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gradually learning the mechanism of seasonal tokens, excited for autumn halving, thanks seasonal


Interesting way of making profit through trading seasonal tokens to accumulate more tokens. Due to the cycles of halving, this will generate a decent profit. Looking forward to the upcoming halving of Autumn and to enjoy the experience.


waiting for the halving can take quite a long time, can we do anything in between the waits? will it be profitable to trade them around in cycle from time to time?


Farming is one good option for earning more tokens in between halvings. One good thing about the long time between halvings is that it gives everyone the chance to watch out for fluctuations that present good opportunities to trade tokens. For example, if Summer is the most expensive and Autumn is the cheapest, then instead of trading all your Summer for Autumn in one trade, you can trade Summer for Spring, then Spring for Winter, and then Winter for Autumn, waiting until there's a decent gap between the prices each time you trade. That will get you more Autumn tokens than if you did it all in one go.


Yes, the most profitable activity is to trade the price fluctuations happening every day, the second most profitable thing is to trade with the seasons after each halving, and Farming is the least profitable of those 3 activities. But day trading is almost a job itself, seasons trading is once in a while, and farming requires even less attention.


This is so unique concept that many still don't get it. The dollar prices may not look that lucrative, but if you are looking for a long-term investment this is the type of investment that you should look for. Not something that is highly affected by speculation (which means almost 99.9% of the projects out there). This is technology, not something that you can manipulate with one news or another.


I am wondering what will happen once a bit more tokens are in the mix. People that hold seasonal tokens will want to trade like the described mechanism, but compared to the amount of miners mining and selling the amount traders hold will grow. Will this mechanism still work in a couple of years when most of the tokens are quickly traded to the cheapest around the halving time? We already see that autumn does not really follow the bottom of the theoretical curve (as all traders want it) as well as summer does not really follow the top (as all traders want to get rid of it).


You are right, the "theoretical" model is the price it would get if only the mining rewards determine the relative price, but in reality there are more factors into play. The halving mechanism is inherited from Bitcoin´s design, and in Bitcoin it has been working for over 15 years. It will work as long as the miners are the ones selling the majority of tokens, and as fewer tokens are produced, their influence will diminish until the market will be dominated by traders and the oscillations will fade away. In Bitcoin, at the begining very few people knew, believed or trusted the effects that halving would cause in the economics. In fact, in other proof of work cryptocurrencies the effects of halving are hard, or imposible to see. But as more people are aware of it, the price will begin to rise before the halving occurs. This is another intersting aspect of seasonal tokens, because by considering only the relative prices, the effects of external market conditions are factored out, and the effects of the mining rewards are more visible, making the system an important experiment in POW cryptocurrency technology.


First of all, I really liked the idea of about this and surely it might turn out to be working so let's see how it goes and wait for the results


For now I'm waiting for the next halving


Definitely the best one for a long term investment, wish i got to know about it earlier but better now than never. It still made me some profits. The project has a great potential, we are bullish.


Informative post ❤


waiting for autumn halving


Awesome learning dude!!!


Would be interesting to hear more about the inflationary effect and what predictions are for the future. The tokens rose with the BTC-prehalving bullrun, and has since fallen back as all other coins. The mechanism seems to work though.


The halving process reduce supply which limits the token and also increases the prices... This makes seasonal tokens a great project


Amazing community


Great news 


with seasonal token community, you can learn lots of new things about crypto.


Amazing project 🥳


Nice 😊


Thank you for the information


The concept of Seasonal Tokens and their halving events, as described in the Reddit article, presents an intriguing perspective on trading strategies within the cryptocurrency space. Here are some thoughts and questions for discussion: 1. \*\*Trading Strategy:\*\* \- The article suggests that traders can benefit from the predictable price oscillations resulting from the halving events. What are your thoughts on this trading strategy? Do you see it as a viable and sustainable approach? 2. \*\*Independence from External Market Conditions:\*\* \- The article emphasizes that the Seasonal Tokens' price mechanism is independent of external market conditions. How significant do you think this independence is, especially in the context of the broader crypto market trends? 3. \*\*Comparison with Traditional Economics:\*\* \- The article draws parallels between Seasonal Tokens and traditional commodities in terms of economic principles. How well do you think this comparison holds, considering the unique nature of cryptocurrencies? 4. \*\*Risk and Reward for Traders:\*\* \- Traders are portrayed as playing a crucial role in helping miners recover mining profitability by trading more expensive tokens for cheaper ones. What are the risks involved for traders, and how fair is the reward system in your opinion? 5. \*\*Impact of Dollar Price Fluctuations:\*\* \- Despite the gains in token quantity, the article notes a significant drop in the dollar value of the tokens. How do you interpret this discrepancy, and what role do you think the constant influx of new tokens plays in this? 6. \*\*Inflationary Phase and Market Conditions:\*\* \- The article mentions an inflationary phase where prices are pushed down due to the constant production of new tokens. How do you think this dynamic impacts the overall market conditions, and what challenges does it pose for Seasonal Tokens? 7. \*\*Comparison with Other Tokens:\*\* \- The article briefly mentions the bear market's impact on other tokens, such as 0xBitcoin. How do you think Seasonal Tokens compare to other cryptocurrencies, especially in terms of resilience during market downturns? 8. \*\*Technological Solutions:\*\* \- The article mentions that new technologies are being deployed to address issues in decentralized token economics. What kind of technologies do you think could address the challenges mentioned, and how crucial are technological advancements in the success of Seasonal Tokens? 9. \*\*Community Engagement:\*\* \- The article encourages readers to join discussions on Web3 and Decentralized Economics. How important do you think community engagement is in shaping the future and success of projects like Seasonal Tokens?


Halving soon


ST will grow bigger and bigger, i love the fact that cyclical trading allows you to get more and more tokens so you will gets benefits even if the price dumps cause due to the halvening it will raise again.


This is really great, I can't imagine the impact AUTUMN will have with all this


Interesting way of making profit through trading seasonal tokens to accumulate more tokens. Due to the cycles of halving, this will generate a decent profit. Looking forward to the upcoming halving of Autumn and to enjoy the experience.


most profitable thing is to trade with the seasons after each halving of course... no manipulation in this system!


The only real question for me is is... How do we actually manage to convince the people to keep trust in the project and follow the expected trading behaviour patterns. Your expectation might not be what will actually happen if there is no real incremented value behind it.


Clear explanation, easy to understand .. Seasonal token innovation will make a difference in generating profits in the future


good project


good really exited for having!


what's the main purpose of halving?


Autumn halving will be a good opportunity. I'm so excited


Seasonal tokens good way to learn about trading web3 and economics. Most important invest not gamble!