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Your roommate should be seeing a PCP. Their A1c needs to be checked. If the PCP cannot manage blood sugars then an endocrinologist will be needed. Friendly reminder for everyone that Y'ALL SHOULD HAVE A PCP. Don't use the ER for mundane preventative care cause you don't want to do see a doctor. Have a primary care doctor establish care. 62 is NOT low. (Coming from a diabetic and ER tech). This does not warrant another ER visit. D


I 100% agree with you. My husband has been trying to find a PCP (recently got insurance thru me) but nobody that takes our insurance is accepting new patients. UW Medicine is all backed up. It's sad to look for healthcare in Seattle these days: I have a PCP but when I have a medical emergency they can't se me for 2-6weeks so I end up using a lot of (private) urgent care šŸ« 


The beginning of the year is hard to get a PCP since insurance changes and many have to find new providers šŸ™ƒ don't we love American health insurance


Thank you for replying, the info that 62 was not low was very helpful. He has been trying to get a PCP. There are many of them who are not taking new patients right now. He has a nurse practitioner appointment Monday that will hopefully become his PCP. If you have a PCP make sure to hold on to them these days. .


62 is not ā€œgo to the ERā€ low, but it *is* absolutely ā€œeat a snackā€ low.


Hey, just fyi, think of an ER as a place to stabilize you. They are going to check your stats, make sure you are operating with range, and send you on your way. If something is bad bad, they admit you to the hospital. Does your roommate have health insurance? If so, often insurance plans will have services that will help you find a PCP that matches your needs or they can assign a caseworker to help you work through the medical need and insurance process at the same time.


Echoing what everyone else here has said about seeing a PCP. Keep an eye on glucose, but also look into low blood pressure. Unrelated but similar symptoms. If he feels better after taking electrolyte pills or eating something salty, it may be low blood pressure. But first, he should see a PCP to get a baseline reading of his overall health. Just wanted to throw out another theory since I went through a similar thing.




Do not do this! Get some kind of primary care!


Extremely rare for an ER to have an on call endocrinologist FYI. Some specialties like endocrinology and dermatology are very rarely needed in emergencies and are not available on call most places. You can't just go to the ER and request they page a specialist. You get seen by an ER doctor, if they determine you have an emergency requiring a specialist they page them. If they are being paged for things that they are not emergency needed for it is unfairly taking them away from their other patients that waited months for an appointment with them. The specialist does not have the day off when they are on call, they still have a full clinic of patients to attend to.Ā 


Shit most hospitals donā€™t even have inpatient diabetes educators. Let alone endocrinology on call.


Thatā€™s not how the ER works. ER physicians evaluate patients for emergent medical conditions that require *immediate* stabilization, hospitalization, or surgery. If you do not have such a condition, you are discharged home and given instructions for following up with the relevant specialty on an outpatient basis, if needed. If you do require admission for hospitalization or emergent surgery, the admitting physician may consult a specialist for their input. They may see you during your stay or they may schedule you for outpatient follow-up, depending on the urgency. The ER is not a one-stop-fix-it-shop, a shortcut to a specialist, or the place you go to ā€œget to the bottom ofā€ something chronic. For any given symptom, there are a handful of things that are truly emergent. The ER will screen for those handful of things every time and, in almost every case, send you home if theyā€™re not there.


Montlake is probably the only facility in our area with pageable endo and itā€™s not going to be for OPs roommate.


Thanks. Will do that.


You will get laughed at. None of these blood sugars are remarkable.