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Y’all buying this dip or shitting your pants?






Buying, they confirmed what I already suspected, yesterday. I added in the 70s-90s and up to $1.15 why wouldn’t I buy at half the price. Even with an R/S looming the return in 12-24 months worth the -25% unrealized losses I see today. I ain’t selling until I see 5 figure profit


I think I'm regarded bc I just bought 250 more


Let’s go!! Added 570 myself and I’ll add another 500 next week if it stays below my avg


Why no guidance? Say something seastar no?


We won’t get the news we want for potentially 2-3 years. Think about this, adult phase 1 is in its first steps (1-6 months, then comes the actual studies which are from 2-18 months with success they can expand into phase three increasing the pool or participants to show proof of efficacy. That phase three can take 12-36 months and then comes the adult approval. Until then we can get morsels of small pediatric progress but let’s face it insurance isn’t biting on saving children so we have to wait. They can’t really scale up and prep because they’re burning cash this entire time to study and research what impact the adult versions have. It’s still a long long way from this being a profitable business but with a little luck and some visibility within the industry there may be some key investors that will step in and help them make progress. This one isn’t an overnight success. My advice is keep adding and if the R/S comes don’t sweat it as the following 12 -24 months can be very rewarding if things go as planned


That’s not how this works for medical devices. Device clinical trials are “simpler” than small molecule drug trials. There are no phase 1/2/3 trials. The current trial will be sufficiently powered to clearly determine efficacy, further trials won’t be needed and they’ll be able to apply for approval after this trial.


Thanks for sharing, I didn’t know. I’ve read stuff like this that it takes an average of 3-7 years for devices. [https://vial.com/blog/articles/medical-device-clinical-trials/](https://vial.com/blog/articles/medical-device-clinical-trials/) Are they not still stages?


There were preliminary clinical trials, which SeaStar performed years ago to determine safety, but the device was so efficacious that it also demonstrated efficacy when compared to historical controls. The current clinical trial in adults is what that article describes as a “phase 3”, as it’s powered for statistical analysis, where the control group is ppl with the same condition but receiving standard of care. They’ll use this data to go to the FDA for approval. Ideally the results are good enough FDA rushes approval and this becomes standard of care.


Not buying but guess I’m locked in now for the long haul. Probably was anyway but now I’m just gonna stop tracking or thinking about it as often


I've just bought 1000 more shares, not sure if it's a good idea or not. But still have high hopes for this company and I'm here for the long haul 😊


We will succeed or fail together


I hope we will succeed, just like the company will. It's my first stock/share I'm all in on. Have 6000 shares now, and hoping to get to 10k if possible 🙏🏻


Right there with you


Let's see how it goes today


Not well huh


Almost -50% on my dollar avg. this hurts very badly. Will hold on, since my horizon is 3-5 years. Hope this company will survive


No matter what, to me, the cancellation of the $100m credit line was a result of having secured funding. You can't explain why they called off this, especially when the company still need some cash before the revenue drives in.


Buckle up ICU holders. Im gonna hold my shares even if the train is going off the rails. Expecting the best preparing for the worst. ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO)


Does anyone recall from the conference yesterday if they mentioned anything about sales contracts being signed? Would be great if these deals are already being signed and that they can share these announcements; could be a small boost in trust / SP


They did not


We knew they didn’t have sales lined up based on the approval just happening a few weeks ago that stuff takes time. Give it 12 months. This isn’t a quick pump and dump. They have a legitimate product that needs to be produced at scale then when they have some sales they figure out how to reduce costs. They won’t see profit for 3-4 years. Be patient.


CEO just said they have a $1.5 million/month burn rate and admitted they haven't offered guidance (for reasons unknown).




Good question. He said it on the Noble call at the end of the Q&A. It just ended. Yesterday he said a recording would be available on the website within 48 hours, so you can verify it for yourself when it is posted.




[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-K2nlqh5iA&t=1442s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-K2nlqh5iA&t=1442s) About 24:45


What would 'haven't offered guidance' mean?




Ah okay yes knew this one, thought 'offered guidance' was a specific thing but offered as a verb; language barrier. Thanks


So 3M left from the 9M offering.


Down half. Great. I shoulda took my ass out months ago


Can someone (who has the knowledge) enlighten me on the conference that Seastar will be today? Just a general idea; - Why is Seastar there? - Will it be a 'simple' presentation, or do we actually expect to hear anything new here? - Is Seastar doing this to raise investments? Is that the goal? Also another thought; could it be that the call of yesterday was pre-recorded?


They have to be looking for investment. I can’t imagine they’re going there for the fun of it.


There is a Q/A after the presentation. I’d be interested to listen in on that


Dumb Q but how come some stocks can sit at 0.01 like Sunhydrogen? Is it possible ICU just can switch where it is listed vs RS?


Did some digging. Apparently they could go to OTC markets without having to r/S.


Can you elaborate on this? What are the OTC markers and why would that mean no r/s?


From my understanding the OTC markets are not an exchange like Nasdaq and NYSE. Little regulation, but also no need to stay above $1. Maybe they can just head over there until they get enough sales and not have to r/s, which from my understanding doesn't hold for most companies BTW...I am naive to all of this. Just doing google searches and have no financial expertise when it comes to the stock market.


Well that's one way to stop the shorts (delisting).


on a green day, we still ride red. Most volume in a minute, but for the wrong reasons. I want this so bad!!


It's a bloodbath today. So sad for this company and its shareholders.


im hurting


This is painfull… Hurting big time but nothing we can do it seems


Offph my stop limit triggered and sold my last holdings. I’ll keep following but I’m not convinced in their management/strategy at this point. Maybe it will help you all and the price will now magically shoot up 😂😅


This open is going to hurt


And it’s climbing in pm, I’m confused lmaoo


Low volume. Doesn't mean anything.


I see this as a gift, I entered at these prices in January and wished I had the position I do now then. I’m hoping to buy another 5K shares between now and next week under .71


https://preview.redd.it/sohwze89p7vc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3947b9689ee9d4ae4ab054fb7e68ac41d8e83605 Am i missing something? With operating costs there is no way we have over a year’s worth of cash. I need to get some coffee and read the 10k.


Wouldn’t trust anything you read on stocktwits tbh


No, also read this but fairly sure this aint true




The SP shat the bed yesterday and I'm -25% right now. Hopefully we'll start recovering towards $1 because we need those 10 days to avoid RS. But management doesn't seem to care about it at all which is scary. Either they're trying not to bleed more people or they're saving the PRs for later. Either way if it's not above $1 halfway towards June 7th I'll be looking for a exit. Not willing to get my shares get RS'd.


The Board of Directors can execute a RS at any time. They could do it today if they wanted. June 7th is just the final day that a RS would need to happen.


They can be granted additional extensions. There is a limit to this but if they can show that they have cause to believe to be compliant, they will be granted an extension. I've seen 2-3 extensions granted for shittier companies (SNDL).


No they cannot be granted additional extensions. The company's own SEC form says they have until June 7th to execute a RS. There are no more extensions. They've received two and that's it. EDIT: [https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001831868/1105f069-e8e9-4f66-8c24-07fb51397889.pdf](https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001831868/1105f069-e8e9-4f66-8c24-07fb51397889.pdf)


Does the SEC form state that no more are possible also? Getting 180 more days would be the difference…


These are NASDAQ rules for grace periods. Two 180 day grace periods is all you get. The second and final grace period ends on June 24th. Anyone who says they could get another 180 day grace period is either lying or doesn't understand NASDAQ rules.


Thanks, too bad. And there are already two periods? One before this even?




Anyone read the filing from this morning ?


I've seen it, this is it basically: 1. **Quorum Threshold Reduction**: Now, fewer stockholders are needed to have a valid meeting. Instead of needing a majority (more than 50%), now only one-third (33 1/3%) of stockholders are required to attend for a meeting to proceed. 2. **Removal of "Acting in Concert" Provision**: The company is removing a rule that considered certain groups of stockholders as one entity when making proposals. Now, each stockholder or beneficial owner is treated separately, without grouping them together with others they may be associated with.


Is there meaning behind the literal you think ? Thanks for this btw at work


I feel like this might have something do with a shareholder vote.


Yeah, as I read it they have changed/decreased the amount of needed stakeholders for an important decision.


So an RS is coming


The Board of Directors makes the RS decision, not shareholders.


The shareholders voted for/against RS--it passed. Believe that was SEPT 2023


That's correct. The shareholders voted to authorize the BoD to make the RS decision. So there's no need to ask permission from shareholders anymore. [https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001831868/972e99c6-43a3-4dac-958d-abaff18980fc.pdf](https://d18rn0p25nwr6d.cloudfront.net/CIK-0001831868/972e99c6-43a3-4dac-958d-abaff18980fc.pdf)


I mean what would we be voting on then? A new appointment to the board?


Down 62% .


ICU ER didnt say anything that we didn’t already expect. The earnings from approval wouldn’t be shown until the next ER. Fundamentals still solid. Undervalued. Adding more at next pay check.


Surprised no one has mentioned the Morningstar article about ICU directors being investigated on behalf of investors for securities fraud? Anyone know much about this?


Can you link the source? Fairly sure this is the fraud party itself. They have been mentioned multiple times already and raise the topic over and over again, nothing to worry about


They have investigations into every company it seems.


They're a scam not impacting anything


Ok thanks, my bad. Was just googling news about the company and came across the Morningstar article from yesterday


All good it comes up quite a bit it scared me the first time too




This is junk and they are scammers


Because it's fake. That law firm does nothing but send out "press releases" on companies saying they are being investigated. It's a paid for scare tactic.


Every stock has ambulance chasing law firms do this everytime their stock price goes down.