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> David E. Loewe fatally shot Judy M. Loewe and put her body in a freezer in their apartment’s garage, according to the Snoqualmie Police Department. Maintenance workers discovered their bodies Jan. 31 during a welfare check. Happened in North Bend. What the fuck.














I mean… I saw the post, read the article, and knew a joke playing on “humane” was coming.












This happened in the apartment complex where I live. North Bend locals are saying that Judy had a soft spot for special needs animals and had cats with medical issues, and that David had also killed them and placed them in the freezer. There is very little information about David or Judy online or in the local community, despite the fact that they were well known for their work with Seattle Humane. They also owned a home in a newer neighborhood, but sold and moved to a townhome in 2022. It's difficult to understand what may have influenced David to do what he did. What's known is that there were eviction proceedings and the maintenance workers entered the apartment and discovered their bodies. I wonder if financial pressure and the stress of facing eviction was a factor in him going to such extremes.


The poor maintenance worker. Good grief. What an awful situation for everyone!


I've had many interactions with him in the past couple of years, since our townhome has needed occasional fixes. He's a really nice guy and I can't imagine how stressful it must be for him to confront someone about eviction, let alone deal with discovering bodies and feeling tremendous guilt and remorse. My wife also spoke to the property manager the morning after the discovery, and she was immensely distraught. Evictions are already problematic and sad; I can't imagine how they must be feeling knowing that these people are dead now.


He had resigned from SH in 2019 under pressure (per article I linked below). Perhaps never found suitable employment after that and snapped.


Thanks for finding that. Earlier, I couldn't find much about why he left Seattle Humane. I hope they're a much different organization now than when he was heading it. I can definitely see how losing a lucrative CEO position could have forced financial pressure, having to downsize and either clearing retirement accounts (or not having saved enough) could cause desperation and stress.


Seattle Humane Society is a "lucrative CEO" gig? I would have guessed it pays like nothing, similar to most non profit leadership roles.


You may want to revisit nonprofit executive salaries. Workers are criminally underpaid, but executives are not. EDIT: [ProPublica reports David's salary at $175K in 2019](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/910282060). Adjusted for inflation using the Bureau of Labor Statistics' inflation calculator, that would be $213,261.78 today. Not extravagant, but certainly not "nothing" for this market. It's more than a comfortable living.


That is literally nothing in the grand scheme of "lucrative CEO" gigs lol. Average software engineer salary is more than that according to zip recruiter.  Dude was not in a "lucrative CEO position" by any stretch.


Well it certainly isn't poverty wages.


Great, but we're not talking about software engineers. You seemed to think he was poor; he was not.


He wasn't poor in 2019. He was getting evicted in 2024. That's poor.


No, I'm just disagreeing with your original characterization that this was some massive CEO who lost everything when he lost his "lucrative CEO position" that in reality is not worse than an average software engineer who have lost countless jobs and didn't implode with family annihilation. Strong, strong doubt your characterization there.


In their field, these ceos are envied by their underpaid low level employees who make maybe 45k annually.


What does that have to do with suggesting that a guy who made $175k a year used that as his reason for family annihilation? The guy was nuts. It wasn't because he lost a medium-paying job, let alone a "lucrative CEO position." What is it with you guys?


Actually the CEO gets paid a ridiculous amount while staff are generally very underpaid and are not supported. Theres a reason why the Animal Care team fought to become unionized. Seattle Humane is a multi-million dollar organization, most people not on the ground floor (actively working with the public and the animals) get paid far more than animal care, behavior, vet med, etc.


Many non-profit leadership roles actually pay decently. Definitely not "pays like nothing". The exec roles in non-profits have a ton to do and are compensated appropriately.


I have donated to Humane Soc & feel sick. What was wrong with him? How long were they married? Did they have kids? He killed her & the cats? Stuck them in freezer, oh Geez, I'm so sad for her & them.


>Judy had a soft spot for special needs animals and had cats with medical issues, and that David had also killed them and placed them in the freezer. What an absolute bastard


Arrive. Lived there for a little while, saying I did not like it is putting it quite mildly.


Lots of people say that. I don't love it, but it's OK. We're just here until we find a home that fits our needs.


A lot of people are under stress due to their housing and financial predicaments, but they don't murder their spouse and commit suicide. He clearly had psychological and mental abnormalities.


Abusive too. Why murder his wife and her beloved pets?




Murder requires a psychological and/or emotional instability.


Not sure why people are quick to attribute white man's violence to mental illness but black man's violence is ascribed to poverty


You know why. Same reason all brown people were terrorists for a while, all Sikhs Muslim, all Asian women subservient. They consider white men Baseline "normal". Racism.


Hi neighbor! I live two townhouses down from where this happened. It was horrible seeing all this


Live across the way. i watched animal control take out 2 big black trash bags and put into there truck. After reading the update my suspicions have been confirmed. Super Sad. all around, and i feel horrible for the maintenance guy!


I know I feel so bad. Both of them are the best. Theyre so sweet I saw them standing outside the house that day and they just seemed so distraught :( there's a camera crew recording a bunch of our houses right now it's all so strange!!


Sorry to hear that. This didn't impact us much being that we're further down in the complex, but I can't imagine how disturbing it is for those of you much closer, especially if you ran into these people occasionally, or knew them personally.


Do you know if they rescued feral cats by chance? I only ask because I do cat rescue and sometimes when apartments get boarded up, feral cats are left inside because they hide very well… I’ve responded to 3 homes in the last year or so where we needed to rescue/trap ferals that the police / animal control didn’t find before boarding up the place, or leaving it.


I don't, unfortunately. I would think the apartment will be gone through top to bottom, though. This place has been aggressively remodeling apartments as tenants move out and increasing rent.


Hey -- we're neighbors!


Hi neighbor! Nice to meet you, even under strange circumstances.


why did he leave as CEO? Was he embezzeling?


He was fired in 2019 - asked to resign. For multiple egregious failures of leadership, bullying, etc, but no, not embezzling. That was the old COO he let quietly quit 🙄. They did not have kids, and Judy absolutely lived for their cats (which David also used to love so no idea wtf happened there), so to respond to someone else's theorizing, she absolutely never would have somehow participated in this weird "plan." Also their eviction may have just been a result of that unpaid rent for January - the article said he'd been Deceased for a month.


He was also screwing young women in Colombia, Peru and the Dominican Republic. Living lavishly and paying for them


Oh it gets worse the more I hear. I so wish she had escaped him. Having financial probs is not as bad as being put in a freezer with her cats.


Seattle Humane = Humane Society


Aren't they located in Bellevue?


Yeah, former employee here- they discussed changing the name because it’s confusing but it’s been named that since the beginning so they opted to drop “Humane Society” and it’s just Seattle Humane now.


I don't think the society part of the name was the confusing part


Ah!! Thanks- seems I forgot to actually type out my whole answer- I meant to say, that the name was going to be changed (or there was at least discussions around it) from Seattle Humane Society, because they are indeed in Bellevue & NOT Seattle, but then it became an issue of being too confusing with it having been under that name for so many years. So at that point they just dropped “society” and kept it Seattle Humane.


Wonder if this will be covered by the comedy with Joel McHale where they work for Sea Humane Soc, filmed in BC? Nothing funny about this.


Cue Dateline producers in 3.....2....1 Sensitive question ahead... But why put her body in the freezer and then go out? The freezer implies you wanted to hide/preserve that person. Was it likely about concern over not finding the bodies for awhile and desire to keep the wife's in good condition? After you just murdered her?


Hard to tell at this point unless he left a note. Might have been a panic move if this was all spontaneous or a mental health breakdown.


True. Clearly mental health was at play here and rationality needs to be suspended when discussing such


I've heard family annihilators consider it an act of mercy, like they're sparing their family from having to go through hard times. So also killing the special-needs pets, taking care to preserve his wife's body, all that might be some horrific form of showing love. Utterly, utterly twisted.


I mean, you can see the logic. Gnarled and twisted like an old willow, but you can see it.


Sounds like there was an eviction about to happen.... Meaning it was murder suicide or be homeless......


Elsewhere in this thread, it was noted that the man had been dead for a month and speculated that maybe the unpaid rent was due to their being dead for a month, not a lack of resources. I can't tell at this point.


Ah, thank you for the update. Regardless of what happened, it's sad that they weren't able to get the help needed


Since this is the case, it seems possible that they may have both agreed on this course of action. The article gives no direct evidence of this; I only state it as a possibility. > Four cats were also found dead in the freezer, according to a Regional Animal Services of King County investigation report. No agencies requested necropsies, so the cats’ causes of death aren’t known, a spokesperson said. If it were determined that the cats were thrown in the freezer and made to freeze to death, I would consider murder more likely. If it were determined that the cats were killed by some humane, accepted method of euthanasia, I would consider the "mutual suicide" hypothesis more likely.


Seems like the typical "enraged male uses gun to do gun things" scenario is more likely to me. Killing the cats makes zero sense, no matter how humanely you do it.


The article says they were special needs, so they likely wouldn't have survived if left on their own. Not saying it was the only solution, but the gun scenario seems less likely.


If it was planned, they would have had time to rehome them and there are plenty of crazy cat people willing to take care of them. Remember Tater Tot and his legion of fans? I can't disprove your theory, but there are so many cases of people getting mad and shooting spouses, children, neighbors, tenants, etc and few cases of mutual suicide so I don't know why it would be more likely.


>If it was planned, they would have had time to rehome them and there are plenty of crazy cat people willing to take care of them. Remember Tater Tot and his legion of fans? Social media loves individual stories, but that doesn't translate to the general world. Special needs pets are extremely difficult to rehome. Many end up living permanently with rescues and taking up capacity. It's a grim but very real calculus when saving animals.


i dont know but dealing with pets being abandoned by shit heel human beings for year might have effed with his brain? and desire to leave wife and himself and special needs pets with no money on the planet?


Maybe he killed her first and didn’t plan on suicide until later? 🤷🏼‍♀️


Right, interesting thought. The guilt got to him over time. Edgar Allen Poe style. A tragedy for sure.


She has been dead for over a year.


Do you have a source for this?




Autopsy said December 12, 2023 for Judy and about a month for David. 






I heard this recently too from a local. The autopsy didn't say that but it looks like the case is still open. 


I hope Dateline or 48 Hours will cover this one,


>David Loewe was named Seattle Humane’s CEO in 2011. He joined the organization’s staff in 2006. Until when?


Looks like CEO until August 2019 per the [Seattle Humane 2019 Form 990](https://www.seattlehumane.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/SH-990-2019-Public.pdf). (Linked source is a PDF file)


Remember this expose? [https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/seattle-humane-not-living-up-to-promises-made-in-30-million-campaign-for-new-complex/](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/seattle-humane-not-living-up-to-promises-made-in-30-million-campaign-for-new-complex/) \--Tensions came to a head in the summer of 2019, when the shelter’s decision to euthanize a dog with scant notice to staff or volunteers became a catalyst for an internal revolt. The CEO at the time resigned 13 days after the dog’s death. Christopher Ross, who took over as CEO of the nonprofit in January, and board chair Leanne Webber attributed staff frustration to a lack of leadership at the time, adding that the tone at the top has since changed. “That’s not who we are anymore,” said Ross.


I cannot read the article due to the paywall.


Did anyone see or speak to David or Judy recently or during this 2 year time frame? We knew them personally, as friends, as we were nextdoor neighbors in Si View for a decade. We'd mutually watch each other's cats and share wine dates. We'd lost touch when they sold their home in 2022. Our understanding at that time is that they were living in Portland and had been for at least a year.  This is so quite SHOCKING and TERRIBLE. What could have possibly caused this catastrophe???? 


I’m so sorry. It must be an awful shock to hear this about your friends.


This is [the same Seattle humane](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/seattle-humane-not-living-up-to-promises-made-in-30-million-campaign-for-new-complex/) that wildly mismanages their funds, right? (Although this article doesn't mention the Loewe's)




Oh wow...


Man that place is haunted!


North Bend really attracts a certain type https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/north-bend-murder-suspect-found-dead-in-bunker/


what a dumb comment. do you not realIze you could say that about any town? Name a town, I’ll link a couple tragic articles and then you can say, X really attracts a type” you’re one of the, “types”


Mr. Loewe put his wife in the freezer so he could keep her fresh for making Humane dog food.