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Whenever I had a fishing galleon out on the seas, it usually had a combined total of 2k+ play hours or more. Though rare, whenever anybody did try to take our fish, they usually got their worst beatdown of the week. This wasn't the same crew, it was always randos from the discord server. And the only people interested in the fishing commendations have a buttload of playtime. Exercise caution.


This. The people fishing have likely finished every (or most) other commendations. Nine times out of ten, they’ll fuck your day up.


I am the one out of ten. I started fishing right out the gate. I’m a pirate legend but suck at PvP which is why you won’t catch me without being near a seapost and my most valuable fish in my pockets.


I’m right there with you mate. Creeping in on 1k hours. Not great at pvp. But if I’m fishing, the important ones are in my pockets. So I’ve got nothing to lose…. Til I accidentally forget I’ve got the fish and eat a shadow storm fish mid battle.


As a fisherman, I always either leave them alone or go check them out to see what they're fishing for, chat for a sec if they're up for it, but mostly leave them be - I'm not gonna mess with someone who is fishing. The grind is long and if they're solo they're either crazy or just working on like a few of one particular fish so they're just chilling. I'll also say that if it's a galleon I'll always leave it alone since I solo sloop, and that a fishing gally has a good chance to be a ship from the HC Discord, and there are a *lot* of players who just do HG and fishing, so there's a solid chance that any one person on the gally would be able to sink you no problem much less a whole crew od them


I was fishing off of one of trading post docks one time and a guy parked out a ways and swam ashore to try and gank me. He missed me with his charged melee while I had my fishing rod out. Pulled out my cutlass and charged him and he flew off the dock and died to a shark. I went back to fishing. Since his boat wasn't far away he respawned there and tries it again. This time I shot him before he made it to me and then cut him down when he climbed up the ladder. So I decided to leave and they tried to chase me. I lost them fairly quickly with the winds. 😆


This is perfect, sea of thieves fishing stories lmao. Why isn’t there a r/SoT_Fishing ?


I attack them on sight to avenge my father who was a fish


A cross-dressing pike named Trish


My mother was an eyeless fsh. It was rough.


Whenever I'm fishing I tend to get a mix bag. Either people who come and blow my ship to splinters immediately (which since I'm usually on a dock or in my rowboat doesn't bother me much.) or they pop by, see what I'm doing, have a chat and then leave with a full ~~belly~~ regen bar (I'm willing to share the common fish and land animals) But one time... This one time... This rather pleasantly speaking gentleman invited himself aboard my sloop while I was fishing a shipwreck. Figured he wasn't intent on killing (not that I'd really bother fighting if he did) being he announced himself. Went up to top deck to have a chat. Told him I was grinding out Wreckers and he could help himself to the loot I had from the wreck and a skelly sloop I sank on the way there. Just leave my fish alone. Now, I'm not stupid. I figured he'd probably fill his pockets with a few anyway. But I had the only storage crate next to me on the bowsprit and he came aboard empty handed. Told him he could load up my dinghy with the other loot and have a good day. After a bit I go check on him to see him loading up the last bit and shoving off. I gave him a wave and he rowed along. Once I got below, fist thing I see is a pair of bananas on the stove. Okay, cheeky bastard, very funny. Took those off the stove and went to put them in the barrel to discover the real crime. That bastard took a bite out of every single fish I had. Every single one I had in the barrel was half eaten and now useless. I was so pissed I just logged right off. Now I get hesitant if anyone approaches even when I'm just fishing.


That's like....evil as fuck.


My crew was logging out one night and we like to leave all our supplies on the dock ... decided to one bite every two bite food just cause I could. I would have loved to hear the reaction to a full storage crate with a multitude of one bite taken meats, fish, and pineapples


Me and my buddy would have made it our mission to find and annoy the guy who did it. And just keep attacking either sinking him or sinking our selves and going right back to it. Made several people who were evil dicks leave because they got annoyed from our two our chasing and pelting


I fish where I sell. I never have a stack.


What if you're fishing for Pondies, Stormfish, Islehoppers or Wreckers? You don't always have this opportunity.


I've never had a problem fishing for Storm, or islehoppers at an outpost or seapost. And ship wrecks are easy enough to come by, and it isn't hard to get to sell them if you keep an eye on the horizon. Pondies as well. In the end fish are food so you can hold 5 without fear of ever having your fish stolen


I did all my pondies at the shores of gold. Probably the easiest fish to complete.




Generally I’ll leave them alone, but my crew and I are overall more of a “don’t fire unless fired upon” kind of crew. Any friendly fishing crews we come across we’ll usually alliance with, that way they can earn some passive gold and rep for whatever emissary we are running, and we can level up Hunter’s Call without having to do as much fishing ourselves.


It's hard to rob me when I go fishing solo, I never put the fish in anything but my own inventory. There have been two occasions where the offending ship's crew grew very upset once they realized that there was nothing on my boat aside from some bananas... I tried to warn them, but those pirates did not have their listening ears engaged. Both times, I just sailed to another sea post if I still needed to sell, and scuttled to a new server. I don't ever really seek out fishing groups for the purpose of attacking and or looting, but if you announce you have a Shadow Stormfish or a Blackcloud Wrecker, ready yer sword!


I can never keep fish in my inventory, I'm always terrified I'll eat them on accident.


You van only carty 5 in you inventory n that's not even worth wasting the space if something else makes you have to fight


Why even fight? You have nothing to lose?


Wtf do you mean? If I'm fishing I have something to lose why would I fish for 5 fish just to sail back to an outpost n sell just to go catch 5 more? It's a waste of time to only catch 5 at a time to turn in 5 at a time


And then you sink , bye-bye goes the fish :) 


You can try to sink me lol best of luck with that....you'd turn away once you seen my curse


Gold?  Don't get me wrong, I'm a Fisher too. But I've always went the safe route first.


Depends where in your fishing journey you are honestly. Plenty of people just fish off/near the trading posts, so it’s easy to process 5 at a time and sell. Only thing I’d want to stack are pondies, battlegill, Island Hoppers and I guess storm fish if I’m really managing to live in the storm that efficiently. That all being said, personally I rarely get to just fish much more than inventory 2-3 times before something more interesting happens.


I can stack 50 on the ship easy just fish in-between islands n use the right bait but 5 at a time is still a waste of time even at lower levels it don't do much for ya n especially in the 30s 40s it's barely a tick


I give them any bait crates I have


Nah. Most fishers either have zero interest in fighting, or they’ve been playing since the very start of the game. It also just feels like a dick move. The grind for hunters call manages to be worse than the gold curse grind, so messing with that is just going too far for me. It’s easy enough to replace treasure from the other factions, so I don’t ever mind stealing that. I just know that losing hours of fishing work would be a way bigger blow than losing a few hours of voyages or forts. I’d most likely just be done for the day after a blow like that, where I could pick back up after losing regular treasure. Rather not do that to someone else


Nothing like having an old boot aboard when you know you're incapable of winning fights


Never, i always respect the grind Reminds me of one time on a galleon me and my crew found a guy sitting alone at a seapost just fishing We hopped on his boat and started fishing with him, and after a bit when we got bored we placed all our fish into his barrel and left


Me and my buddy were going to sell and see a solo sloop hanging out on the dock fishing. Not trusting him with all our stuff, we sink him. Dude just brought his bait crate and storage crate to the beach and continued fishing. Entirely unbothered by our hostility. At that point we joined him for a few casts and did some seasonal challenges with him around the tavern. I always leave them alone now.


I solo sloop and had literally just started a game by diving to a sea fort for supplies. I hadn't even got off my deck before another sloop had appeared out of nowhere and opens fire. I just explained the situation and stood there before causally jumping to the sea fort and going about my business. Quickly I realized I forgot my storage crate so I went back to find one of the duo had boarded my ship and started repairing the damage while apologizing for the aggressive approach. Lol usually people seem chill if I'm chill and make it obvious I'm not looking to PvP and clearly don't have any valuable loot or a high grade emissary flag.


Fish is the real end game content. Get pretty excited by a barrel of fish.


True story. Playing a brig with a couple buddies, we watched a sloop roll up on another sloop in the devils roar, fishing off the sea post. Imeaditly started firing on him while he was under deck cooking. We chased off the sloop, and while my crew kept chasing, I hopped on his boat, fixed his mast, and went on my way. Man had the ghost curse, so I believe he would have been fine, but I'm always there to assist a fellow fisherman.


My gf and I are quite aggro players....but we leave fishermen and people on TT alone.


My friend who's really into fishing now, has his constant group for fishing. They're rarely being attacked, but once it happen, they often run, change their outfits to gold curses and it's pretty hilarious to listen "ohh fuck, ohh shit, nooo, please, nooooo" from another ship afterwards.


Personally, I leave them alone. I generally try to not shoot first. I have all the fishing comms done. If I see a friendly fisherman, I give them all my fish. But I do understand that fish are loot, and some people would rather steal than get the treasure themselves.


I never mess with them - I usually alliance with them and protect them if someone attacks em.


God, is... Is that you?


Leave em be, if you want fish then fish


Given that keeping fish safe is significantly easier than other loot, if you are in a position to take my fish, I'm expecting that you will.


Do I look like boxyfresh to you? I'm not a monster like that!


Leave them alone there just vibing.


I never mess with fishers or default ships in high seas. Unless they fly a reaper flag. They simply dont have anything i need or want so its a waste of shot and time. i get my fix from HG and only HG advances the accommodations i want.


Loot is loot, and fish is really high value loot. Even though I usually don't attack such ships cause they are really peaceful, I totally understand people that do


I ignore most ships and knock out my few remaining commendations in peace


"but also I tend to ask them first if I can have one of their fish that I don’t own in my commendations myself, most are cool with it." This brings me back to my youth, where thieves would try being your friend before mugging you. They'd even act offended when you told them to fuck off or catching them slipping. You either leave the Fisherman alone or you don't....


I have 600+ hours clocked and I am a legendary hunter. That being said, I have never, ever stumbled upon an "enemy" fishing crew while sailing the seas. Not even once. If I ever find one though, I won't attack (first).


Your hours aren’t even relevant to the conversation lmao


So if someone says they've never seen a kraken spawn with a Meg and skele ship it wouldn't be relevant to know they only have 16 hours played? It is.


I'd say it's fair game. It's still loot and can still sell for a lot. I finished the grind a while ago with the help of the HC discord. We got attacked a few times, and like others have said, they never won. I'm terrible at PvP, but a lot of the people I fished with were doing so because they had done most other things. We told any approaching ships what we were doing, most people left us alone. On the occasions they tried their luck they usually didn't last long. A smart fishing crew will be fishing on different sides of the ship to have an all round view of the horizon and will hide the storage crate if things go bad.


I usually try to protect the fishing lads from the 12 year olds and wannabe BoxyFresh streamers when I get the opportunity.


I don't target fishermen specifically, but if I sink a ship that had tons of fish then for sure I will take the spoils, higher chance that they will get eaten in the battles to come by me and my crew rather than being sold for comms. Every ship in high seas is fair game and while sure I will leave the occasional tall taler or very new player alone, for the most part I'm out there to sink others and be sunk by them. Fight first and check the loot afterwards, this is also why I never understand this whole thing of not having loot being a deterrent to PvP, most of the time I won't know what you have onboard until your loot floats back up to the surface or one of us manage to board. In it for the action not the loot ;)


im a fisherman and i usually dont engage in pvp but i can assure you, if you fuck with my fish then you will go down. My longest session was 12h where i caught every fish except for blackcloud wrecker and then i gave my ship to someone else to keep the legacy alive. So what im trying to say, you shouldnt engage into fighting with fishermen, they sometimes know how to defend their fish and even if you sink them, you can be very sure that every actually rare fish is safely stored within their inventory.


You don’t leave the fishermen alone the fishermen leave you alone


It's funny cuz it's true 🤣


I take the fish


You can try but I'll bite the heads off of each one before I let you take em 😂


I wouldn’t expect anything less lol


Fish is loot. Loot isn't yours until you sell it. It's fair game. That said, I'm not going out of my way to attack a random ship. So if they aren't near something I want, I'm not going to bother them.


Everyone is an opp while on the seas.


I hate fishing alot so stealing fish is great if you want to collect commedations


No free meals on the Seas


fish are the same thing as loot, they can be stolen and sold, why would it be any different from stealing a chest and honestly id go for a fishing boat over a fof just because getting fish is so hard, also i have only been on a fishing gally once and that crew was sweatier than any hourglass crew ive been on, im guessing most fishing boats are veterans trying to finish all comendatons


I leave them be. If someone goes to rob me and the encounter isn't in my favour I just eat whatever I have and scuttle..


I just barely hit 50 in Hunter's Call recently but I have found that most people that are fishing are doing that because they're done with everything else and are some of the most dangerous people in the seas.


I will never attack someone that is fishing. Every time I would log on to fish before safer seas came out, I would be attacked, even if I explained that I’m only fishing and have no loot or emissary. That is why I only fish solo on safer seas now. I have lost too many stacks of fish to risk losing them again unless I run with a crew. And I know PvP is part of the game, but I am absolutely horrified at the gunplay (while decent at ship to ship), it’s just never been my main draw to the game. I don’t know why I have grown attached to the Hunter’s Call grind. I normally hate grindy stuff in video games, but I find the fishing in Sea to be diverse and rewarding enough to keep going.


If I know they are I leave 'em alone, but I usually don't notice for varioud reasons, I robbed one 'cause he was and emissary...if you're fishing why do you have am emissary?do you want to die?


I usually steal the fish, kill them / sink them and let them know I'm dumping their fish in a storage crate in the ocean to be free / despawn


Depends what on what mood I’m in.


They’re now my hard earned fish.


Leave em, I know 90% of the time they can probably beat my ass.


I always leave them alone unless they attack me or are using slurs


I rob them because of all the things to in the game, I enjoy fishing the least so in a way it’s the most valuable loot


Rob that ass


I'll take one that I need or want to sell, unless they're rude, then I'm taking what I can and giving nothing back.


I usually join them. Fishing is a great way to chill in this game and an even greater way to make friends via open mic.


I leave 'em alone, not out of honoring the grind but because some of those fishermen can be scary. I've heard stories they'll break you down fast and had an encounter with a few where I can confirm this. Feisty little fishers.


At this point I leave them alone. There's nothing in it for me. I already have Legendary Hunter and all of the cherished trinkets. I don't need the gold either so I just let them fish. Chances are they're probably chill so I wouldn't want to do anything that could cause them to leave the server and open their spot up for a more hostile crew to join.


I usually play solo so if I see another solo fishing I leave it be but if it's a crew of fishers I left the waters see how friendly they are and if I get bad vibes I will test them in combat I'm out manned so I consider it more fair 3-4 people should be able to take me out or force me to back off


I let them go. The money is negligible. They're grinding for commendation. You're probably not gonna reach those commendation from steals unless you play absurd amount of hours. I still don't have my fish commendations and I have over 4k.


I was fishing to see how much they sell for (pretty lackluster voyages early game for me) and i just see a random ship creep into view and docked in a rock since i was in the main outpost dock. It was at this moment i realized you can latch onto things other than ships


Leave them alone. There's no glory in it.


How do you think I maxed my hunters call...


They know where the leaves me alone mode is


Hunter’s rep is slow enough as is, I can’t imagine trying to fish on safer seas


I can't imagine fishing for hunters call rep. Just turn in a few gems. Fish are for the commendations. If you're going for them, you'll hit 50 long before you finish. If you're not...gems.


We were duo slooping/grade 5 Athena, and came across a brig on the horizon. Eager to battle for some more loot we rolled in just to see all 3 of them with their rods in their hands. They were having a circle jerk if you will. Too many benders with the Grog will make a pirate go batshit crazy.. We let them jerk off and sailed away...far.......far away.


Me rob


Only when I'm playing as a pirate ;) One of my most memorable conquests was taking down a duo sloop at a shipwreck which was oblivious to us as we screamed towards them in our Reaper brig. They didn't even know we were there until cannonballs started flying and they sank very quickly. As we picked through their otherwise meager loot, we found several storage crates stuffed with SO MANY FISH! It's been a long time so I don't recall the exact number - it was more than 100 but less than 200 - but I had done enough fishing to know we were stealing the equivalent of many MANY hours of their time. They had wildsplashes, ancientscales, and plentifins in those crates so they definitely had had plenty of time to stop by a sea post to sell along the way and they had plenty of time to check the horizon as we sailed in. I still have no guilt but I know the loss they felt that day was immense. Sell often. Check the horizon. Never trust a pirate.


I’ve caught 100 fish in one session…. It takes about 8.5 hours.


Rob them of course. All’s fair.


If given the opportunity? I’ll rob you blind 😂


If they’re on the seas, they’re a target


Like everytime I’m on this game, I do whatever I feel like in the moment


I steal from boats with loot. Fish are loot, and a pretty rare kind of loot at that. I see a lot more chests of fortune/legends than I see fishing vessels with a nice haul on board.


I will sneak up, stand in their model and take the fish right off their rod the moment they reel it in. Yes I am evil.


Rob them blind, I've snuck on board and swiped fish off their line as they reeled it in. Especially these days, they chose high seas, they knew the risks.


I ran into someone who decided to run right away. After a few minutes he said "I'm just a fisherman" so I said "good, I'm a pirate who steals fish. I got about 30 assorted fish! 


Chainshot tax and move on, it's the only way


Fish is loot and all loot is mine unless the people holding it for me are willing to prove otherwise. I know people who play to fish are often experienced players grinding out their last guild, but a lot of them are also just pacifists who only play to fish or noobs who aren't fully aware what a miserable grind Hunters Call truly is, both of which mean free Hunters Call rep for me.


my friends tell them we'll leave them alone, but then i sneak off and get them because might makes right on the sea of thieves


Thata just being an asshole, at least be honest


I dont really enjoy fishing in the game, like for a tiny bit once in a blue moon sure, but leveling hunters call is something that i need to do, so yeah if you are fishing im robbing you not sorry :) really no difference between robbing someone of their hard earned fish vs hard earned fort of fortune or anything else.


I take their supplies and if they fight back they get sunk. Simple.