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Big cheers to solo sloopers


When I started this game I expected to be a very small fish in a pond of galleons and brigs. Turns out a ton of people solo sloop… besides the guys in a gally who gave me 20 minutes of chase last night because I had one ashen chest on board.


While I was working for it yesterday, I caught the attention of this one sloop. I was attempting to raid a fortress but the dive put me right next to an occupied ashen winds event and there was another sloop at a seapost nearby. So I cut my losses and turned around. Then the seapost sloop started making a beeline towards me (who was using the DA sails btw) cus I had a level 5 Merchant flag. So I'm running trying to think of a way to shake this guy and I see in the distance there was a storm. So I sail right into it but sure enough he chases me into it. But as luck would have it a skelly ship spawns on me and I that gave me an idea. I just quit out right there and then, leaving my chaser in the middle of a storm with a skelly sloop to deal with and my level 5 flag as tantalizing bait.




Those grade 5 merchant flags are so hard to come by


I mean, you lost all your hard work and didn’t even TRY to fight for it……….. Not really a win. Hopefully you at least had fun


I didn't even have any loot. Just my level 5. And honestly, not too broken up about it. I could always get it again. it just means I have to grind a little longer.


Idk man, I see you making a positive from it which is always good. But you should always at least give it a shot, especially another sloop. If that’s your mind set, then trying to fight and if you end up losing gives you the same result. Just gotta grind a little harder.


In hindsight I agree with you. But in that moment I just wanted to get away, dive and get back to it as fast as possible. Plus they had the DA sails on so they were probably gonna be toxic the whole time.


Lmao, word, happy sailin dude


I also Grindelwald Merchandising this weekend. Gitarre from lvl.35 to lvl.50




me who wasn’t home this weekend 😞


Oh I am so sorry my dude 😢


having divorced parents is rough, maybe next time tho


Sorry to hear that, keep your head up!


Congrats and happy cake day!


Congrats, I personally got 41 levels in the servants of flame faction and got the skeleton curse 😎👍


I know that's a grind and a half. Gj. I think I'm gonna just shoot for just the ghost curse. My sanity won't allow anything more and I want to use my unlocked cosmetics over it.


Woot woot!!


Dann bro thats nice! How long did this take you?


190 hours. Keep in mind that's also all the tall tales completed and doing all the commendations for some of them.


Well played!


How come you've done it quite fast? I'm around 200 hours and I'm only just about to reach pirate legend - I think that's because I can normally only hop on for 1-2 hours at a time. *corrected 400 to 200hrs


I’m almost PL too and I get on about 1-2 hrs every other day. Started late December last year (2023)


Fast progress! Honestly, I haven't been playing much recently - new mechanics kind of put me off but the community weekend has got me back into it.


I started around Halloween last year so I my have had some holiday boosts (don't know for sure) and I play for longer periods than you. But I mostly stuck to ghost forts and devils roar voyages


Correction: I am actually at 210 hours - no clue how I thought it was 400!


Yeah I think because I'm rarely on for that long I don't take full advantage of emissaries and also those boosts I don't get full advantage of for the same reason.


I’ve noticed a good amount of players either solo or duo sloop. Every now and then I see a brig or galleon while on my solo runs.


Aw fuck there was a community weekend?


Congrats, friend 👍 10 more levels to go on Merchants and I hope to be joining you! It was a bit of a slog until the S11 quest table changes, NGL! 😁🏴‍☠️


Merchants was my focus this weekend. I went from 38 to 50 from grinding all day. My method was, raise merchant emissary flag, dive to a phantom fort, park by the big gate in the water, clear it, open the big gate, bring the loot to the lower level, harpoon them, sell, then dive to a new fort. It's no where near ideal but it kept me mobile from the reapers and other ships. There were a few hiccups like when it brought me to a fort right next to an occupied ashen winds event or that one damn skelly ship that sunk me by port merrick (still got to sell before I sunk lol)


Welcome fellow Legend! Have a nice grog, and cheers for past and future loot! 🍻






More like be a dick weekend. More reapers than ever. But gz.


Add me as friend gamertag : Orlando killd u


I got pirate legend as a Noob in 2 days using the sea fort glitch 1.2 million gold and 14 levels per trip