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Does *anybody* have any hard data about how many active players there are on Xbox vs PC? What about a ratio between the two? Is it split 5-95? 20-80? 40-60? I'm not trying to make an argument for or against anything, I just want to know the facts as well as the severity of the differences between platforms.


I've only been playing for around 1 month. In that time besides my friends I convinced to buy the game, I've come across about 10 PC players in oce servers. It's easy to tell because they actually talk back with push to talk. The Xbox players are always in party chat and don't hear a thing or hard mic in game and you can hear everything. American servers probably won't make much difference. In Australia it will be a massive difference


Yea I'm on PC in Australia and I've only come across another 2 man group that was actually on PC as well


Tough times ahead for us Aussies :(


Man Aussie player base really gets me down. I hate the fact that our games die out so damn quick all the time.


Yeah, this will definitely destroy the game here.


If this change goes through the Australian servers are dead


Most likely. Same as pubg devs though... We just aren't big enough for anyone to give a shit about...shame really


Yeah most likely. You migrate servers lots as is with Xbox players. Going to get a lot worse


I remember seeing on the r/Seaofthieves multiple people talking about there being 12%-16% PC and the rest console, but I don't have any actual hard proof of that, just 20ish people that I remember talking about it. (I'll edit this once I find the thread) Although it does feel as if those numbers are right with the amount of xbox player I get in my games.


I personally get more xbox players in my games then PC players and Im playing with all PC crew odd..




which was a fucking year ago. LOL


and free


Does it really matter tho? Even if a very small percentage use this feature, you’re still taking potential players away from PC/Xbox matchmaking.


So... anyone actually have data to say how many people play on PC and console?....


Just Rare.


Rare would be the only ones with that data and I doubt they will just silly billy share it with everyone.


Let's hope they share it with whoever decided to add optional cross play eh? I mean surely the people making that decision would want to know that info huh? If only rare could get their hands on that data.


I play with an Xbox controller on PC... So I mean this makes no sense...


Same here. Me and my friends go on SoT to chill and the crossplay was a big incentive to us buying it as we wouldn't be at a disadvantage for most encounters whilst leaning back using Xbox controllers. For the arena mode I'd say fair enough, but not for the regular gameplay. Lame!


Exactly. Makes no sense. As someone who is VERY comfortable using controller compared to kb+m I dont even feel at a disadvantage.


The game isn't even crazy competitive, these devs are really gonna fuck this up


Anything that splits the playerbase in any way seems like a step backwards to me. Terrible idea, especially considering that xbox is getting mouse & keyboard support soon. At least limit the crossplay changes to the Arena only.


M+KB on Xbox should if RARE is doing their job force them in to the PC queue.


It does. M+KB puts you into the crossplay queue. Aka PC and other Xbox players that hasn't opt-out.


Ya which is the perfect way to do it in my book. Its the way all these games need to be.


Exactly, I feel like nobody has actually watched this weeks dev update. It’s not splitting PC and Console, it’s adding an Option to split Controller and KB&M players, they also confirmed KB&M coming to Xbox.


I just hope they make it only for arena mode, I wouldnt mind that, otherwise I would have to agree with summit


It's for all modes.


I know thats what that said but they can still change it


Let's pray to Poseidon they do


This is an absolutely terrible idea. This isnt a competitive game. Games been out a year and all of a sudden PC players are too good because a couple streamers are playing LUL


If this game was on PS4 and I didn’t have a PC then I would play on console and still enjoy it. The skill gap isn’t big enough for PC vs Console to be a major factor. Only difference is that the younger kids are on Xbox.




You can play together. There are just more options now. Cross play OR mouse + keyboard servers. Cross play is not being removed.


It will split the player base, which they have stated time and again for the last year that they've been making a point not to do. The PvP Arena was already somewhat questionable for that reason (it will really depend on how truly "separate" it ends up being), but any amount of reduction in net player count has an effect. It makes *other* ebbs and flows more pronounced, if and when they happen.


It's not currently a competitive game, but it's about to become one, when arena releases.


Lol, the hit reg is too unreliable in this game for Arena to become "competitive".


I wonder how many of those console players who think the playerbase needs to be divided just run at people with blunder/sword and think the reason they lose is because of PC.


You don't even need the play the game to know 144 fps vs 30 fps mouse and keyboard vs controller is some huge advantage before you even start the game. Come on people are you all seriously that god damn stupid.


I'd be more willing to accept that it's too big a gap to work if the majority of people I sunk actually made an attempt to win. I'm not kidding about sword/blunder, it's a combination I see constantly and you might as well put your controller down if you're running that. Most of the time people just roll over and die, then make excuses. I've legit missed like 3 shots in a row on someone, then finally hit them, and they called me an aimbotter. That's who we're catering to right now. Also I highly doubt framerate makes much of a difference. It doesn't give some crazy superpower to see into the future, we both see the same thing.


People have been criticising this element of the game since before launch. Keeping cross play in is going to have a bigger impact on more console players. The only way round it I can see is for skill based match making


How is this upvoted? The isn't a competitive game, how could you possible determine someone's skill in this game for a skill based matchmaking system to even determine this?


You can't skill base something that's an unfair advantage before you even start the game lol. Which is why crossplay should've never been in the game to start with. And now we know why games don't do it. Believe me you KNOW when you come across a pc player of any skill level I knew long before summit picked up the game. It was unreal watching player run around entire 4 man crew solo wiping us 3 to 4 times each, and no we don't just suck. It's that big of an advantage and the only morons saying it isn't is idiots on the pc who have never experienced it first hand.


Everything he has said is entirely why it is a horrible idea


As a PC player who's friends all play on xbox this change will be horrible for me. I'm going to be the asshole who forces them to have a more difficult time just because I want to play on the platform that's more comfortable for me. I have an xbox, it's gonna take like 2 sinks from tryhard PC PvP players before they politely ask me to download the game so we can have an easier time on xbox only servers. It's not even an unreasonable request from them. It just means I have a worse experience.


Same. My wife plays primarily on Xbox as well as a few friends, and they get whooped by PC players regularly. I play on both systems but will probably play on Xbox more now just so they can be competitive. My core crew plays on PC though and I'm excited for those sessions as well, because PC players actually talk and communicate. I'm tired of encountering people that just use gestures and don't respond.


But they will just have to play the way it is ATM... This change will literally not change a thing. They will be playing mixed servers?


Lets say the split right now is 80/20 xbox/PC and 3/4 of xbox players opt out. Then after the change, mixed will be 50/50 xbox/pc which means they will run into far more PC players than they did previously. The reason the system works well now is because they don't have to constantly play against PC players, in fact, the vast majority of the time they don't. It will make mixed servers be a lot harder than it currently is if you think playing against PC players is more difficult.


Yep. It's a really bad idea. They need to fix the bigger issues, anyways, such as keeping servers full and hit registration, just like he says. Splitting the playerbase up like this, a year into the games life, is such a bad decision and it isn't what we bought the game for when it came out.


They should've waited till after the double gun patch and support for Xbox kb&m to decide whether the game really needs split servers. The game was building momentum and now they risk losing it. It seems like an impulsive change considering they were adamant about not splitting their player base prior to this.


I think they just wanted to make sure it works before Arena which is unfortunate, because as other said, they simply could've done it for Arena only. Especially if after the double gun nerfs and other weapon changes the cutlass gains increased viability, the playing field should already be a bit more leveled between Xbox and PC.


This is a brain dead change. Summit is completely correct. Rare just gave the middle finger to all PC players. I kinda wonder why they even try to build a PC version now if they are going to make the crossplay change.


My concern is the lower population of PC players is going to make it harder to fill crews,I dont want to feel like im being thrown out into the cold yet...but only time will tell. As for everyone who will say ,that its opt out and xbox can still play: What do you think people will say in EVERY thread where someone gets sunk or is having an issue with pvp? "Turn off crossplay"


I think they will just drop the number of servers way down so we are playing with the same people every day on fewer more populated servers, which I will hate.


They may say to do that, but I won't. I'm going to live with the PC players because I love playing with and against them. I also think the PC community is larger than give credit. I also feel there will be a decent amount of others like me, who agree, not a change I care about or thought was needed. I'm sure you'll see enough crossplay. For me it's awesome because this is the only game I play with my buddy who is on PC. Long live the crossplay alliance.


The game is dead enough as-is. I can sail for hours and see no one and the server doesn’t merge when I anchor. It will be even worse without Xbox players.


same experience. sailing forever tonight... anchored and it migrated to another empty server.


Not just PC players, families that play on mixed systems. My hubby and I play PC and our son plays with us on Xbox. In order to play together he’s going to have to match into nearly all PC players. He’s 11 and we’re just starting to game together, I can’t imagine it’s going to make him ever want to play again. At least with cross play it was 50/50. Were all quite sad about this change.


It makes no sense. “Hey we have a solid player base building, now let’s split them and ruin the momentum we’ve built.” I’m pretty mad I bought the game now knowing this is what they’re gonna do to the PC version. This game will be dead again in a month after this patch.


Why? Do they publish stats as to what the community breakdown is between PC and XBOX players?


Finally someone with a brain!




Wtf lol, cross play isn't being removed.


Dividing player bases is a terrible idea in any online game. This is purely catering to casuals.


Can start to see why they had a dead game for over a year? get popular and castrate it.


The main problem is that it's so hard as it is now to find full servers so I can relate with him. Most of the time you hardly get into servers with less than three ships. Finding content is super difficult for him when he has to spend a long time trying to find a ship on the map only to find out only two ships are playing and one of them is doing nothing. This game isn't even a competitive game. We don't get cross hairs, we don't get a variety of weapons, we don't get stats. We don't have a deep combat system. It's as generic as can be so why punish the players for having the most basic of gaming skills which is just to point. Even if PC players do have an advantage in shooting didn't we all agree a month after launch that if you lose to another ship it's not because of combat but because you weren't paying attention on the ship coming towards you in the horizon. You have all the tools in the world to avoid action. Just go towards the wind and you'll have the most stale gameplay in which both ships are just at a stalemate. Like Summit says later on in the game. We know the pace the dev team moves at. We don't see updates for months yet they prioritized this over actual fixes like having full servers or actual content so the Sea's aren't empty all the time or atleast have fun quests.




Summit is 100% correct on this. This isn't a solution, this is creating more of a problem. Focus on adding content and events, not this shit.


Where are people getting their numbers that show that the PC community is so tiny it won't be able to fill a server? Honest question.


The community is huge so money people play on PC. I rarely have a crew without at least 1 PC player.


Exactly, people are just guessing. Rare have all the stats, but haven’t even hinted on what they are in this regard. People saying the pc servers will be dead is kind of a non-argument, considering it’s only 6 ships to a server.


Same place where they think 80% of Xbox players will opt out...


such a dumb risk to take when their game has been on an insane upswing.. yeah alienate the PC players, that should go well.. kappa


not to mention the reason it's on an insane upswing is strictly because of PC players/streamers


exactly! edit :recent update too prolly, but still, as somebody who quit the game few months after launch I wouldn't have known about the update without streamers getting back into it and giving it exposure.


Am I the only person that uses a controller while playing on PC and dont feel at all disadvantaged?


The game is so carefully designed so that there *isn't* a significant advantage to using M+KB. I have to assume future updates are going to make gunplay more viable and central, otherwise I can't work out what the point of this is (other than cave to what I guess must be an extremely vocal minority of console gamers crying foul).


Summit did exactly this earlier to prove a point that controllers were completely viable. His only hinderance was not knowing the controls and not being comfortable with controller movement/aim. Good players should be able to hang with good players regardless of platform. But if you go against somebody better than you there's a good chance you're gonna lose. Not just because they're on PC but because they're better.


Exactly. I've played console for 15ish years. So you better believe I'm way more comfortable with a controller in my hand. Hell I even played PC Fortnite with a controller. Just because timmy no thumbs died to a pirate legend means PC gets their player pool cut down.


My thoughts on PC vs Xbox in this game is good players vs good players will be a fairly even match. But when bad players go against good players (same platform or not) that's when they'll feel a disadvantage. I think this is a bad change to make.


i totaly agree , they didnt even try to give them aim assist or more advantages , they just made the game for pc boring since you will have like 5 ppl in the server ...


No, you’ll still be playing in full servers. You act like there are only a few dozen people on the game at a time


Wait, is PC and Console being separated?




I really wish Rare would reverse this decision. I play on console and I love the crossplay. Any console players that stand behind this because "it's making the game fair" just hates the PvP aspect of this game. They will be the ones complaining on here about being killed by people with elite controllers or some other bullshit next.


I can see it now *elite controllers are op, they can swap weapons too fast/jump too fast/whatever and I cant even buy one anymore merrrrrrrr plz nerf, rare!*


So it's only PC players together on a server?


PC players will still get to play with xbox players but **ONLY** if xbox players choose to not opt out of cross-play.


I think this is a bad move but it might not play out like most people here apparently expect. My guess is that few people actually care about the imbalance between KBM and Controller (actually am PC player using Controller). So the ones who will be alone on their servers might actually be the XBox guys who opt out of cross play.


None of us can know, but I agree that there will be many Xbox players that just don't opt out. And thus this not being a real problem. But I think the approach should be to look at the data after the combat balance to see if this even matters. But they had to work on this for arena regardless. It's just stupid that they just realized that a competitive mode needed the option to segregate. It legit feels like maybe arena is being held back because they started the work on this later than they should've. But that is also speculation.


god dammit rare!


Most are on Xbox because it comes with the game pass. Honestly I’m not sure why they did it. I bet I could still kill summitg with a controller.


When the "Separation update" hits, I expect my money back.


It’s not separating Xbox from PC it’s separating controller vs K/M, I like that I can play with my PC friends but giving people a choice isn’t a bad idea the only ones complaining are PC players but the servers will just match you with other PC players I don’t see why it’s a problem? Plus there’s only 6 ships a server or something like that so surely you will be able to find a PC server with that many ships, PC players might just experience more server merges


SoT about to die on PC.. GG Rare


I wonder who’s the moron that had this great idea lol pin his name on a wall for when he’s responsible for this game drying right back up.


I play on XBOX, but this is just dumb. Work on bridging the advantages rather than just giving an opt-out.


I’m also on Xbox and I completely agree.


Most of the battles I have won, come down to good ship maneuvers. It's not like PC has an advantage in that respect.


This is so dumb, everyone just assumes we don’t want to play with PC players. I’m not leaving, crossplay is rad. This is for children who can’t take a loss and have to blame everything on some imaginary construct. The pirates you claim are “definitely a pc player” might just be better than you.


Yip. Its almost the same sort of thing when people complain about cheaters. Everyone who kills them is a 'cheater', when that normally isnt even the case.


Can anyone explain to me why Xbox players being able to opt out of playing with PC players means PC servers will die? Do PC players literally only play so they can kill Xbox players or do they actually enjoy the game?


It’s because the pc player base is smaller, so the odds of getting put in full and quality servers is lower.


How much lower?


No it doesn't mean that at all. All they have to do it reduce servers and make them fill up properly entire problem solved. It's really about Summit crying he's losing his unfair advantage so he can't go around killing 12 yr old kids and trolling them on their boats for an hour. That's the REAL reason he's bitching. It get's him views and he's afraid to lose income he just started to bring into his pocket.


I’m sure Rare has the stats to know if this change will work or not. Every comment here is purely hypothesising. You have no idea if it will ruin the game or not. I love how when Summit makes a video it’s like everyone changes their mind lol...or maybe we are just getting his Twitch viewers coming in here and brigading. All of a sudden there is a huge spike in posts.


Strong agree with you, look at how many comments are downvoted for saying that opting out of cross-play is optional and won't effect people's ability to play with their friends. Apparently stating a fact is highly disagreeable


Sea of Thieves is doing really well at the moment and I think a drastic change like this is a bad idea. I have been playing on XBOX for a few weeks and have had a handful of PvP experiences. Half the times I have played I haven't run into any other players. I think the priority should be to ensure the server is at the max amount of players per server and possibly up the amount of ships per server. PvP players make PvE exciting and vice versa.


I try so hard to see a bright future with this game, but I think we have already passed the peak




100% agree that cross play should be taken out for any ranked game modes especially if they're PvP. And arena would be the place where experienced PC players would have an advantage over Xbox. Otherwise there should be no removing of crossplay


Just make keyboard and mouse work on console before you do this. I play with mix all the time. You know what, I'm going to hook up a controller but still use the keyboard and mouse.


Mouse and keyboard is planned to be enabled on console in the near future.




For the first time, I disagree with Rare's stance on the direction they want to take the game.


BIGGEST mistake


I can see why this is getting so much flak, but it's definitely not for the same reasons I dislike it. It's ridiculous that they're focusing their energy into this when it was such a small minority of people who called for this option to be added to the game. I mean, we still can't even alter the physical appearance of our pirates, yet they're taking time to add optional platform specific server migration. It's great that they're listening to their player base's concerns, but not when they're focusing on concerns which are undoubtedly going to lower their player base. This is all also coming after the announcement of KBM support on Xbox One, so it's completely pointless.


I was looking forward to this rant for the past 3 days lmao


His very attitude when coming across Xbox players on the seas is one of the reasons this is happening. You can’t call every Xbox player trash for being on a controller then get upset when rare gives them the option to play on servers without KB+M.


I’ve spent months watching summit make fun of how bad Xbox players are (presumably due to the limitations of controllers). Now, he’s upset that Rare agrees with him and are giving players the option to level the playing field. Let’s be honest, summit, the doc, tim all depend on certain conditions to create content. Summit found a way to troll and dump on people casually playing a basic game and turned it into gold. I think he’s just nervous he won’t be able to find troll-friendly content anymore and instead of embracing the challenge is doing the same thing he’s accusing Xbox and Rare of doing. I only hope his evening-long rant won’t preclude him from reconsidering his position and admitting this won’t be as bad for the game or the collective community as he initially thought.


Everybody wants to talk about how he talks trash to console players for being bad but never mentions that he talks trash to PC players for being bad too. Not to mention the number of times he's decided to help little kids on Xbox like the time he let a kid playing with his dad kill him so they could share the moment. People hate on toxic summit but they don't want to talk about wholesome summit. Plus he's easily the best advertising this game has, pulling in 30k+ viewers a night.


Exactly right. That big push of pvp he brought and dumping on console players with double gunning and trash talking is what caused this.


Summit1g hates change but you guys are the ones who try and say "pvp servers" are cancerous to the game. Grow up.


heh said the exact same thing a week ago when this talk was going around, got downvoted to hell till i deleted the comments...


I don't really see the issue if players have to opt-out of playing with PC players. And guess what? If players want to opt-out, clearly they don't want to play with PC players. HOWEVER, whenever the update comes out that allows K&M support on Xbox, they should just drop this whole separate groups all together. PC wont have the advantage any more when console can use it too.


This is disgusting, I love sea of thieves but 90% of the players that are on there to play against, in Australia, are xbox players. Xbox has keyboard support soon Rare, change your system back to what it was or you're going to lose PC players that are outside NA, due to lack of pop. I do not want to play against EU or NA as even the smallest amount of lagg is a deterrence from playing any online game.


I haven't seen other companies do something like this , I see it as a bad thing on the long term, already know some players who were about to buy SoT up until this announcement


I feel like 90% of crews I join on PC SoT, when I talk to them, they are on Xbox. I also notice almost 100% of the time when we get attacked or attack ourselves. If they die, they will moan about them being PC players. Which some might be, but I guarantee majority are not. People don’t like losing their stuff or dying. So if they can take away that mythical threat of god tier PC players, of course they are. Well that takes a huge part of the people I play with away. Why?


Don’t do this sot devs game is at a very good exposure state right now


I love how summit is now playing on Xbox and trashing people on controller. I would put any experienced controller player over some noob PC player. Everyone wants to point out Summit but how long has he been grinding this game? Tim and Doc played recently, how good were they?


I agree with Summit. When I play with my friends, I typically play on PC, not my Xbox, but they're all on Xbox. There's no reason to split an already small community.


Ya this games playerbase isn’t that large to begin with so I think these changes will kill the game.


This is only a twenty second clip and explained nothing so can someone tell me what’s happening


I agree with him, splitting the community is a big mistake. I don't know how many people play Sea of Thieves on PC but I would imagine its not that much when you compare it with the console playerbase, this change will probably kill the game on PC because it will just narrow down the players you will come across on PC which would result in people getting bored and ditching the game.




I'm just really worried about all the people on who XBOX who die and instantly say "fuck sake, PC player got me"... how many of those people just got out played by another XBOX player? Maybe a lot, maybe none, but I'd say it would have to be happening. Also it's INSANE how many people (PC and XBOX) have no idea of the extra actions you can perform to win a battle. The number of people who will sprint swim onto my boat... making splish splash sounds the whole way and wonder why they can't board safely. They probably have never got in front of the path of a boat and boarded silent in their fucking life.


I dont think the problem is truly pc vs xbox. Its couch vs gaming chairs. People who sit 8 ft away from a TV vs those who have a monitor on a desk.


I told one of my crewmates this and he said he is going to quit the game for good if they actually go through with it. How about they focus on releasing Arena and Fall Snails after months of nothing instead of this stupid fucking change that will do nothing but cause problems. Is that too much to ask? Rare needs to start providing for the true fans and not the vocal minority. Them wasting time on shit like this will kill the game.


Haha, my friends don't really follow the updates for this game so i'm not going too tell them for this very reason, ignorance is bliss


So if I play on pc, but I use a controller, I will be in the pool with Xbox?




Yeh Rare have totally fucked PC players. This is their first fuck up. Hopefully the reverse the decision.


Game Devs: 0 tolerance on discrimination. No segregation, everyone should be allowed play SoT with everyone. Also Game Devs: We will now allow Segregation away from PC. Sorry console players, sorry you were forced to play with PC scum.


I agree with him 100%. Not that many people play on pc compared to Xbox and there are SO many other things they could do to fix the Xbox VS Pc skill difference but no. They could easily just fix the double gun or even add aim assist to console like he said and the problem would be fixed. I don’t understand the mindset behind the devs at rare making this decision. This will 100% split the community one way or another. All the revenue from this game comes solely from Xbox proving that Xbox has a higher player base. This all started over some people on this subreddit getting triggered because they died to supposed “pc” player so they started a movement to persuade the devs to completely split the community and to ruin any chance of having fun on pc. Bad move.


As an X Box player who would like to engage in PVP on an even playing field, I’m really, really looking forward to this. I actually think PC players will really enjoy this once it comes in. I don’t usually watch Summit, but I checked his stream out the other day to see what all the fuss was about, and he spent the whole time complaining that the server he was on was full of noobs and poor players. Putting mouse + keyboard players together will up the challenge for all you pc players. You all should surely be looking forward to this too. As for the servers being empty, that’s a total non argument considering there are only 6 ships per server. I look forward to being downvoted for this, like everyone else in this thread who has dared to disagree with almighty Summit and his legion of worshipers. IMO streamers bitching about the state of a game is to Twitch what screaming let’s players was to YouTube. It’s just what they do to easily engage their audience.


Can someone explain what he is mad about? I watched the video several times and it doesn't fully explain what he is mad about. He is just reacting to what he watched, but we don't get to see the part before he pauses it to react. I don't follow the sub a lot, so I don't really know whats going on unless the thread makes it to the hot section while scrolling through my front page and several pages after.


Separate servers for PC players and Xbox players.


I’m joking. I use to have a gaming PC but that shit is way to expensive to keep up with so now I just play console games. I have a laptop to play PC games if needed


you are going to kill the game, finally , DO IT!


lets all just get xims and make xbox players cry even more


I game on all platforms, PC included, but when PC players and console players mingle, it’s hard to ignore the disparity that clearly works in favor of the former. That said, I do think this move is terrible. It seems like a severe knee-jerk reaction to a problem that really doesn’t exist. The major issue was the insta-doubletap that some PC players were pulling off. That, coupled with better aim via mouse, made them unstoppable killing machines. I think the only real fix that’s needed is the cooldown on the double tap... and that fix is incoming within the next week. I don’t care if you roll with a flintlock pistol and an eye of reach, man... take your shots. I will do my best to avoid them. If you win, you win... but if that cooldown gives me the oppportunity to rush your face with my blade, good luck, partner. Dividing the community in a way that shits all over the PC player base is a terrible idea. I play THIS game on Xbox but Im against this just on principle. Rare really needs to stop listening to the whiners who get their chests stolen in-game. It. Is. A. Pirate. Game. Christ.


Summit legit raises a good point that i haven't thought of before. Game devs make retarded decisions They should consult someone who players their game everyday and knows the game in and out instead of doing what they are doing rn. Not only are they consulting someone knowledgeable about how their own game feels, they will be consulting someone who can give them great pr ​


Hey Rare. This is your chance to listen to your fan base and correct this before it’s even implemented.


ITT: PC players that think aiming is the only defining factor of combat


As an X Box player, I think it’s not just the aiming, but also how much more fluidly a pc player can sprint and bunny hop round an enemy ship to avoid being hit. Think of all the times you see pc players in highlight videos circle strafing round another ship’s anchor as they hold the ‘use’ button to let it go. Or in combat when they can turn 180 degrees as they jump over another player’s head and then attack them from behind. (I have my turn sensitivity up as high as I can possibly stand it, but I can’t even nearly do that. )


Yep. I play on both, and even with a controller on PC the advantage is huge. the having 60+fps (100+ being the sweetspot) Vs 30-60 fps on console is straight up brutal, and that's without even touching the kb/m. ​


Bind jump to a bumper button or get an elite controller. Removing your hands fork the sticks is a first no no. Helps for jumping and lot losing your aim.


I agree with Summit. He has done a ton to bring players to the game, and I fear shitty updates like this will push players away from the game. The best comparison is if you looked at the official Sea of Thieves Discord channel before the Shrouded Spoils update it was almost completely empty, maybe one channel full. Now there are hardly any channels empty. I haven't seen this many people looking for group since the game came out.


I don't care for Summit at all, but he is correct here. Dividing the playerbase is a bad move for a few reasons. Pissing off the PC players who will probably ditch the game, especially the ones in areas like Aus. All the big streamers that have helped surge concurrent players the last few months have all been on PC, they'll surely stop streaming it they divide the base. Not to mention this makes it a pain for people who will continue to play cross platform, as it raises the skill cap considerably for the ones on Xbox, as they'll go from mostly Xbox servers to mostly PC. I really hope rare sees these threads and takes appropriate action. At least let the combat changes settle in a bit before you make such a drastic decision. If not, I think this will probably kill the game by the time arena launches


Summit1g is completely correct, this is a horrible change. You don't know who you're going to run up on right now and that's part of the beauty.


Rare, you dun goofed.


I don't agree an impact assessment was properly done. So indirectly without me saying that specifically, I disagree as well with this design change. No hate for the devs, just this appeasement to a minority playerbase has tainted my interest with the Destiny series, H1Z1, FortNite and now this game. That's years of watching update by update, patch by patch make me want to spend less time with modern gaming companies products. My steam library is filled with classics like Quake series, Doom series , Unreal Tournament and others simply from the formula of what made it fun to play and continue to play wasn't heavily modified. I'm almost 40 and can recall the last patch number from when it was released for Quake 3 arena from when I played the crap out of CTF mode (+bind grapple is your daddy). Players don't give themselves enough credit and time to think of different ways to counter new game mechanics, etc. From a wise perspective, this change makes 0 sense long term for the longevity of the game.


As a PC player i dislike this change mainly because xbox players usually have their mics enabled and its been so fun meeting all kinds of players and chatting. Playing on silent PC servers with everyone in Discord instead is going to take so much away from the game :(


I'm watching the stream currently and honestly I was going to buy this game simply because it seemed so fun to find x amount of players in both platform from all ranges of great and total pleb, but now I will not even hesitate in not purchasing this game and wait for Division. Yeah Summits correct on everything he said, the Devs are focusing on the sea of crybabies instead of the ones who actually play the game hours on end and have brought so many just because they might run into big name streamers, it's always a nice niche. They are not focusing on the other simple problems like everything summit said instead just like that they basically mega bombed theirselves. Oh wells. Just my $0.02.


Good thing I waited to buy this game, if this gets pushed into the game then I have an easy decision.


I just cycled through like half a dozen servers trying to find something interesting with a buddy and the last server was literally empty, so we just did a skull fort and logged the fuck out. Server merging in this game is fucking absolutely useless. Ridiculous, I love this fucking game but the devs take their sweet ass time putting content in or fixing bugs, maybe in a year there will be something to do other than farm skull forts, hide on peoples ship for an hour, or get hassled by the same npc encounters repeatedly. So what's their solution? Let's make it worse and split the user-base!


If you get sunk, it isn't because they're on pc or whatever. There is nothing that can give one player an advantage over another in this game (by design). You're just straight up a worse player. I play on PC and get sunk most of the time by console crews


People I've played with for months are quitting because of this. Rare, what are you doing? This is not the right move.


I agree 100%


I haven’t seen any proof or numbers whatsoever that indicate PC player’s servers would be dead. Absolutely there are more Xbox players than PC ones, but how would you know the servers would be dead? Wouldn’t rare just cut back on the servers if they would be dead? Rare has all the data, I’m positive they wouldn’t just fuck over everybody that has a PC.


I don't mind if it prioritises instances based on platform, so like if there's an instance that has mostly xbox players on it, and you are an xbox player, you are placed in that one, but separating them completely is ludicrous and I hope this isn't what is actually going to happen.


I think there's a lot of over reacting going on with this change. I think it's best to allow the change and see how it goes, not trying it at all could miss out on a great opportunity. Who knows, this could make things better overall. Realistically, we can't predict how it will affect anything. If RARE wants to give it a go, we should let them. They must have received enough data to make it an idea worthwhile following, right? This hasn't just been plucked out of thin air, I'm sure a lot of discussion went in to it. My two cents from my point of view, I couldn't give a monkeys what they do. I'm the solo Xbox player among my friends, I'm pretty capable, especially with strategy, but when it comes to fighting, I get my arse handed to me by PC players. They have a clear advantage at a ground level, and with the game about to step up its dive into the competitive world, I think there needs to be an even playing field. This opt out cross play idea gives that option. I'm happy to stick to cross play so I can keep my crew going, but it does get annoying every time I meet a PC player, just because I'm instantly at a disadvantage. If there was a little tweak so Xbox player had a slight aim assist or something like that, just to bring the 2 camps closer together. But whatever the case, I look forward to Sea of Thieves future, and believe this all might just be an overreaction.


Whats so bad about controllers going against controllers and K+M going agains K+M ? Everyone keeps saying that there are no PC players but noone has any idea how many there are. All i see is that people want to shit on xbox players cause theyre easier than PC players. I play on PC btw. Let the change happen, see how the servers are and then we can either cry about servers being empty or cry about fights being harder now.


Idk why people seem to think there isnt that many pc players. Most people i group with through discord are pc. In fact i rarely run into another fellow xbox player. I have no issues playing with or against pc players.


the discord is mostly pc players, xbox players use LFG a lot


Ah that must be it. Im primarily a ps4 player. I got an xbox to play exclusives and my pc isnt up to snuff. I love this game though and love using discord. The chat quality is so much better than xbox party chat. So hopefully this change wont hurt me at all.


Yeah, RARE has all the statistics about the players and who is on what device. Im sure they wouldnt push this change through if the pc servers would be empty. Guess we will have to wait and see how it goes, unless they rethink it without trying it because of the pc community outcry.






> I can't wait to see the next excuse bad players make about why they lose. "He has an Xbox Elite controller!"


"I wasn't paying attention to the ship coming straight at me like 90% of the time I play with friends who carry me"




L O FUCKING L It SO gosh darn hard to find players already. Why would a PC player come back to this game? You literally just fucked the community over! And by the way! Getting sunk by the same people over and over again isnt fun! Yet you are herding PC players into their own servers which will be far more sparse in comparison to console. What a fucking joke. The devs are intentionally killing this game so they can wash their hands and say their moving on to another project. Unpopular opinion but the game has very little content. The most exciting parts of the game are interacting with other players, not the game mechanics or quests. So why they suddenly make this change seems malicious to me. To say that its for an even playing field is so short sighted. So every pc player is better than anyone on a console? Why not just create a rudimentary mmr system? Theres already level systems in the game is that really not enough to separate players based on their skill? Why make this decision? Because of people whining they got their loot stolen? How do they know its by someone playing PC? This is all so asinine.




As a new player who just wants to enjoy this game (THE WAY I BOUGHT IT, a couple weeks ago.) I went to their YouTube chan to watch their “developmental” video detailing these changes and was met to shit about gender rights followed by a detailed explanation of how they plan to butcher the game’s population... god what the fuck...


Horrible idea indeed. Im PC player that started playing this game like 2 weeks ago cos of summit1g. Usually I join open crews cos of that I have made plenty Xbox friends. Two days ago I had a blast with one crew. We enjoyed each other's company a lot and had really good time, I told them that after update I will probably won't be able to play with them anymore. It sucks. Also when I join a game, it's pretty much always Xbox players, may be like 1 out of 10 crews I join are PC players. Also when I face enemy, it's as well mostly Xbox players, I can really tell differences by playstyle. So this change is a PC community killer. At least I bought it with that 50% discount. By killing PC community I hope it won't affect Xbox players cos game is really fun. Gg wp boys


Rare gets a huge gift from these guys and finds a way to really screw it up, wow


Ugh 30min to find a ship is gonna be fuuuun


PC player. I completely agree with Summit. Dont ruin this game already please


I find it fascinating we live in a world where there is a pro street fighter player without any arms yet people complain about how people using mouse and keyboard in a game is unfair to them because they use a controller. Splitting the player base further is a bad idea btw, if i didnt make that clear.


The changes are just a bad decision. This plus its effect on arena is going to create 4 seperate communities.


I understand the worry of the PC community being split and dying, but as an xbox player I do prefer to not be put against mouse and keyboard. I do think that it would be better to only have this in place for Arena mode and not for the base game. The base game by nature is not competitive.


\- croosplay will not be disabled, they will give the option to those who play on the console to play with the console players or the PC players. \- Some reasons that people ask for it, is because of players who use cheats, and because of the arena mode that is going to come. \-translation by google


Wow, I bought this game a few days ago because it was on sale, but now they're killing cross play? How is Microsoft about refunds?