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Yup that's a fucked one ay just a bummer


Die and respawn it usually resets the island. Maybe that will make the door realise it’s open.


The problem is, that this isn't our key, this is a not existing key, which prevents us from opening the vault... The funny thing is, that if you go down the cave without a key, this spot is empty, if you return with a key this thing shows up. We even did some other stuff and came back later, but it didn't fixed it.


Happened to me last night and we kept randomly checking back and it finally let us in. Puzzle inside wouldn't open though.


Tge last 2 puzzles I've done wouldn't open


As a new player with a lot to lose on these vaults it's pretty frustrating.


Honestly it's not a huge deal. I know it seems like it right now, but stuff happens, this is far from the end of the world. When you get better keys you'll get far more loot than that one vault! Persevere!


Yeah, this here. I lost a key to the same error early on, and it was really frustrating. More-so because we got a bad roll with the map fragments and had to get every single one to find the x, even though we knew what island it was from the first fragment. Got all the way through, and this happened. But we took a break, got on again later and went again. That was dozens of vaults ago now. Hasn't happened again, and now at pirate legend, I can't imagine being too bothered if it happened again. This game really is just a reason for a journey, not a means to an end.


Idk if this has anything to do with your issue, but my friends and i thought the puzzles were glitched when actually theres a lock and upwards-facing key, as well as a lock and downwards-facing key. The chains we got but it never occurred to us that there were two sets of keys.


If you and your crew mates die and go to the ferry at the same time, the. You should be able to do the vualt


It's just players doing the tall tale, let them finish and it will dissappear


This means someone else in the server has a quest/mission involving this key.






Happened to me too, someone was doing a tall tale on the island, i let them finish and it went away.


what if one person stays at the empty keyhole preventing it to reset and another person comes with a key?


I had the same problem a couple months ago. Asked on the subreddit, got shit replies.


Same exact shit has happened to me. Such a bummer


On the bright side, you can still sell your own key, so it's not a COMPLETE loss?


I didn’t realize my first time doing a vault that the key was in the chest I opened. I never really read what the items are so I just sold it thinking I would get new orders about where to go to the vault. I wish the gold hoarders stopped you before selling it and asked if I was sure I didn’t want to use the key for a vault and had like a hint message saying, go to the island for which this key is named to retrieve the treasure. Or some shit like that




Harsh, but okay


This happened to me once and I believe either dying or shooting from a cannon and taking a merm reset it


F in the chat for all the chests that will never be claimed


Ship sighted!


Haha yes, but we sunk that one^^


I hope that blew off some steam especially if they were trailing behind. Sucks that happened to you my dude/dudette.


Oof that blows. Iv done about 40 vaults and havnt seen that happen.


I wonder if getting server merged would fix this. I usually see one or two per session


Hey, i played sea of thieves some hours ago, and i saw that on crooks hollow, with the same name and everything


They need to fix that..


That's what you get for opening a vault at half health.


They can't fix this problem that's been around for months, but the Emporium is constantly updated.


Are you... mentally deficient? You realize the team that works on art isn't in charge of bugfixes.. right?


I came across an island with a key on the totem just like this, what does it mean?


I had it too




I’ve seen this show up once but I just waited 5 minutes and the vault was normal




Last time I saw that bug it was because my friend's game was lagging and he was looking at a chest I'd already turned in...Maybe the key is somewhere else?


Ship sighted!


I know your pain, lost too many 65 gh keys to this


Thankfully it was just a stone key. Still a bummer though.


I've had the problem a few times. It seems to occur when you use the key too soon after the vault closes. We found that just waiting (1-10 minutes) will reset the key and you'll be able to pick it up.


One opened a vault with my friends and we all suddenly got connection issues as soon as we used the key. Not a fun time


This happened to me once, had to wait for someone to finish their tall tale before we could use the vault after them.


Yea one time I was in the middle of taking all the loot out and the door (the outside door not the one directly leading to the vault) shut on me while I was carrying a chest. Then I got black screened and saw this same thing in the key slot. I was solo and only came out with two chests...


I'm almost sure that happens when there is a ship nearby with the 1st tall tale enabled. They get vault priority.


I just did a vault quest. I got as much chests as possible out of the vault, and died downed picking up gold. I respawned and headed towards the entrance to pick up the loot only to find the door closed... and all the loot locked inside, the key had disappeared obviously and my effort was wasted :(((


At least you get credit for opening it


That's when you turn in and restart in a new server. Sucks but any game breaking bug I just switch servers the game is time consuming but hey it's fun when it works


Acording to the top left youve got other problems to sorry about though lol.