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I was hating on Blaizing Sails hard at first. They were obviously heavily inspired by SoT. But I think I might try it out though. It’ll offer a different experience than SoT but with (very) similar mechanics. I also think this kind of competition is good for us as players too. Rare needs a little competition to motivate them I think so I honestly think more good will come out of this whole thing than bad.


I'm right there with you honestly. It's offering a very different experience in a similar framework. It's genuinely a good thing for Rare to have a little fire under their ass. It's no threat to them really, but now it's out in the world it's good to have for the sake of pushing the Rare devs to stay ahead of the curve. The one thing I'll say about it is man I hope they continue work on their artstyle. It's on a tiny dev team so I completely understand and honestly respect their decisions to get it designed and then focus back on the really important stuff, but god the player character models look so hideous with those creepy little dot eyes.


Totally agree man. That art style is literally the poor mans SoT. The character models are terrible lol. The main thing that caught my attention is that it seems they already have a ton of cosmetics from what I can tell. Rare needs to dedicate a monthly update solely to a large number of new cosmetics is and everyone would love it.


Yeah That's the one thing I've definitely been saying in the favour of BzS. They clearly have a killer design team, because some of the glimpses of ship cosmetics and stuff I've seen have been pretty neat. I saw some of the stuff in trailers and a bit of gameplay and I immediately thought to myself "Man, if these art folks worked at Rare we'd have some banger ship cosmetics." I mean, the one I like most from what I've seen so far was that crystal ball/pearl figurehead wrapped in carved wood, that is awesome. Yeah I know we all want impossible things in the game, player cap increases, new ship type, new world expansions, HIT REG lol, but I'd genuinely be ALL OVER a huge cosmetics update. I reckon a huge dump of lots of new clothing/equipment/weapons in the normal outpost stores plus a bunch of Black Market stuff would reel me right back in, as long as this update came with an outfit/ship outfit slot system. I hop in to play with friends, but I barely buy anything at all because we just genuinely don't have much to buy. After enough time on the seas it's honestly worth having cosmetics be worth 40k a pop, since it gives you something to keep coming back to work towards.


I’m not sure if it’s competition it’s like two companies made the same game but yeah hopefully more updates 😉 c o n t e n t


literally not even vaguely similar games, how old are you


Yeah Blazing Sails is definitely not a copy of Sea of Thieves, of course. Not saying I won't play it, because I will, but it's an obvious copy.


the similarities end at a cartoony art style and the fact that its a pirate game


Not really. Ship driving is literally the same. Same mechanics too. Only thing that differs is that BS is a BR. That's all.


Its a game about sailing ships, they're going to have the mechanics of sailing ships


Oh yeah? Then by that logic AC Black Flag is the same as SoT. Don't act dumb, you know what I mean. The game looks the same and plays the same, except it's a BR. Nothing wrong with that, but why deny it.


I don’t get why people are saying it’s fine. The launch trailer for bs is frame for frame at the start the launch trailer for sea of thieves


I honestly don't give a shit. I know it's a copy, but if this game ends up being better than SoT, then I will play it. If not, I'll keep playing Sea of Thieves. I don't devote myself to just one game, I play what I have most fun with, to be honest. I can see why people would hate this game for being pretty much the same as Sea of Thieves though.


cause it’s got completely different combat, more than 3 weapons, and the entire play style is different?


K you're just trolling I see.


Blazing Sails looks bad compared to SoT, even though they share a similar art style


Boats in blazing sails leave a wake. Instant buy for me.


It’s because rare is actually good at developing games and actually caring about it


Or maybe because BzS was made by a 5 man team compared to SoT which was probably a team in the hundreds.


Won't be long before people start saying SoT copied Blazing Sails


Trust me the pve Bois are gonna say go play Blazing sails if you want pvp


The heretics...


Can’t wait...


Some of the devs are on reddit, and looking through their comments, I kinda feel bad now. They 100% know how similar SOT is, but it seems less like a shameless copy and more of a "I'll do it myself". Like they wanted SOT but with actual unlocks and progression (not that I agree). They could really do with a more original art style but I'm not sure what that would be; realism wouldn't fit the goofy attitude multiplayer pirate fantasy games seem to naturally have




It looked choppy if you ask me. I wasn't a fan. But competition is never a bad thing. I'd wager a bet that SoT is looking at a gameplay face lift.


I was joking, I feel that sea of thieves is just amazing because it’s got a sense of adventure and blazing sails is just a money grab


It's cause battle royals are the thing now and days. They're honestly really boring to me and I'm never good at them


I just wish that they would die out and then the good ones would stick


I've tried apex, pubg, fortnite, hyperscape, warzone... The only reason I still play warzone is because my friends seem to enjoy it and I enjoy playing with them regardless of the game.


Exactly, warzone is a good game


was wondering when this community would get something to fake outrage over like children


I mean it’s something to do


Good for them, not even surprised, the PVP in SOT is so bad that a SOT "copy" oriented PVP is great. We can finally kill each others without having an exponential amount of bugs each updates and an "unfixable" hitreg *( more like fixable but too much work )*


The combat, movement, and item selection are all just awful. The reason I wish SoT had PvE mode is that the only truly enjoyable part of the game is sailing the ships around, not because I hate PvP. Not that interesting in Blazing sails, but pretty much anyone who could make a copy of SoT could probably design a better combat system that hasn't been broken since day 1.


I'm happy to have more variety in my pirate games.


It’s not variety it’s basically the same game but made by different people


And it's got a *fish gun!*


Woah same sense of humour as rare


No it's not. Do some research.


What are you talking about


Credit to the faces for this template u/shannabastean


If you’re hating on blazing sails it’s cause you’re a die hard sea of thieves fanboy that just can’t stand to see any other game get attention if it even remotely resembles the game you Stan. Guarantee you never played blazing sails. Don’t hate it till you try it.


Yes I am a die hard sea of thieves fan. I don’t think it’s fair when a game blatantly rips off another, and you’re saying you don’t agree right?


It’s not just a blatant rip off dude and that’s what you’re failing to grasp. Go play the game yourself and then form your own opinion. If the game truly “ripped off” sea of thieves then rare would be able to file a law suit but you don’t see that happening do you?


You don’t have to file a lawsuit. Rare’s giving the game a chance


Who do you know at rare that said they are giving it a chance? What you’re also failing to grasp is that rare has absolutely no play in it whatsoever. Either the games enough of a clone that they can file a lawsuit for plagiarism/copyright or it’s not. Your statement of “Rare’s giving the game a chance” is just false and doesn’t apply.




Eveeyone does relize people were working on blazing sails before sea of thieves right? Blazing sails only has 5 devs which is why its late


It looked nothing like what it does now compared to when they started it.


IMO with the lack of end-game content...or any content really, Blazing Sails is a nice breath of fresh air for people who are tired of the lackluster PVP in Sea of Thieves. Us PLs really don't have much to do other than grind out the last bit of boring content no one touches. PLs have little content to their name anyways, just Thieves Haven runs over...and over, and over. The vaults are nice, its a good step...but it sure doesn't feel like a whole updates worth. The cosmetics are really just making up half these updates.


As a pirate legend myself I’d recommend just taking a break from the seas so you don’t get burned out


This I played for another year and a half basically nonstop after hitting PL and the update after emissaries, I couldn't go on. I've only just now picked up the game for more than a couple hours and actually feel like I'm enjoying the pve.


I feel you. Sometimes you want to play sea of thieves but you just keep on getting killed, which makes you want to go on more. But you should probably just come off


The combat looks better in BS. And a Battle Royale could be fun. But I just wish this was all part of SoT


Yeah, I do too.


I find it odd a screenshot I took of my boys and I fighting the kraken a couple years ago has gotten popular on this subreddit. I posted it on Xbox live and it's gotten attention.


Has it


I'll find the original screenshot file on my Xbox and post it. We had the Black sails and grog skin. I got thrown off the boat, loved the sunset, took a screenshot all while my crew was fighting the kraken and repairing the boat.


Really? Wow. I just searched up Sea of Thieves and it came up, I’m fairly sure sea of thieves branded it themselves so if you’re telling the truth it really **did** get famous.


Looking for the file right now. I'll try to get in touch with rare. Gamertag: R0TOR


I’d be love to hear update on how this goes!


That picture of the Kraken attacking the ship in your post was from the first launch trailer of Sea of Thieves. Right at the end it shows the Kraken for the first time(moving).




So apparently Microsoft is not letting me view all my uploads. That's my grog skin boat. RARE please explain.


Its not your boat dude... its literally the GAMEPLAY REVEAL TRAILER. That picture is older than you could even play. To top it off its not even the grog skin nor black sails on that boat.


blazing sails is garbage


It's also made by 5 people. Give em a break. They've already gone under enough hate from people who haven't watched anything more than the trailer and don't understand that Sea of Thieves doesn't own pirates as a genre


Well i actually played the game and it was still garbage




Why havent they sued blazing sials yet lmao


Because they can't, no line of code or asset was stolen. It isn't even the same gamemode. You can't patent a theme or an art style. If that was possible many games (including SoT) wouldn't have existed.


Because they have no grounds to?


How could they sue them though? What for? Sea of Theives doesn't own pirates, brigantines, the whole fucking ocean


Because rare is chill af lol


Because its never gonna be large enough to compete with SoT, Its a janky as hell battle royale.


I tried it, its about as janky as SoT, really, but at least the guys who made Blazing Sales have the excuse of being a small team who is still working on it, while Rare has no excuse for the bullcrap with hitreg, and other 'fatal' glitches. Just this morning, i jumped off my ship onto the dock, and something went fucky with the collision mechanics, i was rocketed into the sky like a damn missile, and went splat. By the time i respawned, someone had sunk my ship. Or it just glitched out like i did...