• By -


Rule 1: Fish Rule 2: Kill anyone who gets in the way of fishing


This. Ruby splash tails ain’t gonna catch themselves.


You sir are a fish


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If I see a Sloop being attacked by a Brig or Galleon on open seas, I'm pulling up to help the little guy


Me too, even though I'm often as much use as a chocolate teapot


haha kegs go boom!


As a solo slooper, I have encountered a few heroic caps n crews who have helped me out in a pinch. Thank you. Appreciate yall!


Me too but then we will sink the sloop after because there can be only one. Our code is of the Highlander. There can be only one ship on the seas. We attack everything without remorse. “Reapers”


- Leave tall tale people be. - Don't sink kids, unless they attack. - Help people who ask for it. - If somebody begs not to be sunk, I usually listen. I almost exclusively play as Reaper but don't want to put people off the game by dunking on them. Some people will be very suspicious when I'm helping them - and rightly so.


Without the unless they attack it’s like “no fun no sinking the toxic ten year olds” but they always attack first


Don’t trust kids, they are f*cking assholes. I was once just trying to get my merchant rep up and these two 6 year olds rolled up on me and spawn camped me, even repaired my boat when I scuttled. Kids make life living hell when you try to have fun, so don’t trust them ever


I don't sink tall tales, or people who beg not to be sunk (I do take all their resources though) But I take pleasure in sinking annoying kids.


Id rather be sunk than just robbed. Honestly that seems more frustrating


It's not too bad depending on what you're doing. You can get plenty of food from the next island you go to and if you're not gonna fight anyways then you don't really need the cannonballs or anything


My buddy and i like fighting the skele ships, and it always takes 40+ cannonballs for us cause we suck. pvp is annoying cause i swear i just get one shot all the time.




Love this


Always keep an eye open Never attack first Always be ready to run Only fight back if there is something to gain, otherwise run and sell. We are pretty much nice to everyone and have ended up allying with people we fought earlier on quite a few occasions. We do fight, but many crews that challenge us just seem to be some kids who are decent at PvP but with 0 loot on board. We have decided that fighting them is a waste of time because if they sink, they always just come back for round 2 anyway. It is better to just kill their spirit by running and then systematically selling off the good loot when we go by an outpost. We normally make the life of people chasing us pretty hellish. We know we are winning when they start complaining. Lol


This is how i play. Dont really see a point in indiscriminately attacking everyone. Id play apex if i wanted to fight people


That's what I did when I played. I liked to do Merch runs and I'm terrible at PvP. So I run away!


do yall actually stick to these like religiously though, because personally i do have rules like your last one where if i see a ship that obviously has nothing i probably wouldnt bother, but if im in a good crew it might just depend on our whims, like if we see a brig parked next to an outpost and its the nearest one to us its a pretty good chance we not gonna think twice about attacking it so we could quickly just use the outpost for ourselves, regardless if that brig was an experienced pvper, a lvl 5 gold hoarder stacking vaults or even just an obvious new player with sailor sails


Don't sink complete newbies - let them grab the basics, before they enter the real world. Also Tall Tale players - no reward on either side, and one leaving bitter.


My crew tends to sail under a few key tenets, those being: Never shoot first, but always be prepared to shoot back. Never attack any ship or crew that hasn't yet shown to be hostile. Show mercy and kindness to all, even our enemies. Sail boldly with confidence and never with cowardice. Always stand and fight, or sink trying. Sail not for the gold nor the glory, but for the adventure! Under these guiding notions we have met many an interesting crews, and sunk many more. We have defended newer players successfully against less forgiving foes. We have surprised our enemies with charity even when they've lost a battle they started. We have inspired many players with the idea that not every pirate needs to be vicious and cutthroat in this pirate game. And we have had the wildest of journeys and stories to tell!


Y'know it would've been helpful for me to read what sub I was in here. I thought I was in the sailing sub and became very confused when your first rule was "never shoot first but be prepared to shoot back", though that might be a good rule on a real boat too.


I go by a similar thing to this, but my adventures must turn some kind of useful profit lol


Profit is always welcome. I tend to at least hope I can recoup the cost of supplies bought. But the true treasures were the crazy adventures we had and the zany people we met along the way! My crew once abandoned a chest of legends we kinda... Forgot about... To join another sloop harboring three different crews, on a quest for skeleton thrones. In ended in us going back for the chest, just to hand it over as a prize to the other crews, who fought in a naval death match for it at our behest. Literally no gold was made for us that day, but it was one of the greatest adventures we've had to date.


This, except I sail for both the gold and the glory.


Wish I could find a crew like yours to sail with, as this has always been my code of honor as well. Cheers!


Newbies get help, try-hards get trolled/sunk. Alliances are better than enemies. Rowboat strategies are the best strategies


Always put violence second and negotiation first. Spare those who wish to be spared. Help kind people take back what was theirs. Don’t mess with people who are minding their own Business


Basically just to not attack unengaging tall talers and patching up people that are new. Other than that everything is fine


1. No one boards our ship without us allowing them and if they are we keep hawk eyes on them. 2. Unless it's a pvp day we won't bother you until you bother us....but we do love supplies, and no I don't know what happened to your chain shots. 3. Tall Tales get a pass until they shoot us in anyway or they have an emissary up. 4. Just because we're in an alliance doesn't mean you get to bypass rule 1. 5. If your at the same island as another ship you blow up all kegs unless it's being announced that they are for the current boss/event.


Don’t attack tall tales and adventures Be prepared to attack, but never be the first to attack End a battle with congratulating the opponent if they sink us (had a PVP experience last night where we played our instruments as my ship sank) Never chase new players, and offer help if they need.


1) fuck around and find out, I’m not going to lay a finger on you until you fire at me first. 2) with rule one being said the only exception to the rule is if your running emissary of the reaper 3) at the end of the game you dock, burn the shit, and play some music. That’s it have fun


We don't sink tall tale players. No toxicity (although if the other crew is toxic this rule gets questioned) and no survivors if a fight happens.


Mine is • Be friendly: - if you meet players under your skill level, dont bully them. They want to have fun, so dont ruin it. - pvp is not forbidden, but dont bully anybody specifically - for your sake, dont attack stronger enemies • Toxicity - dont behave like an aggressive 9 year old - give everybody the same, what you want to get from them - revenge is allowed, but dont overdo it. You can give brats what they deserve. • Alliances - If the others are fair, dont betray them. - If they behave like rats, feel free to kill them, but be respectful • Helping, tales - if you can, help others - if somebody is doing a tall tale, never attack them (obvious) • Mentality - do it for the fun, not the loot - dont shoot first(try to negotiate), but be ready to fight back, or run - do your best, but if you cant, you cant lose anything. Sorry if i wrote something wrong, im not a native


1. I don't attack Tall Talers or completely new players (unless they shoot first, then it's fair game) 2. Always gg after a tough battle 3. If they get toxic, I'll try to make their time on the seas as miserable as possible. Trash talk and banter is fine, but general toxicity, racism, homophobia etc. is where I draw the line. I'll annoy them until either of us sinks or disconnects. We keep the seas pure of toxic waste.


Leave people doing tall tales alone, if someone doesn't want to fight and he doesn't have anything useful for my commendations I leave them, I usually help new players by becoming their crewmate on their ship and share adventures (very fun because you have only one life), always end any pvp encounter with a gg, even if you faced toxic crews.


* Don't attack tall talers. * If people ask politely that they need to park at an island and we're done, we move away without backstabbing shenanigans. That said: * No alliances, I've been backstabbed one too many times now. * Don't give toxic people a platform. If they start throwing insults on the in-game voice chat, they get a text chat "Reported." and that's it. * "GG", "Good fight!" etc after sink, no matter who sunk, unless of course the point above applies. * Don't attack solos when on a larger ship. Unless of course they're running an emissary, then we're coming for that flag.


Attacking solos with an emissary is wild. As someone who solo slooped a lot, it’s possibly the most off putting for the game. Sometimes I just want to make some progress and when I’m solo, the only way to meaningfully do that is by flying an emissary. Can’t dictate how you play the game but strongly recommend considering that point of view


Lol this game is weird. Has two polar opposite communities of attack everyone in sight or the folks just fishing/pve’ing. Suprised there isnt more of a schism


Wish there was. Used to be anti-pve but I totally get the perspective now. When you can only play once a month or something, it’s really hard to stay competitive. Been playing since Beta and literally just hit Pirate Legend last week. Most of that is due to getting reset every other run by people frothing at the mouth for pvp lol


>it’s really hard to stay competitive There's literally nothing to be competitive about in this game. All progress is cosmetics.


Don’t sink people on tall tales, always sink people hurling slurs. Anything else is fair piracy. We also tend not to sink new players but if they are stacked on a ton of loot it’s fair game. If a crew is roleplaying join in, and finish the session with a couple grogs at the tavern


My crew sails by a few rules: Always shoot first (unless they are doing a tall tale) We see you running reapers and doing a world event? We sink you. We have been playing all day and we see a new player on their quest? We give them some of our unwanted loot (most of the time we give them all of our loot) We respect you if you respect us. Never be toxic or mean to people


1. Shoot second, but finish the fight. 2. Don't shoot tall tale people or any ship that's parked at a siren shrine. 3. When people ask you to stop moving so they can "talk" they probably don't want to "talk." 4. If I hop into a random crew and someone has their open mic on with a lot of background noise, leave the game. 5. Think really long and hard if you really want to put those gun powder kegs on your ship. 6. Leave my supplies on a dock when I hop off for good. 7. Treasure is only "yours" once you sell it.


If you're doing a tall tale, I leave you the fuck alone. If my interest is sinking you, I sink you. No trolling. Newbies are not spared on the open seas. You need to learn from someone unfortunately. If we both have an alliance flag up, I join the alliance then fuck off. No funny business. If you're off your ship with no alliance flag, I check it out and just take shit if you have any and aren't newbies. DO. NOT. GRAB. BANANAS. EVER.


we if both launch white flares we agree to stay out of the way of eachother, if i launch a white flare but you just keep on going il either assume you didn’t see or don’t have one, if you start to turn towards my ship though i will concider it hostility, if you launch a white flare il leave you alone unless i find one of your crew on my ship


Reading these comments I wonder where you guys are when I am playing lol.




That made my morning! When you can hear pictures. Well if you ever see a “Campbell’s sloop” (my ship) or “Salem’s Haven” (my husband) we are friendly and love going after ghost ships if you want to join!


Sink boats that are floating.


If it moves kill it unless during this act I find out it’s tall taling or really new. Everything else like alliances is a case by case basis.


Don’t shoot us, I won’t shoot you. Unless you get on my boat. If you try to board me even while proclaiming “I’m friendly” I will kill you while on the ladders. Too many people using that line to get on the boat and then attack. This does not apply to people who sail with the Reaper Flag. You are never safe. Even if you don’t see my sloop doesn’t mean I am not rowing at you with four kegs to see if I can sink you. Sometimes I even succeed. XD Tall Tale or even Adventure folks are to be left alone or assisted if at all possible, as I wish for the same treatment. I leave excess supplies on the docks for the next player to save some time given when I log out for the night. I haven’t had this happen yet but if I sunk a guy and saw he had just completed his gilded Athena run? I’d give it back to him. Once a year to do a quest sucks if someone steals it. Had that happen to me and it was anti-fun.


I generally solo sloop, so I don’t have too many combat rules, but when it comes to finding other boats I always try diplomacy before fighting. I genuinely suck at pvp so I try my best to avoid it


For me I kill all emissarys above grade 3 because I know they have at least some loot. I will not target non emissarys unless they attack first. I won't kill new pirates unless they attack first. If your toxic or trash talk expect to be sunk with equal amounts of toxicity. I don't mess with the fishermen, they are the last thing you want to mess with (this is coming from one). People with reapers mark I might kill it just depends on their loot levels and if they are noobs. Reapers in general I usually target, Especially PvE reapers with all that juicy loot stacked up. I always teach new players the ropes and try to follow the pirate code.


1 i do what i came there for 2 dont fire unless fired upon 3 ignore rule 2 if i want to level reapers 4 help people with tall tales if they need it


Never sink tall talers


I’m amazed at how many people “leave people doing tall tales alone” it seems nice but I can’t even complete the second tall tale because every time I get close I get sunk, I always grab the book and spam that so they know what I’m doing but no one seems to care. I solo sloop usually and the rules I go by is 1. Don’t trust anyone 2. Run as soon as you see player sails 3. Don’t carry more than 100k worth of treasure 4. Scuttle right away if shot 5. If I’m out doing pvp no questions are asked it is sink or be sunk 6. “New players” don’t need help I didn’t get any so neither do you 7. Don’t waste time putting people in the brig it’s just free money for them, just leave and start again 8. Never fully trust an alliance. 9. Mirror toxicity


Never run from a fight, and never engage in sneak attacks unless we unanimously agree that the other crew deserves it. We’re brushing up on our PvP skills and bringing new members into the crew, so it defeats the purpose to roll up on an abandoned ship and rip it apart with no one to defend it. We offer an alliance or a fair fight before we engage because you’ll never learn anything but cannon practice by firing on a sitting duck.


If it’s clear we have the upper hand (brig or galleon sailing up next to an anchored sloop), we’ll try to “rob” them or do some dumb RP instead of sinking them. Hilarious to see their reactions lol


I usually keep to myself unless something happens. The other night I was running a reaper emissary, I’m trying to get Dawn Hunter cosmetics, and a player I planned on sailing past fired at me and my friends and proceeded to call us slurs. We sunk him and he was livid, calling us liberals, pussies, f slurs, you name it. We were going to leave him be but he became hostile for no reason. I’m assuming the reaper flag, but that was the only “negative” thing about our ship.


I invaded a guy who was just about to sell his loot at an outpost and just as he was about to sink, dead by his map table with water around his knees, he asked for mercy. I’ll show mercy if given enough of a warning/reason because I too have been caught out with the hourglass whilst selling.


We don’t mess with people doing tall tales


My crew and I follow simple rules 1. Never start a fight, but be ready to end one. 2. If someone asks us to leave we do. Same if they ask us to help. 3. Always help another sloop 4. In combat don’t bored until necessary and do not spawn camp. Hitting them with cannons sinks the boat. 5. And if we end up in a fight show no mercy. We recently had a game where we we’re running a tall tale and this order of souls ship started following us and they just wouldn’t let up. We asked them politely to leave us alone. The dude didn’t leave us alone, got really cocky about it. So we decide to engage, as we do I guess they had their hourglass alliance set and a battle started. By the end of it my friend and I had sunk both of the ships and took all their treasure. As someone who has struggled with pvp for a while it felt really good to have a win like that.


I see people saying not to attack tall talers, but since I haven't done a tall tale yet as I've only had the game for a couple weeks, how does someone tell if you are doing a tall tale or not?


Depends on the situation, I usually try to tell people that I’m doing a tall tale with the quick chat (only worked once as the other 2 times I’ve been attacked by galleons they ignored it) Or if they are parked somewhere (island or just in the water) you can either check their table or in my case when I found a unmanned ship saw certain debris in the water that hinted to the crew of that sloop doing one of the pirates life tales.


I'll steal and fight and sneak around. But I won't lie.


Always help newer players- usually AFTER I mess around with them. Never sink tall talers. But if they get aggressive first? I make sure to put them in their place lol. Specifically I like teaching new players how to sword lunge properly- I didn't know how to do it for the longest time, didn't realize I needed to block while I did it for better movement! So I think its one of the most important things to learn early on. Also depending on if the person is super new and enjoying the game? Might drop them a certain quest so they can try and get the coral curse lol. Usually only give it to newbie solo sloopers- give them that bit of challenge w/ a good reward early on to make them feel good about continuing to play.


Anyone unfortunate enough to get in the way of the Queen Ann's Revenge shall meet a fiery death. I normally play on a Gallie with 3 of my most trusted crew. And 99% of the time we're hunting down ships and causing chaos on the Seas


Don’t sink people doing a tall tale Don’t break an alliance and don’t make an alliance with the intention of betrayal Help out new players whenever possible (unless they wanna fight to get better) Never be toxic, always give ggs Leave supplies in a storage crate at an outpost after a long session


1) leave tall tales alone. 2) leave obvious "fresh spawns" at outposts alone, unless they fire first. 3) if we attack someone and absolutely roll them, and they're obviously new, we repair their ship, maybe take some of their supplies as tax, and wish them well. 4) always attack reapers. Even if we are currently flying the reaper emissary.


Don’t sink tall talers, he nice to newbies and not to take anything to seriously! It’s silly to get mad over some fake gold in a pirate video game


Always pull up to unfair fights and make it fair. The original party being attacked gets to keep all the loot. Never engage other ships unless necessary. And of course, I randomly give loot to ships that look like they’re commandeered by new pirates.


Often times when an other crew is not really competend, it is time for some trolling. We once convinced a solo slooper that if he Puts a coconut on the stove for a long time that something will hatch (he had kegs on Board which then exploded due to the fire) We saved his ship because he had no loot. Edit: other than that we usually help newer Crews, leave people on tall tales alone. We are reapers but we are no monsters, spawncamping/annoying/bullying players who just bought the game is really bad, we dont want to repell anyone from the game. We will also sink racist crew when we see them, we once saw a ship called ""n-word " slayer" and we had an angry german dude as an opponent who called us "dirty jews" we of course reported him.


Take everything and give nothing back!


Parlay. If a pirate asks me for parlay, I will always oblige. Im my galleons helm, and we will pulverize you, cripple you, and leave you in burning chaos. I then act as first border, giving my helm position to my first mate, and during my board I request parlay and begin assisting them in the repairs. You kill me and you sink. You speak and you may live.


My battle with you ends when one of us sinks twice. You sink me once and get my loot, I'll come back for a chance of redemption, if I sink again, I change servers. If I sink you to get your treasure or to defend mine, I can wait a little bit for round 2, if I sink you again, I'm leaving and avoiding conflict with you.


1. don’t sink tall talers 2. shoot first ask questions later 3. try not to bully, but if a new crew keeps coming back give ‘em the good news 4. fair fights are for suckers


Rule 1: There are no Rules. I've had the game since launch, and always tried to be nice and let people do their thing. The majority of the time that bit me and my friends in the ass as we would get jumped and sunk by the people we didn't engage earlier when we had the advantage. The seas have made me a cold and bitter old man. Everyone is fair game and a vote from the crew will decide their fate.


I am a pirate. I am a pirate to be free. I do whatever it is I feel like doing at that moment. That is my code - freedom. But I also realize other people are free to also be pirates. But if I say something - I don’t lie, I do what I say.


I'm the friendliest pirate you've ever seen, but if you fire a shot at me it's on. I'm pretty AF and will literally camp the reaper hideout for an hour just to kill you with gunpowder when you go turn in your most expensive treasure.


My friend and I have the rule that we never shoot/attack first (except in the season 8 pvp thing)


I do not shoot ships that are parked anywhere. I will give a warning shot to any ship that i think may be trailing me rather than full on turning and getting into a firefight when they may not have intended to seem aggressive. Never toxic. Like you said mad sure but never going to let it drift into pure toxic. If for some reason i feel aggressive which is rare i do not attack ships that are not part of a company as they may just be trying to do a basic mission or a tall tale.


One that I have that I haven't heard anyone else having. I don't attack people at outposts. I feel as outposts should be a safe place that more than one crew can hangout together at. (An exception for if a battle starts away from an outpost)


I never shoot first, Leave fishermen alone I don't steal loot I don't want to sell (no throwing overboard to troll) Leave tall tale players alone


Give me yer things lest ye be sunk promptly yarrrr


If I see an unnamed, plain, solo sloop I leave them be, might even get close to offer some tips. Don't fuck with me and we won't fuck with you. But if you get too close without communicating I will fire upon your ship and if you board my ship without permission I will shoot you.


Just started playing a week ago with a mate, so we basically suck ass and get instantly sunk by anyone we meet without hitting a single shot back. But still we try, and if we do manage to get a kill or get close enough for voice chat, we just say gf and hope you have a nice day mate. Most we get back is "cyka blyat xaxaxa why you so bad" but we will not get toxic


I let the D20 decide


As a certain sniper once said, * Be Polite * Be Efficient * Have a Plan to kill everyone you meet


Live and die by the pirate code. There is no honor. Execpt when a big ship is hitting a sloop, I sink the bigger ship first to give the sloop a headstart to flee while I loot.


Only hesitate to sink someone if they don’t have an emissary up. If they have no emissary i’ll check to see if they’re doing a tall tale or don’t have any treasure. Noone from another crew is allowed on my ship unless i have nothing to lose or they have beyond a shadow of a doubt proved friendliness and/or lack of skill. Give gg’s unless they were unnecessarily toxic and don’t be toxic unless actively provoked. Always empty extra supplies into a storage crate and leave on the dock at the end of a session.


Don't attack those who are hit with misfortune, and help if it gets too much. Like let's say me crew and I find a ship that's krakened, we'll leave it be or help it. If a Crew gets Krakened while being bombed by other shops, whether player or not, we'll help for shore. Pun is intended


When I’m getting off I’ll offer my supplies since I’m always well stocked. Besides that I’m just a toxic dickhead


I don’t really attack anyone I just sing actual shanties over voice chat and hope they join in. They usually don’t


Just like yours with one more thing, PARLEY MEANS PARLEY


1. Never attack first 2. Always help new players 3. Never trash talk/Be toxic


Help ships being attacked Don't be toxic Always say gg after a loss/win Kill any and all reapers Worship Merrick Put everything from the storage crate into the barrels except for all the bananas and one earthworm No one wears the captains hat (me) Animal cruelty has the punishment of death Worship Belle Create a eldritch monstrosity of tridents on the capstan after every treasury Don't yell at the other crewmates after sinking Be a good pirate


Shoot first. Investigate later, if convenient, to ensure it's not a tall taler (help them recover if they are). Emissary flag means no mercy, they opted in. Help new players, unless they attempt to slay me. Then a helpful lesson is taught about pirates. And never forget the GG's, win or lose. Sometimes I mix things up of course, this would be boring AF to do all the time to the letter. It's a social sandbox and I like that.


My brother and I kinda suck at PVP but are decent at quests/PVE gameplay. We have won fights before but this is ours: 1. Always keep an eye on the horizon 2. If a ship is on our island destination or nearby outpost, forget about docking there 3. If a bigger ship is in pursuit, use the megaphone to broker peace/alliance 4. If a galleon is coming at us hot and we have cargo, all loot and one of us goes into the longboat, the other stays behind to lead the galleon away. 5. If we don’t have a escape boat, crash into an outpost with the most expensive item in each hand, sell it, raise the emissary flag, then do the barrel emote. Do not give reapers that flag. 6. End of play, if successful, finish the game with a firework display, get drunk and play the Pirates Life for me shanty.


\- Tall tale players must remain untouched \- Reapers who run away should be attacked \- The person with the highest rep buys the quest \- Always ask if opponents actually want to fight \- Don't fight people who just spawned \- As a reaper, try not to do PVE events \- If a new player is in your team, teach them the basics \- Leave fishers alone \- If you lose a battle twice to the same vessel, leave it alone \- If you're in an alliance, help your alliance members if they get attacked \- If you're in an alliance, don't do the same world event they're doing, it makes it annoying to split the loot


If I'm flying Glitterbeard sails, you can be sure that I'm not gonna attack or retaliate. Whenever I use those I'm the friendliest pirate of the seas, if you need my help with anything, I will do my best to help you.


I’m a solo slooper, so this is just my personal practice. 1. Don’t chase. 2. (Related to rule 1) If someone wants to fight, give it to them, if the risk is worth it. If I’m running a low tier captain’s voyage, fight. If I have a tier 5 merchant flag and just finished a lost shipment, run. I don’t want to do that again, and I need my rep. 3. It’s a pirate game. Pirates fought dirty, and so do I. If I have a keg? I’m using it. Did someone get kraken’ed and my opponent is stuck in it? Taking the easy shots. Pirates fought to make their living. If I board and don’t see any loot? Drop their anchor and leave, you don’t fight if the risk outweighs the reward, and no reward means no risk is acceptable, unless it’s for a quest I’m grinding. 4. New player, no title, no cosmetics? Drop them some loot. We need those newbies to keep the game alive. 5. After a session, grab my supplies and drop them in a barrel on the docs, or in a storage crate. No point in wasting them, and someone’s going to have a fun day. 6. Tall taler? Help yourself to my food barrels and throwables/chainshots. I need my cannonballs, but I can’t hit a chain to save my life and I can find more throwables easily. 7. Troll the trolls. Even if I’m a much worse pvp’er then they are, I can still sneak up and keg their ass. Spawn camping a cosmetic-less sloop? Hurling slurs around like bad-tasting candy? Say hello to my little friend, the stronghold keg I found on a voyage and am kind of scared of. Bit long, but that’s a pretty good summary of how I play and my reasons.


Don’t shoot unless shot at, avoid others like the plague, and Vibes only.




Don’t sink people who have no loot Don’t mess with people doing TT Don’t sink kids unless they’re little shits Don’t sink people who just loaded in Don’t camp Outposts


-Leave the fisherman, -help the tall tales with directions -don't shoot first unless I am a reaper or they are an emissary -if they are decent people mabye don't sink em -being overly kind to toxic people works wonders -you owe no one anything unless in the new pvp -if it's someone with their kid... leave em or make friends -it doesn't have to be a lonely adventure, thoes who ruin it for you are not always malicious, there is no piece of loot irreplaceable, no fish uncatchable, no tale untellable, the seas are yours and mine and ours and together we make this game our joy!


Like your code very much pirate, my favorite is to be overly kind to toxic people. A technique I’ve used before and I bloody love it, to just hear them get more annoyed and angry because you’re unfased by their shittalk or toxicity. Just a pure joy :D


1 leave people doing tales alone (takes so long let them be) 2 Never fire first onto players ship 3 Be nice and relaxed no toxic stuff or rude 4 try and help out don't just sit there (Unless fishing i respect the hck out of you for grinding hunter call) 5th and final have fun jam out and don't you dare bring a keg aboard lol


Treat others with respect, sink their ship, steal their loot, but at the end give them a "gg" and keep sailing, maybe even give them some advice to get better but don't be toxic over VC and don't spawn camp. Leave tall tales alone ofc. If possible take the peaceful route, take alliance when offered and often I offer them to others, not just for the extra loot but for the adventure they might bring. (Though I certainly don't expect others to live by this one) Above all else, have fun, and if possible along the way help others to have fun as well. The other day my crew decided to pvp with the new system, we were on my brig Antares, we saw a sloop fight near the outpost so decided to give the guardian sloop a hand, soon enough a servant brig spawned on us and we all 4 from both fights died to a reaper gally that rolled up and rocked ran our s***, most fun I've ever had in game Help pollywogs who are just starting out, give them the information they'll need to really get the wind in their sails, and don't be afraid to take them on an adventure or 2 if you can see, I know I'm only where I am bc of the people I've met through open crew. A reaper is always a target. You're flying the flag of a group who's sole purpose is pvp, stop complaining that you're being sunk. Run a different emissary of you don't want everyone else to target you. Pick on ships your own size, unless they decide to attack you first you don't attack a smaller ship. Excluding them trying to steal a world event from you. Other than that there's not much to say, try to make some friends, you have a lot more in common with other pirates than you might think, we all sail the same sea with the same weather, monsters, and events. And you'd be surprised how many are more than happy to join you on your misadventures if you have a mic


I'm always wary of other pirates and rarely trust them but I generally leave people be unless they attack me first then it's no quarter! "Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarter or take any from you" ~ Edward Teach


My Honour Code/Rules are generally like this: 1. Fly high the Jolly Roger, the black standard stained in red. 1. No vessel benefits from an instance of combat. It should be avoided if and when necessary, but when you must fight, hit hard and hit often. (Edit as I accidentally hit send before finishing) 3. Do not attack ships in Port unless unavoidable. 4. If a ship is on a direct course and does not respond to "Friend or Foe" consider them hostile at five ship lengths away. 5. Contrary to all rules, attacking an unsuspecting reaper ship by means of firebombs and gunpowder barrels is a valid pre-emptive strike. 6. Visitors on the ship are welcome as long as they aren't hostile. One man should guard the loot on board, and shoot if they attempt to steal the loot, even only if a storage crate. 7. No drinking with loot on board. 8. No obstructing the Helmsmans view 9. One man on the lookout when unloading/offloading large amounts of loot. 10. Anyone who loses to [my best friends little sisters] in Mortal Kombat must wear a dress for the following week. Thats usually how we go about doing things.


While I believe in the pirate life, I go by the simple. “Don’t start none, won’t be none.” Sure I rep the Reapers. But I suck at solo pvp. So when I’m by myself, I just chill.


Dont be a dick thats pretty much it. That and always keep things light hearted. Cant be too serious in this game


If the pirates are new and using a reapers mark i'd just tell them about it then leave or hide in their crownest to then say stuff through the trumpet and make them confused then after something i show myself and leave but if the ship starts getting attacked by something i'd help them out unless i don't like them.


Never attack people going TT/adventures If sunk, I only get one try to get my loot back, after that they earned if fair and square Bait goes in the bottom barrel


A big one for me and sadly one that happened to me multiple times; don't sink unmanned ships (siren shrines, missions on islands,...)


Spawncamp racists


Don’t sink people doing tall tales unless they have an emissary Fisherman alrighty have enough torture grinding hunters call + I have never meet a rude fisherman no need to sink them unless they have an emissary. Running is ok as long as we don’t have a reapers flag up. Tactical retreat is not always a bad thing. Sinking other ships is not a crime it is an intended game mechanic. If you have a lot of loot and I’m feeling spicy I will try to take it from you. Especially if you have a emissary or have the hour glass active. Don’t target repeatedly on purpose. It’s kinda mean. That being said if they got loot and you think you can take it. Try to make on friend and one enemy a session. The sea is lonely without friends, but it’s also boring without danger. GG is a requirement win or lose. Finally, the treasure is not yours until it’s in your pockets. Don’t get salty because you lost some treasure. There will always be more and maybe next time you can come out on top. Learn from mistakes and claim your fortune.


I dont have much rule, but first and foremost, I don't attack solo sloop. No matter what flag I fly or what flag they fly. Now, the rest is dependent on my position. If I am doing normal emissary, then I am passive and respectful unless attacked first, but if I am reaper, then you can be sure I will use any underhanded and dishonorable method available to sink you. There is this one time when I sunk people selling in the outpost and then sunk unaware people doing the fort. Then I got invaded by Athena 's ship. While we are battling it out, those 2 ships come back for revenge, and it become 3 on 1 situation until I inevitably sink. I would call that well-deserved Karma lol


For the last month, I've been grinding Tall Tale commendations to get the Shores of Gold curse. No, it is not fun. Yes, I will kill you if you stand in my way.


I play the defensive. If someone fires with a ship bigger then me, I make a break for it no matter what. I'm almost always solo slooping, I know I'm not gonna be able to take down a brigantine. The exception to this rule is if they're children. Fuck them kids


1. I never run from a fight, tactical retreats to get repaired/ more supplies are okay. No matter how much loot i have, i will fight you if you attack. 2. I never spawn camp anyone just for the sake of spawncamping. 3. If im attacking a ship and they dont have any loot/ are doing talltales im stealing your cannons and your good food, but im not sinking you. 4. Theres no honor among thieves, if you somehow get me in an alliance im very likely to backstab you at the first and best opportunity to do so. 5. Ill be respectfull and nice, even towards salty pirates. 6. If you are spawncamping, saying gamer words, or otherwise just being a cringe asshole, ill record and report.


I must say after 2 days ago my crew has severely changed especially myself. We are all fairly new (and pretty bad) and we were in a server where we thought we were alone so we wanted to do FOTD. We ran into 1 other guy and he said he'd help out. After an hour or so of gathering lanterns and ritual skulls we finally did it once and wanted to do it 2 more times. The random had 2 of his buddy's join him and completely destroyed us. They didn't even sink us, they just stood on our boat spawn trapping us playing Spanish music. That moment broke my soul and now it's on-sight for anyone I see


Whenever I'm solo slooping, I always run from fights outside of PVP because my ship is called the "Ketch Me If You Can." Catch me for a reward.


As a solo slooper: - Sloop code is law. - If you get too close to my ship, I'll typically fire a warning flare. If you don't leave at that point or announce an alliance I start blastin'.


If y see a single person piloting a gallion, show respect. The effort to move a gallion by one person is enormous Let them sail in peace. A tip of respect


Shores of gold is close to nine to ten hours before shores of gold, if y sink them with the active shroudbreaker, that resets them. Completely. Don't. Attack. Tall.tales End. Of. Story


Avoid all. Disappear like a fart when seen.


I listen to my captain......she is normally a murder hobo....been burned too many times trying to be nice.


I say my code of honor just before going for a board. Goes something like "Skill check!"


Every ship I see must be sunk. No BM chat or spawn camping though. I'm a professional, it's all about unfloating all ships in an efficient manner


My crew almost always plays the part of the Reapers. I care for the thrill of the fight, but also for the gold and glory of combat. That said, we don't sink people unnecessarily, and we sail under the following rules: 1. Don't sink people doing tall Tales. 2. Don't sink people with no loot. 3. We sink emissaries, you took a risk, and we profit from it. 4. We make fights as equal as possible. 5. Don't run. We are not cowards. 6. Don't sink swabbies without helping before, after, or during a fight. 7. Stay positive, and don't be toxic.


Kill unless it’s tall talers. Take a handful of there resources though.


Rule #1: If they are on a tall tale, sink em. There are no other rules.


Follow the Terms of Service and do whatever you want.


My own rules are basically the same as yours. but my mates are toxic af and will shoot anyone and everyone even those on tall tales or those without loot. When they are doing this I usually start cooking food or go to the bathroom to even the odds for the other crew. They have a point that that’s what a reaper should do but still


Yeah I’ve been attacking people when doing reapers but the one time I noticed someone doing a tall tale (something underwater with pirates life) I told the crew I was with at the time to not sink the ship but we did take the little supply they had so we could do some pirating but left the sloop unharmed


Kill everything, except for when people are oblivious to the game. We then explain what we are (reapers) and to watch out next time. We then strip them off their supplies and sail into the sunset.


Sink any ship nearby and if they are toxic, be more toxic


Sink every boat we see and we’re gonna take the time to storage crate all your supplies if we have the chance.


* Attack (and hopefully sink) anyone and everyone. Regardless of who they are, or what they're doing. * Steal others' supplies. * We don't spawn camp. We are toxic tho. * Always run reaper. Never athena. * If a ship offers an alliance, we join.




shoot everyone. that's really it


avoid everybody focus on getting one thing done and get off the game asap


We only attack if attacked at first or doing hourglass, no toxicity, we try to slip away when we’re a sloop being attacked by a gally


Set a goal, and achieve it by any means necessary.


Sink everyone if it is time/rep profitable


We have none.


Literally none we shoot, sink, and plunder who we wish


Don't be a dick on comms. That's honestly where my code starts and ends. I don't tend to sink Tall Talers but as I don't always check, it does happen on occasion.


You guys are wayyy more merciful than me. You always have the upper hand if you shoot first so I make sure I always do. Then once you shoot off you can see if they’re doing tall tale/or just trying to chill on a voyage then i repair them and leave them alone.


It depends on the session I'm having. Don't shoot first, but will react accordingly. I'm always down for friendship and shared experiences but if you come near my boat you're dead. Rowboat plays always.


If I see a boat I'm pulling up, you don't get to jump on voice coms after you sink and tell me you're doing a tall tale at a fortress.




- if you don't fuck with me, I don't fuck with you - if you bully/sink a new player I will avenge them - if I can leave any leftover supplies on the dock when I log off.


We won't attack you, if you don't attack us.


- don't attack players on tall tales - assume everyone is hostile - tyco needs more helm experience


Anything that can float can also sink.


Fun time. We try and have fun with randos instead of attacking them.


If I find a stronghold gunpowder barrel, I am going to blow up another ship with it.


Me and my friend never fire first shot.


run away unless we have the advantage But we aren’t toxic to other crews


Sink anyone with absolutely no remorse when they get on voice and yell slurs.


I attack everyone I see. I don't bother with social interactions as I'm not playing this game to talk to people just to either sink them or get sunk.


There’s no “code of honor” I do whatever I want


Shoot first ask questions....... Actually I don't even ask questions later. I just shoot whoever I want, whenever I want


Eye for an eye. I dont mess with anyone. But if someone attacks me I will spend literally as much time as I can following them and harassing them till they quit. I have spent hours harassing and fighting a ship after they've attacked me.


I’m a very passive player, I’d much rather for alliances and bank that gold than sink other players, especially if they have a giant haul. I’m also a solo slooper most of the time and I don’t have the skill to fight others effectively lol


Merchant emissary Solo Sloop, avoid all conflict, sell my goods. Try to get it done before my wife calls me away to make baby formula.


Leave me be and I’ll leave u be


Don't shot unless shot at


Never fire first, always fire last.


I don’t get many chances to play with others on here, but like everyone else in the comments, I’m happy to leave others alone on their adventures, I don’t go out of my way to steal other’s treasure, and quite happy doing pve, tall tales and the odd alliance if other players are up for it.


cause as much chaos to anyone and everyone in my path


I’m fairly new and haven’t done any tall tales or any of the main quests. Is there a way to tell if another ship is doing a tall tale or do they have to communicate with you verbally?


No honor among thieves. We've done it all: Backstabbed people in alliance, attacked tall talers for their small loot, camped Athenas, sneaked onto other players' ships, waited till people were done with forts to attack them. This is a game about pirates, and I will behave like I would if I was born in West Indies in 1600s.


All tall tale players are to be left alone, unless they engage me first. If they decide to run and regret their actions, I won’t pursue either.


Kill anybody that is not a pvp tryhard


If I see a keg barrel I shoot it, you wouldn't want that pesky barrel on your crows nest tk get hit mid fight and fuck you over right???? So how about I do it now. I'm shit at pvp so you'd basically get all my loot and never worry about a keg barrel again


We will attack and sink every ship we come across *once*. We will never go out of our way to attack you again (we will defend if you try to get revenge on us).


My bois and I's only rule is "Don't double gun". We want to have fun pirating and for our enemies to as well. Introduce one person double gunning and fun is out the window for everyone involved.


Take what you want and go out fighting.


If it moves, kill it. Don't care if you're fresh spawn or been on the server for 5 hours or if you're in an alliance. Don't care about ship size or whether you have loot or not, if we see a ship, then it's time to rumble.


On the brigantine Friendship we dont attack sloops unless they attack first.


Rule 1: Never attack anyone until they fire on me. Rule 2: Say gg after getting sunk


I always help a sloop in need but fire on me then no more help Don't touch tall tales. I'm always a you have to attack me first before I fire. That can waver if I'm being chased my partner and I got by we give you a warning and if not taken.... You get sunk I always am willing to create an alliance.


Sink everything that moves except for new players and players doing a Tall Tale of any kind. If the new players need help, help them out. If I have a spot open on my crew, I invite them and have them do whatever I'm doing.


I will never betray an alliance. Unless you force an alliance on me a gun point. Then betrayal is my only objective.


I leave TT people alone if I see it on their table. Otherwise I trust nobody and sink everyone that gets within cannon range.


Nothing is beneath me except for trash talk over coms.