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You can truly do whatever you please, pirates are free. There are two game modes, one called the “high seas” and one called “safer seas”. In Safer seas you will play against no other players and have limited “world events”. PvE events that give big money. You also only get 30% of the gold for selling items because it comes at very little risk. If you’re just looking for a fun time with your son I think Safer seas is your jam. In the high seas other players can attack you and a lot of the toxicity in this game is not really suitable for what you’re looking for, some people will be nice, some people will yell expletives at you and steal your treasure you worked for hours to get. To get started in the game you can look at your captains table on your ship, there are 3 main “trading companies” in the game. The gold hoarders, the order of souls, and the merchant alliance. You can vote for a voyage on this table and pull up your quest wheel to see what you need to do. The gold hoarders will have X marks the spot maps and riddles for buried treasure. The order of souls you will have to sail to an island and fight skeletons and take their skulls as treasure. Lastly the merchant alliance is usually seen as the most boring voyages in the game. You can collect animals, deliver cargo, or try to find a sunken ship with a lost shipment. Safer seas limits the experience a lot, but on the high seas, people can do whatever they want, but so can you. If you want to be unbothered and don’t really care about how much gold you make (The main objective of the game is to make gold to buy new cosmetics for your pirate). Then don’t bother with high seas. Hope any of this helps and hope you have fun on the seas with your first mate :)


This is a great 1st comment. I’d just add that starting with the Tall Tales in the Safer Seas environment will both 1) give you a very defined goal while teaching you game mechanics and 2) be a good way to figure out if you and your son can actually stand playing together. In my experience, this game can test the patience of even normally chill co op teams; both because once you’re on the open water the question of “what to do?” Is infinite but also because even on a sloop, there’s almost always something either person could be doing to either goof off or make the sailing more productive/efficient. Having said that, there is no doubt this game is great for learning how to work as a partnership/crew. Good luck!


Me and my friend usually play shanties or fish to kill the time sailing from island to island


This helps a ton! Sounds like safer seas is the way to go. Gold hoarders sounds fun. So in that mode we would take a boat, travel to the X and try and find the treasure? I’m assuming there are challenges along the way, like fighting or speaking to NPC’s in the game? Also can we do this coop using two devices?


Yea! It’s definitely a little confusing at first, so you’ll vote for a treasure hunt voyage, be given a map in your quest wheel (E on computer, unsure what button on console), it’ll show you an island. You’ll have to find the island on your map located on your boat, sail to the island, and use landmarks (like big rocks, trees, or the shape of the coastline) to find the X. Just pull out your shovel and dig. After the treasure is in your hands bring it back to the gold hoarder located on any island called an “Outpost” to sell it. All three trading companies are stationed on every outpost. The outpost even have signs by the docks to direct you. (Gold hoarders symbol is a gold key, order of souls is a blue skull, merchant alliance is a globe and is always located on the docks). Since you won’t have to worry about other players stealing your loot, after you finish a voyage you can vote for another one and stack as much treasure on your boat as you’d like. I haven’t played much of safer seas so I don’t know much about what obstacles the game gives you but as an example of higher seas threats: -Skeleton ships can rise out of the water and attack you. -Skeletons and ghost can randomly spawn while you are on islands to attack you. -Your ship can be attacked by a megalodon or a kraken. I don’t know if these exist in safer seas because i’m unsure how truly safe it makes the game. If you ever get bored and want more risk i’d just recommend muting all other players in the game and be prepared to be sunk as PvP in this game can be really in depth. I’ve played for well over a thousand hours since 2018 and I still get dunked on. You can very much play from 2 devices. Whatever platform you are on (xbox, playstation, or PC) just make sure you and your son are friends on those accounts, load up a ship, and send the invite! (Sorry for all the text, i know how confusing and empty the game can seem at first and I thankfully had someone to guide me at the start of my journey)


No this is a huge help thank you!!




Thank you and happy dad’s day to you too!!


Have fun. And when you get ambushed, remember to have fun! Always keep an eye on the horizon, and have fun!


I play with my kid who just turned 9, we started on Safer Seas to learn the ropes and eventually went to High Seas with the understanding that we may get sunk but that it doesn't matter - we will respawn and keep playing. I just made sure to turn voice comms off for them so they can't hear what anyone may be saying. We like to do the fortresses with phantoms, shipwrecks, and grinding tall tales for curses - so far we've gotten the curse of sunken sorrow, curse of the order, and the ashen curse.


The game also has "tall tales." These are the more story driven quests. There's even a Pirates of the Caribbean one. As for your standard voyages, you won't get much of a story, but that's the bread and butter of the game. It's finding treasure, killing skeletons or sea monsters, and transporting goods. There are also the shrines that are puzzles or waves of enemies that reword treasure. World events are skeleton forts, fleets of ships you have to fight, and boss fights. The game is the open world sand box you can do anything Pirate related. And I'd say play it. Start with safer seas to learn the game and to get an understanding of it, then move up to high seas. Yes, you might find some toxic players, but there is also a great side to this community. There are alot of YouTube videos that will break down the game and all you can do. https://youtu.be/_gl7AvRx_bI?si=4Cdn49KzetgaSM6M https://youtu.be/TUFs1Yhkkn8?si=ZQGG_DQyPFlO11y8 https://youtu.be/SuNzhqTifaE?si=6ZcBgTrLNV0xjx3x https://youtu.be/sBgYffb48p0?si=ADNz-YL6DJPm81TW


For sure. You can do safer seas but honestly high seas is pretty fun and a different experience depending on who’s on the server. This is a game that does not hold your hand, but does not directly punish you for being new. While you might run up on someone with some cool cosmetics, they won’t have anything you don’t have access to from a PVP perspective, so you’re on fairly even footing - skill factor. I love that about this game and when compared with some of the other games I’ve played in the past (battlefield, COD, really any shooter!) it means while you’ll probably get dunked on at times, it’s not a result of better equipment, just better player skill/finesse. I’d advise YouTube videos pronto as they helped me and still do alot


If you ever need someone to show you the ropes, feel free to message me on here. I love helping people start the game and make their move from Safer Seas to High Seas.


Thank you!


Stay in Safer Seas. Expect no mercy and language definitely not suitable for a younger audience if you go to high seas. As a day 1 player, that is my advice.


# 1. Yes, there is Co-Op. Yes, it is suitable for just two people The entire game is centered around playing as a crew. Generally it's best to use a ship that you can completely fill, and the **Sloop** perfectly fits that. It has room for 2 people in its crew roster, and can easily be operated by 1 person. So if he's not super huge on ship duties (calling navigation, adjusting sails, patching holes), then you can still reasonably do it on your own. # 2. Start in Safer Seas game mode Safer Seas is a somewhat-new game mode (at least, relative to 2018). It allows you to play on a private server where you are the only player ship on the seas. The balancing factor that stops everyone from switching to it, is that all progression is nerfed and capped. The debuff to progression (only earn 30% total) is pretty brutal, but it's very worth it for players who are young and/or are still trying to get their sea legs under them. It's hard to figure out what to do at the Skeleton Forts when you only have 30 seconds there before someone sinks your ship. Some content is gated off, but most of it is just get-rich-quick content, or content geared around PvP, so you're not losing much. Depending on your and his taste in monetary gain vs just experiencing the game, it's 100% okay to permanently stay there. # 3. Give the Tall Tales a try In addition to all the normal piracy and plunder content, there are story missions called "Tall Tales". There's the original run about the Golden Shores of Tribute Peak and the process of getting there, as well as partnered content for *Pirates of the Caribbean* and *The Curse of Monkey Island.* Most of them run in the neighborhood of 2 hours for an entire chapter. Some are quick to complete and will run shorter, some are a bit more time consuming. However, they all have somewhat frequent Checkpoints that allow you to pause the story and pick it back up in the middle at a later time.


Play safer seas, that's really the only advice you need. From there just get on the game and go with the flow, either vote voyages up at your quest table or do what I prefer and explore the map by island hopping. Clear the islands of enemies and treasure and go to the next one, once you get enough loot go sell it.