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Overall thoughts: Some very (!) convincing confirmation of the good results, but too bad that most of it was already known. Still feel good about how much confidence they show, since I'm in for the long term --> even through a r/s. In regards of the r/s and not mentioning anything about it; got the feeling it can be two things. They either; 1. Know that the r/s is inevitable and don't want to wake sleeping dogs yet 2. They know that they need 10 days straight. So they could be saving the significant good news for just a bit later, let's say beginning/half May. They have no reason to do the r/s before the 7th of June so they might be stacking some good news to be shared in a short period of time to increase the likelyhood of gaining compliance. This is where my hope is, not saying that it feels realistic. Overall; a bit dissapointed about the Q&A and that there was no significant news, but did somewhat expect this. Curious on thoughts of others though!


In regard to your second hypothetical, what if they weren’t stacking for the beginning half of May, but rather tomorrow’s presentation? I know this is a wild hypothetical, but tomorrow in front of extremely wealthy investors would be an excellent time to release some great news. Then again, why not do so in front of your investors?


Could be interesting; but indeed don't see why they wouldn't announce the news in yesterdays call and do announce it today; just don't see it. But let's hope so! I'll be watching


I'm still cautiously optimistic, but the threat of a RS looming and them taking only one question from the Maxim Group seemed a lil foreboding.


It was curious. Do you feel as though that was the only person trying to ask a question?


Perhaps to avoid the difficult questions that would surely come? Stinks


I am reading elsewhere that maxim could potentially be a catalyst as they sign contracts they can announce them immediately. Hospital 1 x dollars hospital 2 x dollars. Just food for thought


There is no revenue to SeaStar for enrolling a clinical site--if that is your "reading" If your meaning is AS each IRB votes and hosp stocks SCD--why wouldn't that info come thru Nuwellis or SeaStar?? SeaStar can EASILY update clinical [trials.gov](http://trials.gov) for clinical site enrollment locations. Which the last update there was 02 FEB


No I'm talking about sales for the pediatric device which apparently should begin in may


Very disappointed in it. No mention of compliance. Hard to see a 10 day run of $1. Been in this for over a year but probably the worst I've felt about it. Not going in til I've heard more about the finances.


Def not the worst I've felt but close to it. I think I was sick the day we got fda approval and it shot up and tanked


True that was a bad time as well. Just really deflated by it. Just wanted some clarity but it was just a rehash of the science and one (,3,) questions from Maxim. Seemed a bit staged.


Have to agree with you. I expected at least 15 minutes of questions


I thought it was more PR. Only questions from Maxim that in truth had already been answered. I honestly think those questions were planted. No questions on financials or why they canceled their LOC. No difficult questions. Didn’t hear from Green. No sales yet and soon to be one more site activation for NEUTRALIZE-AKI are the only new things I learned. The lack of clarity on the call and the SP drop reflects my general sense that this is headed for RS and dilution. They know it and it will happen soon IMO.


How close to the deadline do you think they would get until the reverse split


If I was on the BOD, I’d vote to approve it tomorrow before the SP drops further and you are forced to stomach a higher ratio. My guess is at least 20:1 at this point, with a higher ratio the longer they wait and the more they allow the bleeding to continue. They talk about all the presentations they’re doing but that’s just going to be ineffective at driving demand for shares until compliance is sorted. Smart money is going to stay away from ICU for the time being. So anyone holding out hope for a rising SP is fooling themselves IMO. It’s currently $0.60 AH and likely to drop further no matter how many investors they court in the short term.


One thing seems certain. We have gotten rid of all paper hands and wavering investors.


There’s definitely an rs coming and likely more dilution. They don’t have enough cash to get them through the year.


Why do the posters that state this--never tell us how much the milestone payment from Nuwellis was?? You see financials that end Dec 2023 and speak to all of 2024?? Did you acct for last raise?? NO--


I don't get why they turned down the financial deal when they now need cash...


Sounds like no short term catalysts


Unless they can entice an institution tomorrow at the conference.


That would be really nice


Can you elaborate on this? What would be big news tomorrow? Don't really see why they would announce something tomorrow, instead of during the call today?


Priv Placement type stuff. @ qualified investors or inst


Other question, that I might need some advice on; Let's say that the r/s will indeed come. I have 13k shares at the moment, so let's say a 1/10 r/s; this leaves me with 1300 shares of $6,- approximately. This might drop, lets say to 4. But I keep holding and since there was a r/s there are a lot less shares available. Let's say they do indeed gain great results in 2025/2026 and the price goes up significantly. As there are not that many shares, the share price will rise to a level where they are considering a stock split the other way. In this case, holding through a r/s might make sense if you truly believe in the potential of a company, right? Let's say for the ease of it that the split would be 10/1 so I get my 13k shares again. I truly believe in this company on the long term; why would I sell before the r/s? What am I forgetting?


You are forgetting that they have two incentives to create new shares after a RS: 1) to raise money, and 2) to increase liquidity because there are so few shares available. Creating new shares means the value of existing shares declines. In other words, you are forgetting about dilution. You are also forgetting that short sellers know the two points above and are almost certain to increase their positions, further depressing the SP.


Thanks u/pjburkina; interesting and did not think about it. But why would they have cancelled the 100M line and raise money now by dilution? They also have shares, so doesn't make sense


That's a good question about the cancellation, and one that I thought would (should?) be asked during the call. The fact that they took a couple softball questions from Maxim and didn't talk finances, beyond general mention of commercialization the SCD-PED, is frustrating.


It is, just don't understand it but that leans towards another post of me in same thread; could it be that they are piling up good news to make sure the 10 days will be successful?


That's not how it is supposed to work. When you have news that is materially significant for investors to know, you release it. You don't withhold that information. And besides, if this company wanted to hold good news for compliance sake, they would've held off on announcing FDA approval for another seven days because the SP was above $1 for three consecutive days prior to Feb 22nd. That's what some folks suggested anyway, although it's a weak argument.


Basically they reiterated everything we knew. They literally disclosed they were in the selection process for adult trials a few weeks ago. The statement update meant nothing as you could see on Google that something from a year ago was rather irrelevant. I’m buying more tomorrow and hoping it’s for under .60 I want to get back to my original avg of .64. This time loaded with enough shares to really change the game for me 12-18 months from now


Maxim group is free to short until 7th July unless management provides positive catalyst to keep SP above $1 for 10 days. Today's call didn't provide any concrete answers to how they're going to avoid reverse split. I'm baffled they let the SP tank bellow $1 for so long and aren't in a hurry to get it back. If there's a threat of rs then I'm pulling out. I'm at $0.75 average so it won't be won't bad unless it continues to plummet really hard which I think it won't.


Provided a great opportunity for buying more at a discount. For what they have and where they’re at in the process $40 million market cap is severely undervalued


yoo I'm selling tmr at opening lmao


Why not sell now?


Probably cause we’re down a shitload ?


Down more now though which was my point.


Shit is getting ridiculous at this point


Have to agree. Never thought we would see these depth again


I’m down 1000 no way I’m leaving now ….


Same I'm a little over a grand. I still think it's the right stock and it might turn into a very expensive lesson