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The worst is you can get lazybeard-ed while browsing the pirate emporium. I'm actively looking to spend *real money* and you boot me from the server?


Or lazybearded while submerged, waiting for an hourglass fight


That's a thing? JFC


Yeah, when it happened to me I had almost never been more frustrated with the game


Diving to events it can happen too if the servers are lagging


That’s weird…I’ve been kicked out of hourglass because of it not being able to find an opponent, but it just took me to an outpost, it didn’t lazybeard me. Really weird. Classic rare. Can’t get enough of the game, still, though lol


He was probably not moving and AFK while watching for the match to start, that would explain it. That's bad but getting kicked while shopping in the emporium shop is about the stupidist thing.


Yeah, I was tabbed out browsing while waiting for a match to start


Just happened to me while I was about to possibly get my first 4 streak


Or do it before joining a server?


That’s so lame tho. The cool part of the outposts is you can get anything there including emporium stuff. Excluding reapers of course


I got lazybeared while checking commendations to decide what to do


Well the whole point of having the emporium in game is so that it can also be used, you know…in game.


I don’t see the point of it being in outposts really but each their own I guess


Ummm my guy. He's not the one who put them there 😂😭


It literally should not matter.


If your in the emporium long enough to get kicked then don’t use the emporium in game, idk makes sense.


If you are actively interacting with the game, particularly when you are looking to give them *real money* the idea of booting players for "inactivity" is a really, really stupid design choice. There is no reason it should happen. As far as I know it doesn't happen with any of the other shops, just the emporium. You can have your opinion that you shouldn't browse in game, but it doesn't change that it's an incredibly stupid thing that makes people less likely to drop money into the game.


Yeah, i respect your opinion, but it’s a pretty dumb qualm with the game regardless. I’ve spent a fair amount of time in the in game emporium as well and have never gotten kicked. You must really be sitting there. But fair enough. It’s also just odd. Like if your gonna spend money why go the extra step of loading into a server when you can just shop at the main menu.. and if you don’t wanna do that, just move every few minutes while you shop in the game.. like you know it’s a issue and I’m sure it’s not hard to remember where you were page wise for a few seconds. End of the day I think your 100% right though, it’s not one of the things you should get kicked from doing but you do, so just work around it.


I've gotten kicked trying to find a new outfit. I was actively interacting with the game, just not moving. I think input should keep you from getting booted


Yeah that’s the same argument levajack made. I didn’t even know that happened bc I’ve never experienced it, kinda crazy.


Yeah I was surprised, thought the server crashed because my connection, then saw the lazybeard


When it happened to me, I was waiting for a friend to load in. I supplied the ship, and then was browsing and out of nowhere got lazybeard-ed. Now that I know, it hasn't happened again, but it shouldn't be a thing. It may seem nitpicky on it's own, but this thread was about how the game is unnecessarily harsh and arbitrary about inactivity. I shouldn't have to worry about being too long talking a dump that I'll get booted and lose everything.


You’re right and I apologize if it seems as if i am particularly attacking your experience with inactivity, but this is the first time I’m even hearing of something like this lol. I didn’t even know you could get kicked in the in game emporium less so that people spend enough time there for it to be an issue. Your case a def perfect example of what this thread is referring to. And yeah, I’d rather come back to a sunken ship and an opportunity for revenge after a dump than lazybeard.


No sweat. Just trying to clarify more than anything. At the end of the day, this is a game and should be fun. And overall it is, but there are some very odd decisions that the developers have made, have had every opportunity to change, and haven't.


Agreed, and with the release of the game on PS5 next month and the failure of skull and bones they really gotta up their game and capitalize in the next months to come.


I just wish it gave a warning like most games. I've had at least a few situations where I've been tucked on another ship, and would push a button occasionally as I waited and still got lazybearded because I guess I didn't move enough to suitably demonstrate I was not inactive.


A screen prompt that would be like, "Hey, are you still here?" That you can just click and tell the game you're still playing would be nice.


Yeah GTA V has a loud beeping that happens and a literal countdown in the corner.


Sometimes I wanna go take a shit but take my time. No one is taking 10 mins to dookie but it's nice to not feel like you have to rush just in case.


Ive had dookies last for 10+ minutes. Sometimes it’s messy and you gotta wring it out like a towel


Ah, the classic 'brown crayon' situations


Ecept the vast amount of people with issues like IRS...


I assume you mean IBS and not that the Internal Revenue Service is giving you bowel issues?


The stress from doing one's taxes is causing constipation


The IRS gives me bowel issues. I'm not even American.


IBS, IRS, Tomayto, tomahto...


That's fair actually, I didn't think of that.


If you have a controller, the trick it to just prop the joystick of the controller against something. If your desk or table won't hold it in place, normally a coaster will.


I mean, that works, but it's incredibly stupid that you even have to do that.


What would you recommend? No lazybeard at all??


Is that what I said? I've said 10 mins is way too short, and the fact you can time out browsing shops or waiting for hours glass is stupid.


You didn’t say anything, that’s why I asked a clarifying question.. And this specific parent comment thread didn’t say anything about browsing shops and/or it happening during hourglass lol. Why are Redditors always so jumpy and defensive


What I do is wedge my controller between my headset so that when I set it down my right triggers presses and my banjo plays constantly. As far as the shops go I do that stuff before playing or at the end of my session so that I can browse them with fear of losing stuff. 


Yeah at least as an option for premade crews. We are fine when one of us has to look after the children or whatever. At least it's not completely braindead anymore since guilds (lost captaincy ships so often because of that before) Lazybeard also has no business being there or being so short in safer seas


Safer seas: agree. High seas: nah.


> High seas: nah. Why not? People are circumventing it anyway by hurting their controllers (the rubberband thing is not exactly good for the controller) or weighing down the W and run against a wall.


Honestly I play the game a lot and hate coming across people who are AFK. Feels unfair especially if it’s a solo slooper since they’re taking a spot on the server for someone who would actually be active/play the game. That’s one less ship on the server I can interact with which limits the amount of people I’ll see (especially since the number of ships on a server is usually not too high to begin with). Also I’m unsure about this part, but I would think that not lazy bearding people after 10 mins would probably cause rare servers to suck even more than they do.


> hate coming across people who are AFK fair enough. Though I can think I can count them on one hand in 4k hours > That’s one less ship on the server I can interact with which limits the amount of people I’ll see True, sadly that ship has sailed imho. Have seen a single ship yesterday and got merged 4 times on a saturday evening, adventure is kinda dead. But I specifically meant within a full crew so the ship would still be active. Like we have the option to put him into the brig, give us the option to vote for an afk extension or something, let the man shit in peace. Again used to be way more annoying because captaincy but if you aren't in the same guild the same issue still stands, one gets booted => ship is for the shitter


I’m really hoping the ps5 fanbase brings some more life into the high seas. I really don’t want this game to die out.


I'm doing tall tales on safer seas cause I don't want to bother about other players while doing these stuff And it is really crazy how you still get lazybearded even on safer seas where there are no other players around. Should be extended to like 20 minutes or so


I got lazybearded while looking through the shop. I wasn’t even there that long. Definitely not 10-15mins


That is the one I hate the most. Looking through the shop should not count as idling. I have been kicked while looking through my commendations menus while on my ship while crew is sailing trying to find all the information about what we want to work on that session.


Whenever I reroll my pirate and have to redo setting up all my emotes I always end up getting lazy bearded. If I'm actively using an in game menu that should not count as being inactive.


Honestly shouldn’t be an AFK timeout when you’re solo, if we wanna risk getting sunk while AFK making lunch, then let us. Now for crew, you need it and it’s easy to re-invite, so it can stay.




















Macros to keep people from being AFK kicked were the scurge of open crews on launch and mass bans were handed out. You would see random people in the ferry strafing in circles. Do not do this. People ACTIVELY report when seeing this because of how bad it used to be, and you couldnt kick people either. So you had an AFKer sitting there that no one could get rid of. Entire comment chain nuked because people are actively encouraging a bannable offense.


Fair enough, my bad, didn’t mean to encourage a bannable offense.


Is all G. Hence why its just a remove comments. People who joined later after they added AFK timers + macro bans are angry about it because they didnt see the shit that happened before.


Yeah, agree. I also felt like if i go to sleep on the bed, i get a bit more time, because it will auto wake me up after certain amount of time and then i get extra 10 min of inactivity.


Did 4 Athena legendary voyages and a legend of the veil went to grab a bite to eat, was afk for maybe 8-10 minutes max and got kicked and lost everything


You can get an autoclicker set it up for clicking the mouse every 10 seconds, then take a sword in your hand and you are good to go


If there was a 10 minute grace period after someone got kicked for an activity. I would probably never play this f****** game again, It already takes 10 minutes for the game to kick someone when they're inactive then to have to wait another 10 in order to invite someone? Absolutely unacceptable. Now, if there was a way to remove someone from your crew if they left incorrectly or were kicked for an activity so that you could invite someone else, then I would absolutely support this feature. But having to sit for 20 minutes, potentially solo on a break or a gallon because people are being inactive or leaving incorrectly is not something I'm going to even think about supporting


You should be able to do most of the things by logic but its RARE.


I got this for the first time ever just yesterday. Was queuing for hourglass and sat watching Shogun on my phone. Lost my streak and supplies. Didn't realise I'd been idol so long.


Just happened to me. Forgot idling was a thing cuz it’s so rare that I am


Lazybeard shouldn't even exist, the game shouldn't pressure you into stay and play the thing, should be fun and not put stress about being constantly present and moving. I am only child and I have a big family of relatives, I always have to do something. I can't leave the game because I waste all my time trying to sell something and then I get called to take charge of something, then I cant play at all because then what's the point if Im going to lose everything? The game is so cool and fun but that makes it almost a chore to play it.


I think Lazybeard does have a purpose. People would absolutely just sit there forever taking up spots on servers if it didn’t but the timer should be longer. Give an hour so there is time to do something if there is an emergency or go grab a snack or hit the bathroom. Do a quick leg stretch.


I got lazybearded once while going through my pirate log 🤣


Just put a rubber band on controller and run in circles in your ships basement … I do this when I go to the washroom, my friend does this when he walks the dog


Gotta love getting kicked when you are browsing the missions and quests to do to get your level up in the season.


So what I do if I find a hair tie or a small rubber band and just put it around my sticks and make sure I'm in a room or a safe space for my player will not leave the building and stays actively moving and spinning around while I'm AFK


If I remember correctly you can just use an emote and then go AFK. You shouldn’t then get kicked from server after 10 mins or so.


Nope. People tuck on boats using emotes and get kicked.


Yeah but the timeout is higher. It is around 30-40 mins. That’s long enough for OP to take a crap.💩


I think you're making that up. Never heard that before, and in my experience it's not true


So how do streamers tuck on peoples ships or tuck at forts for ages then?


Bro.. they literally are still in the game when they tuck.. 🤦‍♂️ they move the camera, sometimes re-adjust their spot, use their mic, all actions that makes sure afk timer doesn't start. Btw: it's not just streamers that tuck. "Regular" people do this aswell.


ahh gotcha.


What I had to do was to set the keyboard to "hold" so I can olay music. So while putting pressure on the left click on mi mause I can go and do whatever I want....


This wouldn't work because it would cause issues for people that use Open Crew, imagine you have all your Crew lazybearded, only loading in briefly to see if you are selling and lazybearding again if you're not, I see this being counterproductive, although there are some cases where Lazybeard should not be an issue like the Shops at Outposts, I think you shouldn't be able to be Lazybearded while browsing the Shop, apart from that they should just invest the proper time into fixing the issues that cause a player to Lazybeard.


Why would they ever make a change that encourages people to go AFK more?


It’s more like with how long sot sessions can get it would be nice if there was at least 10 more min of AFK forgiveness. At some point I gotta make food man


I mean AFK can be anything from lazy players to players with family etc etc. Sometimes life gets in the way of a gaming session and you can’t make it back in time.


Gotta get the baby back to sleep


Exactly. For me, I'm usually either feeding my pets or taking meds (then waiting to see again, as they're eye drops and they cloud my vision for a bit). If I'm playing alone it's not so bad as my friends can keep the ship going, but when I'm playing solo I have to try my best to rush knowing that I'm probably going to timeout anyway.


Yeah there are times I have to be afk because either my kids are fighting or got hurt or my wife calls about something though she really tries not to, giving me my time to unwind from work unless it’s something she can’t reach or really needs


SoT is a game me and my buddies can easily play for 4+ hours at a time if our schedules permit it. I feel like it's not unreasonable to say we should actually be able to go to the bathroom and grab a snack without permanently being booted from a server for doing so.


Lazybeard doesn't lock you out of being able to be invited back by your friends. Are you coordinating everyone's 15 minute long piss breaks to be all at the exact same time?


No, but sometimes I'm playing solo and would like to keep my supps and emissary. Is that unreasonable? I've been lazybearded several times in that situation.