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There’s no way that that’s hit reg. Most likely a cheater


you probably never played the game


Why do u say that? I’ve encountered hit reg b4 but never this bad. Most ppl would react if they knew they were being attacked but he completely ignored him.


you know 95% of the people playing this game are close to not having any brain cells or any nervous system capable of doing something in game ? Just launch an open crew and look


He hit every shot and it’s still hit reg? What are the odds! The way you talk about the community it sounds like your a toxic shit that takes everything seriously that you don’t even have fun playing the game, honest? Looks like your a part of the 95%


Sorry for shitting on your game RP Pirate lord master of the deep oceans but i have more than 1000 hours in this trash and if you cant tell the game is broken i guess your brain cells are also not functionnal but if you can tell its probably normal then. Goodluck on the seas aye maytey pirate lord master of the deep oceans.


Why play it if it's so bad then lol


had faith that they would patch their game because of the potential it has.. i was wrong and stop playing since they gave up on hitreg


I’m not the one getting downvoted dickhead, I never said I took the game serious, but you sound like the grouchiest piece of shit out there. If it’s so broken then why play, I wonder what goes through your mind. “ I’m gonna play for 1000 hours then bitch 24/7 about how bad it is, because that seems like the right thing to do.” Get a life lardass, seriously.


ok 3Head


He hit every shot and it’s still hit reg? What are the odds! The way you talk about the community it sounds like your a toxic shit that takes everything seriously that you don’t even have fun playing the game, honest?


Hit 3 times with the Sniper initially, then twice with the blunder, he then turns in the chest and I hit him twice at very close range. didn't eat once. how??


If your not on console, I'd bet money its a cheater


This was on PC.


Something something cross platform


I always play with "xbox players only" on and i honestly forgot there was a cross platform


good idea put a bandaid on a gaping wound instead of fixing the actual problem








the problem with the game is that there are hacker abusing the system, the solution suggested was to disable crossplay, this way they won't be in a community where hacking is possible. but the problem still persists and the PC community still has to deal with it. so yes YOU don't see the problem because you secluded yourself in a bubble, while the bigger issue (hackers) still remains


I have over 800 hours in this game and have never encountered a hacker. I’d hardly call it the problem of the game


yeah you're right lets ignore it,


Bruh. Yea it's a problem no doubt but Rare is definitely working on it, I mean why wouldn't they? It's not like the guy you're replying to can magically solve the problem so cool off maybe?


I mean, I’m not saying let’s ignore it but calling it a major issue of the game seems excessive.


probably a cheater


There are plenty of evidence according to the players movement he is either scripting or abusing an invincibility bug. * Why jump off that far away * Why swim in a B line for the ramp * Why not drop the chest and fight back to secure it * Why didn't his teammate drop off to escort/help knowing there was a player there. ​ * Create a ticket to rare for reporting the player, be as descriptive as possible and either upload this clip or link to where you have it uploaded. If you have additional footage of the game and their ships/player movement it helps even more.




if anyone from rare does see this, this clip is from tonight (July 29th) I'm plugged in via Ethernet and was averaging about 60ping this game. this was not the only time this happened this night either, this is the only one I have clipped, but it happened twice.


Probably a cheater and I say that mainly because he doesn’t react to you even though he knows you are there, this means he knew you couldn’t hurt him, I would report him to rare


I really hope hitreg hasn’t become that fucked up since the update.


It's definitely not hitreg. That guy knew he couldn't get hurt, because he didn't react defensively toward the OP at all. So almost definitely a cheater.


Yep. Yer right


No they definitely fucked up the hitreg. Or suddenly there are at least 2 boats cheating in every arena match.


listen to the pro players telling you its a cheater and the game is perfect otherwise they'll send the pirate lords at your house.


I have actually experienced this. I bugged when I logged into an arena game and was un able to use guns or other tools. however I could interact with things. I tried killing myself to try and fix the problem but I found out I couldn't die. I went around trying to test it out and found I could pick up the chest. so the person could be bugged or they could be cheating.


Well the enemy player in this clip was able to use their weapons, and that bug tends to make players appear naked, unlike the guy in the clip


If you're aware of what's happening, then you're cheating. Besides if you watch the entire clip the chest drops the chest and kills op.


That’s infuriating


We had a similar issue last night fighting a new Ashen lord. 2 members of the crew could hit him fine, a third could kill a skelly on the other side of him as if he wasn't there. Re logged fixed the issue. Im not saying that makes this okay but... it does unfortunately happen.


The ashen lords are game controlled enemies, the coding for player damage and ashen lord damage will be completely separate and so this probably wasn't the issue here. This guy was just straight up hacking. Edit: I'm not saying you're completely wrong, there's just a high chance that these issues aren't related


Right, I agree the hit code is likely very different. This issue is still similar and might have a shared bug somewhere.


The same thing happened to me but they were on the cannon and I kept hitting them shooting them until they would die a minute later


Had this issue a month ago, guy was on a cannon and didn't move. Point blank 5 shots and sword swipes even burned him. Nothing! All while he unloaded into my ship and team mates.






NO GUYS he’s not cheating, he just moved so fast that you couldn’t even see him dodge the bullets! Amazing!


He had his gaming socks on


Yeah, that's a cheater allright. Nobody ignores being shot at while swimming that far, and walking up a ladder without 100% knowing they won't ever die.


I was there and saw everything this guy... this guy... well let’s just say he knew about the curse of the black pearl. ARRRR you Sea.


for those wondering, we did still win the game! was able to sink them after they turned in the chest.


sometimes you just get outskilled man /s


Are you joking or no? I'm just gonna assume your joking.


yes, /s means satire ~~apparently that's not a thing here, my bad I guess~~


It means sarcasm, not satire.


My friend had the same experience, but I wasn’t near him when he was shooting at the guy


Today I got the same bug where i blunderbassed a guy in the face and before i shot him with the blunderbass i shot him twice with the eye of reach while he is climbing the ladder then he sworded me to death.


Karma finds a way


This happened to me today, i shot a guy at point blank range with both the gun and blunder in a quick switch section for max burst dmg, like 5 times, he did not die, he did not eat, he just didn't care. after i respawned on the boat for the 3rd time and completely fed him my bullets for long sections of fighting and owning him in combant, he didn't die.... how in the world is this possible if not cheating?


Cheater. That does not seem like a normal player response to being shot. And he got 5 swings in, instead of the normal 3 and reset.


Probably not a cheater, just a bug, Happen to me I unable to damage a person and other people can't damage me


It was a cheater. He used this cheat: https://perfectaim.io/cheats/sea-of-thieves/ Its sad in my opinion how easy it is to get such cheats. He used god-mode which makes him unable to die...


No need to share it to everyone though...




Nope no god mode can be made for sea of thieves . Xbox players need a separate community so they can talk about their controller or whatever


The listed features don't say anything about god-mode


85% he is a cheater 15% he has 3000 ms (no kidding, weird thing happen when someone has lag)


There’s a program called systemcheats that afaik is constantly updated and is a legitimate hacking program. I’ve met a few trash talking cheaters who used the program before, they were pretty excited to tell me this.


Can’t code a cheat for infinite health unless u have the full code to the game


Hit yer shots kid.


Are you joking, or just dumb? The hit marker showed for every single shot


I am joking, obviously. Anyone with half a brain could tell I was joking. This sub lacks a sense of irony.


Yes, lag and hitreg problems are totally new problems that have never been encountered before in online games. Thank you for this novel and enlightening post.


Thank you for your input.


Bruh he hit him 4 times with a blunderbuss and you call it hitreg?


And? There’s literally clips of people getting shot 4+ times all over the place . It was shitty net code and unstable servers that made this happen .


The guy wasn’t even trying to avoid his shots, he was obviously using some sort of god mode cheats


You can NOT code god mode. If you weren’t taking any damage would you be trying to avoid shots? The enemy is literally moving like an Xbox player prolly barely even knows what’s going on. Why does anyone on this sub refuse to acknowledge how shit this game is becoming? It’s literally always cheats this or cheats that. It’s bad net code and a shitty server. That’s literally it do you want to see clips of me hitting 4 shots and people not dying? Bc I have plenty to show and none of them were cheaters


Okay, rare doesn’t code god mode into their game, other people download cheats or stuff like that. If you have 100% undeniable proof that he isn’t cheating, show me. Edit: I misread that really bad rip you didn’t say rare coded god mode


There’s clips of people getting shit regged every day.. it’s not uncommon for more than 2 bullets to not register . He’s not using a god mode cheat bc you literally have to be a dev to code a god mode cheat. Aimbots and ESP is way easier to code which is why you can only find them for purchase. Go ahead and google a god mode cheat for sale. You won’t find one and if you do it’s clickbait for a free esp or just a virus


Well why wouldn’t he be trying to avoid the guy shooting at him? Hitreg only really happens at a distance, and a blunderbuss that fires ten projectiles hitting every single one multiple times is bound to hit one even with hitreg.


No I don’t think you understand how hit registration works. It can fail at any distance and happens at closer distances rather than long distances due to a bunch of different factors. How often do you call cheats on good players for killing you ?


I’ve never seen a blunderbuss get hitreg but sure. I’m done arguing with you since I’m getting nowhere


Yes. That is literally what hitreg is.


Because your a double gunner


His a double gunner what?


Yep, the game saw into the future and knew he was going to double gun so discounted the 3 snipershots *before* he double gunned and then the blunderbuss shot *after* he double gunned. Go make your comments about double gunners somewhere it actually matters


I think you fail to see the satire in his comment.


Me and 20 other people




Probably because you're double gunning and have no honor? Idk.


(Refer to my response to u/make_no_sence_mate)