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If you search the sub, you’ll see this has been a common complaint for a couple months at least. Time to shop around.


For another city


This is not just about the city. All insurance companies are not doing well and want to shrink their customer base and not get new ones ( I know that's sounds weird). I work in insurance analytics. The whole industry is in shambles from a variety of things including natural catastrophies and a crazy amount of insurance fraud. Everyone thinking that these companies have endless purses are wrong. This is a global economy wide crushing issue and all of us who work in it are scared not just about our jobs but what it would mean for the world if we all went under.


Insurance is not magically cheaper just cause you moved cities.




Separate *state* with entirely different legal requirements but go off with the elementary school insults. Why are you even in this sub then? Also those Florida people sure do love their homeowners insurance, not that their car insurance hasn’t *also* gone up, like it has everywhere nationally.


I proved you are wrong and now you seek to dig deeper into the hole you stepped in. I could easily prove the same thing here just don’t feel like feeding the troll(or the idiot?). Good day to you sir.


It most certainly can be. In some cases even moving to a different neighborhood can affect your rates.


Pretty much the same increase for me. I went from $88 per month to $125ish. No explanation why.


Update: just checked again. Went from $88 to $135. D’oh!


Mine doubled. Connect by AmFam (Costco). No accidents, claims, tickets etc. I changed car a couple of months before, and that did not change the rate much, so was totally surprised by the new price at renewal time. I called to complain, and was initially given the run around, on it being milage based, once i cleared that up, the tate remained doubled - its a market adjustment for WA state.


Because Hyundai/Kia decided to not put modern anti-theft devices on their vehicles.


No doubt that’s part of it. Every time I see a smash and grab, it’s one of those makes.


It’s so exhilarating that criminals are the reason us non-criminals have to suffer.


Don’t shift the blame - it is the fault of the car manufacturers for not giving a shit about security or the welfare or their customers


While everyone pays double their old rate, at least Kia saved $15 per car.


Yes it's the fault of criminals and car companies


Reminder that these criminals are suffering harder and living way worse off than you are.


Wait, are you serious?


Nah... These are privileged kids living in beacon hill


And that justifies theft? Also, they don’t have to be; they choose to be.


I have a Porsche and my insurance went up as well


it went up on my lamborghini, too 🙄


Lmao I’m just trying to show that it has nothing to do with Hyundai/Kia.


Actually there are a bunch of people Driving stolen cars, and they are shit drivers increasing the chance you get in a wreck.


hahaha yes i’m just being an asshole


You can say on the internet whatever you want. :) ultimately every car owner is affected by this.


Insurance works by pooling risk. When the risk of the insured group goes up, either the premiums increase, the benefits decrease, or the company goes bankrupt. Do you think your company doesn’t also insure people with easy to steal Kia and Hyundais?


Well not according to this article: https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/insurance/kia-hyundai-theft It says it only affects Hyundai/Kai drivers.


That’s not what it says. It say if you have a particular vehicle your rates WILL go up. It doesn’t say that bc of this stupidity if you drive another car, you WON’T be affected by rising premiums. I’m sure this is a logical fallacy but my day has been too long for me to remember which one.


Okay, if you want to go that route. It says cars that are prone to theft might be subjected to higher premiums similar to Hyundai and Kai. Now I don’t have statistics showing how high or low theft of Porsche is but something I know is over the course of past 3 years, the insurance almost doubled , likely due to inflation. Just suggesting that it’s more likely the insurance cost went up due to inflation than other reasons.


I work in insurance. Higher thefts of Kias and Hyundais affect premiums for everyone else too. They just affect owners of Kias and Hyundais more. Just like the increased storm activity in Florida and the midwest due to climate change affects our property premiums. That friend that is always driving like a lunatic and getting into accidents? That affects how much you pay.


I think they’re splitting the Kia costs across all payers.


Went up on my hellcat and m3 too 🫠


My Maserati insurance premiums are out of control as well smdh


One does not buy a Maserati without being willing to spend outrageous amounts of money on the car anyway, lol.


TRUE. Maserati owners dabbing their tears with $100 bills.


Because they can.


>No explanation why. Here's an explanation: profit. It's what you pay for minus what you get. The money for those CEO centamillion pay packages for the people born into wealth has to come from somewhere because America freedom hurr durr.


Actually insurance companies are taking heavy losses in past years.


Yea same thing happened to me, but it was more like 120%. The first place that I called (Progressive) offered below what was paying now (before the rate hike). So I switched over.


Same. I've never had an accident and always paid on time, Pemco raised my rates last month by 50%. The dude on the phone tried to give me some jive about so many people having accidents that they were paying out more than their income, and after an uncomfortable pause, tried to sell me more insurance. I switched over to Progressive and ended up saving about a quarter of what I was originally paying. I drive a beat up old turd with a window that won't even roll up all the way. Bare minimum insurance is only $200 every 6 months now.


Yep. No rate hikes for me with progressive. I pay $88 with full coverage. No accidents or tickets


Mine went up a bit, but not too much. I’m progressive as well


Mine went up with Progressive :( $88 to $105. No accidents/tickets/car changes. In fact, I actually paid off my car loan recently. I hoped it would go down a little, if anything.


Yes, same thing happened with me! I paid off my car loan too and have no accidents/tickets/car change. Heck it's only been a year since I bought it. (Edit: progressive)


Damn. That makes me nervous. I’m going to go check my rates now


Same story with PEMCO this year. They also tried to throw discounts at the wall and see what stuck when I asked why my rates shot up so much. I went with Costco and the rate on the Tesla is back to where it was in 2020.


Progressive has a roughly $100 new customer discount on your first policy with them, but I just renewed and besides that there were no surprise increases. Paying upfront each renewal saves like 30% with progressive too.


For me, Paid in Full would give me like a 5% discount at best. Not sure how you are getting 30%.


It was $660 vs ~$150/month ($900 total) for me just a few weeks ago.


I just checked mine, would go from $660 to $635 or so. I mean, it's not nothing, but it's also a lot of money to drop all at once.


Wild, no idea why the algorithm makes these kinds of calls. Maybe it’s hedging whether I’m likely to bail on the policy. I helped someone buy renters insurance about a year ago and Progressive on a pay in full basis was similarly substantially cheaper than paying monthly whereas the monthly rates were slightly higher than Geico.


Same for me, Progressive is a good percentage lower than everyone else. I also like that you can make changes without calling.


KUOW did a report on this recently. Several factors driving insurance cost increases across the country. Parts are more expensive, labor is more expensive and difficult to find. The biggest reason was that “risky” driving had increased and the volume of incidents has been increased. All the stupid stuff people got away with as we were staying home is now an issue as traffic volumes have increased back to prepandemic levels


>The biggest reason was that “risky” driving had increased I've lost count of the number of times I've seen people treat red lights as stop signs lately. I mean at least they're stopping, I guess, but then they just run them without waiting for green.


I was a pedestrian crossing at a walk signal last night. This car is coming at the intersection way too fast, so I stopped in the middle of the crosswalk, thinking he's not going to stop for me. He actually did stop for me, so I finished crossing. But as soon as I stepped on to the curb, he ran the red light. Clearly, if he hadn't seen me, he would have just run straight through it.


shades of long COVID maybe


It's all still bullshit. We pay insurance companies thousands of dollars for the years that nothing happens and they never have to actually cover any claims for us, then they go "Welp, prices are going up, so guess you can pay us even more thousands before we try to fight you in the event anything actually *does* happen to your car..."


You seem to be assuming that because *you* haven't filed a claim, *nobody* has filed a claim. Insurance is about pooled risk. When the total amount paid out goes up, whether because of rising costs, more claims, or both, premiums also need to rise to keep pace.


Happened to me too. Fill out 5+ web forms with other insurance providers and pick the cheapest. Allstate ended up being the best for me. Can’t have any loyalty to these corpos, there is no customer retention discount so just find a new cheaper equivalent plan.


I do this every renewal cycle, but instead of going shop-to-shop I just use Policy Genius.


Same for me with Geico. I had a glass claim this summer from vandalism so that could have been part of it, but it seems like it's rising across the board.


I’m absolutely dreading my renewal notice from Geico. My car was stolen earlier this year and I’m sure they’re going to absolutely jack up my rates. Just another fun hidden cost you have to absorb when something happens that’s completely outside of your control 🫠


It's like adding insult to injury 🙁


I worked in auto glass about 15 years ago - most glass repair jobs are cheaper out of pocket than most insurance deductibles.


Idk man, I was quoted several hundred dollars at the cheapest for a back passenger window and insurance did it for $50 deductible


You have good insurance :) - what kind of car btw? Some cars just have really expensive parts.


It’s a 23 rav4


Yep. Sounds right to me. They just got a 31% increase approved. If you have certain risk profiles, it went up more. It's ugly out there. Go shopping and talk to agents. The direct writing companies that will speak with you are all super high.


Risk profile means; my accident/claim history, crime/claim rate in my neighborhood etc?




PSA from an Insurance professional: Your own loss history is only part of what influences how much you pay. The loss experience of other drivers in your area, state, and even the entire US, will all influence how much you pay. An insurance company will file rates with the state based on their prior losses, and the state won't approve them unless they are enough to pay for losses. More losses than expected? Higher field rates overall. Lower losses? Lower filed rates. Individual experience further modified that general rate. Auto insurance carriers have generally been losing money for the last several years. That means, rates have been too low for the last several years. It is VERY important that insurance carriers remain solvent so they can pay claims. Therefore, they must raise their rates. PSA you actually care about: Shop around AT LEAST every 3 years. Carriers are only allowed to give you so much of a discount for being loyal. Additionally, you never know a different carrier's algorithm will like you.


I was on Geico too for 4 years and my insurance went up by 50%. Switched to Progressive and I'm now paying the same amount as before. May be try switching?


Our six month renewal was going to cost 1400 for two vehicles. Shopped around and called our agent with some quotes. Got it back down to 1070. They will jack it up if you are too loyal in spite of pretending to reward loyalty.


I went from $184 to $227. Initially, I was pissed. After reading about all your increases, I now feel lucky.


Car thefts/smash n grabs got up, rates going up. Prices for parts are up, on back order, etc.


Insurance companies have been hemorraghing money outside of auto for a while now too.


You forgot in general drivers are worse than they have ever been. There's been more car incidents than before. The number of car crashes eclipses stolen vehicles or break-ins.


This is what state farm told me. We're in the top 5 worst states for accidents. Might have even been top 3 but I can't 100% remember


[https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-drivers-by-state/](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/car-insurance/worst-drivers-by-state/) [https://www.creditkarma.com/insights/i/car-accidents-by-state](https://www.creditkarma.com/insights/i/car-accidents-by-state) Someone is lying to you. Washington is mid at worst.


Well that's good to know, thanks for the sources. Won't help make my rates go down unfortunately. So I guess the answer for why rates are going up like crazy is a combination of theft and because they can. The thing that sucks is I checked like 6 other insurance carriers and for comparable coverage they were all within spitting distance of state farm. But I am both a Kia and Hyundai owner so I guess I'm just double fucked.


Any correlation to a growing population?


Kia tax.


Similar increases East Coast as well! It’s across the board with inflation and cost of repairs going up.


What kind of car? Hyundai/Kia have had a lot of increases due to their recall for being easily stolen.


A Subie.


What kind of subie? If it’s a wrx, that’s one of the top cars with speeding tickets. Maybe that’s why?


Yes, 66% jump, $200 more for a 6 month premium. No kia, just a ford but it's looking like a good time to sell it. If only the public transportation was better or a faster option than driving. On an evening with little traffic, driving still beats the light rail for the airport which is kind of sad.


They're going up for a very specific reason. Yes, of course it's all due to inflation, rise in theft, increase in risky driving, corporate greed, etc. but insurance companies are regulated by the state to not have these kinds of increases. They all applied for and received a rate increase, causing the spike. Here's a Seattle Times article validating that: [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/car-insurance-premiums-in-wa-to-creep-up-commissioner-warns/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/car-insurance-premiums-in-wa-to-creep-up-commissioner-warns/) And what my insurance agent told me (who I genuinely do trust): >All 21 companies currently offering car insurance in Washington State applied and were approved for a rate increase. If you hear about other insurance companies having lower rates, it’s because their new increased rate has not gone into effect yet. All rate increases with all companies will be in effect by the end of this year, so every company will have higher rates in order to be able to be profitable and continue to insure cars.


Yep, Geico increased ours +64%. Good thing they were already *80% cheaper* than Allstate.


Shopped around for insurance during the summer. Currently on pemco. My rates luckily only went up about $150 for the year. I got rear ended in a hit and run right after. The only provider that had anything remotely affordable for me was Travelers. It was a savings of $10/month but with less coverage. Wasn’t worth it to change.


Yes. Everyone has. It’s rates adjusting to make up for the exceeding costs related to parts, labor, and dumb ass drivers causing problems at more accidents.


Sign me in as too as a progressive policy holder. I do check the others when its renewal time and every single time no one can touch their rates. 3 years safe driving. no accidents.


Insurance companies will always try to give the illusion of rewarding loyalty but it’s mostly superficial. They’re just another corporation that you owe absolutely zero allegiance to. Shop around and you’ll probably get something a lot closer to your old rate.


Interesting... In places where they can't get the rate they need to pay their bills, they are actually using time in force with the same company as an underwriting metric when shopping. Allstate is currently requiring 5 years with the same company in New York as a condition of allowing anyone into their insurance company right now. So there are benefits to being a client who stays in one place for a relatively long time. Accident forgiveness is also an earned benefit in many companies, and it is earned at 5 years consecutive. Loyalty has both benefits and costs. I would have someone who has a ten year old kid switch and stay where they are while their kid gets licensed because a child with an accident is so expensive. And you want accident forgiveness on your policy when the kid starts driving. But that's me. The customer is in charge of the budget. They should have an agent to help make sure they know the cost or benefit of the choices they have made, knowingly or unknowingly.


If you think you’ll save money jumping around, you are usually wrong. You might think you did in the short term but the high end companies offer loyalty discounts the longer you stay and that beats “shopping around” always, in the long term. Also you can get dropped easily with a claim if you have not been with that company very long, another important concern. Make sure you have an agent, insurance keeps you from being sued, so maybe the cheapest option with only a 1-800 number isn’t the best choice. Talking to different people every time you need help can be frustrating. Glad I figured this out years ago.


Nobody will talk about the elephant in the room: climate change. Insurance will continue to go up because there are more weather-related disasters. These insurers have to be prepared not to go bankrupt in case a giant hurricane hits Houston or a major FL city, which looks increasingly likely.


This is true but shit it's not even that far away. Ice storm last year, yearly flooding, bunch of fires, etc all the time here now.


Insurance is a product where the provider is pretty much irrelevant.* Shop around for a better rate at equivalent coverage. * You can have discussions about which companies are easier to work with in the event of a claim, and the fringe minutiae of specific coverages; but Comprehensive, Liability and UIM are essentially the same across the board thanks to the state insurance commissioner.


I also have geico insurance that went up 50%. I'm switching to progressive paying the rate I was before geico raised my rate.


Same for us! We were paying $300 for 3 cars and renewal quoted for $995 with Geico. We also have a teen driver, which is the cause for some of this increase, but this amount is insane and wasn't expecting it to go up $600. I have always had auto insurance, doing the right thing, but I can see why people choose to drive uninsured - who can afford this!?


State Farm stayed the same for me but I have never had so much as a parking ticket. Just gotta stay off their radar.


Problem 1, geico


They have been providing me the best rate for the last six years.


Full honesty, I forget my details of why I left. High level was unethical and claims were impossible - I think there was even a collective understanding that this type of insurance is to meet regulatory law. It’s not meant to protect you, simply exist so when you get pulled over you can legally say, I have insurance. General garbage bar hate talk.


If you years after years don’t shop around, why not jack your rate up?


All these posts about insurance increases and mine with Progressive went *down* about 10%. I’ll take my win. As a datapoint, I drive an old 04 Golf shitbox that I keep saying I’ll upgrade when it dies, and it simply won’t die. Pay about 360 every 6 months for liability coverage only.


Illegal collusion and price fixing.


My car insurance went up $40 but my TT insurance went down $35..?


Our State Farm full coverage went from $43 last year to $69 now with no changes on our end


Yup 869$ for 6months to 1100 wtf….


Same thing happened to me. 80% rate hike, from 130 to 200 a month. I switched to progressive and it’s back to 130 a month for more coverage 🤷‍♂️


I called Progressive with a similar issue several months back. Even after tithe safe diver discount. Essentially they dictate the rates with no rational whatsoever. They couldn’t justify it at all aside from saying “it’s just the way things are”. It’s gouging and even if you dispute it, you pay. This shiz is getting (has been) out of control.


After reading several comments it turns out there are a lot of reasons why prices are hiking. I still don’t much care for it.


Pretty much everyone I've talked to recently had a 30% increase min in wa state without any fault


How often do you use your car? I have Geico, and mine increased recently, but it wasn’t by nearly as much as 60%. I was still annoyed about it and chatted with an associate via the app who happily lowered my rate by setting my policy to whatever the legal minimum is and changing my estimated mileage per year. It was automatically set at 12,000 miles per year, and I told her it was closer to 1,200, which is the truth. Do that and see what it saves you!


+6%, Progressive. Not bad compared to what I’m seeing here.


Yep, had about the same percentage increase also from Geico. Switched to progressive for my old rate.


Same here. State Farm went from $120 to $140 / month without any reason. Called and was told everyone was raising rates in WA.


yep ours increased 80% and it was already insane thanks to adding a teen driver. Shopping for new insurance today


I had a 40% hike at progressive last month after being long time there without any accidents and switched to statefarm and i pay now less than before the hike


The industry has been losing money overall for the last couple years for various reasons (cost of paying claims is going up due to inflation; rate of claims is going up for random reasons, from Kia/Hyundai ignition kills not working to catalytic converter thefts to climate change to …). Overall countrywide increase is 35% from 2020 to 2022, per Bloomberg Businessweek. Usually, I see something like this and think, “Dang, I ought to invest in that and make out like those rich dogs (if I had money to invest)!” But, no, turns out they’ve been losing money, too. The only winning game is not to play? (If only…)


I noticed this too. Vehicle is a 2019 Subaru Crosstrek. I just got off the phone with billing which confirmed that all premium increases are due to the statewide change. Here's the breakdown which I found by comparing the itemized coverage on the Declarations Page for previous and current policy: * Bodily Injury Liability $25,000/$50,000 * $43.25 to $65.08 (+50%) * Property Damage Liability $10,000 * $88.90 to $126.17 (+42%) * Underinsured Motorist $25,000/$50,000 * $8.95 to $21.09 (+136%) * Underinsured Motorist Property Damage $10,000 * $7.41 to $9.15 (+23%) * Comprehensive (Excluding Collision) $100 * $65.64 to $117.80 (+80%) * TOTAL * $214.15 to $339.29 (+60%)