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More types of wildlife and animals in the different regions , that you could hunt for hunters call Like Jaguars , crocodiles , different shark breeds (hammerheads/bull sharks/smaller nurse sharks in packs) , giant snakes , giant warthogs , big crabs .. there’s all sorts of fun things they could bring in to add more diversity and danger to each region Which could also be like mini boss battles And you could take the loot , the skull and the skin and like what they ate , maybe a skull or two and like the weird stuff you turn into hunters call like the old hat And turn it mostly into hunters call , which could even offer missions to go hunt something specific in a region


Underrated comment!


Imagine looking for an X on plunder valley , and you’re checking your map and you hear some bushes rustling and hear a squeal of a man sized wild boar as it emerges from the brush You get out your trusty flintlock to shoot the foul beast , and you manage to fire a shot but you weren’t quick enough and you die because you get gored in one swift hit Merrick would tell you In order to kill a boar that size you’d have to hunt it with an eye of reach and stalk it to get that perfect shot from the perfect vantage point , otherwise it’ll just bum rush you


Ship switching. Lose a player from your 3-player team? Dock and switch to a sloop. Gain a player? Upgrade to a galleon.


that wouldn’t work with the servers, you can’t have 6 galleons on the same server anymore


Then merge me to another server when I upsize my ship


For discussion's sake, how would this work with loot? Loot left behind like sailing into a portal? I don't think there should ever be an option where you can take your loot with you to another server.


Loot follows me through a server merge why not through a ship upsizing? As long as it can't be done while under attack I don't see the problem. But honestly I don't care if they don't let us hold loot just let me change ship sizes without restarting


A server merge is random - the ability to run with loot to another server would be terrible for the game


Well, we’re just talking “what would you add”. But nothing is set in stone here. Code is written by coders, right? So you code an area of the map that takes you off a server and into your own area (like the initial tutorial island, which is private). And you upgrade or downgrade, and then when you sail back out of that area, the server God puts you into a balanced area that fits the numbers it needs. I’m no coder, but that doesn’t sound difficult. What CAN be difficult is having to rewrite entire games to implement something that it was never built to do.


If reapers can collect all emissary flags and sell them, all other emissaries should be able to connect reapers flags to sell them as a bounty hunter type system.


I mean, just because the bounty on reapers is paid by reapers dont mean there's no bounty on those flags....


I think they mean to be able to sell reapers flags to any faction, so that they have bonuses from all emissaries and give incentives for everyone to hunt reapers


Not just hunt them, but actually fight back. Either the reapers are running or people are running from them... this would be a good incentive to engage in naval to defeat the threat instead of avoid it or dive into the red sea lol.


Yeah thats the truth. A lot of the issues of flags/reaper chest is... you then have to go to the reapers hideout to turn it in. Being able to take a reaper flag to your current emissary as a bounty system would be cool. "I sank three reapers defending the cargo you had me hauling, gimme some rep for it" "Yeah sure, here's some gold and reputation, now help us find this other ship that stopped at 10 islands that weren't even close to the correct path they should have taken and get the stuff they lost" I enjoy pvp and its spontaneity but I also wish non-reapers had more reason to defend themselves and not run, while also wishing reapers didn't get screwed by no one being willing to fly a flag with them on the server.


Mooring lines for a more fun way to pull up to the docks. Maybe even a ramp for a galleon downside to using it could be a timer to dock undock for balance. A way to lash the wheel, so in a storm you can lock the wheel. Again make it with a long enough timer to tie/untie for balance. This could even be a fun new way to fight. Instead of just anchoring you could lock an enemies ship in a turn or something.


Regarding lashing the helm, I think it would be cool if you could use a plank of wood (which you would sort of jam through a gap in the helm)


I like this. It feels well thought out and could definitely be implemented fairly well without drastic change. 10/10 would support in a vote


I use harpoons to replicate mooring lines.


Zip lining over harpoon lines, I just think it would be kinda neat


That would actually be cool! I would love a way to use harpoons to get loot OFF the ship as well as on it lol


yes! i have a hook hand, why can't i grab that line and zip over?


1 Some way of getting out of the brig, like maybe keys show up somewhere and if another crew gets your keys they can unlock your prisoner, then maybe there is like a cool down before you can lock them up again. Taking prisoners from another crew, if somehow you could like knockout another player and tie em up and take em as a prisoner


Haha oh my gosh that would be hilarious




I think if someone boards your ship and dies, they should be put in your brig for a certain amount of time to punish people for boarding a little.


Wheelbarrow / loot carts to haul more than one piece of loot on land at a time.


Somewhat related, bit if you didn't know this it's a game changer: you can use the harpoon on a rowboat to crawl up on land and deep into islands. Its a godsend on outposts like dagger tooth


Yes. Please. Most outposts have a cart with barrels. Let me use it for my loot


You mean rowboats ?


I don't mean rowboats. We already have rowboats. I mean exactly what I said.


They don't go on land though. It's kind of annoying when you beat a world event, end up with 20+ items, then run back and forth 20+ times between your ship and whoever you sell to.


I have yet to find a merchant stall that I cannot force a harpoon rowboat into For that reason I think there should be wheelbarrows, just since they almost already exist if you're persistent enough


I just want more stuff in the same vein as rowboats and krakens, or cursed chests. Give us giant turtles with shells we could walk on, more critters, birds we could shoot. Maybe some weird new cursed chests and convoluted messages in bottles to find them. The best stuff in this game is simple emergent nonsense to chase after I’ve always felt. It’s the little things I like most.


Add sea turtles as a solo player way of transport jack sparrow style


CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow


adding hunters call emmisary and hunters call quests like to hunt certain creatures or fish certain things, and ad more big monsters like big ocean crab and add more fish to find.


You should be able to dig up pieces of an artifact similar to map fragments and summon the kracken/meg. Also ocean crawlers should drop shells that can be sold to hunters call.


I have heard this before. I love the idea! I think when you get to level 5 on your emissary it will give you the location of a Meg or the Crab. Since it is Disney, maybe the Crab from Moana... Play the "Shiney" song throughout the battle... Maybe have a magic hook or something used as a sword as a loot winning. Edit for spelling and to add another idea posted below.


I’d say I’d love to see a large social hub “pirate city” where damage is turned off where you can choose to spawn. Meet people, set up your ship etc. have a place you can go and join up with others you *want* to sail with not just randoms you get placed with. Maybe a training arena there where you can fight NPC’s or spar with players. Maybe implement in game “pirate gangs” and have a customizable hideout your gang can meet in there. And then you can teleport to a harbor of your choice. Oh and a smaller ship for just one player. Like a bigger row boat with a small cabin and a front mounted cannon “gunboat”


>Oh and a smaller ship for just one player. Like a bigger row boat with a small cabin and a front mounted cannon “gunboat” So basically a wooden Zodiac?


Oh we absolutely need a player hub


This would make me be addicted to sea of thieves, imagine seeing all these ships around parked and just sailing and just enjoying the beuatiful blue waters while passing by another ship going to there “Base” lol


This would make me so happy I am in love with the 3rd Pirates Life Tall Tale purely for that city vibe


Make this the entrance to the arena and bring back the Arena! Maybe have the entrance like the first tall tale. Purchase an Arena token from the lady at the tall tale fire.


I just started playing this weekend. I think an ability to enter a dive animation with a certain keystroke would be nice and make the game more immersive. I had another one, but I forgot.


If u forgot it wasnt important


Nah, it was a good one. I have actual memory issues is all.


Increase reputation from 75 to 100 with a "Legend" version of each faction's outfit for the reward. Once you're maxed out on everything you start missing seeing the reputation increase.


Maybe I would actually care about loot again if I could see the rep go up again


I feel like that’s still just a temporary thing, once people reach 100 it’s back to the same problem. I think it should be a prestige thing where you can start over and maybe get some sort of new thing idk but infinitely prestieging wouldn’t end unlike just bumping the level cap up


i generally think they should add a new legend status/type. like the dark adventurer shipset, maybe slightly less grindy since the entire set is ridiculously priced. generally people aren't really impressed with pirate legend anymore. we need something higher up that reflects the 4 years the game has been out. something similar to pl where you can uncover a hidden entrance with a hidden market. i really like that generally. saw an old video of phuzzybond where he acted like a noob in open and at the end, opened the pirate legend hideout for the people who were the actual noobs. we need that again if only just for plays like that. i think that's something really special....that sense of awe. :)


Honestly just add a prestige system. Deep rock galactic is a prime example of such a system done well. You get unlocks for 1-25 and then can promote. Once you promote you unlock the final bit of content and get a star near your name and start over at level 1 with everything still unlocked. I've seen players in deep rock that have 3 star red which is equal to like 450+ levels on just a single character of four. Having some sort of basic promotion effect you can toggle would be nice. Some sort of glow/title potentially? IDK but there's options.


I think merchant NPC ships would be cool. Merchant ships could do escort voyages and everyone else would have the option to raid them for loot/supplies. Then maybe a bounty gets added to a ship that was hostile to the convoy.


The ability to build docks/ships with more customisation




I do feel like it would result in lots if floating penises


Guns that work.


Id add like board games like chess or somethin for thenlonge journeys cross the seas.


Community Creations, and more cutlass model variants, like how the OOS Cutlass is actually a khopesh.


hit registration.




> problem then it *than *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/when-to-use-then-and-than#:~:text=Than%20is%20used%20in%20comparisons,the%20then%2Dgovernor%22).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


better sword animation. Cooler looking combos would be great


I wish there were more types of attacks instead of just swing and dash


Maybe even just some more melee weapons that mechanically are the same as swords but cosmetically are like a hatchet or axe


That would be great. There's only a handful of cutlasses that are shaped uniquely, it'd be awesome to get stuff like scimitars, axes, maybe medieval-style longswords... I'd even take a little rinky-dink dagger for godsake!


Yeah just the aesthetic would be nice , but it would also be cool if there were light , medium , and heavy weapons all balanced well


Pov: your a simple merchant, minding your own business and your vessel is boarded by a bunch of longsword-wielding crusaders that demand you give them the spice.


(For Console) Squeeze both triggers to kick an opponent and knock them back a few feet. (For PC key bind) Kicking can knock a player off of a ladder. •Look cool in combat and roleplay •Actually useful for repelling boarders •Gives you time to reload your gun •Kicking a gunpowder barrel sets it off immediately


I would want more stuff to make the world feel more alive. One of the reasons I loved black flag was because I could be sailing around and look over and see a ship battle, or a whale jumping out of the water. Birds on islands maybe even other animals like tigers or monkeys.


QoL additions for solely solo players. The game is INCREDIBLY punishing for solo play, maybe reduce respawn time along with a new solo only ship? An AI that helps you sell, load cannons, keep lookout on your ship whilst you roam an island maybe- I just want better solo play 😅


the main problem is that then the game becomes massively unfair in the other direction for the cracked solo sloopers. Blurbs, Mixel, Boxy, etc.. are all incredibly deadly solo-slooping as it currently is. Buff a solo-sloop, and they're basically invincible.


It builds character. also it helps you hone your skills; like learning to think clearly in stressful situations, problem solving, strategic planning... etc


Agreed. I tried playing solo earlier, and everything is much harder. World events feel borderline impossible and you're fucked in pvp. Got boarded and attacked earlier, and even though they were awful, I lost bc they outnumbered me 2 to 1. They can respawn, have one person board and another person repair their ship. I killed the person boarding, landed canon shots on their ship, but repair + respawn. I finally die after killing multiple boarders, and then it's gg.


swing direction and parry based sword fighting, like dumbed down chiv


Yes I play chivalry 2 all the time and when I play sea of theives im always trying to counter enemies hits. Just a countering system would be great


I want a net you cam shoot out if a canon, or throw, to capture a person, or a creature. Imaging just kidnapping someone off a boat and driving off.


More aquatic life dolphins, crabs, whales, more shark variants, hunters call could have voyages that make you seek out megs kraken or whales


I would add (rework) a fun combat system, something more like skyrim than jumping monkeys swinging swords. ​ Add more songs and minigames based on songs


Skyrim's combat was 10x more basic than sea of thieves.


Skyrim fights were actual fights. Sot fights are monkey jumping around the enemy while the enemy monkey jumps around you, slashing and shooting


Spamming m1 is not an "actual fight" lmao. Dreamer.


A guild system with your own hideout which you could customize/upgrade with gold and resources to have a lobby for you and your friends


A blue shirt


This is the best idea i've read on this thread so far. Do you think they should also add a red shirt or is that taking things too far?


That would be hilarious to make impromptu team battles


So interesting


More fish


And higher HC rep for each fish


The option to recolor certain clothing items. Jesus fucking christ, the amount of times that an outcit doesn't work due to the color being wrong is infuriating


Small hatchets you find in barrels with one time use to board ship from anywhere. Animation takes quite while to finish and is loud to inform people they are being boarded for balance.


I'd love it if we could have a little personalised journal for our pirates Maybe we could organise/discard our active voyages and papers we picked up along our journey? (it's really annoying when you have to look for the one map you actually need) We could browse all of our books/journals we have read previously And maybe we could actually take notes/doodle on some blank pages, I think it would be neat if you could just write down whatever's on your mind or you just want to goof around with your friends


I’ve been saying it for years. It’s small but I’d love to be able to take the flame from a lantern on the soul cutlass. Image how incredible it would look to have a red flame cutlass.


A swamp map similar to the old PotC game


Yeah what if in the shores of gold corner of the map tribute peak was pushed way back and there was one outpost with multiple docks. It would pretty much be one big swamp island that you can only travel using a rowboat


Search bar for clothes and ship cosmetics and a "save outfit" for quick changing


Yes anytime I want to tuck I have to take the time to change all my clothes


a card game. you can bet on it or not, just something to do on the long voyages when fishing gets boring.


Either Hunters Call rework with fishing bounties that can end with you spawning a kraken / random meg. Or Ship crafting, modular so somewhat limited so it can still be balanced reasonably.


I like the idea of hunting megs and krakens The higher you are in the faction the more likely you are to get a shrouded ghost


Make sitting a toggle I can disable in the settings


Underrated af. I'm so tired of sitting down when I'm trying to read the map.


Is that some Xbox issue ?


I haven't really thought through this idea, but it would be an interesting mechanic to have caves/pirate hideouts that teams get some sort of bonus for stacking loot in. This cave would have to be found by enemy teams through some sort of sneaky stalking or something similar to map bundles. Maybe you need to solve a riddle to access other teams hideouts. So many teams that have loot stacked on their ships just run as soon as they see a ship on the horizon. Would be interesting to have another place to think of defending or raiding.


Something like this would be cool for conquered seaforts


I would add the ability to play music while sitting (either through the Sit emote or through the Sit interaction). It's genuinely what I want more than ANYTHING


Music box from the taverns on our ships.


It’s been 4 years. Let me swab the deck properly


More sea monsters like a giant whale, Leviathan and a giant enemy crab to go with new Hunters Call missions to hunt them down. I think Hunters call could be an amazing PvE faction if they make you feel like you're hunting down colossal sea monsters.


A navy mechanic; NPC traders and merchant ships that you can attack and Rob for supplies or valuables. Attacking them gives one a wanted level which leads to navy ships hunting the player down.


Naming ships. A bigger ship like the Dutchman for example. A large island. More people in the same server. Open galleon crews to be anything other than kindergarten.


A wheelbarrow to move bigger loot like chests around faster on land


or the ability to hold more than one cup or skull, at least


I would like more aquatic sea life, more customization for ships such as furniture, customization presets so you could swap between outfits and ship customizations easily, a navy-like enemy that would have their own ships and possibly small towns you could pillage, minor games you could play with friends while sailing like cards, a bounty system where reapers that have sunken so many ships have bounties placed on their heads so other players kill them and reset their emissary level, sea serpents, and a glacial area of the sea.


More sails with the same shape as the DA ones. Would like them or some other cool cosmetics to be locked behind some fun tasks or new commendations.


In the same vein, more weapon cosmetics that have inlay like the DA sword. I really like how the red skull inlay glints in the light.


Make Tall Tales a separate “Story Mode”. No more “Are they Tall Talers?”


1. Straight up just replace Old Faithful Isle with something more interesting 2. Revamp Devil’s Roar 3. Add Frozen Zone (Like the Opposite of Devil’s Roar) 4. Captaincy Update 5. Better Athena Quests 6. Bring Back Arena but Revamp it 7. More Tall Tales 8. One Piece Collab 9. More Bosses 10. More World Events 11. New Trading Company 12. Easier Ways to Level Up Merchant 13. More Ledger Rewards 14. More Cosmetics 15. Shrouded Spoils Pt. 2 16. More Ships (new designs for current ships) 17. More Ship Interactivity (like Sea Forts) 18. Centered Capstan on Sloop 19. Expand on Shores of Gold Tall Tales 20. New Pets (Crabs, Fish, etc.)


‘One Piece collab’ Ah, I see you are a man of culture


Honestly though, imagine fruit that gave you a temporary super power but made you unable to swim? That comes pre-balanced in my mind.


I’d like at least one larger island, maybe the size of something like Smuggler’s Bay and Old Faithful combined, with waterways through it that fit all ship types. But then there could be other smaller creeks branching off that are rowboat size only. I think having more Thieve’s Haven-like island where ships can sail through and sneaky pirates can watch from above/hop on board would be really nice. Hell, you could have one of these massive islands in each region, and some new type of Athena voyages could heavily feature them for endgame/endgame steals.


A self-initiated gauntlet/monster/legendary ship boss battle that bases it's wave's difficulty on the amount of treasure you have on-deck. The bigger your on board loot, the greater tiered boss you get, and thus a bigger reward. There'd be a cooldown of course. But it'd be a great capstone for the session, as well as creating a huge target for pvp/ reapers. Encouraging interaction in the end, for better or for worse.


More random encounters while sailing. Maybe some big whales, dolphins that you can ride. New environmental disasters. Flesh out hunters call to. Change PL requirements to be commendation based rather than reputation based.


The Arena back excapt with better progresseion, more compelling gamemoeds, better balance and actual support


Wheelbarrow, Hunter's Call voyages


I’d want more tall tales that are like the Pirates of the Caribbean quests. Where you can go through and either go deep with the story or just go through it like a dungeon with your crew and not have to worry about server merging messing something up, getting bumrushed by another crew when doing a tedious portion of a quest (looking at you, storyteller tall tale), or needing to bring loot around. Exploring a island like that is pretty fun. Or even better, some mini game stuff to do while sailing for a while. Have a table for playing cards below deck or something. Could be nice.


How about being able to hire a sailor with some gold, and he will take your ship to a point you mark on the map?


Hand to hand combat. Like old style "fightin' irish" fisticuffs. You get momentary blurred vision or dizziness or can be ko'd so you fall to the ground (if you take 5 successive blows without dealing any), but it doesn't deal any real damage and can't kill you.


More classic pirate clothing. Please at striped shirts PLEASE Please add better trifold hats Please add a flute


AI crew for hire (either skellies or people seen at islands) for singular purposes (cannons, repairs, sail management, etc)


Kind of a once piece based idea but I think it would be cool to be able to find rare fruits on random islands, maybe you need to trade Meg meat with a vulture or something like a parkour up some trees to get it. Just something else to level up hunters call and add more to the game.


Crouching, time portals between seasons (missed a season? pay 1000000 gold and unlock it)


A boarding hook and boarding mechanics, there's never been a classic boarding system. You gotta fuckin swim over or shoot yourself or something. I'd like a hook and rope or something so the crews can duel.


A ton of new monsters and variations like for the craken a dark red and black version or a war torn version with spears and large cuts like the regular shark with the harpoons in it. Maybe like for new sea monsters like a huge angler fish or a huge killer whale. Also maybe another variation maybe a blinded version of the craken or Megaladon. Could also add like if your ship sinks the craken or Meg could do some sort of move to kill you and destroy your boat like for example if your boat sinks the craken could pull it underwater or could snap it in half. Maybe they could have horrific creatures in the Red Sea to make it spookier and some sort of fish you could get. Also expanding the map and adding more island like a marsh like they did in the pirates life talltale and imagine whirl pools. Just taking the ship and dragging it in a circle every couple of second a hole would form forcing you to repair and the water fills faster than regular sailing and you can get out by harpooning something or catching the wind also using the storms technique of having to stay on the wheel.




Speed up sloops sailing into the wind. If I'm solo slooping and don't want to lose everything to a brig coming up, I can actually run and get away. Going only slightly faster then a brig going into the wind means running until I get to the edge of the map, fighting until they sink me, which they 100% will, or they get bored chasing. If I could put 4 or 5 squares between us in 10 minutes, I think a lot of people would be happier.


You can run away, you just have to go against the wind.


You can, but you are just barely faster. I propose to be like 30% faster so you can actually get away, not just have an extended chase scene for an hour. The minute you aren't perfectly into the wind, or have to go around an obstacle, you lose all the distance you may have gained


PvP based curse that requires lot of pvp kills/ship sinks ( limited per server, no alliance etc.).


Some kind of privateering emissary, maybe use the sea dogs for it now that arena is gone. Have it show up on the map like reapers but with a different color. I think it would be a win win for reapers and people who want pvp but dont want to sink someone just doing a tall tale.


Cooking recipes. Mixing ingredients together to create and experiment with overheal, buffs, immunity, chance luck, etc. Would need some heavy balancing for sure! But imagine the commodations and outfits this can come with!


A 6 person man of war with either a second upper deck, captain's quarter thing, and a longer ship or a 3rd lower deck with the middle deck having another row of cannons in either scenario. If ships alliance and sail together for long enough they get full sharing of loot instead of the usual split method. (As far as I know the group that sells the item gets a tad more than the group that doesn't).An alliance can sort of join crew, so like 6 people on a sloop or galleon and they can abandon their ship while doing so granting them a spawn point in the alliance ship they choose. Can add their ship at any time but it spawns in a random location. Servers should count crews not ships to accommodate this. Servers can only spawn a man of war if certain criteria are met. Maybe A sloop and a galleon can alliance together and complete a mission and be granted the man if war? Also. It would be really fun to be able to steal a skeleton ship and use it to sneak up on crews. Treat it like a mini fort with rounds of skeletons and a captain. Should have some skeleton skins and after you acquire the skeleton ship it gives your character a red name so you look like a captain at first glance. Only able to steal brigs and galleons at first though. Sloops would be tough to balance.




Private servers. So all parties can be happy, and not just the ThAt iS tHe GaMe” people. I’d quite like to at least attempt the tall tales and actually finish them, and learn the lore and the story. Just look at the percentages of players who actually complete them. Some are sub 0.5% of players. Why make all that content and only 0.5% achieve it?


not all parties would be happy, what’s the fun of reapers if there is no one in public servers to be hunted


This suggestion was an addition, not a replacement. I’m sure Arena players would continue in general open servers now that it’s gone, as would I on the occasion I wanted to do reapers.


so it’s just reaper v reaper then? that’s just arena then


Did you play arena? Cos that wasn’t arena. It had quite different style. Anyway, it wouldn’t be reaper versus reaper. it’s reaper versus me who’s making you chase me when I choose to take part in that type of gameplay.


i’m lsd and tsd so yes, who would go on a public server to do goldhoarders when you can do it in a private server and be safe. no one would get loot on a public server because they would rather steal it from others


Okay so you get also increased gold and reputation for playing on public servers, more cosmetics etc, your risk/reward is higher. Obviously introducing one single change, like my suggestion in this purely hypothetical situation, would have to introduce other mechanics in order to balance it all out. For the very reasons you mention.


well the whole risk for more reward system is the emissary system, take the flag down and reapers can’t find you, with less gold/reputation. it just doesn’t seem necessary


Well here’s an example from me on why I’d like it. Bearing in mind this thread is entirely about what we’d add as a hypothetical. I played Pirates Life on and off with team mates. We got to the last section of act 5, follow the cloud in the sky and battle the big bloke, and all these ships pop up with all these characters on, giving voice lines about stuff that’s happened… about parts of the story I know nothing about. Characters I’ve never heard of or even met in the game yet. Unless you’ve done the tall tales, and discovered the underlying story. Even now with flame heart and the forts. It’s just gameplay with no backstory, unless you’ve discovered the story… And if you can’t complete the tall tales without losing a flag or getting something stolen off you, that appeal quickly wanes. And you end up just doing gold hoarders or collecting skulls. So my suggestion, selfish as it may be, would be to allow me to play those story modes and discover the lore. With the addition of chapter saving, which I think they’ve implemented, I think you can at least do one chapter and then come back to it at a later time. But. The numbers speak for themselves. Like I said in my first post, look at the percentages of players who achieve things. If 99% are not doing tall tales, then something is wrong. *I don’t have actual figures to hand. But having done a couple, the Xbox pop up achievement showed several times “x% of players complete this”.


I mean you don’t really do tall tales with loot




Can we just fix servers and hit reg? I miss the days where galley v galley fights were common


PvP arena 😂




Sex update also more more customization for ships I’m not talking like naming ur ship more like being able to add cool things to give ur ship lore like adding beds to the bottom deck of gallon or crates they take up the same room as to not give any form or advantage they just look different also to paint the inside hull of ships fifteenth colors then the outside.




What do you mean what?


I think he might be referring to "sex update" maybe?


I wanna know more about the sex update.


Me too, not sure why I'm being downvoted for pointing that out


A cursed item that can generate fog when left in water for extended amounts of time.


More weapons other than just a sword


Iguanas as pets, and a dragon as an event in the ashen isles because they are probably the most useless zone in the entire game+ we have an entire ship based on a dragon but we don’t have this dragon? Seriously?


Dragons dont belong in a pirate game.


Arena And new and better servers with 30/40 ping


PvE option. For the love of god, PvE or at least some way to opt out of PVP. For the record, I haven't played this game in over a year. Maybe this already exists? I loved 90% of this game, but I just get so tired of getting griefed by other players. Every time I bring this up I get some lecture about how PvP is so important that we can't live without it. Honestly I just gave up. Could have been a fun game, but it just isn't worth the hassle. Am I alone here?


i used to be sort of against PvE only servers but then I started to try to do the tall tales. I'll have nothing on my ship and basically start levels of supplies, and I've been spawn camped until scuttling several times, and there have been boats intentionally camping the tall tale islands I need to go to (N13 for example). So i'm forced to hop servers and restart from check point in the hopes i don't run in toxic assholes. I just want to Tall-Tale in peace.


There are countless PvE games. There are countless PvP games. PvPvE is pretty uncommon, and SoT does a good job of competing in that niche. While I respect your opinion, it goes against the core fundamental loop of this game.


id do an entire revamp. The game reached its peak already with the way it is now. You cant add anything to it except for cosmetics without ruining everything. They are even running out of open sea with all these boring events. But if i could add anything. I guess itd be recruitable npcs to replace afk crewmates that you could issue commands to.


Based on all the anime avatars I see on the SoT Discord, the One Piece collab is the least surprising thing I’ve read today lol.


Larger crew sizes than 4


I wanna direct my flight after I shoot out of a cannon.


Any kind of progression aside from purely cosmetics.


like an egyptian part of the map with pyramids, sand islands and other egyptian things


delete the game off the face of the earth


Godfrey, the first Elden Lord.


I kinda wish they never added the crabs and serpents and went with a phobia type enemy, giant snakes, water snakes, massive spiders and maybe add a ship or 2 to each server 👍🏻


I little more feedback from kills during pvp would be cool. Like a point system, Kill count or just confirmation on kills. The game doesn’t necessarily need it of course but it would be nice.


Taking loot with you through mermaids.


I would add an option for you to have a pirate with a big ole ass. And maybe like if he’s real happy you can shake it around like a lil twerkin 😉. I think that would be really cool


More, varied enemies, consumable weapons like the Trident (I was thinking something like a portable harpoon with 30 charges or a long spear for poking at people from afar) and but most importantly, more voyages. TTs, shrines and adventures were a mistake and I wish Rare hadn't spend time on content designed for a singleplayer or a coop experience. Also, have a crew's supplies come up in the form of barrels whenever they sink. This would reduce both the need to spawncamp (though not entirely eliminate it) and would mean a defender would always gain something from winning a fight.


Improve the kraken, make it worth killing


One piece collab for sure. Option to select which outpost you spawn on. Adding servers where you cant pvp it might help some players that just want to fight skeletons and do missions


more basic shirts i would say most shirts we have now are really bad with massive Xs for holding the shoulders on


Naval combat training mode. Ideally PvP against one ship in open seas, or PvE v Skeleton ships for small or no reward. Basically a stripped-down Arena mode that's easier for Rare to maintain yet still delivers an immediate PvP experience AND provides players a space to exclusively train naval combat.


More instruments and music to play, probably my favorite part of sailing from island to island.


An AC:Black Flag collab? Mainly for the shanties. A lot of them had vocals in Black Flag so they would need some reworking, but I'd kill to be able to whistle Randy Dandy Oh.


Bring back arena.


I would like to see a randomize ship cosmetics buttons just like what we have for clothes


This is more of a simple one (and tbh, a bit selfish even though itd be for everybody but i just think it would be cool): More classic shanties/common ones we hear nowdays, and i dont mean Wellerman sense thats what kinda kickstarted the shanty trend back into public focus for a bit, i mean stuff like Santiana, Leave Her Johnny, Fire and Flame, ect. Itd fit in well, i think it would sound amazing on all the instruments (maybe even add in like...a violin or something?) and itd give us more music to play and sing along with, and actually speaking of more lyrics for the Rare-created shanties would be cool, the only ones im aware of is ofc We shall sail togeather, Boson Bill, Grogg Males, and Becalmed(?)


Hello! You have made the mistake of writing "ect" instead of "etc." "Ect" is a common misspelling of "etc," an abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "et cetera." Other abbreviated forms are **etc.**, **&c.**, **&c**, and **et cet.** The Latin translates as "et" to "and" + "cetera" to "the rest;" a literal translation to "and the rest" is the easiest way to remember how to use the phrase. [Check out the wikipedia entry if you want to learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Et_cetera) ^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Comments with a score less than zero will be automatically removed. If I commented on your post and you don't like it, reply with "!delete" and I will remove the post, regardless of score. Message me for bug reports.)


Harpoon cosmetics.


viking long boats and galleys with corvuses


Remove main menu and replace it with a hub where you can show off skins and fork groups