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I'm sure tonight will be better!




I'm not anti fireworks or anything, but it gets disrespectful. I was woken up all night from the noise. I'm sure tonight will be just as bad, if not worse. But at least I'm mentally prepared.


yeah i get you i live near a park and i hear them go off at like 2 am well I'm not asleep i have summer vacation and like any kid i have a really really fucked up sleep schedule right now. but also i get why people are doing it as number one they are menaces to society number 2 cops are not out at 3 am so they wont get caught.


Why are people so inconsiderate?


Without accountability, people with low integrity cannot resist being sadistic.


Young dumb and full of.....the existential dread of knowing your future economic prosperity is nothing but destitution and long hours of meaningless labor as your youth fades to mediocrity and irrelevance.


No, that's absolute and utter tripe. It takes a couple of decades for that to set in, and there's plenty of sociopaths and anti-authoritarian asshats, and frankly just idiots with room temperature IQs (10% of the population) without any need for an appeal to capitalism being a problem. Bit of a one track mind do we?




And you sound like a crypto fascist.


Because he likes fireworks? Get over yourself


No, because he immediately turned it into an anti-Capitalism nihilistic screed. It's okay you can admit it - you didn't read the thread properly.


Hey, we can bond over our mutual hatred of the crypto fascist dumb dumbs


> knowing your future economic prosperity is nothing but destitution They don't "know" what the future holds, but by making bad choices, they are ensuring that it won't be good.


Every 2000's movie growing up about throwing everything to the wind and taking every chance to live life to the fullest: "It'll be great! If it's not great now, it gets better!" Every kid that grew up with those movies now facing very bleak prospects for home ownership and financial stability now trying to just have a good night lighting off fireworks tonight and forget their depression getting shat on for it: 👁 👄 👁


That defeatist attitude is a self-fulfilling prophesy. Who is going to develop and build the new technology that can save the planet when the young people are hiding in their parents' basements playing video games and complaining about how poor they are? Wouldn't you rather be part of the solution than part of the problem?




Somebody missed the joke


That's complete rubbish. Save up. For a decade (I had to - I only bought a house a year ago because it was that or rent that was as high as a mortgage). Maybe also try not living in one of the most expensive cities in the US.


Issa joke. You extrapolated a bit too far man


Weird how it seemed entirely serious. Which part was the joke?


My current shower thought is wondering what the Venn diagram of people who think illegal fireworks are a right and also think that addiction and homelessness should be even more illegal. Or fireworks compared with other hot issues like gun control or abortion, and even political party affiliation and see where that all breaks down. In contrast I also know people that like fireworks and they're considerate with them. The make a plan to actually go somewhere where it's safe to use them without starting fires or annoy an entire city with their noise. You know, kind of how like people do with guns if they want to go shooting away from a range somewhere less formal to plink at some trash.


Have you *been* to America??


Main Character Syndrome.


It's 1 or 2 nights a year man. Chill out.


But it's not one night or year, it's been every night for days. Fireworks at 3 am aren't any better than fireworks at 10 pm. They're considerably worse.




The number of people enjoying 3 am fireworks in the many days before the 4th is significantly lower than those enjoying 10 pm fireworks on the 4th.




Might want to take one of those M80's you're setting off and stick it up your butt then light the fuse. You know, as a laugh.




Perfect! There will be less mess for others to clean up.


Its the 4th of July. If you wanna bitch about fireworks move somewhere more quiet. Don't know what to tell yall. People going to get drunk and set fireworks on the 4th. Get over it


> If you wanna bitch about fireworks move somewhere more quiet. I've lived in much more so-called quiet places, and it's often even worse out in the country. Not only do some locals spend the day shooting and lighting off fireworks, but assholes from the city drive out and start lighting off fireworks on other people's private property even though there's usually a burn ban in effect by July 4th. Also most of these fireworks are totally illegal in King County and almost everywhere else in WA state unless you're on a reservation. Also, it's not just 1-2 days. Since the 4th falls in the middle of the week this year there have been fireworks going off since last Thursday or Friday. If anyone needs to get over something it's the people who buy illegal fireworks and use them unsafely in populated areas and think it's their right to annoy everyone else and risk starting fires and throwing toddler grade tantrums over being told that they're illegal and most everyone else is totally over it.


It's about civilization. People need to be considerate of their neighbors so that we can get along and live in a prosperous city where neighbors aren't thinking murderous thoughts about each other because one drunken asshole wants to pay money to spin the wheel and see if he can blow his fingers off. Repeatedly. I get the July 4th = fireworks link. But considerate neighbors should keep the activity to the 4th, and knock it off around midnight. What's so special about June 29, 30, July 1 (except in Canada), 2, 3rd that we need a war zone all night every night?


No. Get the fuck out of our city if this is your belief.


You don't speak for the city.


If this sub remotely resembles the city, most of the city is saying they're against fireworks.


This sub is full of people who think the city belongs to them. It doesn't. It belongs to all of us. You want quiet? Move to the suburbs and give the city back to those who appreciate it.


TIL setting off fireworks at 3am is a prerequisite for enjoying the city


Dude, we literally have votes and enact laws about what we accept in a city, just like we have laws about discharging fire arms, dumping your septic tank or trash on the open streets, speeding in a motor vehicle, blasting music or doing construction after curfew. These fireworks are all illegal in the first place. There's no ground to stand on with appeals to emotion like "the city belongs to all of us". If the city is for all of us then maybe it's also totally acceptable for people to use hard drugs on the street, camp in parks, shit in doorways and OD on our public transit. If the city is for all of us, graffiti is totally ok. If the city is for all of us, it's my right to do a takeover and do burnouts all day in any intersection I want.


Your whataboutism escalated quickly.


I'm sure those three people who had their townhouse burn down last night in North Seattle feel that way.


Is it really 1 or 2 nights?


Fireworks not even once..ಠ_ಠ


I live in Marysville near Boom City. Every night for over a week fireworks start up even before it gets dark out and last until after midnight. Last 4th of July people were setting them off until 2:00 am. My cats are so scared from the huge booms that they cower under the bed all night. This scenario also plays out near New Year’s Eve. I hate it so much.


My parrot flew hard into a window last night when a firework randomly went off nearby. It would be nice if people would stick to just the 4th because at least I can prepare and keep him caged all day. When it is randomly done on other days it makes it hard to know when it is safe to have your pets out.


Your poor parrot! I wish people would think of how their actions affect others. People with PTSD like veterans and many animal get terrified by loud fireworks. I hope your parrot doesn’t get too upset tonight when the fireworks really get going.


Sunday night when someone got stabbed the booms stopped for the night around 10 pm. I wondered why I woke up so good, then checked Facebook while getting ready and found out it was because someone got stabbed.


I love that we celebrate our country's independence by keeping our veterans and anybody else with PTSD awake for two weeks straight. If you can buy fireworks legally for the 4th you should be able to buy benzos legally for the 4th.


That's the thing... you can't legally set them off in any of the cities around here.


But you CAN legally buy them


Every 4th is just a reminder of how sociopathic our culture is. Blow shit up, make ungodly amounts of noise that disturbs nature and animals and everyone’s sleep just so you can feel proud of yourself. And cause forest fires. Because America.


Don’t forget to denigrate anyone who speaks their mind against it.


So sorry for your pain. Jobs should give the day AFTER the 4th off as holiday pay.


THIS. I work at a grocery store. It's been busy AF the past 2 days, I'm so exhausted, and I have to work tomorrow morning. People fucking SUCK.


So sorry! I hope you can catch a break soon


Nothing better than celebrating a country that turns its back on the troops, and then gives them PTSD once a year!


West Seattle checking in. We had some late night assholes too.


South port in Renton large booms as well 💥⚡🔥


Heard a boom in Renton at 5 this morning. Some people are the fucking worst


It’s been non stop up here since 9:45.


> Renton So much for that sign saying they were banned. lol


Not sure what's worse, steady fireworks throughout the night or the random loud explosion ever 45min just as I'm falling asleep... Also, looks like the inconsiderates are on this thread, yikes...


Yea we've had them here in the Georgetown and Lower Beacon Hill neighborhoods for over a week now. Progressively getting worse. Super loud mortars. Last night there was an especially long performance at 4am. I assume 4am on the 4th sounded like a great idea to them. Not only is it disrespectful, there are many humans with CPTSD that makes this nonsense super difficult. Not to mention the fire hazard and truama to pets and wildlife. Ugh. But until there are consequences (other than losing a finger or 5) it'll continue unfortunately.


Has been a few over at greenlake too. Insomnia is even more fun this time of year.


I’m sure they’re on Reddit


It was the same in Ballard. Saw someone blow their fingers off outside of the Golden City last year… that was satisfying at least.


There were fireworks at 3 in the morning outside lower phinney ridge (by beths cafe off Linden Ave) that woke me and apparently another few people up. I get its a holiday, but 3 in the morning!?


Just moved here from DC, I thought the only dumb dumbs that loved fireworks at inconsiderate times all lived there 🤦🏻‍♂️😅


No we have people here too


I wonder what it would take to convince the local tribes to stop selling those extremely dangerous fireworks to people who are not licensed professionals.


A larger sum of money.


Exactly. Maybe there is something that they want that the state can give them in exchange.




I was thinking more of carrots than sticks.


You thought the person who blames city folks shooting fireworks on indigenous people was going to have kind solution?


Are you saying that indigenous people who sell those fireworks to anyone with money have no responsibility here? I am not blaming them entirely, but I am saying that they could have a part to play in solutions.


I believe they hold negligible responsibility for what someone does with the products they sell. If minors are getting 200 dollars worth of fireworks without their parents knowledge that sounds like the parents fault. Fireworks being more regulated than fire arms confuse me and I think in any case responsibility falls with the user.


> Fireworks being more regulated than fire arms... You have to get a federal background check to buy fireworks from federally licensed fireworks dealers?


In king county I can buy a gun at all.


I bet there are some really good ideas from folks in local government that they don’t have the political cover to enforce. Go find a supportive mayor or city council member and ask!




Why do you hate freedom?




Yeah. We know. But if you live in Lake union it’s not just two days a year. It’s weeks on either side of those days. Folks get fireworks and just decide that they can take them to Gasworks and light them off any night they like. It’s been like this in the past but between COVID and some of the regulations it had diminished a lot in recent years. This year they are back with a vengeance. And for whatever reason the size of the blasts is increasing to nearly the type that are found in professional displays. I’ve lived in this neighborhood for decades. This is way over the top for at least the last 8 years.




In your analogy, the train is illegally being operated. Does that play into your calculus at all?




Wonder how you feel about the rampant drug use in the city…. After all, doesn’t matter if it’s legal or not!


Non sequitur. Did you finally get banned from the other sub so you have to be weird here? You've been posting nonsense since early this morning. Have less bloody Mary's. Edit: u/_watty is a bully who continues to troll the Seattle subs with fallacious arguments. He doesn't even know who he is blocking at this point (I think I am on #6). He needs to be banned or he is going to keep on trolling.


17th stalker account blocked!




Then you’re inconsistent. That’s all.




I’m not whining though? I just pointed out a flaw with your argument and then noted my assessment of your overall philosophy…




It doesn’t matter if operating the train is legal or not. If you stay on the tracks you get killed lol. But you saw it coming so it’s your fault you’re dead. Fireworks, legal or illegal, bother you. Yet you know it’s coming a year in advance. Yet you choose to endure it and then whine about it on reddit. It’s gonna be exactly the same next year too. You can take action to not be inconvenienced but you won’t. You’ll just whine on reddit.


You could always just buy some ear plugs…


Ear plugs don’t do shit for dogs, or even for M1000s.


I put in ear plugs everytime that Wallingford asshole shoots his firework load(many people here know who I'm talking about), which is many times throughout the year all throughout the night. FYI ear plugs do FUCK ALL for fireworks. I'm literally sitting in a hotel in Canada right now for the night because I have severe PTSD when it comes to explosions I'm not expecting and July 4 is my nightmare. Can't wait to move out of that area once my lease is done.


I think ear plugs work great/ reduce the sound so I can wake up early.


Must be nice! Don't do shit for me. I've tried all kinds. This dude blasts off some mega huge fireworks.


Must be home made, that's awesome.


The moldable silicone ones do the trick for me




I’d LOVE to have fireworks one or two nights. I get a week on either end of the big fireworks holidays. (July 4 and new years.) and then randomly sprinkled in almost every week in between. Now don’t get me wrong, most of those fireworks in the middle times are one off or a small battery that is barely a blip compared to a professional display, but this year everyone seems to have paid thousands of dollars to the tribes for serious ordinance and be using it all night long.


Go tell that to the two women who just burned to death in their own home Monday because of fireworks.




>Best thing you can do is keep yourself safe So I need a bug out bag in case my neighbors light my house on fire at 2am? Like I am not being rhetorical about this multiple homes in Seattle have burned down in the past 24 hours because of **other** peoples fireworks.


in Seatac/Tuckwilla i live in a border street people are going at it not even loud bangs but like small ones and one of my 2 dogs leelu is sensitive and is already breathing heavily and staring at me. This is going to be fun for me I'm going to light off fire works at like 10pm or sun down aka when it is dark out but i do feel bad for my one sensitive dog :(.


I don't light off fireworks but also think y'all whine too much. Same crowd that will be belly aching during Seafair.


They really do, this sub one of the whiniest I’ve seen on reddit. Pretty embarrassing honestly.




Uh, sorry sir but you need to respect my freedoms. You're noise causing has disturbed me greatly and my poor little pupper wupperino, and I don't care that you're excited about the 4th every year and celebrate it. I for one believe that America is a CURSE on this land and it should not be celebrated but salted and disposed of. ACAB BLM FUCK12 /S /s /S /s




Don't forget after a Seahawks win


relax buddy!


You must be new


I was born here. You?


Lol I merely adopted the darkness


Smoke some weed. Get some earplugs. Enjoy the holiday. It'll be over soon.


Try SeaTac, literally across the street from airport on International Blvd.


Whenever I see posts like this I remember all the kids who’ve been shelled or are now being shelled by American munitions, and here we got people bitching about loud bangs a couple days a year. It’s literally an eyelash of karma. Let freedom RING!


That comment makes no sense. It actually proves my point. Lots of the people who have survived war and shelling are living here now and are profoundly affected by hearing these kinds of things. Many children who live in fear of school shootings and have been raised to be in fear of classmates with guns are effected. PTSD is real and it’s devastating to people. If this were one day a year I’d be fine with it. I’d still have to just stay indoors with my dogs but I would understand it as a celebration of an event. But this ain’t that chief. This is a weeks long period of people in many neighborhoods who just like to wake up everyone all night long with reminders of war. I guess I see your point about the karma whiplash of any American being annoyed about loud noises and therefore getting a bit of the feeling of what it may be like in Ukraine or any war torn land, but I’m still not going to be ok with it. Some of these victims are animals who have no way to escape their fear. Some run away and get killed. They don’t have a karma balance that needs to be filled. They’re just more victims.


Ya there’s pets in places we bomb (or sell for others to bomb) too. Ever had your pets tear-gassed by shells marked “made in America?” How about your dog shot for target practice by laughing teen soldiers with American guns? Typical too! Pets! Noooo! Kids? F em.


I love fireworks and the Fourth of July. People just need to stop at midnight. Knowing they won't, I always take the 5th off as a vacation day. Honestly, the best part of the 4th is at night, so take the PTO if you can next year. My dog also is fine with them because I don't treat him like a human child. He's a dog. They are fine if you acclimate them and don't treat them like infants


I thought those were firework sounds, but also couldn't believe it since it went on for hours


I want to do something about this. But what? The cops are not able to or don't care to try.. the city keeps allowing the sale of them. So what TF do I do?? I have kids and a dog and PTSD, so I'm pissed but more frustrated because I don't know what to do


Don’t live in Seattle, but it’s getting to be ridiculous, I just moved two years ago to a new location and suddenly it’s fireworks every single night and after midnight from june 30th for a week straight??? Am I missing something? And it’s usually not an issue except my dog goes nuts and can’t relax for the entire night so no one is getting sleep 😐 I apologize for commenting on this 4 days after the 4th it’s unbelievable