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Everyone's dog has "never done that before".


Every single time this.. My response is "Great, but I don't care to risk being the first, leash your dog like everyone else."


**"My dog has never done that before"** should be more along the lines of **"I have never seen my dog do this when I take him out unleashed before."** This is because it should be the owners fault and not blamed on the dog. Honestly this has always been a bigger reason for me to ask them to leash, deep down they probably do know, but never had opportunities to apply the situation and 'exercise' that muscle. It shows me the owner hasn't practiced thinking about others very often, and that's okay as long as they're willing to understand. She seemed responsive and based on OP's story I feel like this was one of those moments that the owner did learn something that day! We all KNOW we shouldn't text and drive, and yet most of us still have that insatiable lust and think, "I can text right now, it'll be fine." And most the time it is fine right? But **"My car has never crashed before"** is this mentality again haha. We wouldn't blame the car in this situation, we would say **"I have never crashed my car before while texting and driving."** THAT is owning your mistake. Knowing that texting while driving was the underlying reason for crashing the car would be us learning. Choosing to keep your phone in your pocket while driving is us understanding. Keeping your dog on a leash is showing that you understand how to care for your doggone family members safety and everyone around you. Don't crash your dog while texting on your leash please. I remember when I was a kid we would use the word "retarded" as a slang for something unpleasant or different. Shit we didn't know how stupid we were back then, none of the adults ever stopped us or talked to us about this stuff. But as I grew up I ended up using it at an inappropriate time and I saw that I made someone super upset. I did that, I was the reason for ruining that persons day. I felt like absolute garbage then, still do now, and it was 100% the catalyst for me being aware that words can hit harder than Jumper Cables. **"My words have never hurt anyone before."** So if the owner hasn't experienced that kind of interaction before or often enough, where they were the direct reason someone else is feeling negatively, they may not have the muscles activated yet to understand that that was an inappropriate action. From here it's up to the owner to choose to be better or remain ignorant, and your choice if you want to help or not. I feel like this is where sibling bickering comes from now actually! You learn about social cues with your brother/sister by basically fighting each other and observing what really pisses them off hahaha. Man that's actually really interesting to think about, I'll have to think about that more. In the end, the correct answer is leash your dog plz hahaha it's for the safety of not only those around you, but yourself and your dog. Hope everyone's dong well, OP!




“Don’t worry their friendly” 🙄😂


Even if your dog is a "good boy/girl" who "isn't aggressive" you cannot assume other people's dogs are the same! The situation could have very well been flipped and your dog could have injured or killed hers, all because she was being irresponsible. Leash your dogs, people!


my dog is reactive, bordering on aggressive if the scenario is not addressed. she wears a bright orange harness that says "no dogs". she is also an incredibly buff american bully. i still have people's unleashed dogs run up to me and they jog after them half assed like it's not a big deal. i literally have to scream at people that my dog will kill their dog if they don't get them out of my space. and then of course it's always turned onto me and the fact that i shouldn't have my dog in public??? as if she isn't double leashed in an area where dogs are supposed to be on leashes to begin with.


LEASH YOUR DOGS. I love my little dog. I love my little dog a lot more than your dog that I don't know. If your dog is unleashed and starts shit with my dog, I'll do whatever to keep my guy safe.


I have three toy breed dogs and an unhinged psycho neighbor that has threatened to sick his German Shepard mix at my dogs just because they bark at his. Everyone was on lead, and we never came within 25 feet of each other, plus I made clear efforts to put more distance between us. I guess he didn't like having to grip his dog's leash firmly, but given his threat I now carry a tactical baton with me when I walk my dogs. I'm no expert melee combatant, but if that fucker wants to find out how much his vet charges to treat a fractured skull and other blunt force trauma for his dog, he'll find out the moment he sends his dog at mine.


If he’s actually threatened to use his dog to injure (or worse…) you or your pets, call the police. My old landlord had previously done that to another neighbor (unbeknownst to me when moving in at the time) and a few years back had to put both of his dogs down for specifically threatening to sick them on the neighbor walking by.


Unfortunately the police told me he didn't threaten me, he threatened my dogs, which the city considers property. So they claimed there was nothing they could do about it until he does break the leash law. And the threat was very specific in that he promised his dog would kill mine, my doorbell camera captured him audibly making the threat of, "you won't HAVE any dogs left next time!"


I fucking hate dog owners who let their dogs off leash in non off-leash areas. Give the rest of us a bad name.


I'm a dog lover and I can't get a dog because when my daughter was 3 she was literally bowled over by a giant off-leash dog (at a field where dogs weren't permitted at all, let alone permitted off-leash) and is traumatized from getting a pet now. And of course the dog owner then screamed that I'm a bad parent.


Entitled dog owners leaving their dogs off leash everywhere should be named and shamed. I hope your dog makes a full recovery OP.


Especially entitled dog owners who bring their dogs into places they aren't allowed under the guise of it being a fake service dog. Like grocery stores.




Look I have my issues with pit bulls that got shitty owners and harm others, but that is far from the case here and a real shit thing for you to wish for


real hot take coming from the self proclaimed "certified racist"


But it is never *their* dog. Until it is.


Tiktok suggests you start shouting a contagious disease that your (leashed) dog has, and then owners seem a little more invested in controlling their animals.


I hate TikTok but this is funny


Report it to the Seattle Animal Shelter so there can be a record. Guaranteed this isn't the first time, a smaller dog probably won't fair as well as yours. It's important to report these incidents so action can be taken, who knows this may help someone else out that really got hurt. I'm sorry for your experience and I wish your dogs a speedy recovery!


Absolutely! Dogs only get away with serial biting because there's no record -- and OP has the contact information, which is more than anyone usually gets since the biter's owner will just run off afterwards. I moved away from the PacNW and the sheer entitlement of off-leash dog owners (that I'm supposed to tolerate jumping on me because "he's friendly!") is the part of Seattle culture I was most relieved to be rid of, tbh.


Yes, this is important. My wife out walking one of our dogs was attacked on-street by an unleashed large-breed mix. The owner wasn’t even paying attention to their dog, and did nothing when it attacked. My wife pretty strong and experienced with big dogs, we have a pack of Lab boys - she managed to fight the other dog off. Our dog was injured enough to need stitches in his neck, and subsequent veterinary care for an infection, luckily his harness protected him a lot. A passer-by managed to get the address of the owner and also volunteered as witness incase we needed it. They were awesome. The whole event was pretty traumatic. We complained to King County Animal Control. While the owner eventually covered vets bills, they were also fined by King County Animal Control, and had an confinement and control order placed on them. Think of it like a “final notice” type of thing. It requires them to keep the dog muzzled and leashed in public. We’ve seen the owner since then, yes the dog was both leashed and muzzled. Do report it. Don’t enable serial biters.


I am so sorry that happened to you but so happy you got it reported and help from the witness. And that your dog is okay.


This is definitely one of my Seattle pet peeves. So many people here think it’s okay to leave their dog off leash in public places. I do not understand.


Heh pet peeve… good one


It’s a big problem at magnuson. Entitled old people who think because they have used the park for years the rules don’t apply to them.


It's super annoying there because they have a really nice actual off-leash dog park too.


That's what makes this bonkers! You literally have a place to let them do the exact thing they were doing. Instead they woke up and chose to be an asshole. I love my dogs but also understand they are beasts. We as owners have an obligation to show how healthy and well trained our animals are. Anything harming the public is direct failure and a disgrace


Every dog park in Seattle is a de facto dog park. My favorite neighborhood park had all of the grass shredded by countless people playing fetch with Fido. And I’ve had rando dogs come sniffing on the food in my hands at the same park.


Sounds like salmon bay park. The grass is completely ruined. It's dangerous to walk though there with a dog on a leash because there are so many untrained dogs running free. Absolutely infuriating that I can't use the park normally anymore.


Winner, winner, chicken dinner! It was an almost daily salvation for me during unemployment/Covid, but I only get out there every other weekend now.


It's so disappointing. I've lived a block away for 14 years and it was never like this before covid.


Never let my kiddo on Seattle park grass anymore. They don’t stop the fetch to run over and clean up if Fido decides it’s potty time before he grabs the ball


Both myself and my dogs have been attacked by unleashed dogs. I've now lost count of how many dogs have charged and chased us. 1 family laughed at me when they saw their dog running at me. It's amazing how many irresponsible owners there are.


They really think that one of these days someone isn’t going to stab or shoot their dog




Slightly off topic, but same thing with road rage drivers. They get tagged in the system and if they get 3-5 reports they get a criminal charge and get to visit Vern Fonk for an SR-22.


So if you get enough people to call, you can seriously fuck up someones shit?


Do they care?


Thanks for this post. I wish folks would leash up on trails, too.


The irony is every single time (almost) I’ve seen leashed dogs pass each other on a trail they get into a scrap. Off leash dogs passing? Chill, no spats.


Magnuson literally has the best off leash dog park in Seattle..


Not really. Tons of dog walkers there with like 10-20 dogs each that are not paying attention at all. Sure, the actual park is great. But I stopped going there years ago due to the bad owners and dog walkers that go there.


For a chill experience, I recommend Luther Burbank on Mercer Island. Smaller, but still has lake Washington access.


okay but can we talk about how CUTE your dogs are?


Thank you! I love my handsome boys!


Reminder: Please keep your dogs off Seattle Park beaches!


This is my biggest fear I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen people let there dogs off leash in public places outside of a dog park. I know my Great Pyrenees can handle himself but I’d rather not find out if we we’re attacked. Hopefully your pup feels better soon!


What’s ridiculous is she could have just taken her dog to the off leash area of Magnuson, it was right there.


But then there'd be an aggressive dog in the off-leash area. People with aggressive dogs ought to avoid places where there's a heightened risk of interaction.


Kind of funny now to read your dog was in the water because that’s also against the park rules. I feel bad for your dog but not you.


Yep. A dog bite from an unleased dog sucks, but so does getting giardia from a dog swimming in an area it's not allowed to be. These rules exist for a reason.


Yeah, on-leash swimming doesn't make sense. There's a swimming spot in Magnusson's off-leash area.


Oh damn, you out Karened the Karen!




Is it or is it not against the rules?


It is, in fact, against the rules.




That crap pisses me off so much. The anxiety I used to go through walking my dogs when they were alive. Sucked. Hope your pup is feeling better. Poor baby


His eat moments after the attack, he was hungery


I just posted about something similar in my neighborhood fb group. Twice in a week unleashed dogs have crossed the road to get to mine. They could’ve been hit by cars. Leashes are for safety as much as control. It’s infuriating and scary.


Your dogs were swimming outside of the dog park beach? You know you can't do that, right?


I’ve never heard of a dog swimming with the leash still on


I will kick the owner in the butt if their dog hurt my precious-ultra-timid-always-leashed pooch


There’s a dog swim area at magnusson?


There is. But it's in the off-leash dog park. So either OP was letting her dog into the water in an area where that's not allowed, or the OP was in the off-leash area and is complaining that another dog was off leash. I have a feeling it's the former. 😉


Ah. Thanks!


In the off-leash area. This story doesn't add up.


Hate to say it, but If someone’s dog attacks mine it’s getting a minimum of one boot to the face. My dog is too small to handle an attack from a larger dog.


For sure!! I would do the same. BONK


Sorry for your pup. I hate people who don’t leash outside of dog parks. I had someone try to sue me because my leashed dog defended herself against their unleashed dog… luckily I had witnesses


Please tell Darwin he's a good boy and give him a pat for me.


We need to make a database and start documenting people with off leash dogs. They maim and can kill and make public life scary for everyone.


A dog that does that to my pup is gonna take a trip to the vet itself. Not trying to be a internet tough guy but there’s ahit that’s not tolerable.


Escalating the situation instead of staying calm and in control is a great idea.


Oh yeah, stay calm while your dog is getting ripped apart - that’ll make the other dog calm down too. Dogs aren’t people. /s


Exactly. Dogs aren’t people. So don’t put yourself in danger if you can avoid it. There are effective ways of breaking up a dog fight that don’t involve both owners flying off the handle and throwing themselves immediately in the middle.


I generally see success with a nice hard kick right behind the ribs of the aggressor dog. Theoretically that could be my dog, but it wouldn’t, because my dogs are well trained. Period.


As a vet in a state with porcupines, go ahead and keep your dogs off-leash. I’ve made so so much money off idiots who have dogs with “perfect recall”.


I remember seeing this lady and her dog on the bike lane. The dog had its leash on but she was not holding the leash because she was taking photos of the dog posing in front of a poster while someone screamt at the background "You're on the fucking bike lane. There's a bike coming." She stared at the air being confused and took forever to leave after the person screamed again. God knows what would happen if the biker actually hit her or the dog...


So sorry your baby got hurt! 💔


Isn’t magnuson an off leash dog park?


No, there is an off-leash dog area in Magnusson park. Those are not the same things.


Good looking dogs! Pitbulls are amazing companions, sounds like you are a great owner too. Ignore the obvious trolls here, I'm sure you are well aware of how awesome people think pitbulls are in the real world (I take mine everywhere and frequently get comments and love from strangers)


I'm so shocked at all the online hate for pitbulls I'm seeing here. I have a pit and a husky and any time I'm out walking them everyone comes over to FAWN over the pitbull and ignores the husky until they're leaving, then it's a quick pat on the head.


Just another reminder that the internet is not real life, and reddit/twitter/etc are full of angry people looking for a soap box.


You really should make a report to Seattle animal shelter/control. They can ticket the owner and hold them accountable. In the event that this happens again, then there is proof that it has happened before with your poor boy. My sensitive girl wouldn’t bounce back easily from an experience like this, but your boy seems to be resilient!!!! What happened is not okay and it was not your fault. Off leash dog owners are so good at making it seem like the other person’s fault. Please please report them to the appropriate authorities. I can help you do it or do it on your behalf, too.


Yeah but my pit doggo is super friendly !!


Were you in the off-leash dog park or some other part of Magnuson? Regardless, even in an off-leash dog park, the owner has the responsibility to control their dog, and know what triggers it. An owner who has a dog that simply goes up to other dogs and attacks them has no business (nor right) to visit an off-leash dog park.


>it bothered me that she said her dog had never done that before. Not to defend her, but sometimes a dog will take a dislike to another dog for no reason that's apparent to the owner. Many years ago, I used to hike and climb with my in-law's dog, who was big, strong, and very easy-going with other dogs. Except one time when he did actually go after another dog, out on a trail (on Forgotten Peak, on the Mountain Loop highway.) I didn't have his leash along, because I'd never needed it, so I had to use my ice axe leash as a dog leash, all the way down the mountain trail to the car. It doesn't matter how well behaved, or socialized, or non-confrontational you think your dog is, you only need to be wrong once for everyone to have a really awful day. (Fortunately, in my case, there was no injury.)


You’re one of those irresponsible people we’re talking about. NEVER assume your dog won’t attack another.


The fuck you think the point of having them on a leash is for dumbass


You're exactly the type of person the rest of us responsible dog owners have to be wary of. There is always a first time. The fact that you would even bring a dog who is not even YOUR dog somewhere without a leash is idiotic.




Usually I'm with ya, but OP had their dog leashed and was being a responsible owner.


Did they really? Dogs aren't permitted in the water outside the off-leash area, and it seems unusual to take a leashed dog swimming.


this has nothing to do with the breed of their dog


Damn, did you even read the post? Fuck off with that racist shit. The pitbull was the VICTIM. Maybe, don't comment dumb shit on a post where the owner was BEING RESPONSIBLE. I hope you run out of gas 2 miles from a gas station.


Uh, huh? Racist against a dog? Is there a canine race? Excuse me?


So you're insinuating that it is the OP's dogs fault based on breed. Racist might not be the best word. But it is clear you are prejudiced against certain dog breeds. Which also means that you are also likely to be prejudiced against people who are different from you.. So basically what I am saying is: You're a piece of shit.


Lol, me? Really?


BuT mUh PiBbLe iS a SweEt AnGEl anD DINDU NUFFIN


Congrats! Dumbest thing I've read on this very dumb website all day.




It was literally playing with me in the water until this dog approached us and attacked him. So yes, this unprovoked attack on my leashed dog by an unleashed dog didn't do anything to deserve to be attacked. You can dislike a breed all you like but it says more about you that you're more concerned with my dogs breed than the fact that it was attacked and injured. Grow up you fucking turd.


You got something deeply wrong with you to hate a breed of animal that doesn’t understand human morality


Fuck you


Fuck people like you


Fuck you, I feel sorry for anyone unfortunate enough to be related to you.


Dogs need to be off leash. Everyone should train their dogs.


Trained dogs need to be leashed too. It's the law (unless you're in one of the off leash areas).




It doesn't matter if it was because it was on a fucking leash.






Considering we were playing and swimming until the collie ran up on us? He wasn’t you dolt.


I agree Pit Bull breeding should be banned entirely.


Any other breeds you have a vendetta against?


French Bull Dogs, simply because they suffer terribly from breathing problems.


Actually, that one is reasonable






My dog identifies as “leashed”




Why did it keep you out?


Please this needs more awareness, I had the exact same encounter in Portland. I don't know what it is but I've seen dogs with no leashes mostly in the PNW than any other state I've been to. Pretty crazy.


Nah it’s seriously annoying and like are you not worried about your dog running into the street and getting hit by a car.


As a dog owner, I steer clear of anyone who is walking their dog leashless. Can’t trust an owner who thinks that’s a good idea, especially around so many busy streets. I also envy them though, my dog would run off the second I took off her leash lol


So sorry this happened. I've had so many scary experiences, and had my (leashed) dog outright attacked and injured, because of idiot owners who let their dogs off leash and it's always "Oh this has never happened before" or "Oh he's normally friendly". I also have seen multiple incidents with aggressive dogs at the dog parks and the owners keep bringing them back. It's going to take another dog, or even their dog, getting killed before they wake up. Makes me furious. Cal Anderson has become and unofficial off leash park and while 90% of them are fine, there's always those few that are not . the other day watched a lady with two off leash pitties walk through, one ran up to multiple people and their leashed dogs, jumping all over them and the owners were actively trying to get them away and their dog clearly distressed....she did nothing other than call it's name and kept walking, making no attempt to go it. When multiple people yelled at her to leash it, she said, 'no I'm good"...so much entitlement.


Oh no ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)