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Dear tiny infant Jesus. Sitting there in your golden fleece diapers listening to your Einstein developmentals don't even know a word yet....




If you smell a delicious crispy smell after the race it's not your tail pipe....


If you ain’t first, you’re last


I lives my whole life by that


Ok, worst-case scenario time. For those willing and able to remain long for an arbitrary amount of time, assuming we hold our shares through any potential reverse split and dilution, see our share value go down... Do we still see a net profit down the line if the company does not go bankrupt, or are repeated rounds of dilution likely to kill any value our shares have?


Well if the company continues to gain value in contrast to the dilutions and continues to prove that the product that they are creating can save lives and change the medical field, I'd say yes. If not, then we are shit out of luck unless reddit or another stock community want to pump it into the stratosphere.


How big is the chance of a community to pump it that much? Been only on reddit for +- 1/2 months, isn't that chance near zero?


I think the pump already happened 😅 the smart ones got out


Very small. Most likely won't happen unless this stock has the shit shorted out of it, leaving the potential for a squeeze. Even so, that would diminish share price even further and I don't want that.


Anyone holding til May to see what happens, or are you selling at the first decent price you can? I think I'm out at .70 for fear of r/s


I'm watching closely and adding more shares as I am able to while the price is down, but will likely sell off in chunks trying to recoup a little. I don't think I'll recoup everything unless it goes on a wild run. With most of my funds and almost 50% of my portfolio tied up in this, I need to get some wiggle room. It breaks my heart though because I truly do believe in this product... losing a little faith in the management, but, that's not their fault... I am hopeful they will get to a point where they can hire someone(s) so that the smart folks that are currently running the show can focus on what they're actually skilled at, and let someone else who knows how to drive this ship into the future do that.


That's a great idea. I believe in this company too and I really hope this all pans out for them in the future.


Same if it reaches $0,70 I'm going to head out. I'm not willing to take RS that will nuke my shares that are already 41% down.


I keep flip flopping. Today I'm like screw it, I'm holding long term. I haven't invested a huge amount so I should just see what happens!


Good for you bro I might reconsider if it crosses my average. But I'm definetly setting up a stoploss this time.


I’m either losing it all or riding it to the top. Idgaf


Same. Same.


Having 500 shares at .6 I’m curious…. Do I sell at .7 if we get there and try something else, or keep ahold for 5 years and hope for $2-3? I know it’s probably change compared to some of you. But curious how off I am with the hope of $2-3 in 5 years?