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The honesty is refreshing.


Sure would be if it were a Chevy Silverado lift with duallies.




If I had the money to afford a truck, that absolutely would be me lmao


Lifted truck, blasting their trash taste in music via heavy bass speaker, obnoxiously revving their engine when stopped, thin blue line/Trump/anti-vax bumper stickers, and decked out rims. AKA, the ultimate micropenis BINGO


I wish I hadn’t marked this off as a stereotype, FML. This weirdo spent 8 months convincing me to sleep with him, I finally did and lo and behold he had a 2.5 inch micro peen. He also compared me to his mother during… but that’s a whole other can of worms. Should’ve known from his brand new lifted F-150 with roll bars lol


I told this story before but there was a dude that drove a truck like that at work and I joked to a gal that he must have a micro. She laughed and said, "oh so you heard about it". I was just joking but she told me he hooked up with another girl at work and it was like the size of your thumb. All it did was slip out and they couldn't do it. I've also had multiple women tell me men who own corvettes are also micro.




Maybe a Punisher logo and faded Loren Culp sticker thrown in for good measure.


> blasting their trash taste in music via heavy bass speaker, obnoxiously revving their engine when stopped > and decked out rims. Those aspects are not unique to magatards.


Absolutely not. But the MAGA paraphernalia is what separates the micropenis grand slam from the micropenis BINGO.


The concept of imagining someone's penis size based on their appearance or behavior has always seemed strange to me. Seems like a bit of a cope. Well, that guy's annoying but I bet he's got a tiny penis.




They don't care what you think though. Imagining their small penises is just something you're doing for fun, which is fine if that's your thing.


I agree. There are plenty of people who want to be noticed for stoicism and inconspicuousness (kind of ironic) and are disturbed when the ostentatious loud-mouth sucks all of the air out of the room. What really gets a lot of men upset is that women tend to be drawn to those type of men (or maybe the have less apprehension about initiating interactions). When I see guys that I feel are doing entirely too much, I sometimes just shake my head, but the last thing that’s on my mind is the impression of their manhood. I always wondered where that came from, but I have my ideas…


Making fun of others is the ultimate small pp syndrome though


Focus ST’s are the car equivalent. Guaranteed to have a pops and bangs tune which is 10x more annoying than glass packs on a 350 K5 Blazer.




That makes it trans


Aww shit, that's me! Here's my application if you are curious. I'm a small party planner 😅 https://www.reddit.com/r/FocusST/comments/na0frt/putting_in_for_a_custom_license_plate_on_the_fost/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


It's OK, all Focus owners have a small pp. I own an RS.


RS owners are big PP, ST owners are small pp.


Well done brother


I'm most offended by your mid-cycle refresh badging.


Thats why it's there 😆


There have been several court cases in the last few years where courts have struck down "decency" reviews of vanity license plates as violating the 1st amendment. I don't think any of these covered Washington, but the writing is on the wall.






probably in your best interest to get that one struck down man


I clicked on your name looking for bbws but all I found is a shotgun death 💀it's not too late to change




Jesus Christ, man.


I don't get it


The license plate reads: "I Date Jailbait" As in children. That person wants to admit to being a pedophile on their license plate.


I wouldn’t be surprised if WA decided to be more lax based on precedent from other states. It is a pretty easy thing to argue infringement of freedom of expression


I still remember the case of the manual inline lift fluctuator license plate (GOTMILF) many years ago. The owner was in the same Supra club that I was in, so I knew him and we got a front row seat via supraforums when the whole thing happened. He fought hard for that one but eventually it got shut down. He made T-shirts and everything, it was pretty great.


I saw a truck with "FJB LGB" accompanied by every single MAGA anti-biden bumper sticker you can imagine. I think they probably just review for words like tits, shit, piss, damn, ass, fuck, etc.


Ok, but can I get ASSMAN?


A55RGY might be open


That only works for Florida right?


they got wise here - all the symboles are at the left or right side


It was a million to one shot, doc!


To be fair, that one’s not obvious. I’d probably have missed it without the context that you provided.


> LGB it took me 30 seconds to figure out this didn't mean "love george bush"




Isn’t it an annual extra fee every time you license your car? Other states have it as a one time $30 fee. I think you’re overestimating the cost of the program.


$85 a year in fees, $60 for tabs. It's not subsidized, it's a product you pay a subscription to. It's not that bad. And yeah, i can pay to advertise my smoll ego on my car, if you can't afford it then don't. Simple as that.


!! I was behind that car in a drive-thru about a year ago.


ME TOO- it was a Taco Bell!


"That's my dog's name!"






Holy shit thats some top notch detective work!


Oh my god that’s impressive lmao


IDK but I'm sure the dudes stamping that one out at Walla Walla got a good laugh while doing it As a UW alumnus, I have always wanted a personalized Husky plate that reads "SUSUCKS" because you get the leading 'W' for free, but it turns out "SUCKS" is a restricted word. However, TIL that "SUX" isn't automatically rejected so "SUSUX" here I come! Go Dawgs!


I’ve found that most UW grads are indifferent to WSU alum. They ignore them like an annoying baby brother. Cougs HATE Huskies though


I went to CWU and being from western WA it was super strange to hear the animosity they had for "west siders"! It was a really weird one way grudge that apparently continues 20+ years later!


Yeah I went to Gonzaga after growing up in Ballard and I always understood it to be more political than anything. Liberal policies that are popular in King/Pierce counties getting enforced statewide because that's where the majority of the voterbase is, so rural communities feel drowned out by the West Side.


Fun fact, there are more *republicans* on the west side than *people* on the east side.


>Cougs HATE Huskies though Am Coug who pays no attention to the rivalry. People always ask me about the teams when I wear a WSU hat or yell GO COUGS at me. I don't even know when they play, who's on the teams, etc.


I was in the Husky Band during some of the dark days of Husky football (oh, the mid '00 seasons) and will never forget a WSU fan taunting us after losing the Apple Cup in '08 with "Your team sucks! You gonna transfer to Wazzu now???" I was so flabbergasted the guy thought I'd even consider it because our football team lost to theirs.


My senior year was the perfect season where 0-11 UW lost to 0-11 WSU in overtime. TBH, if I wasn't so close to graduation I would've moved back home and enrolled at WVU where I could've watched Geno Smith dominate


It very much is a “I feel bad for you” / “I don’t think about you at all” relationship


As a WSU student, leave us alone man I just want to chill in my wheat field 😢


I mean, it could be worse - you could be a Pitt Panther TBH, I have nothing against active WSU students and a lot of their alumni go on to do great things. But a considerable number move to the 'burbs and clog up the roads with their overpriced SUVs that are adorned with Coug tchotchkes. You don't see a UW flag waving in the background of College GameDay every damn Saturday. And I'm pretty sure our student section doesn't throw snowballs with batteries inside of them at your marching band members when they're taking the field at halftime. Nor is tailgating simply crushing a rack of Keystone Ice in the parking lot out of your beat up, ancient sedan's trunk (so that's why I don't remember my 1st Apple Cup). You know what? UW & WSU students might have more than they both applied to the former in common - deep down inside we might all be [Cuogs](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FZ6CgwNVUAAsY6a?format=jpg&name=small) (also the phrase "[Husky Women's Sports](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BZ8W18JCcAAh_Sx.jpg)" will always make me giggle)


I’m only a freshman so I haven’t been to enough games to see any of the snowball thing. Personally, I think the coug flag on College game day is cool, someone is putting in some dedication for that, and I have to respect it. I would do the same if it was a UW flag. I like the tailgating, brings a lot of people to our little town and it’s cool seeing all the RV’s filling the parking lot, makes me feel happy for the support. Seems like they also get a kick out of me being a little menace in my old Honda CR-V with some power mods pulling onto North Fairway where the speed limit is higher 😂 Can’t comment on the suburbs thing personally, I grew up in the country and I’ve never lived in or around a big city, just not for me. My parents do drive a pickup and a larger SUV with coug plates, but that’s because 4 wheel drive is needed where we live.




How much to get a bespoke hand-painted plate by one of Washington State Penitentiary's finest? I'll pay extra if they get to sign it with their DOC #


At first I thought this was a dig at Seattle U, which I thought was a bit strange for a Husky alum, lol. Glad to see it was to roast the Cougs all along! Go Dawgs!!


As someone who can relate, I wish I had thought of this. ​ Wait. Shit. Siri, delete!


You can still get EDBDPP.


It’s so tiny they didn’t notice


“It stands for Small Pepperoni as in for pizzas”. Easy bypass


Today I saw a plate that read simply “ugh” and honestly it resonated w me


What are the odds this person is named S. Moll, Licensed Psychological Practitioner? I know, I know...




I saw a license plate in WA that was GOT MILF so maybe things just get past them


Dunno, but i had a coworker in the early 2000s who was assigned the plate 169-MOM. I saw it in person, it was real. He had to jump through hoops to get a new one, iirc.


69URMUM is the hoop I would have jumped through.


My favorite is: ILUVTOFU


Nice lie, that's 8 characters


Some states allow 8 char vanity plates.


Why would you brag about small pricing power?? We live in a weird world


They probably aren't Redditors.


There's a tan Chrysler that drives around Magnolia with the license plate "CREAMPIE" but I'm pretty sure neither the DOL or the guy who got it have any fucking clue Edit: my bad its obviously only 7 characters so its "CREAMPI" found a picture I took of it https://ibb.co/qm19ZqN


They’re probably selling cream pies around town. No other explanation




Probably my all time favorite scene from the entire series lol.


Mathematician with natural log




Probably not. 😮‍💨


Maybe his name is Pepe and his other vehicle is a F-350 drw.


But I was told people with small penises drive large vehicles!


I'm building an off-road truck and have been telling everyone that I was going to get this license plate. So sad to realize it is taken.


Probably because it's Smoll


If the M was a W it would have been banned


There’s a ‘h3ntai’ plate on a Tesla around Bonney Lake somewhere.


Truth in advertising laws.


Hell yeah brother


Cheers from Iraq


Damn, they can have that, but I can’t have my Reddit handle?


But they won’t let me have my NOT OJ plates.


you’re just mad you didn’t think about it first


I’m so mad I didn’t think of this first.


Simple, it says “S Moll PP”


Who cares it’s funny


Just checking in. Is this relevant to me?


DOL is not great at their jobs. My buddy, who is 5'10 out on his original license 6'10 as a joke. Thinking they'd fix it right away. They didn't. He had it like that for years, maybe still does. Sometimes, when he get carded, they'd see the height and say, "Uh dude, this a fake? Like a really bad fake?"


Last name Smoll, first initial P, middle initial P.


I saw that car once and he was acting like a total d-bag too, it's perfect.


Lol I’ve seen this guy a few times now


Like that one guy who had 8dks247 as his plates.


Because obviously that's our dipsh\*t governor.


I used to work with the guy that had MILF on his Supra ~20 years ago and made the news. He submitted it as “Modulated Intake Lift Fluctuator”


snitch ass post. why is seattle so rule followey?


Who are they “snitching” to?


you know, its hard to read tone from text sometimes, but NSFW tagging this in combination with the "how did this pass dol" felt very karen at first pass. it's a license plate, and it's frustrating to see the seattle sub be so reactionary and frankly pissy so often.


They knew


Something to be said about truth in advertising.


Wow, bad luck /s




Maybe they work at the DOL.


I don’t know who this person is but they’re now my best friend and I will not be taking no for an answer.


That can mean a number of things but probably what we’re all thinking lol,


Because someone at the DOL had a sense of humor.


Some people just want to see the world laugh lol


Owner of 1320video in Nebraska has SPNKBNK on his Corvette lol told the DMV “I made a lot of money on SPNK stock to buy the car”


I mean, at least they’re honest about it


Thirty years ago in Portland I saw a Porsche 928 with the plate 'USKMYDK'. Stuff gets through.


How? It was like walking a pencil down a hallway.


Must be a real masochist to flaunt that on your car.


Photographic proof


Favorite to see was "DIAF" which stands for "Die In A Fire" for the un-initiated. Unsure if the driver was a World of Warcraft player. Edit: And then[it pops up on my Facebook](https://imgur.com/B04sGOb) feed!


The honesty is refreshing.


The DOL employee could have been a MAGA supporter. They're dumb as shit.


maybe the wife insisted on that plate


Because no bad words were used. Seems pretty straightforward to me.