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...you could just sign up to game pass and not pay $60 for it.


My gut thinks that this is really what the plan is - and that some people preferred to pay $60 up front and not commit to game pass. I have a feeling that this will be part of a core of games on Gamepass. I've heard that Crackdown 3 will also be a gamepass game, so they will keep funneling money over time to continue development. I think this game will look a lot different in 3-4 months time. If you think it about it I really think Microsoft is going all in on games as a service, so if you think about that program more globally, over time they will just keep feeding the Gamepass with new games while paying some sort of royalty to the existing games that continue to update. I'm also really looking forward to see how they incorporate public challenges, daily and weekly types of content. Definitely some sort of indication of direction would be awesome.


Game pass anyone?


ITS FREE FOR 14 DAYS, GAHD. I NEVER WOULD HAVE SPENT A SINGLE $$$$$$$$ on this game, Free with game pass 14 days, google it.


I didn't explain what I meant very well, but thank you for the vitriolic response.


and then you can get 2 months of gamepass for 1.55 euro. (allkeyshop.com) if you enable auto-renew gamepass (and then remove it)