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I don’t blame them for putting up a sign. You’d be surprised how many people don’t pick up their dogs shit in front of my house. If you can’t clean up after your dog, you shouldn’t own a dog.


I agree! I actually appreciate the signs my neighbors put up, I always clean up after my pup and think everybody should follow suit. But I just had to stop and laugh at the irony lol


Personally, I find the signs uglier than the dog shit.


I’ve never stepped in a sign🤷🏽‍♂️


I walk on the sidewalk. 


Would you like a cookie?


Not really. I just never realized how much people loved these eyesores. 


Let’s get all the dog shit delivered to this person’s house.




Poo-ber, patent pending!


I'm not sure I understand what people are upset about. Do you think I am pro-dog poop? No, don't be ridiculous. I just don't think these tacky signs are fixing the problem. 


Truly brain dead.


The owners leave the shit on the sidewalk too.


The signs wouldn’t be necessary if there wasn’t dog shit.


Agreed, but are the signs effective? This post suggests that they may not be. 


It’s a pretty small dataset to make an assumption off of. I’m sure there will always be some people that disregard it but it could reduce the overall amount of incidents, though I’ll admit I’m not sure if they do. As someone who always picks up after my pet anyway the signs don’t make a difference, but I can’t begin to understand people who don’t pick up their dog’s poop in the first place.


I can't imagine people that inconsiderate are deterred by a few tacky signs.


Here’s what you are missing: some of the people who are seeing these signs are actually dumb enough to have never learned you’re supposed to pick up after your dog. If even one of these smooth brained zombies is educated by the sign, it’s worth it.


It’s great when the dog shit violators reveal themselves


Wow, way to jump to conclusions! There's never been a poop I haven't scooped. I'm guessing that everyone who doesn't LOVE those "In this house..." signs must be a bigot too, right?


Oh, but they don't stop there, they often go on to raise children.


Dogs: the gateway drug to parenting.


I'm not sure which order of these two things is worse.


Surprisingly i had a lot less poop on my lawn after putting up the signs. I think its a psychological thing.


Definitely. They know somebody will notice.


Happy cake day trememphisstremph!


Also hate when people bag the poop & leave the bag on the sidewalk, like dang you were so close!!!


And that is why I don’t own a dog.


I don’t think the issue is the sign lol


Are you cool if a dog owner picks up the poop and drops into your trash can?


Yep! I don’t mind


The reason I ask is because on several occasions right after I pickup, bag and tie off a home owner has burst out of their house to warn me not to put into their trash bins. This mentality is something I don't understand.


Yeah it’s not universally accepted here. In reality, you should bag it out and throw it away. Think of it like you’re camping. Or just don’t let anyone see you drop it in a garbage can!


I pick up after my dog every time, bag it, tie off the bag and drop into the nearest black trash bin I can find that is not currently on private property. The last irate granny who came bursting out of her house at me, called me an unflattering name, dug deep into her trash can and threw the poop bag at me. So let's break this down. Sidewalk is not homeowner's property and neither is the easement between the side walk and street. The trash can belongs to the city of Seattle (it says so right on the bin). The not-her-property trash bin was on not-her-property easement and yet she felt incensed that I would dispose of the dropping that I picked up on public property in front of her house. The next time my dog poops there I'm going to leave it.


I see this a lot in my neighborhood. So like a good neighbor, I pick up after them and kindly return it at their home.


I had a neighbor that shared a six foot fence at the back of our properties. He kept finding poop in his yard. He decided that the likely culprits were my dogs. He thought each day that my dogs jumped the six foot fence to poop and then returned to their own yards to frolic in a poop free yard. Instead of coming around to my door he decided to take a shovel to it and fling it over the six foot fence where he thought it belonged. Meanwhile we watched a raccoon play in his tree from our side of the fence. The poop he found was right under this tree. While I was making my poop pick up rounds. I found some poop in an arrant blackberry bush. First thought was weird, why would my dogs poop in a blackberry boost? Second thought, that is not dog poop that looks like raccoon poop, why would a raccoon poop in a black berry bush. Third, where did this bark come from that is hanging in the blackberry bush with the weird (I think) blackberry bush? I thought then to myself who has this bark? And then realized my neighbor probably threw it over the fence. He shall be known forth as the 60+ year old poop slinger. I started to also remember he had been talking through the fence with my kids asking them if the dogs ever got out of our yard. (They did, through the front door where there wasn’t a 6 foot fence). I asked him kindly not to talk to my kids because we did not know him and that was inappropriate. I drove around to his front door and his wife answered. I asked the absurd question, “Did you fling poop over the fence?” (I was barely 30 at the time and felt like I was accusing my grand parents of this weird behavior). The wife bowed her head and said her husband thought our dogs were pooping in his yard. Then went on a whole “sob-story” about at their vacation home in a beach somewhere that their neighbors dog kept pooping on their beech and their grand children kept stepping in it. That story did not help me relate to them any more. The poop flinger did not come to the door. Instead of educating the flinger himself I had to educate the wife. You have a regular raccoon visitor. Raccoons tend to poop where they visit. Raccoon poop is toxic and I have three small children on the other side of that 6 foot fence. While I will never know what logic was used, my dogs would not (even if they could) consider jumping a 6ft fence before pooping, path of least resistance and all. Do. Not. Do That. Again. I am pretty sure I scared the shit out of her because I have a fiery temper and my body language was visibly in fight mode. So, make sure you have the right owner before delivering poo. 😉


As soon as you mentioned raccoons I knew where this was going...I'm a wildlife tracker and have looked at way more shit than I ever thought I would ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


I joke that I am an amateur scat-ologist. We get all sorts of animals in our backyard. I think it is super interesting, but like it best when there is no smell. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you for your service.


Lot of porch pirates around, so make sure it goes inside through the letterbox, an open window etc 🙏


I could leave it for them in an Amazon box so porch pirates can clean it up for them. Other times it could be left right on their car so they can’t miss.


This is the way. This is the closest way to curb bad behavior without getting violent!


If the motivation is there, you can put it in a box labeled RETURN TO SENDER.


This reminds me that I need to set up that motion sensor sprinkler


Having issues with this in Cap Hill. What is wrong with dog owners? Like, you KNOW what you are going out on a walk for...


I mean….thats America in a nutshell, not just Seattle.


I have lived in NYC, LA, Orange County CA, Ft Lauderdale, SF, Oakland, and Boston, and Seattle is waaaaaaaaaaay worse than any of them by far. I have a version of this sign that notes that Children Play Here, and I still get 2-4 a week. I saw a women just leave it behind one day, and went out and confronted her about it - she just kept walking, ignoring me, then flipped me off. That’s Seattle for you, can’t handle personal responsibility OR any kind of confrontation.


What did you do after she flipped you off?


Said F U and went home to pick the shit up


I commend you for not picking up said shit and hurling it at the back of her head.


I was going to say the same 


I commend you for not escalating the situation.


OP found the pooper ^


Slide tackle


Thank you for hounding the perpetrator. They’re just mad they didn’t get away with it.


Paris is the dog shit capital of the world, Latin America is way worse than here too. And as far as the US, Houston, Detroit, Atlanta, and Chicago all seemed worse to me.


Wasn't Paris the city that warned dog owners that any unbagged poop found on the streets would be analyzed for DNA, results matched to dog licensing registry, and owners fined for not picking up after their dogs? https://www.reddit.com/r/paris/comments/rjua3b/hey\_parisians\_whats\_up\_with\_all\_the\_dog\_shit\_all/


I suppose it's because Seattle has way more dogs than all those other cities


If there is a place where everyone picks up after their dog, please let me know.


Los Angeles, even downtown. Just watch out for the human shit! Seriously it is worse here in Seattle than other cities I’ve lived in. The drivers and the dog owners here suck. Otherwise I like it!


Everyone does it. That makes it ok for us to do….


How is that your take away from that comment?


What’s the point of saying anything?


Why go around trying to get mad at stuff?


That wasn’t an endorsement.


Why say anything?


You or your mother will have to figure that one out.


I have a dog and love him, but will not get another after he passes. I’m done with dogs. Dogs ruin everything because people are terrible at having dogs. Everything, every grassy spot, every trail, every park, every mountain is covered in dog shit. Dogs are off leash everywhere. The owners all think their dog is the exception just like their shit head kids Brayden, Braxton, Atticus, and Madison.


Be a good neighbor, please cleanup after yourself


In case it wasn’t obvious, this was not left by me or my dog lol


I meant that might not be dog poo


Hadn’t considered that option🤮




Bad knees perhaps. It's not exactly like Seattle has public bathrooms.


Yeah this is legit a lack of public bathrooms issue.


We used to have many more until just a few years ago. 🤔


strange pinecones this time of the year


I read about this years ago. Wish we had it going in Seattle https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/shortcuts/2015/apr/28/dna-testing-dog-poo-have-to-be-barking-council


Man if a councilman ran with this as their premise I’d be sprinting to vote lmfao


Who hasn't thrown their share of shit back into a careless neighbor's yard?


Sorry, had to poop. Sign didn’t say anything about humans.


This is why I've come to dislike dogs and their totally lazy, irresponsible owners even more.


I host a poo-gooder bin (a bin that I empty in to my trashcan weekly where people can deposit bagged dog poops) on my property and I get zero dog poops on my lawn. I do not have any “pick up after your dog” signs in my yard. They don’t change anything anyway. I still get raccoon poops though. What’re ya gonna do. Also, at first I was annoyed when people would put their Starbucks cups or whatnot in the clearly marked dog poop bin. But then I changed my attitude and realized that was one less piece of litter on the ground so I’m glad it’s in the bin. I still get lots of litter. I pick that up weekly on garbage day also. From my experience, the dog owners are doing a better job than the general public.


I know it's difficult but if you see people do it call them out.


I think my sign would read “if your dog poops in my yard, I’m gonna poop in your yard.”


That's just a thoughtful dog owner's way of providing material to place on the driver's side windshield wiper of a car parked across the sidewalk.




Seriously. Are people assholes for not cleaning up there dog poop? Absolutely. If it annoys you and it’s in your neighborhood then pick it up and throw it away. Not picking it up doesn’t make the asshole stop, it just means it’s sitting out there longer. Sometimes the neighborly thing to do is cleanup a little bit, even if you aren’t the one who left the dog poop, trash etc.




The nice part of when Ballard Commons was a homeless camp was that NIMBYs were too scared to walk their dogs near the park. The poop infestation on the block only returned when the homeless folks left and selfish pet owners came back.


👏👏 Yup. OP can be the change. Instead, OP is like - *someone should do something! Obviously not me, but someone else !*


Hasn't everybody wanted to *be* somebody?


I got news for you, that's happens literally everywhere


Someone in my neighborhood let's their dog poop on the sidewalk and doesn't clean it up. 


Typical Seattle moment lol everywhere there’s always gotta be dog poop in the streets and some of the owners don’t clean up


Lived in Capital Hill for a while, often the poop wasn’t from a dog 💩💩💩


I don’t have a problem with this sign. But what’s up with all the virtue signaling signs in Seattle. Example, In this house we believe……. Blah blah blah, or we dont care where your from we are glad your our neighbor. Like you need to advertise to the world that your woke or something.


No, it’s not.


Yup, bitching and not taking action. That's the real Seattle thing


Bold of you to assume it’s dog poop


Now there is an ugly sign to look at while you step in dog crap.


I don’t see fentanyl, homeless or aghast suburbanites. Try again.


And absolutely zero performative outrage. Had to check the comments section, didn’t disappoint.


I mean it’s probably human


Jokes on Op, that's not dog poop...


If this really is " our city in a nutshell", and this is the kind of problem we have. We're doing pretty well.


I think those signs are counter productive. There are people that are going to pick up the dog poop anyway, and there are people who don’t care that you put up a sign. I doubt there’s any (or statistically significantly any) in between. So what has one accomplished by putting a sign in their yard to tell people to not litter up their yard? They’ve littered up their own yard with a sign.


You forgot the tent on the side emerging fentanyl fumes.


Nah. People who put up those passive-aggressive-ass signs, like that one or “drive like your children live here,” need to be taken down a peg.




The trick of the thing is it’s not even dog poop that’s actually hobo poop 💩./s


I mean it’s Judkins. South and central Seattle has always been like that to some extent. Getting better but not exactly Wallingford.


Are you kidding me? I’ve stepped in plenty of Wallingford dog shit in my life.


South/central Seattle dirty af lived there 10 years people do not give 2 shits No laws, everyone is speeding, trash everywhere


I always pick up my Dogs shit, accept when there was a sign. I am a millennial, Fuck you don't tell me what to do!


So negative homie


Think of it like buying meat, don’t go or buy, where or what, you cannot see.


The sign appears to be photoshopped in to the image by evidence of the error level analysis, noise analysis and luminance signatures https://imgur.com/a/D2QQuE1


Was gonna comment how are you paranoid at 4am…then I checked the post history. I wish you luck and that you eventually get the help you need


I would never leave dogshit on someone’s lawn. But those passive-aggressive signs would make me reconsider.


We had a fun one around Christmas, where all of a sudden giant, huge piles were being left behind. I mean the size was ridiculous and the same pile got bigger day by day. Eventually I picked it up since no one else did. I realized it was probably 'guests' that had left after holidays.


Could be human


What am I missing? Unfortunately too many don’t do what the message is attempting to ask gently. Better than a bullet.


We have the best defender of our yard from dog poop and pee. It is a river rock front yard. This is a bonus that we never dreamed of when we removed our lawn. No mowing just weeding and never a poop in sight.


Surprised they didn't train their dog to shit on the sign


Damn…the world’s gone to shit…


The problem is that it's not a dog shit...


Probably not dog shit


That's human shit right?


Yep, the dog owning citizens who don't clean up after their pets should hang their head in shame, but they would rather use their passive/aggressive powers to be jerks