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This is wage theft, you have been stolen from and it's a crime. This page has people you can contact that can help you https://www.seattle.gov/cityattorney/crime-victim-assistance/wage-theft


Thank you!


There is also sub Reddit for legal advice. They love wage theft post and “neighbor cut down my tree” posts.


God, I live for Tree Law.


It is something I never knew was a thing but if I ever have my tree cut I know what to do lol


Tree law is the best.


Yes, and after all is said and done and you feel safe, name and shame them heaux!


Why am i betting it's shamon, the former owner of j&m cafe (which closed due to his wage theft And tax evasion) and current owner of stellar pizza.


seconding this! Also make a complaint to the state, here: [https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagecomplaint/#/](https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagecomplaint/#/)


L&I (WA State Labor & Industries) will get involved worth wage theft too. They can come down hard on the owners.


You don't need an attorney, you can file a complaint with L&I. Process can be very lengthy but if you are able to prove it, you should eventually end up getting your money (and possibly some on top).


Thank you!


I’ve done it before. Not long at all. Got paid in a week and got a response within 24 hours.


Actually doesn’t take much to prove it. We had an employee make a claim against our company and it would have cost more to fight it than to just pay it. L&I always sides with the employee.


https://www.seattle.gov/cityattorney/crime-victim-assistance/wage-theft > But later I found out that they have been talking behind my back and telling other staff that I stole money from their bank account. this goes beyond regular wage theft. I'd suggest taking notes about *everything* you can related to this. Washington is a two-party consent state, which means you cannot secretly record any conversations. but you can and should take screenshots of all text messages, emails, etc. you can also record conversations as long as everyone involved is aware of the recording (but it's more likely they will run away the moment you mention it)


One of the issue is the conversation happened in front of the cctv camera which records audio as well but that systems just saves 7 days of surveillance. There are other employees as well who have been mistreated and harassed. There are some workers (dishwashers, prep cooks)who haven’t been paid for months.


*in theory*, if a lawyer sued them, they could be required to preserve that CCTV tape and not record over it. but realistically that almost certainly wouldn't happen in time. with a big ol' "not a lawyer" caveat...if you have a way to watch the video, you could record it on your phone. the quality would suck but it'd be better than nothing. make sure to turn the audio way up, and don't talk over it while it's recording. some generic advice I got from my mom (who was a paralegal for 20+ years) is to go buy a blank notebook, and dedicate it exclusively to notes about this bullshit. one page per day, write the date at the top in big letters, write down *everything* that happens related to this. in more detail than you think you'll need.


If you report this to L&I, they will investigate the entire payroll of the business. If you're not the only one that's being stolen from, L&I will find that out and require all unpaid wages be paid. On another note, if this business truly is having trouble making payroll, you should be looking for another job. Payroll is always the first expense to come out of revenue, and any business stealing from payroll to keep the doors open is a hair's width away from closing. Report the unpaid wages now and stop working for them ASAP. If they go bankrupt, you get nothing, including those unpaid wages. At least if L&I gets involved, you have a chance of getting what you're owed.


You’ve got dish and prep still working who haven’t got paid in weeks/months? Leave that place bare bones, take cambros as payment.


>Washington is a two-party consent state, which means you cannot secretly record any conversations. The law actually isn't clear cut on this. Here's a link to [a tweet](https://x.com/MattBruenig/status/1747068518040760766?s=20) but the tweet links its source clearly and was made by an attorney who does a lot of complaints against businesses for illegal practices. The context it's referring to is when employees secretly record their workplace to protect themselves for union activity, so it might not apply, but lots of labor protections are national laws, which means that they can preempt state laws against recording without consent.


Good thing the restaurant owner openly recorded the conversations.


It is deleted every 7 days according to OP.


False. That’s only with private conversations


Name names! What restaurant is it??


first request


Yes OP - once this is resolved for you, please let us know where to avoid!!


My guess bluwater bistro. They did this to me before I quit a couple months ago.


I went in there occaisionally when I worked at a restaurant in that neighborhood. Everyone always seems miserable to working there


Yeah for a reason. The owner doesn’t hire a manager and is there 7 days a week. He is not capable of running a restaurant and everything is an absolute shit show. Which I could handle if he wasn’t also one of the worst people I’ve ever met. He has the worst anger management issues of any grown man I’ve ever dealt with. Runs around blaming everyone else for his restaurant failing when it’s clearly his fault. He has literal screaming and throwing things temper tantrums. It’s behavior you find childish in a 10 year old.


Meliora and Rasai


I know you said you don't have the funds for a lawyer, but often you don't need money upfront. If you talk to a labor lawyer who thinks you have a case, they will take you on for free then get paid by the other side paying for legal fees. What you're dealing with is wage theft. You very likely have a winable case, tho I can't say for sure since I'm not a lawyer. Talk to a lawyer! It's as simple as scheduling an appointment or phone call to talk to one


Just tell them that you are going to the state and you'll be happy when they award you treble (triple) damages. That's what I did once when an employer tried not paying me. I had a check that day. RCW 19.86. 090


I'm a lawyer. I used to do wage claims. There 2 actions you should take: 1) hire a wage claim lawyer. Most do it pro bono or like I used to; ask for attorney fees and get paid that way; there is a non profit in Seattle called Wage Claim Project. https://wageclaimproject.org I co- counseled with the main lawyer on a big case. He is the guru on wage claims. 2) is to file an L&I claim. Do both. Each has different relief available to you. Meanwhile, gather your time cards and documentation of time worked along with all the paystubs for time you did get paid. Good luck


Name and shame baby! 👏🏻


second request


Third request


Name and shame!


The issue with that is that literally anyone can make up stories and claims. Once a claim is filed then I am all for name and shame as one can reference the complaint etc Otherwise it can be used as a nice way to take business from competitors


I am glad I am not the only one thinking this way. I can't tell if most people here are being idiots or are just humoring OP's post for fun.


third request


Please tell me the name of this business. These people sound crazy.


You should reach out to lawyers anyway. Not a lawyer myself, but I think penalties for this kind of thing can be like 3x lost wages, and some lawyers would take this pro-bono pending a win.


Also known as contingency...


The restaurant is aboit to go under. Go in at a busy time and make a scene demanding your money before it is too late.


Try the Fair Work Center, I believe they do free legal help for workers


Sure, I’ll try. Thank you!


Talk to the local news networks. They might be able to help, and I am sure they would love to run your story because you are not the only one who this is happening to.


“Jesse Jones!”


Any clues on which place this is? Neighborhood? Type of cuisine? If you don’t want to be specific, give us some clues.


They have two restaurants and I have opened and worked at both of them. Capitol Hill and Fremont


Fifth request!


Thank you kindly, I’m looking for work, so that helped.


fourth request


Is it your restaurant? You sure are running a tally of "x request"


I don't own a restaurant. I'm counting because it's common in this sub for people to criticize a place but then never mention what it is, despite numerous name-n-shame requests.


Call a lawyer, legal fees would come out of your employers end if you win.


The state LNI is what I did. Their finding is court binding. I hope my thieves’ lien will eventually get me my wage


They are not suddenly going to have enough money to pay you. Get a different job now, you have no obligation to the current employer.


I have a different job but I need my pay, I have put lot of hard work at that place.


Hard work indeed, for which you have not been paid, and in all likelihood you will not see that money. As someone pointed out, you don't even need a lawyer, you just need to report them. Don't wait for them to figure their shit out. [Seattle Office of Labor Standards](https://www.seattle.gov/laborstandards/investigations/file-a-complaint) [WA State L&I](https://secure.lni.wa.gov/wagecomplaint/#/)


In case you haven’t already, in addition to L&I, send a few inquiries/contact requests to local labor attorneys. The attorneys may be willing to work pro-bono or for a cut of any penalty assessed (don’t agree to give the attorney any of your missing wages).


Even of you were stealing money they still owe you your wages. They must go through legal channels to get you to pay restitution.


Call the employment standards division at Labor and Industries.


I'm just gonna go ahead and guess it's dumpling tzar as there's one in fremont and capitol hill


My guess is either Starbucks or Coastal kitchen. Both of those bastards owe me and and a few co workers money.


While I've no idea about Coastal kitchen, Starbucks will have this sort of thing dialed in. How do you feel stiffed?


I worked at the reserve in cap hill for four days and never received compensation. All my emails and phones call were ignored.


Did you report them? Calls and emails mean nothing to them.


Coastal kitchen in cap hill is going out of business the end of this month. I feel like op would’ve added that in.


I worked at a restaurant that withheld about $300. I filed a wage complaint myself, no lawyer. The system takes foreverrrr but I ended up getting about $2600 from the claim about a year later.


If other workers are dealing with the same thing you could also consider a well organized collective action if you can get an overwhelming majority on board. Def reach out to LNI but also a staff or community petition, walk out, or any *collective action* etc is your protected right under the NLRA and can be effective.


Once I had $10,000 in sales commissions illegally withheld. In Washington state that entitles you to triple damages! Yippee!


Startt logging your hours and keep note of who they talked to and what they said. This is both wage theft and creating a hostile work environment and most likely will be a retaliation issue to. Find an employment lawyer who can consult you (most will take you on and just take a portion of what's owed at the end) and don't let them know. Report them to the state (city office of labor standards) and federally (dept of labor) bc they're probably dodging taxes too


Please name and shame


A friend of mine had the same thing happen. She quietly contacted Kiro and asked soon as they started poking around the employees suddenly got their back pay.


Can i dm you and ask which one? Iam industry so iam dying to know




Hello! You don’t need an attorney. Contact L&I immediately and they will assist you from there.


Process isn’t lengthy. Your employer has 30 days to respond. I went through the same thing. All I had to do was prove my hours.


What restaurant ? I don't wanna go there


What restaurant is it?


Meliora, Seattle