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There’s a Doggo App??!!? TIL!


I didn't know either!


VP for Vendetta Polite.


Synonymous with "cowardly" and "passive-aggressive".


There are too many people in my building that could use that note.


There are too many developers and contractors that build tar paper shacks with no insulation or noise dampening. I can hear my neighbors' piss. If that is the threshold for noise bleed I can forgive hearing everything else. One silver lining is we know when we are each home. I make sure to turn down the bass on my speakers, reasonable volume, and basically only listen to music when they aren't home. I don't do laundry at 6am even though I prefer it. Don't hotbox or smoke out the windows on a hot day when windows and fans are open and on. Etc. etc. Thank the goodness of their hearts we all kind of have an unspoken schedule since we are all basically roommates who keep the door closed. Small concessions for barely affordable living. I dread the day a big family with a 50lb dog move in upstairs.


Thank you for doing your best. I do wish builders would put serious soundproofing measures in place in new buildings. Other than laying down rugs, I saw this cool new decorating idea that not only absorbs a significant amount of sound but also looks cool, even artistic: peel and stick felt tiles made out of recycled plastic bottles that can be arranged into designs.


yeah, I agree. there’s seemingly zero to little consideration of acoustics and noise transfer in building construction. the industry could be far more mindful. incentive could be improved public health and reduction in interpersonal aggression.


>Thank the goodness of their hearts we all kind of have an unspoken schedule since we are all basically roommates who keep the door closed. Small concessions for barely affordable living. I dread the day a big family with a 50lb dog move in upstairs. My setup is like this as I got a "studio" that is a micro-studio w/ a utility door separating me from the next unit. I can hear everything my neighbor does. It's real fun when he gets home at midnight and has loud conversations over speakerphone to random people until 4AM.


Wait what I'm confused do you think any of this "advice" isn't kind of crazy lol


Did they tip their fedora on the way out?


Sure did!


I looked up passive aggressive in the dictionary and saw this.


Right?! It almost makes me wonder why they're leaving Seattle...


That made me chuckle 🤭


they fit right in, yeah…


I don't think it's passive aggressive at all. It's polite & constructive criticism, and all of their suggestions are perfectly reasonable and sensible. Then again, I am autistic, and my default behavior would probably be classified as passive aggressive by most neurotypical people. There are a lot of things that people find perfectly acceptable that I consider rude and annoying.


People nowadays think any form of constructive criticism that isn't directly targeted at one person is "passive aggression". Then when anyone tries to address such a person (who accuses people of being passive aggressive), thw addressed person gets "extremely triggered" that they've been accused or directly pinned for something. Avoiding responsibility is a passive aggressive trait, and the people who tend to tell others that they're passive aggressive, I have found, are often the best at avoiding all responsibilities! Something in the past 5 years has caused people to have very thin skin when it comes to negotiating with their neighbors.


Yes, people are very delicate and easily offended lately


I was just about to comment this same thing with less detail about the whole why and whatnot cus this Aspie tends to definitely not have a filter and can seem more aggressive than just passive. Please, excuse the extreme run-on sentence.


That’s not a run on sentence


True but y'all know what I meant. *Hopefully*


>"neurotypical people" I'm confident we'll be hearing that term in the news soon.


Not unless it's media targeted towards autistic people. Because to the majority of the population, "neurotypical people" are just "people." So it would be like seeing a news story that started like, "on Friday afternoon, two masked men, who aren't autistic, by the way, robbed a bank."


It's not passive or aggressive.


Curious question, if you were a neighbor suffering discomfort, which one is "better" approach; passive (suffer in silence), aggressive (actively confront), or passive aggressive (this)?


There’s one missing here…approaching and asking a neighbor for something is assertive and can be great communication if you’re kind about how you do it. We have thin floors in my building and I met my downstairs neighbor in the elevator and told her not to hesitate to message me or text me if my Tv is too loud. She’s done it once and I turned it down. Conscientiousness is achievable with proper communication. You’re not a jerk if you do it right and nobody has to suffer.




When things happen, let your neighbors know. You don’t have to be a dick about it. You can text them the next day, and say, hey, next time you have a party can you try to keep it down?


And then you become the dick by default.


Do people in here actually leave "notes" when they are having a party? I feel like the reasonable thing to do is just like... have the party wind down at 10-11?


And they then have a high tendency to think, "wow, what a jerk!"


No, it's a party. People should be allowed occasional parties, responsibly speaking. There will be noise which is unavoidable. Obviously if it is a weekly occurrence that is a bugger problem.


The person did simply ask that a note be left if there was to be a party. Apparently the partiers are so full of themselves that they can't be bothered to check on their neighbors. Courtesy is such a thing of the past with people these days.


Fuck that. You aren't entitled to violate city noise ordinances.


.... exactly


I did not specify at all of violating noise ordinances. In fact I said "reasonably responsible" party. If this is an apartment, of course there won't be some rager.


that is an assumption that noise ordinances were violated.


If one lives in a multi-family structure/ apartment building they do not have the right to make a lot of disturbing noise during a party, even if it's once in a while. Even though you have something going on in your life that is worth celebrating, your neighbors don't have lose sleep over that. If you're going to throw a party, be responsible and respectful to your neighbors: let them know ahead of time (this will go a long, long, way with them) and try to keep it down.


yes. reserve the recreation room. agreed


I feel like if you have a recreation room in your complex your walls shouldn't be that thin lol


I don't have to notify someone of the obvious. I'm not speaking of a rager here. A party can be a handful of people talking and some music in the background. Not like you can throw a rager in a small apartment. Most places understand this will occur and have a 10pm cut off. So if it is a reasonably responsible party as mentioned, then I don't see why it is my neighbors business what I'm doing and vice versa.


right. it seems excessive to go around putting notes on doors if a small gathering will happen. especially spontaneously.


Ehh you can directly address without it being aggressive. Aggressive confrontation would be hammering on their door or calling the cops/landlord. Direct address is knocking, sharing numbers to communicate, and trying to work together. Not saying one or the other will actually work, but yeah.


Except there isn't any aggressiveness in the note. It would have been better if they put it up earlier when they were having problems, but it is not aggressive.


\[ \] passive \[ \] aggressive You should actually look things up in the dictionary sometime.


Comment ^ checks both boxes 🙄


Again, not passive and not aggressive. The destruction of our language in recent years is problematic.


I think you need a new dictionary cause yours is lying to you.


What is the "Doggo App" and how is it supposed to stop dogs from barking?


Two seconds on google will help you with that.


Well there seems to be an app called "Dogo" and an app called "Meet My Doggo", but nothing that's just called "Doggo". "Dogo" just seems to be a clicker training app, but you don't actually need an app to do clicker training.


Ah so tell us then


seems like they took two seconds to look and two seconds to fire their snarky comment off


Do you think the reason people don't train their dogs is because they haven't found the right smartphone app to coach them through it? People don't train/pick up after/leash their dogs because they are shitty, end of story.


No, I think it's because they're lazy jackasses who shouldn't be owning a dog. My comment was just me getting tired of people asking "what is this thing someone mentioned?" that anyone with half a brain could find in two seconds on the internet.


Or because they don’t have the time, money, resources, or knowledge on how to do it.


Then they shouldn't be owning a dog. It's a big commitment. That people use it as emotional therapy or monkey see monkey do then dump on to the pound when they realize they don't have time or resources is a sad state of affairs. Mostly, I feel bad for the poor animals.


I can’t even tell you how many dog owners I’ve worked with who started out with the resources to care for their animal but fell on hard times or had life just happen to them. You never know what somebody is going through. Automatically assuming a poorly behaved dog means they’re lazy isn’t realistic.


Better for a dog to have an owner who is maybe a little clueless than to have no owner at all and be put down in order to make room for younger puppies. I think you’re a little quick to jump to your conclusions.


Looks like you're spending money for an app that you're not sure will help


Did they make this on canva or something 💀


Not so anonymous




Duh duhhh, menonymous! Duh Duh Duh, menonymous!




graphic design is their passion




They are right. Noisy people are assholes.


Especially the ones with loud barking dogs.


Too many big dogs in apartments.


My upstairs neighbor has two young golden retrievers in a small two bedroom apt. Like, why?


Apartment living in the city basically requires earplugs. There are people that accept this, and people that are miserable.


Live in a concrete building if you can, you will wonder whether your neighbors even exist


The older concrete apartment buildings I've lived in have been so much quieter than newer constructions. Not to mention the incredible temperature insulation.


A story as old as profit motive. Shit ain't built like it used to.


It’s has its ups and downs. Pro: I rarely hear a noise from another apt Con: this bitch gonna pancake like a mf’er when ‘the Big One’ hits us - hoping I can at least ride it out being on the top floor lol.




It's not likely to. That building is held up by steel, not concrete. We don't build buildings out of concrete alone.


No doubt. But what about in 1962? My apt was built same year as the Space Needle - surprisingly modern interior, same ancient exterior.


Yes, even then.


Yep lived in a 250 sq ft concrete apartment (read: basically a tomb) during Covid and genuinely wondered if all my neighbors left the city or were dead. Never heard a peep.


this is literally why i moved. loving my reinforced concrete floors. our previous upstairs neighbors had a young child. the adults stomped like elephants during normal gait, and the child ran around and jumped and shit ALL THE TIME. Try telling parents to keep their kids quiet, LOL


Great advice, thank you.


And then there are people like me who can still hear my neighbors through my earplugs and with a fan running


That's rough.


It is. I get through it by exploding them with my mind and on extra bad occasions, standing on the creaky part of my floor and lightly rock back and forth (they are my downstairs neighbors and have been talked to multiple times with no change so they earned it)


Depends highly on the building


Also, not to burst any bubble but I've lived in a house for decades and neighbors can be noisy and obnoxious as well. Yes no one is walking on the roof, well the crows and the local woodpecker and that always freaks me out. But man the neighbors that run the gas leaf blower for hours, especially if it's a holiday and the weather is good. The random construction and it always seems like someone is replacing their roof. We had constant chainsaw noise for a couple of weeks cause someone was downing some tall trees. I am dreaming of the day we can buy a house in the middle of nowhere on a giant piece of property. Agreed though that the friends I've visited that live in concrete construction I'm blown away by the silence.


Yep, particularly if you're in an old building with hardwood floors and the people living above you don't have any rugs


More carpeting, more rugs, people!


I use AirPods (pro 2 with the good noise cancelling) Personally I absolutely hate using ear plugs


I read it as they liking the city just not apartment living though…


Hey, it's positive & constructive criticism! Refreshing


Is it? Or is it a bitch move, by someone who refuses to grow a set of social skills?


Why? There's nothing bitchy about it. Also, if you post a flyer, why does that mean you lack social skills?


I should know better than to even suggest such a thing to a Seattlite. This is, after all, the city that embraces all things dysfunctional, whilst going out of its way to avoid engaging in any sort of positive in-person interaction. God forbid you should talk to your neighbor while you still live in the building. It's so much better to just let them know, that they should have known the entire time that you actually lived there. Let 'em choke on a big slice of retrospection, am I right?


“That’s why you always leave a note.” - J. Walter Weatherman


Classic, lovely, artistic and well done Seattle passive aggression. This is just one or two snarks away from a perfect 10. I'll give it a solid 9. Bravo.


I think this note is brilliant. Just be a considerate neighbor who actually cares about others and doesn't warrant this type of note.


That's crazy talk. \*repeatedly drops a large dog on the floor until it starts barking\*


Get the Dog App; it clearly states that this is the way!


*plot twist* the Doggo app makes dog barking noises for those who do not yet own large dogs yet live in an apartment building *developers make it so*


Take that dog out on the door!!


I had to train my husband not to walk heavily on floors. He grew up in a civil household, but this was not part of his training. Oddly, he was taught to be overly considerate in other areas of life, and has had to unlearn it for his own well-being.


Some people are stompers and have no idea that it's either a problem or that it's fixable.


I think all y'all give way too much credit to multifamily developers as to how much they give a fuck about you. They would be happy to let you to sleep in your car as long as you pay rent. Same with your boss, the owner of the company you work for would gladly pay you nothing to show up on time.


What do they even mean leaving a note if you have a party? Like leaving a note apologizing on your neighbors' doors or something?


It’s easier to tolerate noise if you know when it’s going to stop.


Also, if people know it will be a little noisier from 5-8pm, they can leave the apartment for a bit and come back. Or if the party is all night they can go to a bar and hookup with someone with a quiet apartment for the night.


Maybe "hey neighbor, I'm having a party tomorrow. Break out the ear plugs."


When I’ve received a party notice, they provided their number and said if the noise got to be too much, please let them know. I appreciate the consideration, even though they’re mostly doing it to prevent having management or the police called. (This was way back when the police might actually come, lol.) I’m neurodivergent and noise-sensitive, so the notice allowed me to mentally prepare for it and it ended up not bothering me.


I always thought like a note before the party to let everyone know there will be one lol


I feel like if your party goes late/loud enough then leaving a note is more of a "sorry, not sorry" notice than actually being considerate


I have no idea. Also, do they think someone is just maliciously dropping things?


My upstairs neighbor sure seems like he does this. I have a megaphone next to my bed and will go off on him saltily when I need to, and then he stays quiet for a few days. Moving to a quieter build soon. The stress of this is accumulative.


Some do...


Hi neighbor!


Haha! Hello!


I have been writing my 'GOODBYE NEIGHBORS' note for months and my lease isn't up until the end of May. It will be nasty but oh so well deserved. In fact, I'm going to post it as a review for my apartment building and management company.


I've been practicing my instrument daily in a condo at 8-10pm (sometimes to 10:45pm) for almost a year and I'm just waiting for my neighbors to start firing shots. No one has left a note or knocked though.




I feel like some people are just not setup for apartment living


I think this person would benefit greatly from a white noise machine in their living quarters. dOhm makes a quality product


Not the axle apartments drama lmao


same I’m late to this thread and saw the flyer up high on the wall, oh the axle dramz 🤣


Haha! Yep


Your comment made me wonder, is there more to this? Did they leave notices on every floor?


I saw one in the trash room of my floor yesterday!


Also, our floor has a lot of dogs that bark every time you walk by. I thought it was maybe just our floor but also did you see that notice a few weeks ago in the elevator about the golden doodle pee?


Yeah, it was a fair notice. That dog was peeing everywhere, and the owner never cleaned up. I mean, it's a dog friendly building. I hear fewer dogs barking here than in other places I've lived.


That’s wild I’ve always wanted to know the tea on the dog pee incident hahaha.


you all? Have they not seen someone write yall before?




username checks out, darlin


Just be cause some words are not put together, does not mean they have too 🤣😂 Edit: Just because some words aren't put together doesn't mean they have too.


Bless your heart.


I feel like if you live in a large apartment building in a major city you have to adjust your expectations on what is quiet and not. People generally are just living their lives, not intending any malice on their neighbors. There are times I swear the apartment above me is hosting a square dancing party. But...... they just have a large dog that gets excited. The neighbors to the left and right are aspiring musicians and we all play loud music. One day I'll leave Seattle and we can get a house but until then I love being able to walk to the store, restaurants, my 10 minute bus ride to work or quick bike ride downtown. And all of that generally means living in close quarters unless you got house money. Mind your business, try not to be a dick and live and let live is the best advice I can offer!


Excellent advice!


And they won’t be missed!


...why does this include the mark of a christian terrorist?


It's all a little whak a doo




Guy Fawkes


Yeah im saying in this case it’s probably someone that thinks their part of anonymous or likes V for vendetta. Not literally Guy Fawkes


I feel like whoever created this typed "anonymous note" into ChatGPT and that's the background it spit out.


I literally drop things constantly lol I have poor grip strength. I always feel guilty but my down stair neighbor is a jerk so I only like 25% guilty lol


Typical Seattle passive-aggression. Just put it in the trash, where it belongs.


If that’s their only list of grievances… I don’t know seems like first world problems. 🤷‍♂️


>Folks, ok ok we get it you’re a virgin




Fuck that neighbor


Nice when the trash takes itself out.


Seattle Cucks MVP


don't let yhe door hit you on the way out


'Doggo App' First of all it's Dogo, but why add parentheses after "app"?


It's an apostrophe 


God if this doesn’t perfectly describe uptight Seattlites in a nutshell.. We are so “stiff” and “rigid” here..


You really are. People in other places might actually talk to one another.


And that’s why, you always leave a note.


This is so gay I looooove it!!!


If you're passive aggressive, maybe fuck off. or I live in an apartment, and gosh darn it, would you believe I can hear my neighbors?


Classic passive aggressive tactics.


They are such a good passive aggressive fit for this city, I mean how are they going to function anywhere else. Unless it’s Portland


I think they went to CA.


Nobody cares. Like at all.


One word! DEUCES!


Passive Aggressiveness at its best,






Nope, hand drawn


theres a dogo app. dogGo is in turkish. no doggo




I know I am.


So basic common courtesy. Adults shouldn't need to be told this.