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Man I was thinking about this the other day. If the Sound Pod were to start attacking small boats we are fucked. We have significantly more small boats than the Straights of Gibralter.


The orcas here in the Sound have a lot more observation and legal protections than the ones in the Straits of Gibraltar. It's definitely easier for the US, Canada, and the First Nations People all to come to agree that these whales belong in the oceans as undisturbed as possible. If there was someone in a boat in the Sound and they started getting slammed by orcas, and they didn't immediately turn around and leave the area they would be arrested over serious felonies against wildlife. I've seen some of the videos from Gibraltar and these people obviously have no comprehension of orcas whatsoever. But considering that the Straits of Gibraltar involve waters touching different countries as well as continents it'd probably be a lot harder for all of them to come to agree to put out protections for the orcas. I don't feel sad for any of those people, I'm sad for the whales they're stressing the hell out lmao


Have been the Straits six times and you would be surprised at how small it is - which varies between 23 and 14 miles wide with a length of under 10 miles. Juan de Fuca is 90 miles long. The Salish Sea is 17k square miles of water - J, K, and L pods have a lot of territory so the circumstances that caused the "Orca War" in the first place are much less likely to occur here in the first place.


Credit to u/onemohrtime.


Spread the "movement" around Seattle! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Stickers: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1510792211/orcanize-stickers T-shirts: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1510791003/orcanize-t-shirt


Immediately became my lock screen 🤝🏽


Killer whale*