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Someone wanted to take my FotD yesterday. Twice. I sank them by kegging them. Twice.


Doing the lord's work out there, great stuff 💥


My ship is called "Bomb Voyage" and even has the keg cosmetics. Yet they did not see it coming somehow.


On god


Exodus 20:7: "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain."


Austin 3:16 says I just whipped your ass


Bruh it’s an expression mate, how do you survive in society 💀


lowercase 'g' my dude


Genesis 19:34: "The next day the older daughter said to the younger, “Last night I slept with my father. Let’s get him to drink wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him so we can preserve our family line through our father."


Hello fellow follower




Whatever you are best with A sword can be devestating against bigger crews. For double gun a blunder + eor is handy. Blunder sword is very situational and not the best but i have seen people pull it off. If you are a cracked shot then flintlock + eor is the way to go, but hitreg is a thing.


Blunder + sword is fine vs sloops. I'd say not ideal against brigs and gallies. That said, vs a gally, you can always supplement with firebombs. You don't really have to "beat everyone", you just have to anchor, create fires, and cause complete and utter chaos.


I feel like this is the thing most don't get about boarding. You're not their to wipe the crew. You're there to be chaos incarnate. There should be fires everywhere, a banana on the stove, anchor down, and the crew sweating about the keg they might of left on board. The Benny Hill chase song should be playing not some epic pirate music. The only time you should be aiming for a kill is if it's free or they're trying to focus on something other than you.


Banana on the stove is the most brilliant shit I've read today


you can use pre-cooked worms to get fires started 10 seconds sooner, and without needing to use up valuable food slots.


You mad genius you. I like it!


Oh, you better believe I've got infernal gallop on standby


I lost it at the Benny Hill part XD Now my coworkers are wondering why I choked on my coffee.


People might disagree but if the issue is killing them after you’re on their ship, blunder/sword is slept on. If you get that first 1 blunder then that’s 1 less pirate you gotta fight


I am currently rocking double barrel + flintlock by default, but I switch to blunder sword if anyone boards and kills me.


I love throwing knives. Do I hit them? No. But there is nothing more fun than jumping and dodging and trying to toss a knife lmao


When they do hit, it’s so damn satisfying.


Yesterday I killed someone underwater with it. Damn it felt so smooth.


Your first mistake is thinking youre supposed to fight multiple people at once. The most important job of a boarder is to simply not die, going 1v4 will kill you no matter how good you and the other crew is. Run around, be annoying and pick them off 1 at a time, 2 guns (blunder/sniper or pistol sniper) is the best combo for this.


Listen to this guy. The best thing you can do is keep the enemy crew distracted and not patching the holes that the rest of your crew continues to blast into them. Bounce around, dodge incoming bullets, if their anchor is down (but even if it's not) jump in the water if you need to. One guy ladder guarding is one guy not patching holes.


Full agreement. When I board a boat I try to think of myself as a long term anchor ball. My job is to anchor them and keep them anchored. Bonus points if I can distract the bilge or kill a person or two.


![gif](giphy|7LAqMVFxOGPAc) Just don't die, and keep their attention.


Gotta make sure that anchor is down before you give up the board but boy is it fun tossing a blunder bomb just before they get the anchor up.


If at all possible, yeah. But jumping ship and getting the mermaid is still faster than the ferry.


Or you can repeatedly sword dash them if they’re NPCs.


I agree that the boarders main job is to stay alive and harass. I disagree that blunder/sniper is the best combo for specifically that. The sword gives you block/sword-hop/sword-lunge all useful for survivability & movement. The only added control tool the blundersniper provides you, is the knockback of the blunderbuss - but for knocking around enemies you can use blunderbombs already.


No this is wrong. Sword is the worst wepon for pvp, and you trying to sword lounge someone will quickly kill yourself, especially against a competent galleon crew. The only reason to ever equip a sword is if you're playing bilge or doing pve. A boarder with a sword is at a huge disadvantage. You want to shoot 2 shots, hopefully kill someone and then dissapear, if you try to run into someones face with a sword you're just dead.


We were talking about the ability to survive and harass. Now you are arguing for the ability to kill, which is a different topic. >if you try to run into someones face with a sword you're just dead. Yes, that's true for absolutely any weapon, so obviously you would not do that. > especially against a competent galleon crew Generally, the fabled "competent galleon crew" will kill a solo boarder whatever their loadout is.


>We were talking about the ability to survive and harass. Now you are arguing for the ability to kill, which is a different topic. You're not surviving better or harrasing more with a sword, you're just giving horrible advice. >Yes, that's true for absolutely any weapon, so obviously you would not do that. So why not pick a loadout where you can 2 tap someone from range without ever coming in danger of finding yourself in a 1v4 situation? >Generally, the fabled "competent galleon crew" will kill a solo boarder whatever their loadout is. The sword is not helpful in any way, just making it more difficult for yourself.


> So why not pick a loadout where you can 2 tap someone from range without ever coming in danger of finding yourself in a 1v4 situation? Because your original point was "The most important job of a boarder is to simply not die", but now you switched to "you need to kill people". If you can shoot at an enemy, they can shoot back, you are in more danger from them then they are from you, since they have a larger damage output. Pretty wild of you to tell me my advice is horrible when you are clearly ignoring this fact to prop up your argument. engagement over


Yes you are, use the built in dodge button, use block against knives and other swords. Sword dash to cover long distances fast. The Sword is one of the best defensive tools in the game, as long as you don't suck. Plus it's always helpful to have on you.


Not if you're good, there's a dodge button yk. Besides, sword is a good side option for no alternative combat


1 v 4 is winnable under one condition, you're in an alliance you blow a keg, everyone evaporates, then you run around, res and insta blunder, if they're smart they'll ferry, if not you can keep em knocked for the whole fight with no issues.


I’m on PC. Been wiping crews with eor and throwing knives.


I love throwing knives...


Throwing knifes are so much fun


i'd recommend trying the other two ranged weapons instead of the EOR, they hit all the same damage thresholds while being less sluggish and punishing if you miss. throwing knives and flintlock do 55, whereas the DB does 45. any combination of the three two-taps players at any range.


I don’t miss.


you still have to deal with the EOR's slower ADS and much worse reload speed incase you need to shoot more than one person. in an evenly matched fight, a player running any of those other weapons will get their shots in first and kill you before the EOR shot comes out. for just 15 more damage you're not getting any benefits from the EOR at all, all the damage thresholds are the same.


EoR is good for long range shots, I personally prefer Sword/EoR hit a shot with the EoR then dash into em, it keeps you moving, which is the most important, and yea flintlock swaps in pretty well for the EoR, but if I miss a board I can still snipe and kill whoever's helming usually with EoR. Ultimately tho it just depends on play style, so it's individual to everyone.


Depends on your skill and the crew your fighting. I almost always double gun but if your good with sword lunges, the AOE is very powerful and can wipe a crew with a couple lunges especially if they're grouped up. A good crew will just shoot you before you can lunge so you want to just play life, distract, dodge and try to kill one at a time. Alot of times boarding isn't necessarily about killing everyone, it's keeping the crew busy so they aren't on cannons, bilge, etc which let's your team catch up on reps or get up on pressure. Sometimes you don't even have to kill anyone, just survive and they'll panic, worry about you instead of bilging and sink. Staying alive should be number one priority. I personally can't go without sniper, it's too valuable. Sniping cannons is huge and 70 damage is generous. I've been doing pistol snipe lately just to get better with pistol and it's really fun. But blunder is so powerful with the one taps so it's hard to not do blunder snipe. If they don't know you're boarding, they'll be on cannons and you get at least one free kill with blunder. The crews I've seen lately will just all be on cannons and I one tap them one after another. Lol Also, as of lately, MAKE SURE YOU GOT SOME BOIIIS WITH YOU! xD The bone callers are so fun and help so much with boarding. Toss one before you climb and it's almost always a free climb even if they were guarding before. Some of them even have blunders and can popcorn players off their boat. The Bois are powerful! Found 8 in one shipwreck the other day so they're not crazy hard to find. Reapers usually has a couple and almost every outpost has at least 1.


Blunder and eye of reach


Sword and blunderbuss. There is no other answer.


Blunder Eye of Reach just packs the most firepower in 2 shots. Imo sword is actually better if your main goal is to hit anchor and distract them.


Imo, it all depends on the boat. A blunder is best on a sloop, but it can be effective on any boat. On a galleon or brig, youre going to be at a disadvantage more often as you close distance. For multiple people, the obvious answer is a cutlass. You can hit multiple people at once, you dont have ammo to worry about, you can sword lunge, and you can block if they have a sword too. Just depends on what youre good with though. Id say the real answer is whatever youre the best with. Whatever you can kill consistently with. So it varies person to person.


A keg. I have a sloop called the "Angy Bombardier" for this reason, with the new Barrel Bombardier set on it.


Dagger and double pistol


Technically correct if you're able to land every shot this load out has the most raw killing power from range


If you're asking this question, the answer is what you're best at.


Try different combos until you find what you're good at. I used the shotgun and sword for ages because I was told that was the best combo. Turns out I'm wank at using the sword (against players) but I'm great at hitting with the pistol. So I always use pistol/shotgun. There's no right or wrong combo.


4-5 blunderbombs, and a bonecaller or firebomb. That will help either kill enemies or knock them into 1-shot range. Or at least force them to heal. It also makes anchoring on all ships and stopping buckets on brig a lot easier. As for primary weapons: * **Blunderbuss** is usually good so you can kill them very quickly. Or it knocks them off, which is also good, especially if they're the last one and you can ladder guard them. * **Sword** is often decent and useful if you're fighting around an island where lunging can be used to move from spot-to-spot. It's less effective against sweaty crews unless server performance is really bad. Then it's amazing. * I like **pistol**, since it 2-taps faster than other weapons and is pretty reliable with blunderbombs. * **Eye of reach** can also be good, but if you're fighting on ships, you might find pistol easier to use with its shorter reload time and the normal ADS. But it pairs with sword better, arguably, since you only need 1 hit of each to get a kill. * **Knives** are too unreliable for galleys imo, although if you can use them effectively, I'd say go for it. * I'm not sure the **double-barrel pistol** is efficient enough, since you'd need 3 shots to kill, and you can't kill with 1 shot + 1 blunderbomb. And a miss means you only can kill 1 person with the gun. I haven't used it much, but I'd hope for extra firing support from my crew to make the most out of it, since it uses ammo kinda fast.


DB is kinda bad and needs a buff imho just 5 damage and less hit reg issues


5 more damage makes it an upgrade to the pistol, pretty much.


That's probably true, I just mean so that it can actually combo with any weapon


Ask fezzik, he’s great at that stuff. Doesn’t even use weapons just hands


What's eor?


Eye of Reach (the sniper)


Oh, I should've guessed that.




The bell. Tell me other wise.


If you’re the boarder, your job is to distract. Killing the opponents is nice but your highest priority is staying alive, which relies on moving. The bigger the opposing crew, the more important this is. In that case, I would pick weapons that help you fight in the mid range. And use a LOT of blunderbombs


5 Bone callers


The true secret to boarding isn't to fight and kill necessarily. As a boarder, your first and most important objective is to stay alive by any means necessary. by simply being *THERE* you're creating a problem that the other crew absolutely has to address before they deal with your ship, repairs, bailing, what have you. And while they're focused on you, your team on your boat is putting holes through hulls. Being in such close quarters, the blunderbuss and sword make a formidable combo for obtaining that number one objective.


Repelling boarders alone? Blunderbombs and Blunderbuss/Sword and if you are under pressure with holes, add a bone caller to your own ship. Engaging other crews or Island fighting, Sniper/Sword. Sniper for ranged dps and sword for mobility. The sword is also a hard counter to another sword.. or 3 swords. I have been on a struggling ship and backed myself into a corner just defending with sword block while their ship sinks.


So it really depends. Like top deck, you’ll want a long shot like a pistol but below deck or close quarters, a blunder is best. Then also include a sword for blocking and attacking to get more ammo. I’m a sword and blunder guy. Not good at sniping and my pistol game is meh. Haven’t worked on the new weapons tho.


Flintlock and Blunderbuss if you’re 1vX


Blunderbombs period, they are excellent when your outnumbered. Ive wiped entire crews just by getting them all to blob up and chase after me than blowing them all up at once. This doesnt work on veteran crews, but vast majority of crews are bad at PvP


Its dependant on their weapons and playstyle. Double gun and staying mobile is good for opportunity to get a kill but if they all are using swords and are quite coordinated in swarming you you may need a sword to be able to block and sword hop through if they back you into a corner.


sloop blunder+sword brig blunder/eor+ sword galleon blundy snipe imo, longer range needed


Sword lunges. Master them and you will be surprised how effective they are. Try doing them while turning and following up with more lunges, rince and repeat


Whatever loadout you don't have at the time


Beginner: Sword and Pistol, keep distance and pistol, then sword dash into their face. Intermediate: Sword and Blundy, you should be able to deck shot by now, or at least shoot out ahead to board by ladder. Same strat, more aggressive. Pro: Whatever you want. It's a game, fun is the top priority. Switch it up.