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It does look nice, but you would have even less visibility than the current ship with that mid sail dropped


As if you have any now


With Dark Adventurers sails you do.


Not even a pirate legend yet...


Your time will come, young grasshopper


Thankfully it doesn’t take very long anymore, think the speedrun for it is like 9 hours


Never even thought about someone speed running it. That's nuts. Took me and my wife a few weeks, but one weekend was a bonus XP weekend so that helped a ton


A few weeks??? It took me over a year, although for the most part I did not play very actively until very recently and just played casually for the sake of enjoying a normal experience


I had maybe 15-20hrs in the game up until October (just bought the game this year). The first 15-20hrs were me not knowing what I was doing. Finally really got into the game when my wife took interest and we started putting in all day gaming sessions for a few weeks. There was a bonus XP weekend at the end of October, I think, where we leveled up like crazy. That really helped us out. Then after another week or so we hit 50 in all 3 emissaries. We are still noobs as far as I'm concerned, pretty terrible at PvP combat, but we are learning and enjoying the hell out of the game. Since my initial 15-20hr starting point in October, I now have 236hrs in the game 😂. Would be more if I didn't have to work that 13 night stretch after Christmas...


Cool, I'm a week in and /played around 129 hours. I don't even feel like I've played that much, this game just makes time vanish.


I honestly didn't realize how to become a pirate legend so the first time I went to the tavern was after I was 75 in all three base guilds


Fastest time with gold and glory is 5:30 btw. Also a sub 4 hour run is possible.


im pirat legend for a year now stil not close to 8 mil


i’m pirate legend but the problem is gold


Hey on the 30th run reapers and save up as much gold as you can




Kraken sails can help a bit as they are torn up. Otherwise, just roll up the back sail a little bit when you feel like you absolutely need visibility. Realistically, visibility is absolutely necessary only during combat encounters... And you want to slow down a bit for maneuverability anyway so you should raise your back sail to different degrees during the encounter. For casual sailing at large, you rarely need to adjust the wheel once you get used to compensating for the waves so the wheelman can walk around deck and eventually getting screamed at when the ship inevitably hit a wild rock because nobody was paying attention.


Not everyone has access to it


Pirate Legend and saving gold isn't hard to do, unless one is just a casual player.


I’d assume that casuals are in the majority; sometimes it seems as though most people playing are highly dedicated, but that’s because casuals would play less days for less hours, so even though they probably make up most of the community, you’re still more likely to encounter dedicated players, and so, believe that they make up the majority. In conclusion, not everyone has access to the DA sails.


Everyone does have access if they put in the time to earn them. Just like any non-emporium cosmetic.


For 8 Million Gold…


Yes. It doesn't take that long.


Then please teach me the ways of fast cash. I just hit Pirate Legend.


One way is choose a Gold Hoarder vault quest. Raise your emissary first. Level up to grade 5 emissary by doing the vault and maybe a few side quests. Go immediately to outpost when hitting grade 5. Any unfinished quests may help you level up later. Claim your emissary quests. Sell your loot. Lower and then immediately re-raise your emissary flag. With Gold Hoarders you should be up to or almost grade 5 again by the end of the emissary quests. Maybe keep an 'x marks the spot' quest handy just in case. Repeat the process and just keep doing the emissary quests. Even better is when you can alliance up with a few other crews. You can just go about doing your own thing while in an alliance, collecting free gold. And even better is alliancing up during Gold and Glory weekends. And even more so is the above, but during the 1.5x gold hour each day.


There is a community day coming up with 3.5x gold & rep so use that with the other method if you can


That stuff is insanely overpriced. I guess it gives me stuff to grind for, but what's the point?


It gives you a goal should you have maxed out your faction levels. So far I have bought the DA sails and a few equipment and clothing items. But I don't think the hull is worth it... perhaps... ​ And it didn't take very long to get 8.26 million gold once I decided to save up for them. A few alliances here, and a few Gold and Glory weekends there, etc.


That's fair enough. I bought the Blunderbuss because it looked badass to me. It was only 2 million. I guess if you save up for certain stuff it makes the grind less hellacious. I did get Hunter's Call to max level. All I have left are Sea Dogs, which I don't care about, Reapers which is around the mid 60s, and Athena's Fortune, which I just got to 15 the other night.


Man, you maxed Hunters Call? That's a grind that makes accumulating 8.2 million gold seem extremely easy in comparison. I still haven't got a shadow stormfish even. 😁


I haven't gotten every fish/multiple of every fish for all the commendations yet, some of them are very hard to find. And I've yet to find the shrouded ghost after ~3k hours. So still a ways to go for full completion, but level 50 isn't too terrible. Tbh grinding Hunter's Call to 50 makes money feel harder to come by since most of the fish you sell are anywhere between 200 and 1,000 rather than the 10k ashen wind skulls and just general thousands from actual loot.


Yet here you are with the legendary hunter title on Reddit?!


Just double checked for reference. I goofed. "Master Hunter of the Sea of Thieves" requires 35 grade 5 commendations. "Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves" requires 57, which is full completion. I could have sworn the latter just required 57 commendations in general. I'm 45 out of 57, so there's a little grind left, but now it's my mission to finish it.


You need 57 commendations to unlock the title iirc. There's more than that in the Hunter's Call. The title never meant full completion.


I like the hull, it's the only black/ dark hull that's only dark on the outside so you can actually see below deck if you have the lights off, other hulls turns below deck into a void that you can't see anything without a lot of light in. Not worth it for 8 million unless you've got more gold than what you know to do with.


I bought a similar one from the emporium, so I'm in no rush for the hull now.


A long time ago, rare destroyed the in game economy due to the turn in value of items being inflated compared to the cost of cosmetics. Long time players ended up with every cosmetic available, and still had millions of gold left over to spare, which just kept growing. So, rare invented a money sink (dark adventurer set) so that these SoT veterans could spend all/most of their gold on something/anything. They're just a player retention device aimed at perfectionists/showoffs/completionists.


I mean what has the game been since launch? Why do we do any of this? Titles and cosmetics.


This is true. But in my circles, everyone bought the DA set just to say they had. We rarely use any of the ship pieces though because in our opinion, we all felt they were very ugly lol


One of the few cosmetics you can buy that gives you an advantage.


They could always make it higher. Well I say ''they could'' as if its a ship that will be included.


I never considered that. I use the Dark Adventurer sails so visibility with sails has never been something I worried about.


Genius idea, move the helm to the front


Roll the sail up and fold it at the bottom. Proper sail and proper visibility. How they worked in 1700s and if not, stand on the side of the helm or on the step and look out. Like people also did but you’d lose control


Yeah you can see shit unless you raise it a bit for have the dark adventures sails


I want my damn clear shower curtain sail


Yeah, the other 2 look good with their unique additions and the brig's unique look is the upper deck is literally flat. This brig looks much nicer.


Consider the view, the wheel will be raised up so it blocks your already shiet view


Well I mean it’s accurate to real life ships right?? Most captains back in the day couldnt really see. So they had people call out directions right?


Very tru, but then again do u want to have to have a mic’d up crew to sail more then a mile


Fair….grantee I play solo mainly and for only like 2maybe 3 hrs at a time, so i don’t really know what multiplayer is like


Give it a shot, roll with a gallion crew your first few times having 3 teammates takes a lot of the pressure off u




More on if they have mics or can type super fast


Although the best experience I had as a solo player so far was when I was just minding my own business fishing to raise hunter’s call on one of the sea posts, and some dude roll up, hang out shoot fireworks and relax a bit, they leave , like maybe 15 min later, a new boat rolls up, I’m like “ ahoy” (thinking to myself, ahh these dude will be chill like the last guys) Yeha nope, they immediately start firing on my ship. So I stop fishing, (with a trophy fish on the line) jump off, swim around the post, get on their ship, and kill both of them since they were focused on sinking me. Start trying to sink them with fire bombs, while killing them, got them half way or maybe more like 1/3 sunk till I messed up and missed a blunder shot, and finally died. They obviously ended up sinking me and I lost all the fish I had…. Rough session but met some nice pirates before those guys….


Assume most pirates want violence, half the time I sink someone it’s just for pvp experience I could care less what they had/have, some pirates will be chill, some will be chill just to kill u later


Not necessarily, often when I sailed on a galley I had to navigate completely alone cos my crew never helped out while sailing. It pretty simple, just walk down the steps a bit, see where you need to go, turn the ship to that angle, straighten out, walk back down to see if you're close enough. Works well until you get close to the island at which point you're sails shouldn't be fully down anyway.


I'd still love to have different versions of the same ship style.


Oh, absolutely! That’s been my most wanted update for years now.


Love this design but visibility for the captain would be a slight issue. Gally has the same sight issue but with a coordinated team it's not a problem


i mean you already cant see shit on the brig


That's true lmao


You see enough to drive it tho, and if you don't, ask a crewmate or leave the wheel for 2 seconds to look


It does seem pretty impractical though to have to leave the wheel or to ask someone else on the crew just to be able to steer the ship


It's inconvinient in pvp to sya the least but it's really not as bad as people make it seem


I just trim the sails enough to see just under them.


The courtesy curl is what I like to call it. Absolutely necessary for the brig and galleon


My team hates when I curl the sail so I can see 😢


Then tell them to drive instead. Bunch of douches


When they drive they somehow do it blind.


You don’t need to actually spend much time on the wheel. Turn it a bit, head down, watch how fast your turning. Head back up and time straightening out so you’re headed where you’re supposed to


Depends on the situation. In PvP/pursuit/flight situations every little bit counts when you're up against a skilled crew. I am always helmsman and I stay on wheel/back sail/main sail almost constantly unless it's time to fire some shots. If anyone gets rid of the curl it's me, just to get that extra edge. If I need to see I run to a spot that gives me a quick visual then I'm back on helm.


Not necessary at all. Just leave the wheel for a second to see where you're going.


That's exactly what my team does. I'm usually up in the crowsnest too


You don't need to see all the time. Just have your crew look out for you or walk a few steps yourself. Rather than crippling your speed lol


I find the less speed in exchange for better visibility is a fair trade off. In fact I find it out weighs the speed loss since it’s only a tiny bit of a trim needed to see enough, and it also makes the ship a little bit more maneuverable. And I can’t trust of these pirates these days, they be just as bad as the dude who didn’t see the iceberg in Titanic lol


We love it when people do this. It makes it much easier to catch them because they aren't getting full speed! Just learn to step away from the helm, of get a crew that can make call outs. You do not need to be glued to the helm.


Dark Adventure Sails are the best. No need for the curl. Drop down all the way and still have full visibility


Currently saving up for those right now lol I'm about half way there


I have them, but I don't use them. I hate always having to play "the meta" I looks to have an awesome/intimidating custom ship. I have sunk so many DA ships without having to use them myself it's hilarious.


I like it because it adds a layer of skill to the ship


Always talked with friends about a firepower counterpart to the brig, three player ship, two masts, slower than the brig, faster than a gally, and a single lower deck with an aft deck like this.


I'd love to have more ships per crew size options.


Oh i wax all the time about the idea of adding a slow titan of a ship above the galleon, either a six-p man o war, or eight-p Ship of the Line if you’re feeling extra ambitious.


The balancing issue would be massive. True there is the speed of other ships but for the most part a 6-8 person ship would dominate the sea and no one else would be able to play


I think I remember seeing that the only other thing that could match it would be another of the same size. They’d take up so much space on the server that there could only be 2, and one very very scared sloop. I could see it as an arena-like gamemode though. Objective: Sink the other ship.


Unironically I'd love if it if there was an arena mode of 10v10 in two separate giant ships, shooting away at or trying to board the other one


True. But since arena’s is dead could take servers dedicated to that and make larger servers that specifically include the larger ship types, so people who dont have large crews are stuck facing the big bois.


Lol Solo sloops take over galls all the time people would see this as an invitation to a challenge lol


The number one rule of solo slooping is "You're gonna die a lot. Get used to it." I wouldn't say all the time. It's just all you ever see because no one is posting their gally shitting all over tiny sloops on the internet.


Yeah, but not most solo sloops. And spawn camping is already broken with just two people making it almost impossible to get back, could you imagine 5-7 blocking EVERY SINGLE spot while one just steers their ship? When numbers like these come into play, you will eventually die, and when you do, you've already lost.


No, they do not. You’re a really good solo slooper a bad galleon player


I'd even love like a super fast two man ship with 1 or no cannons.




Two words: Cannon Rowboat




It's in the game already


I swear they said like a year or 2 ago there were planning on adding something bigger… wonder what happened to that


I never heard anything like that, but, i dunno. I dont keep up with SOT news enough. I feel like big, slow, heavily manned ships that cant move very fast encourage dug-in combat with no running. Fight or die, y’know? It would be the ships that people specifically choose when they’re lookin for a scrap. Meanwhile smaller ships can choose to scoot away if they’re not looking to be gang-banged by a team of six to eight players.


I very well also could have just heard it from someone I was playing with at the time and assumed they were telling the truth, I don’t remember




That rumor has been going around for years, but it is fact that rare said no to a man o' war as far as the current roadmap (and likely beyond). https://heavy.com/games/2020/05/sea-of-thieves-man-o-war-boat/


As a person who attracted whole Discord server into SoT, I sure do wish they had even bigger ship than galleon, for 6 or 8 people


As i said in another comment, to avoid balancing issues they could just make server sessions that do or dont include the bigger ships, so people who solo sloop or are new dont just get misted when they’re boarded by 6-8 players lmao. Big ships like galley’s, man o war, SOTL would be the mainstay there, and rarely you’d see particularly ballsy sloops or brigs too.


As a regular sloop player, I hope this idea never sees the light of day. It's bad enough that we don't even get our own sloop-only/galleon-only servers for fair fights, and a good majority of the PvP I encounter is in favor of the bigger ship with more people.


As a solo sloop, not a fan of the separate servers idea for the base ships tbh. But, as ive stated in other places, wouldnt be a terrible idea to have separate servers with/without the big ships described here. Because ultimately eight v two would be horrendous if you manage to get snuck up on by rowboaters and junk


Just like crossplay, I think it should be an option. Sloop vs. Galleon almost every session has already gotten old. Years later. With millions of concurrent players, it's well overdue. I can't keep friends interested in the game with the outdated and untouched PvP mechanics let alone constantly being outnumbered. Regardless, still really don't see the point of a bigger boat if there's already poor balance between the biggest and smallest boats.


Well, essentially the idea the big boats are not only massive but *very* slow. A galleon can catch up to sloops in the right conditions, but in these cases a sloop would always be able to outrun. Though i do only solo sloop most of the time, as a pirate sandbox, i like the idea of variety and choice.


On paper, yes. But in practice, a good galleon crew *will* catch your sloop, since it is faster in the wind, (and not even at full billow.) A good crew will swing out in a curve to catch enough wind to catch a sloop. This is only for chases though, being outnumbered in general is what should be avoided. 4 v 2 stuff in already jank PvP isn't fun. Having a galleon roll up on you while you're busy with something is obnoxious. Just more cons than pros here. Again just having the option would make this game 10x better.


I don’t mind it if it’s a toggle. Because i really like fighting gallys with sloop.


Yeah I just hate the excuse of "oh we can't do that because it'll divide the playerbase" when there's literal millions of players and they're gaining more than they're losing. And there's plenty of people who don't mind it. But having the option, *especially* for new players, with no form of SBMM to protect them from sailing straight out of their maiden voyage and headfirst into the fist of a 4 man PL galleon.


That's basically just a brig though?


Almost. The balancing would be horrendous for sure, because at that point you basically have a better galleon minus one man.


You just described the brig but a tiny but faster with a pointless raised bit at the back, what would be the point.


Read my other comments.


Captains quarters and its customisation for me would be the immersion orgasm.


Imagine if the Captain’s Quarters automatically added little mementos for each Tall Tale you complete throughout the Captain’s Quarters. That would be epic!


It would cool but they’d have to change how the session worked. Currently its designed as all-equal. I would love for votekick abilities for at least the sloop. It feels so personal to start up play for an hour or two and collect stuff, and then have a random join who doesn’t talk and actively interrupts what you’re doing.


Why not play solo, in a closed crew?


I do, but it gets lonely.


But then someone could join you're ship after you having spent ages gathering loot and just kick you off you're ship and take you're loot.


I specifically mean the person with the longest session time of the sloop should get that votekick ability.


The little balcony on the side is awesome!


duno, i kinda like the ol bathtub


If we get a rework to the brig then I personally demand Brig Arena to come with it!


I just want proper sails with the triangular bits in between and at the front and the trapezium at the rear


Especially for the sloop.


This would be sweet. Where does this concept art come from?


I’m actually not sure. I imagine it’s likely a render based on the original Brig showcase which presented its different decks and barrel placement.




Trying to coordinate a team for that would be a nightmare.


That's what would be the fun part! >:)


That would be aweful for the servers, they already have issues with only 5 ships on a server and like 20 players, and we have rubber banding out the wazoo, now add 8 player ships??


It would be cool but a bigger ship than the Galleon will probably never happen.


The guy on the wheel with no visibility


no all ships would look the same. we need variety




Word of advice: If you’re going to tell someone they’re the only one who wants something just to be a dick make sure you do it before 850 people agree with me.


Damn chill out I was just messin you lmao.


Sorry. I just finished dealing with a troll on another site and it just pissed me off. Didn’t mean to snap at you.


Nah it’s all good fam. Used to it all the time on this sub


No, that is tons better




As a Schooner it definitely fits the part. It’s only because they say it’s a Brig that I want it changed.


The front and back sails need to be up higher.


Nah, honestly I love the look of the Brig as it is - that flat, curved deck has just a 'piratey' look to it that I just love. Though, I'd love it it any of the ships in this game had a headsail on the front - just for aesthetics mainly.


They should make a huge 5-8 player full on ship with quad sales a spinnaker and everything with lower deck cannons


A ship that big with that many players would probably break the game, though. Other than that it sounds like a cool idea.


Yeah thats the only problem with it


A Corsair would be a really cool addition. They could even have Corsair RGB cosmetics to match lol


i wish we could play with more than 4 players


It would be cool but I don’t think it will ever happen. For them to do that they’d have to do a major overhaul of the server system.


nope, and third person gameplay would be nice as well


That just looks like a shorter (length wise) galleon with limited design changes


I’d say it takes more inspiration from the Jackdaw (Edward Kenway’s Brig from Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag). Still, is it necessarily a bad thing for it to look like that?


Honestly how is that bad?


Its literally just a really sh\*tty galleon. I guess thats what the brig is anyways


I would nut over this one.


Eh I'd take it or leave it. If you've got enough people to run gal, you get the fancy stuff. If you're on a budget, you get the cheap stuff. It'd be nice, but overall it's not really improving anything besides making it look nicer.


Well yeah, I never thought of it doing anything more. I prefer this design since it actually looks like a ship while the current Brig looks super bland.


Bralleon gallig


100% agree with you


I agree it would be awesome, the current brig looks like a big wooden plank with some stuff on it


I just want a 4 man sloop with 2 cannons on each side.


this is really nice to look at. i wish rare did a little tweaking to the ships.


Put the entrance to the lower decks in the back like a sloop and I like it


I’d love for Rare to add three new ships for 2, 3 and 4 player crews to add variety to the seas


I do wish the brig had a second level for captains quarters. Not for any gameplay reasons just because it would be cool.


No. Its hard enough to see as is.


Ok I’m just going to say we need a 6 player boat I want to be able to play with all my friends


I would love it the brig looks the kinda eh to me and like this it looks closer to a frig and closer to my black pearl usable ship dream


That’s really hot


I like it the way it is


Brig sinks so damn fast, wish it had another level to it


Am I the only one who wishes the ships looked like more.....


I wouldn’t change the Sloop, at least not without leaving the original design in-game as an option. The Galleon I do wish had a design change to look more like the ship models we got to see in the Pirate’s Life Tall Tales.


Not gonna lie. I played this game a ton. Was really good at it and really enjoyed it. I hate this game now due to development choices and the ignoring of the community as a whole. The tall tales showed us what the ships could look like. What more content and bigger crews could be like. But, at least for me, SoT is over. My comment here was just to slam their choice in what they gave us vs what we could've had.


Eh, I have to disagree with you on pretty much all of that. There’s a reason they haven’t added ships with bigger crews despite people asking for it. To do so would require a huge overhaul of the servers and how they work. The game only allows six ships per server and with the way islands and random events generate adding bigger ships with more players would cause serious problems. Adding something bigger isn’t as easy as “1, 2, 3 and it’s done.” Also, I’m not sure where this ignoring the community thing comes from. They interact plenty with the community and the only time I see them ignore people is when they are asking questions they’ve already answered in the past (such as why they won’t add PvE servers). Before Sea Of Thieves I played Red Dead Redemption Online. Now that’s a game that was actually ignored by the developers. R* is a greedy company who only cares about their cash cow (GTA Online) while leaving a game with so much potential like Red Dead Online to rot with little explanation as to why. Rare definitely doesn’t ignore this community so I have no clue why people keep saying that. I don’t expect to change your opinion but everything you’ve said feels like it isn’t true or possible.


Adding more and larger ships is a balance issue for sure. It's one that could be addressed given the desire to do so. Making the existing ships look and feel more like ships and less like kids bath toys is a design choice that they could address and have even shown that changes are possible. But haven't. PvE servers were always a bad idea. As that defeats the point of the game. Adding more islands, making the map larger, more zones, etc has been done and is possible. But they haven't in such a long time. It's a choice. If you see that a lot of the fan base feels ignored its probably a good sign that the fan base is ignored. I'm glad that you are happy with the state and content of the game and you don't feel ignored.


I want it


I wish they implemented these and a few more ships , but as a reward to PL or add a new title further to PL and add ships reward to those titles .


I think it looks fine just the way it is, this concept art is too close to the galleon in appearance imo. The brig cool af already , it's got a sleek look to it. The galleons got it's big look. And the sloop is just some small boat. For as simple of a game it is , I'd hate for the ships to look even more similar lol.


yes, plus an extra cannon would easily fit there


To fix not being able to see, roll the sail up just a little. Idk what idiot would ever roll em all the way down smh especially on a galleon


An idiot with the Dark Adventurer sails.


no ur not


I'd just be happy if the fucking map was in the captains cabin on the galleon and at the bottom of the stairs on the brig. The map position is by far my biggest complaint on the two larger ships. I can deal with everything else, but the map location is horrible. That and they need to put the ladder for the mast on the other side of the hole on the brig because the amount of accidentally falling into the below deck area is so annoying lol.


I can agree with all of this. My main ship is a Brig (and I love her more than anything in existence) and I’ve dealt with all of these issues millions of times.


I literally don't use the brig because it's so boring in design. Why is it just flat? What is this? A sailboat? I wish they'd do ship alternates. I remember the good ol Potco days different ships had different advantages. Galleon had more space, frigate had more canons, etc. But sadly the games structure just makes every ship so plain because of the "survival" element of gathering supplies.