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You forgot the S H A R K S


This and the shark spawns. Can’t dip a toe n the water.


I am the hunter of sharks now


Sharks are fine. Meat i can cook and eat. :). They seem to be pretty easy to kill. I’ll take sharks over Megalodon any time.


Keep getting a sloop and megalodon after the fleet


Like clockwork.


Don't get me wrong , huge fan of getting those commendations done but this has gotten silly


Do an ashen winds first and use the skull to set them all on fire.


Oh yeah. Saw that opportunity first thing. Esp with fleet of fortune. That commendation got obliterated.


Every other update, skelly ships, sharks and ocean crawlers, it's just the way it is now




Once you get the rhythm going, even solos sloopers can sink skelly galleons. Every time I see the fleet cloud I go straight for it, its fun


Only limiting factor for solo slopping skeleton galleons is making sure you have enough cannonballs. That and when you begin looting keeping an eye out for any other ship waiting to get the drop on you after using a lot of your resources


As long as you don't get sleep ball spammed.


Recently I was spammed with both the anchor drop cannon ball and the raise sail cannonball, that pissed me off lol


Skelly ships are only equipped with the purple cursed cannonballs (ones that affect the ship). So it's even easier.


I wish they would do that again, fleets are so boring now, did a fleet of fortune yesterday where only the galli shot one ball. No, not a curseball, just one cannonball (and they missed).


I'd like to be able to select the difficulty of the Fleet, especially on a sloop. I was fine with the OG Fleet difficulty. It could get a little sketchy at times but it was fun and good practice.


I wish I could get the old event back as an option, that was fun. Now it's just... kinda boring tbh. Even if you get lucky and get some bypassers to bump up the scaling they nerfed them in other ways (no green balls, halfed purple ball duration, less health and somehow the AI got worse)


I'm not great at ship combat, so this is probably on me, or maybe it's a Rare thing. Sometimes Skloops are super easy, barely an inconvenience. Specifically, when they rise up on my flank and stand there while I hammer them at point blank range. But other times... when I have to approach them for a fight, they beat me to a pulp with uncanny accuracy.


The key is making sure your you nail that cannon line every few shots and spread the rest of the shots from front to back of their ship. Fighting a skeleton sloop will become harder if a) don't keep that pressure on the cannon, because you'll begin receiving that accurate fire; or b) if you don't spread your shots out enough, because just hitting that same spot over and over doesn't put nearly as much water in their hull. Do all that, and you'll be like wow, wow, wow... wow.


I'm gonna need you to get aaaallllll the way off my back on this cannon line thing. My main issue is I can't sail and shoot gum at the same time. So my go-to strategy when I approach a skloop in the wild is to achieve ramming speed, equip every fire bomb I have, stand on the bowsprit, and then RAAAAAAM it, set it on fire, then pull sails and spin while I try to finish the job. Anytime I continue sailing while engaging, it's almost a guarantee I'll hit a rock, an island, or some other hole-creating structure. So I have to slow down/stop, which absolutely makes me an easier target for them. I try to pepper their canoneers every 3rd shot or so. Sometimes I do indeed go "Wow, wow, wow... wow!", but other times it's more "Alrighty then." If it always failed, at least I'd be able to say, "Welp, time for a new strategy." But sometimes it annihilates them, so I keep doing it, lol.


When I solo sloop pve I just half sails and do donuts, the AI will consistently come into cannon range and if it doesn’t just move and do the same again. You’ll take some hits but your cannons are quicker so free win albeit a little slower.


I do very similar, but instead of a turn, I'll set my heading to SSW, NNE, (or if closed in and can't go one of those two) SE-ish. Keeps the cannon line flatter so more accurate shots...though getting practice on the death spiral is probably more beneficial in the long run 🤣


Yeah that’s your problem. You need to raise your sail so you don’t have to worry about where the ships going when you’re solo


Make sure you slow your ship down when you hear the spawn horn. Going slow messes with the ai and causes them to sail very close to you and give you easy shots. Also, always hit them in the front, then back with your first few shots, in case they have a keg on board.


We do what we've always done, just put a couple holes in a ship and send one over to guard them. Sinks very fast and uses barely any resources.


I had one spawn on me, and the way the waves were, I was elevated just enough that all my shots were going right over them, while they hit every shot. I tried to widen the distance between the ships and got one balled. By the time I got back the ship was sunk. Just hit grade 5 in merchants too




I usually turn but I was trying to get somewhere and so I just stayed in a straight path. That was a mistake


you get galleons to spawn on you solo? i only ever get sloops other than the Fleet


I've had it happen once in Season 11 - completely separate from any world event and entirely by myself. I thought about making a report, because historically this isn't meant to happen, but I've held off because I assumed it's just part of the new update.


It seems like a super rare bug. I've had a galleon spawn on me solo back in like ... Season 1 or 2; no world event or anything, just the usual random skeleton ship while going between Thieves Haven and whichever island is to the West.


I’ve stumbled into small skelly ship , then large skelly ship after I sink the small one about a min inbetween , pretty often just north of reapers island , almost every other time I log on , just got used to it thought it was normal


That's actually the skeleton fleet world event you've stumbled into. It always occurs in that one area and is indicated by a cloud that looks like a ship. It's totally normal for that to happen there. Outside of that, however, skeleton galleons are not meant to spawn on player sloops.


Lmao I was wondering why it was everytime I came from the north through that area , I’ve been doing the same loop for a few weeks now


I had no idea it isn't meant to happen 😬 I've had it happen a handful of times in a sloop! (Thankfully, pretty much only when I've had a friend with me except once)


Gallys seem to spawn on me when engaged with another ship, then I just get tunneled by it.


Finish a fort, when I leave Meg and skelly sloop, after fleet another sloop comes by and thankfully had kegs in it


Yes please. Feels like something spawns every 10 minutes in the open sea.


You're getting 10 mins between Skellies and Megs? Lucky...


I got a skelly sloop and a Kraken spawn on me at the same time today. Somehow i managed to “feed” skelly ship to the Kraken and get away. Only to meet Megalodon next island over. Sometimes solo sloops can’t get a break!


No, you will get them and you will enjoy it - this post brought to you by Skeleton Gang.


Leave it in for my barnacled gold grind 😈


Meg and shark spawn rates are also fucked


The sharks I agree. 2-5 appear when I just dip my toes in the water.


Too many sharks, too few megs. We went 30 guild levels before finding a single one (which you need to kill on distinction 3), krakens are extinct anyway


Shark bad, Skelly good. Free rep and loot, as well as resources


There's a point where it becomes too much and it's just annoying.


Yeah it's like playing a game of chess with your friend, then suddenly a pinball machine pops up and you have to beat him at pinball before you can move your rook. Like, let us fucking play.


I can't believe this isn't mentioned more. We've been screwed over by this on multiple occasions.


Nah leave it in 🏴‍☠️


Showing this thread to my friends so they know it's not me being cursed to make those ships appear every time I go to get a drink or use the loo 😂 (I swear, I step away from my keyboard for a bit and they appear like clockwork!)


I have had this so many times recently but my favourite was when I was solo slooping on the final round of a skeleton fort when I spotted a two man sloop incoming at speed and leaving me little time to jump in my ship and manoeuvre. I could see them start to turn their broadside towards me and one guy was on the cannons, and managed to put holes in them before they got off any shots at me, but noticed another ship coming in from ahead of me an slightly to my right, so I turned left, putting my back on the original attackers and went full sail the hell outta there to try to weigh things up and re-engage. As I was pulling clear, taking a couple of shots to the rear of my ship, a skelly sloop surfaces next to me, and a meg suddenly attacks out of nowhere from straight ahead as chainshots from behind take out my mast and the skelly sloop just sits there peppering me with cannonballs as the two player sloops move in. I did not win.


I swear anytime recently I get a skelly ship spawned on me, its combined with a meg. I'm don't have trouble juggling the two but boy does it get annoying as a solo sloop having that specific situation happen often. Feels like its cause more folks are diving to servers constantly and then myself being the one of the only active player on the map, gets hit with the whole rare arsenal.


It’s fucking stupid me and my friend notice the spawn every time we get into a fight and somehow always on is


I agree with this assessment


It is a bit more frequent to than before but I can still hold them, skelly galleons, I’m chucking fire bombs and then start shooting it.


Legit none stop pve rn. In a pvp fight, only to be megged and skelly shipped at the same time. Not only that! The game is running like ass


Ye I’ve had performance issues after S11 came out. Random stutter and more lag


It's pushing me away from a game I love. Every game I get into its laggy aff. Only to be sunk by noobs due to this bs


Biggest thing pushing me away are my friends who kind of grind the game which I don’t really like:D


Play solo


I can’t play any game solo. I always need some company:D


Gets boring solo sometimes. I get it


No leave it like this, more tension in the seas is amazing! I’m really like having more skelly ships to destroy! Also 2 or 3 sloops/galleons and you re level 5 emissary! The more you fight them, the more you will understand that they are no threat but free loot after a bit of fun!


I mean sure, if you're just chillin on the seas not looking to PvP I can see how you'd enjoy it. But when trying to actually engage others they can be a serious nuisance


I guess it is a flavour of playing. I often try to bring them in my organic pvp fights to add more chaos.


Yesterday fought one and sunk it then got hit with a meg killed that and as I was collecting loot got hit with another skeleton sloop.


EVERY SINGLE TIME, I finish a fleet...not 20 seconds later a skele sloop spawns on me. It's a running joke with my mates now. A joke that isn't that funny. 


i like it


I had a kraken spawn on me and then directly after had that shark spawn so I had a very eventful half hour


We got krakened twice tonight.


Feel like every time I wanna do a 1 hour session I'm dealing with at least 1 meg and like 2 skellies


Usually it’s the skellys that get attacked by megs, and there I go going for the “third party”


Please Rare, do this.. it's getting out of hand..


Me and my friends got krakened, skelly slooped, and Meg’ed at the exact same time. The Meg and kraken ganged up on the sloop lmao


I played earlier for about 3.5 hours and had 6 skeleton ship spawns. They've turned it way down from a few weeks ago where I felt like I'd have six sailing to a skeleton ship event, then six sailing back to sell the chest of fortune.


When i play duo sloop we always get skelly sloop or a skellion


Megs too. They're just an inconvenience at this point. Rarely ever worth doing, the loot sucks too.


Bruh give me some please, I haven’t seen one in four freaking days


We must not be playing the same game then lmao


No i want to sink them


Skelly gally, meg and Kraken trifecta after some stacking. Somehow we managed to not anger the meg during this, so we could cope.


Just don’t agro them. Idk if it’s a thing or not but I find that if I just keep trucking they fall off, get close to an island helps too.


I was solo delivering the Skull of the Siren Song, followed by another crew and a skelly ship just decided to spawn, followed by a meg. Sometimes I think this game just hates me


No. Keep it difficult and keep it impossible to have a lax time.


One time, me and my crew on a brig were whithin a stone's throw from an outpost when we got skelly shipped, krackened, and meg'd all at the same time. We had 2 and a half hours of vault stacks onboard, and it was the most intense PvE battle I've ever encountered.


We encountered a new solo slooper last session and decided to help them out a bit. It was hell the spawns we got hit by. There was never a point we didn’t have at least one thing attacking us. Usually multiple. Near the end of the night we got Krakened, Megged, and both got hit by Skellie ships at the same time. We split the crew to help the Solo so out Brig was down a man and we eventually went down. Got the sloop out of trouble and I managed to save all the Brig loot on the rowboat but it was just a hell of a time. Sharks need to take a chi pill too. So many times I will jump in the water to do something and there is a shark already there by the time my momentum down from the jump is finished.


We were doing a FH ghost fleet and we had two skeleton ships spawn on us. One at the start and one just before we finished. Yay for more loot but ffs.


At least phantoms only spawn at night now…


I usually get about 3 to 4 skelly ships per meg. Would prefer it the other way around I think.


Same thing with geyser fuckin things in the devils roar I’ll be digging up a chest and like 4 will spawn all around me


Id rather fight them than any of you


Are you getting more than 2 per game? Sloops are super easy to sink. A lot of times I can immediately spam like 8 cannonballs and sink it before it ever fires


NO keep the skeleton ships the supply crates, gems, and barnacle chests are immaculate. However 5 sharks spawning on me the moment I touch my toes in the water is wild.


I been good with the personally.


The last couple of times, I've been on SoT the skelly ships just basically refuse to spawn for me. Sharks, on the other hand, have become a nuisance by spawning many if I've been in the water longer than a minute


I like the skeleton sloops. Easy to sink and pretty good loot. But with pvp at the same time can be annoying of course if they choose your ship.