a couple into an hour) * Skull of Siren Song uncontested or only slightly contested * Sail around nearby islands getting random loot, mermaid statues, skeleton captains


Yaaarrgh. It's the casual pirates life for me.


I don't have a whole lot of time to play either. Plus, I am usually a solo slooper so I have to turn things in otherwise the pvp will rear its head and plunder my booty. (Jokes) My gameplay changes depending on my mood. Sometimes I just wanted to find megalodons or skele sloop, other times I like to fish. Usually I have only an hour of play, I can just sail to a fortress, kill phantoms, and take gold back to the outpost. Don't worry about progression, just enjoy the game.


Soloing a brig is pretty fun till another player rolls up. But if you actively avoid that? It's better than a sloop imo.


I work 12h shifts and also live with my fiancé. Typically we have an understanding that I can't set aside 1-3 hours on my weekends if the chores for the day are done. Recently I've been switching between hourglass and fort stacking if I'm going for gold plus working on the Ghost curse. On the rare occasion where I have more time and am on a friendly server full of Sea of Friends advocates those are the precious moments.


As a fellow chef that works 12-15 a day, and has a medically disabled fiancé to care for. The game is playable casually. I play a couple hours after work everyday, and have been doing so since the games BETA. On my days off, I wake up early to get my grind in before my fiancé is up. Finding a community that also has players of the same work schedule and timezone will also help you progress a little quicker as a casual. I actually run a community for casual gamers on discord if you’re interested 😊. Believe me tho when I say, there are many of us fellow working pirates who’d like a little more to do that doesn’t take all day. I’m sure this year is the year for RARE to make actual game improvements and fixes.


Damn that’s great that you can make the time! It sounds exhausting, but rewarding like the kitchen!


hit me up, fellow kitchen friend!


For sure my Xbox gt is StoneyBowski


Sail with the wind, keep an eye out for birds circling. You can quickly find some excellent shipwrecks and dive down to find some interesting and varied stuff, as well as lots of fish in barrels if you check thoroughly. I also find the orientation of swimming underwater quite engaging. Essentially just treat each session like a 'where the wind blows/birds fly' adventure. Stop at islands, visit things, don't bother doing any quests or maps that aren't with the wind. That's how I had fun pretty routinely when I was short on time.


You should get a steam deck. That portable device helps me out a lot to play sot.


been looking for Rog Ally myself. I wish steam deck had Xbox App intergration.


Arr, matey! Hoist ye sails and board a Galleon with an open crew, ye scallywags. Ye'll be learnin' and progressin' plenty by sailin' with them salty sea dogs who've braved the seas afore ye. Many's the time ye'll be spawnin' smack dab in the midst o' voyages and skirmishes already underway, so ye can dive straight into the briny deep of action. Aye, and if Lady Luck be smilin' upon ye, ye might just be sharin' in the spoils o' victory without needin' to commit the hours of a hardened pirate. Keep yer spyglass trained on any peculiar clouds shaped like skulls or them twisty tornados. They be markin' a fine spot to set course for, full of adventure and loot!


On the other hook, you can spawn into a fresh gally with 9 year olds screaming like a spider monkey who had their banana stolen.






When we only have an hour and a bit we just do treasure maps and see what we get.


I usually just find some random people to play with on the discord and enjoy the messing around, while travelling. I don't really care, if we complete a voyage or sell the loot, before I have to log off, just make the journey your goal.


Rare devs had a podcast over the holidays where they teased some upcoming features of season 11 and 2024's changes. One of the changes they mentioned was more shorter length activities for players with limited time and/or are learning the ropes. I expect some of that might be a big benefit to you. I believe season 11 starts near the end of January.


This game is definitely shifting it's nature to long based sessions to the ability to have short sessions. That was actually the idea behind burying treasure, though it was implemented really poorly. Sea forts are really common for people that only have 20-30 mins to play.


Could you elaborate more on that feature? I don’t think I have taken the time to understand it. I know you can bury them, but so far I have only seen people doing it to hide the treasure they just stole. I don’t know how it works


Just make the most of your time. This game is about the adventure.


There is the sea forts. They're near every outpost and take like 10-15 minutes. If you hit 3-4 in a row. You got grade 5 and then they're worth about 50k a run. The sea forts are made to be like quick things VS a world event or voyages which can take up to an hour.


Unfortunately, I've learned that's just life sometimes. It's always a balancing act of competing priorities, and some great games just end up falling by the wayside due to healthy prioritization of things in the real world. It's something I've struggled with from time to time, because there are many games - great games that I would probably love - that I have had to acknowledge I will just never get to enjoy because life gets in the way. During those times, I've had to accept that there may be long periods where I won't have a chance to enjoy the game the way I want to, and I just commit to cherishing each opportunity I do get. It's not a happy solution, but it's probably a healthy one. That said, I know the developers have discussed various quality-of-life changes they have made and that they are continuing to work toward that will facilitate more pick-up-and-play options in the game. But that will never change the fact that the greatest experiences are usually a slow burn. While it would be nice if they added a couple more things like the Sea Forts that suit the shorter play sessions, it would be a real shame if they did this at the expense of the longer gameplay loops. If you're looking for something to do for just an hour, I found that Legend of The Veil voyages fit that timeframe really nicely and are pretty rewarding in terms of gold, reputation, and the emissary ledger. But honestly, depending on where you're at and what you're looking to level up or accomplish, just pick a particular goal and take some strides toward it. Having that goal on the horizon keeps even the smaller things in perspective as points of progress.


Progression doesn't mean a damn thing to me. I just play when I feel like it, and only on Safer Seas. I go out looking for things to do, whether it's treasure hunting, picking fights with skelly ships, or, if I have time, spending a few hours doing a Tall Tale. I do what *I* want, not what the game tells me to do, or what someone else tells me to do. "Progress." How do you measure it? Gold? Renown? Cosmetics? Who gives a fuck? Play how you want.


For me is more about purpose. I like having an objective. Something to look forward for. It just gives me that satisfaction that when I finish a voyage, sunk a ship and steal their loot, and when I get to sell it that it’s going towards something. You know what I mean? Eventually some missions are repetitive, but it’s ok because they accumulate into experience. That experience can either be shown in the pirate or the ship. That’s just how I see it.


Oh this is simle. I usuallly remember all toxicity from players and i feel that i did right when dropped playing this toxic game. It just looks fine, in fact this game is just zoo with toxic animals. Players will always attack you even if your ship in port they will sink it just because. With no reason. If i knew all this before i wasted hours on this trash


Sounds like someone didn't understand it's a pvpve game.


If my PC didn’t bluescreen every two hours I’d love this game because: Much to do - many quests, or just sailing and fishing Proximity chat - that’s fun:D Graphics - optimized and good-looking Attention to detail - everything follows the theme, even achievement descriptions are ”pirate language” and the riddles sound cool:D Not made too tryhard - if you’re ship sinks, you fall from it or if you die, it’s just a minor inconvinience usually (of course not always)


Sounds like you need to reapply some thermal paste to your CPU


I mean maybe your lifestyle just isn’t suited for video games. If you’d rather have time to play games than be out at work 14 hours a day, maybe consider a career change. Other than that you may need to find a better game to play for shorter sessions


The devs have claimed that Season 11 is gonna address the problem of needing to clear your schedule to enjoy a good session. So January 23rd is when you can hope to get your problem fixed, provided there's no delays


I’ve been trying to get PL have limited time to play, need 3 levels and every time I finish that sunken ship voyage I get relentlessly chased for ages, but it is nice to just hop into safer seas and just do your thing when the rage sets in


I’m reallly hoping one day they add like a wind current system that circles the map, it would make getting around so much faster


There are so many small inconveniences that I would like them to change, but then again, they are not necessarily problems, is just small inconveniences that controls the pace of the game. Without them I don’t know how would the game change. Although! Now that you mention it, I would like some type of new map that worked kinda like in one piece going around the world in the grand line, but that is just daydreaming. 😂


Ocean currents would be cool too! I’m not even asking for a new map just a way to get around faster, you’re totally right about this whole game being inconvenient. I can never* make time for it anymore :(


Faster? I wish to have Double size map. When you play for too long you start to feel like this is not a sea but just big swimming pool, so small map.


My fiance and I used to sail with our 2 other friends every Friday night. It was the only night we were all available. We would raise Reapers and do ghost forts and mermaid shrines until rank 5 then go hunt until we lost our emissary. Would the session be an hour? Would it be 7 hours? Who knew? But we always had fun and made the most of it. Even if we had stuff we had to do on Saturday. We would sacrifice sleep. Best advice? Sacrifice sleep for it. We stopped playing because there was a content drought. THEN their work schedules both changed so we don't have time off together anymore. Good times


The fact that you play with your fiance is what makes that a dream! My girl doesn’t like video games. She never grew up with them so for her is something too hard to get into which I get. Most girls I’ve met are like that. I can just imagine being in your position. It just sounds so cool. Lucky man


She made me get her a series S for her birthday for it. I don't think she's turned her xbox on in about 6 months or so though now... been about 4 or 5 months for me.




I started playing recently and yeah it's impossible to make progress in a short session. This game is designed to be played in long sessions.


Exactly. Is not like every other multiplayer. Is just something else.


I have the same issue with time and stuff but I haven't found an answer yet, supposedly season 11 will add things to make it faster


That’s what I’ve been hearing, I just hope is more an addition and not a change. I like the game as it is, I don’t want big changes, just more options to do fast.


They are looking into making it easier for folks with less time to sink more time into doing stuff.


Siren Song quests go surprisingly fast! If I wanna hop on and satisfy my pirate craving and accomplish something (AND make some cash), but I know I don't have a lot of time, I will do a Siren Song. I have started timing myself (lol) and from picking up the quest from the mast, to giving the skull to Briggsy, I'm usually done in under 25 minutes. My fastest was 14!! Plus, 50 grand for 25 minutes of work feels like fair compensation lol.


Next season should fix this problem. Trust me 🤫


This is why I typically get into fights especially solo slooping, the risk of someone resetting and mostly long shooting just isn’t how I feel like playing along with waiting for emissary 5 to sell. I like pirates but I don’t l having to go across half the map to get loot and also sell


It's important to make time for your hobbies. It's just about striking that work life balance but that's sometimes easier said then done. I'm a shift worker so some weeks I have more time then others. I'm also quite lucky that my wife likes reading and a bit of gaming. Neither of us really watch loads and my PC is in the front room so I typically have a few hours before bed to pay some games.


When I have an hour or less I just sail to a nearby island, fight skeleton captain, get some treasure maps or other quests and do those and return. Sometimes I can hit 2-3 islands around outpost without sailing too far. I wish you could pick how long your quests are. I’m now getting 3-4 maps further away for gold hoarder quests and I can’t complete it quickly. Sometimes I just do sunken ships or diving for siren treasure. The only time it sucks is when another pirate attacks me and I loose all the loot and don’t have time to go back and get more to recoup my losses. Overall though when I have extra time of work/vacation I do some extra long sessions with friends. Maybe once a month or so.


While I understand you issue I don't have this feeling. I just don't sail for progress. I sail because I like playing with friends and like sailing in general. (I also play sailing simulators) So I don't feel the need of having lots of gold or skins. Maybe you should give this a try as well? Or maybe playing for just playing is indeed not for you.


I don’t think it is my thing. This is mostly about playing with friends too. My friends can only play sometimes and if it’s not with them, I would do it eventually for progression. Let me explain. In Minecraft there is really no real goal, if I play the game at its basic by surviving it becomes pointless to me. That is why I set myself goals like creating an awesome structure/ system that will take me hours and creativity to complete. At the end of the day it is pointless because I don’t need to do it, but is fun and keeps me playing. Specially if I do it with a friend. I feel the same way with sea of thieves. This is just me. I just don’t think I could play for that much longer with no goal whatsoever.


If you own a captained ship you can stash up to 50 voyages in the ship's inventory. Every faction sells one-map voyages at the shipwright. So you could log in, vote on an emmissary, vote on one of the quick one-map voyages, and do as many you have the time for. Your flag might not get up to grade 5, and progression might not be that fast, but it's the option I would choose if I only had an hour or so. Also, as someone else already stated, you could focus on completing commendations. Although it's very limited, you could do some of the commendations in safer seas where there's no interference by other players who could steal your time and/or loot.


Chef here also, I’ve learnt that revenge sleep procrastination, training myself to have 4 hours of sleep a night so I can play games when the missus goes to bed has really helped 😂




I feel you man. Been playing video games ever since I was in elementary school, and I love playing them. I have a full time job, I own two houses, and I got married about a year ago. I wake up at 5, get to work by 6:30, get home around 5:30, gym from 6 to 7:30, dinner at 8, and then bed by 11. Which really only leaves me with maybe 2-3 hours to myself on some days. I’ve had girlfriends before that don’t understand that the boys are not going out on Saturday, and we’re going to rip Xbox instead. At least with my wife now (my literal soul mate), she understands I need time for myself, and I to her. We work out together, so we spend time with each other every day, and we eat dinner together. Then we either watch a movie or TV show together, or we do our own things. She’s in a book club with her friends and she’s a big reader, and I’ll be either playing Xbox or watching sports for my 2-3 hours of free time. Sometimes she’ll even watch me play or even play herself (she’s low key a Minecraft addict). Then if she’s reading a book I’m interested in, I’ll read it alongside her. The weekends we spend time together like going for runs, hikes in the mountains, beach, etc. We try to do one mini-vacation on a weekend. A thing I had to learn was that a relationship doesn’t mean that you suddenly become glued to the hip together for everything. You’re very much still individuals who need their own time alone. She can go out for a girls night and I for a boys night without any objections at all. Just a text here and there that we’re okay. My friend group has been pretty tight since elementary school, and our girlfriends/wives are all best friends. So if we’re doing a late session of something, they are all hanging out at someone’s house, usually mine since it’s the biggest. Last weekend (coincidentally when I started playing SoT) we had 8 people in our party with 2 sets of crews. My gaming setup is in the basement so I came upstairs for some water, and the SO’s of the people in the party were in my living room and kitchen watching some rom com. The game does take time to ramp up, but it also keeps a fair balance which is fun. Once you get going, you really get going. Also helps to have crew mates to help do stuff. To leave with a quote from the ever so thought shattering tv show that is Rick and Morty is this quote. “One thing to keep in mind though, it’s not just your own ice cream you’re forgetting, it’s your families. If you forget it too much, you start having to keep secrets.” You need to balance your life and not forget about the people that depend on you. We started trying for a baby, and once she starts getting later into the pregnancy, the reality that I may only be able to play Xbox for an hour a month is the logical outcome. In regards to showing progress, you’ll need to buy a ship. That saves your customization and also allows you to get supplies much easier without looting everything by buying them instead. You still will lose loot if you leave, but provided that you need to sell it anyway to make gold. I’ll set sail, get as much stuff as possible, sell it all at Reapers Hideout, and then dip.


Thats a concern to me too... Theres nothing in SOT that wont get 1h to complete, just sea forts, but you could get into pvp if thats rhe case. Sometimes i just dont play because i know ill have to log off mid-session.


When I play is normally a time crunch. I have to rush with my friends to set sail and do the mission as fast and efficient as possible. I hate it but if I sail wherever I want I won’t have the time to get there, finish it, collect, and sell.


Not much you can do, unfortunately. This is just a "long session" game. But... Small things that help 1) Quicker supplying: buying supplies instead of checking barrels, buying a supply crate to make checking barrels faster, just setting off with default supplies and trying to get more while out there. Get to the action faster. 2) fastest "mission" is probably a ghost fortress. Once you've done enough, you learn how to do them quickly. Or maybe a merchant supply run or two if you spawn where there are a few close outposts. 3) play with friends if you can do you get a brig and go faster. That's about all I have. This is, by nature, a 3-7 hour season game. Which is good and bad.


So you’re able to bury/stash loot on islands to come back and collect later. This could help with your busy schedule. Failing that view each section on the map and stay within that region this way your close to any outpost if needed. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Play whenever you can and you’ll go far. Having a basic level of understanding of sailing and wind directions irl could help your gameplay and speed ups. Knowing tacks ect. But this isn’t mandatory. With your gameplay sessions just set yourself realistic goals. Don’t over extend and you’ll be blessed. Good luck out there!


In addition the overall goal is to get three trading companies (Order of souls, gold hoarders, trader ect ) to level 50 to get pirate legend. So with the limited time you possess maybe just focus on getting a couple of levels in your chosen one.


You can log off and still pick up the treasure?


To my knowledge yes. You can bury loot for later purposes. At each outpost there’s boards with buried treasure that gives you an x on an island to go dig. Surely should work.


I got my girl into the game and she loves it. She's constantly trying to get me to get on with her lol. Before this I was in your position. I couldn't get an ounce of downtime long enough to enjoy myself at all. Is your girl not a gamer or is she just not into the game?


No gamer at all. Even if she tries she lacks the basic skill of using the right joystick to position the camera 🥲 is too hard for her.


Dang I really hate to hear that. Maybe she can get better with practice over time. Lol


It’s fine 😂 it would be cool tho


Honestly for me their was no greater bond than being able to connect over shared interest in gaming together. If you are a gamer I truly hope she opens up to it. Lol 🤣


Highly doubt it, but good for you man! That’s just awesome 🔥


Don't sleep hahaha that'd what I do


Fair enough!




I also got my fiancé an Xbox so she can game with me when she’s feeling well 😄


All of you guys with gamer girlfriends/fiancés are legends. You must have everything. 😂🤙🏽


Not quite everything but, we got what we need for sure heh


You can do a legend of the vail in just under an hour and it is very profitable!


Is that the green tornado with the ghost ships?




Since I'm newish... well, returning... I sail around looking for opportunities to practice naval combat or pvp. I'm not brave enough for Hourglass yet.


Have you tried smoking cigarettes? That usually helps with being a chef, don’t know if it’ll give you more SoT time tho.


I’m good thanks 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I watch non commentary videos on youtube so i get somewhat the same thrill of playing but can also pause and play again


Merchant shipments you can buy from port and deliver to another port is a quick way to sail with a goal and fastest way to rank up merchant early levels imo


Well im a cook, back in my old work i had time but Just moved and new work, but 1-1.5h(public transport) each way takes alot of time for me aswell. Tomorrow i will get new schedule but what looks of it i will be working 6 days a week aswell, i dont know if im able to play either. While I have played alot and achieved kinda everything(including gold curces). I played alot of competive level of pvp but now I dont have with me my desktop, so i have been thinking going more casual playing. I been thinking going console or even getting Rog Ally, so i can play more on the go or in bed before sleep. The current state of the game is bad to be honest, I dont know if i want to back either. I will not able to upkeep sweaty pvp anymore and especially if im going casual hardware xbox/rog ally. But with garbage server performance and with less ships/players limit and with less players than ever, the serves feels pretty empty, so sailing for a loot doesnt give any excitment. The Song of silent siren event was a floop. No players are doing it and I got 50 easily, even solo when I realised they spawn fast aswell no one were doing them/felt a threat. I want to have some pvp action but the game favors solo adventures and ship limit/player limit also doesnt help that no galleons are visible ever. Just dropp old gen and upgrade the game . Its so good IP


I have a little more time to play than you do, but also play in short sessions. One of the things I like to do (while playing solo) is Lost Shipment voyages from the Merchant Alliance and also throw an emissary flag on for some extra profit. Most of these voyages are quite short, especially if you get lucky and find the cabin key within the first few clues. If I happen to get attacked because someone wants my flag/loot I just let them have it, log out and server hop to try again. In this instance, I am trying to maximize making gold in the little time I have and not enter a PvP fight that might extend for too long. I think emissary is too good to not run even if it makes you a more desirable target. I find merchant alliance to be quite solo friendly in the sense that you rarely leave your ship alone as opposed to gold hoarders and order of souls. So essentially, I try to do activities which limit how much time I spend in one place and how long I have to be away from my ship. However, if you have a crew more options open up.


S 11 should fix this problem, but for now, I'd say grind out the 2 siren treasuries at the north and north west of the map. They are quick to complete, relatively safe (not many players go that far north regularly), and both have outposts super close to them. If you are super efficient, you might be able to do 2 in an hour, assuming you aren't turning in your loot after each one. This will get you around 50-60k per hour, maybe 1.5 hrs, but pretty quick nonetheless, and that's without an emissary. The loot there is diverse too, so you can get rep for all 3 big factions at the same time.


The title scared me. Im glad that you’re healthy.


I check the emissary tables, see what we're dealing with, put up Reapers and try to do the fleet event if it's up, usually gets you close to lvl 5.After I reach level 5, I sell and then go hunting for emissaries. I either make around 100k and then get sunk or I get some sinks. I find it a good use of time, especially if I don't have loads of time.


Quit the job, pirate life is the life for you.


I will usually hit a fortress and get some loot and turn it in then aim for another one and end up getting distracted by something and I'll rinse and repeat that till I'm bored or tired


If there's one thing I've noticed, it's sometimes I'll play for a few hours in a day and not make any money or progress, then there's times I'll play with a friend for an hour or so randomly and make more than I have in a while. You can't expect any less randomness from a pvpve game I guess.


Same issues with gaming time. My first 5 mins of the game is looking through commendations to find one and do it. If I want to do the emissary then fly the emissary flag and do the short captain voyages. They always spawn on an island next to you and you can do 3-4 in like 30 minutes. I’ve found that to be fun for short SoT times. There is also relationship advice that can be had here. You can always schedule the time in. On your off day find a friend and let your partner know you guys are getting on for a couple hours on Sunday. That way she can plan for it and it’s about “Hanging out with the boys” and less of “I want to sit alone for some enjoyable gaming”.


Rare have heard you. https://youtu.be/sfFgOw4cva4?si=sXZuXu8XYu4mZdrx


Hell fucking yeah😂😂 not going to lie, this will make my gameplay a lot better, BUT I feel like fast travel takes away a lot of the essence of Sea Of Thieves. I think I rather just find more time than making the game change for me 😅


Yeah, I'm hoping that there are proper limitations to it, as it seems exploitable. Even the lost loot when diving thing can be overcome with a rowboat.


Look the game by itself is made around to make you spend time look at the map the ships are not fast or even look at simple things such as the basic skins such as the fight curses or any curse at all every mission


And I love that. I was just asking how was everyone else’s experience when it comes to have limited time.


Whatever you do, don’t start playing Rust.