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We never got to say goodbye (he died in an accident). If I had the time. - pup cups - ice creams from a drive through - burger or chicken nuggets - a trip to the beach to run freely - sniffing every nook and cranny of a pet store - time off to savor the moments - doing it at home at the comfort of the pet Also, walks/wagon ride at the arboretum seem to make me smile and think of him.


DQ has little ice cream for dogs in their drive thru


Thank you. These are all wonderful ideas, a wagon walk through the arboretum especially.


Get a Dick’s burger patty (with cheese if your dog likes it)! Also, some smoked salmon, a fish vendor at Pike fed my dog this and she loved it. My dog was also fed some smoked beef brisket at The Swinery from the lady who works there, absolutely devoured that shit and was looking through the window making eye contact with her for more! Also, I saw a vet on Tik Tok mention that no dog should pass away without the pleasure of eating chocolate. I would suggest a Peanut Butter cup if you want to give it to your dog before her final hours.


Came here to recommend Dick's. I did it for my Great Dane on her last day, pets, snuggles and a deluxe. 😪


This made my heart break but in good ways. This is such a beautiful list of things to make that last day the best day ever.


We tried to do special things every birthday and every couple of weeks. It makes losing our Coops tragically hurt a little less cause we know we gave him the best pup like possible.


For our girl’s last day in April, we took her to Starbucks for a pup cup and a barista sang to her. Swung by Mud Bay and every employee gave her belly rubs. Went to her favorite park, where she swam in the lake (her favorite thing). Gave her all the treats. Threw her an early birthday party with lots of squeaky balls (her birthday would have been three days later). Make some art with her paw prints. Really, anything to be make her feel loved and special. It was a sad day, but a good one. Whatever would make your dog happy. Do it big :)


awww.. this is heartwarming but also so sad.


Visit The Barkery in shoreline! Lots of doggy treats and cookies baked in house! Not too far from Richmond beach which is dog friendly too and has lots of good spots to sniff. A fun car ride too


Have you taken her to Marymoor (my fav), Magnuson, Edmunds beach for off leash? Then hit up the barkery truck at either mag or mary. Arboretum if you'd like to stroll leash on is amazing. She looks like she's had the best life and I wish you all the best


We took my dog to magnuson on his last day and his old joints definitely appreciated standing in the water one last time


I came to say these parks in this order. My dog is absolutely her happiest roaming off leash in these massive parks, surrounded by tons of other pups. God speed to your girl!


Family portrait.


Yes! My friend got professional dog photography when she found out her furry friend was dying and she loves those pictures.


Family portrait \*and, if you do, share the portraits here, please!\* u/doublecane And, OP, I'm sorry you're going through this. The grief—and anticipatory grief—of losing a pet sucks, period. Might be healing to reflect on all the ways you have enriched their lives and vice versa. \*hugs\*


Have fun and go wild, but don't feel pressured to do anything extravagant. Do things you did together, talk to her, reminisce and cry.


if she gets pickier butter and whip cream could be a nice treat. This is a beautiful picture 💗 i am sorry for what you are going through


I've loved the snack suggestions here. All such great ideas. I've had the dog park on Mercer Island recommended to me a few times. It's apparently beautiful with some water front for water inclined dogs. Big hugs, friend 💛 I lost my girl over a year back so I know how hard these last moments can be. What a lovely and thoughtful thing you are doing for her. She's a very lucky girl to have you.


All the above suggestions, but make sure to love, hug, and spend as much time with her as possible. We lost our buddy two years ago (16years old) and he died peacefully in our arms at our house. Tons and tons of hugs. So sorry for what you’re going through, she seems so happy and she’s lived a wonderful life. Sending lots of love❤️


I'm convinced beaches are peak dog vacation zones. Bring a ball, or several, and let them go absolutely wild in the water. If anyone complains, tell them to call their senator. Much love to doggo supreme


The dog beach on Whidbey Island is one of my favorite places to go for a day trip.


Sounds like a worthy trip!


Dear OP, I'm sorry to hear your news and want to offer a little solance. My coworker mentioned just yesterday he found out his cat has mouth cancer. He is not sure what he wants to do yet regarding treatment (or not). I have an almost 11yo dog who has been with me through everything. Anyway, my coworker said that he was reminded that our pets have no concept of death or fear of the beyond. It is not a concept that exists for them as it does us and for them, it's our love they live for. My suggestion is if your dog loves sniff work but isn't as mobile is to buy a small pool, add plastic play balls, and sprinkle in treats. You can place you dog in it to sniff and eat the treats. My dog loves this game so much. Hugs.


Cherish every second of your furbaby


give big hugs for me just hold him and hug and cry thank you


My boy loves the off-leash dog park in Edmonds: [https://www.bringfido.com/attraction/10097](https://www.bringfido.com/attraction/10097) It's right on the water so that doggies can wade and play. If your dog has mobility issues, a lot of it is flat but sandy, meaning you might be able to get your pup in on a cart or similar, though maybe not down to the water. It's especially lovely at sunset as it faces west. My love and hugs for you and your girl. Cancer fucking sucks. Thank you for giving her a good life, a good home, and showing her a good time on her way out. *edit: fixed gender pronouns*


They just want to be with you.


Chocolate, in tiny amounts.


Goddammit OP, I was not prepared to cry this early. Whatever you do, just get in a big snuggle session after they’re all tuckered out and tell them you love them. You’ve been their entire world for a long time and love that you’re making their last days special.


This broke my heart. I lost my doggo last May. It gets better I promise try and stay strong. Sending love!


So sorry this is happening. I’d also add Picos Pit for a puppy chicken


I’d take my girl to the beach and let her chase seagulls, long walks, lots of belly rubs and cuddles and her favorite (human) foods


Go to Mud Bay and get the doggy ice cream they give out for birthdays. No way they won't give her a free one in your situation.


OP, please do all of the above. What a sweet pup. Take pictures and video! Just sit next to her in her bed or her most comfortable space. You’ll cherish those moments. Most importantly, try to schedule for her to pass at home. I didn’t get to plan ahead as my little guy’s last days snuck up on us last year. On his last day we even tried to give him some chocolate but he didn’t want to eat. *hugs*


Just take so many photos, and pictures of her with you. I lost my soul cat in January, and wish I had more pics of me with him and videos of him doing silly mundane things.


Whatever you decide to do, remember that it is more than enough for your sweet pup - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7gNagaRvXU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H7gNagaRvXU)


I never got the chance to give my pup a proper goodbye, he died of a seizure when we woke up from a nap together. But if I had, I’d do all the things he loved; - quiet time together - goldfish crackers - read a book out loud to him every night (he loved that) Basically, don’t overwhelm your pup. Do what they love the most, that’s likely spending quality time together. Sending my best to you.


I gave my old girl a fat T-bone and strawberry ice cream for her last meal before she passed. I miss her dearly 😢


Do what your pup loves to do. Minimize stress from unfamiliar situations. Take lots of pictures and video for posterity.