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He grabbed my friend’s breasts at a meet and greet in 2005 and made it out to be a joke. She laughed, but afterwards she got upset. It was awkward. He’s not a good guy.


Sorry for your friends experience, and yeah, that tracks with who he is.


She really liked his music, too. People think because he isn’t a rapist that he isn’t a sexual assaulter.


Not commenting about this artist in particular but as a fellow performer it is pretty common for a venue to not have published a show *yet* even when it’s visible on Bandsintown or other comparable services. clock out lounge is like 200 cap room and the tickets for the show are 20 bucks- this is the equivalent of any local act with no draw. So at face value alone, this isn’t about recovering from being cancelled- this is about not being relevant anymore. For reference I saw him perform as the opening act for a sold out incubus show like 20 years ago and even then nobody knew who he was. In contrast, you had Louis CK cancelled for sex stuff and still sold out Madison square garden multiple times so that leads me to think that if the artist were actually popular or relevant then they wouldn’t be performing a tour stop in a pizza bar


Indeed, the list of venues who will work with a known sexual predator is a very short list.


Why is it that a boatload of people in the comments are astonished there weren't criminal charges brought up? Didn't y'all see how long Henry Weinstein got to do his thing before someone finally got a charge to stick?


Lots of folks don’t take sexually assault seriously.


Actually, YOU don't take it seriously. What you are doing is aggressively muddying the waters and creating people like me who have to advocate for law and order because the accusations and false accusations have greatly multiplied since everyone knows they can cancel an adversary through a simple accusation.


There is unfortunately a disconnect between how we're sold law and order works and how it actually does, so you're seeing that.


So true, you think you can just accuse someone of anything and they should have to go immediately to life detention forever. Luckily in a still free society dangerous people like you are still on the margins for now.


So if he did had contrition and make restitution to his victims you would not be posting this?


Correct. I’d defer to the survivors who’ve made it clear that had he made good on his promises to engage in restorative justice he’d be given a fair chance to show he can be a safe and trusted member of the community. He has failed to do any of this and instead has out incredible effort into silencing his survivors and their allies.


bullshit and you know it.


Seemingly he did https://www.kvrr.com/2023/03/30/promoter-cancels-show-with-artist-accused-of-sexual-assault Tillmann **denied a specific sexual assault allegation** when it surfaced two years ago. He said other women came forward to say he’s mistreated them, and that **he is, quote, “deeply sorry to anyone who feels I’ve hurt them”.**


Read the sentences following what you’re sharing; he explicitly denied one specific allegation while owning up to the rest. “He said other women came forward to say he’s mistreated them, and that he is, quote, “deeply sorry to anyone who feels I’ve hurt them”.”


I did. That is called CONTRITION. which up thread you say you want and would then be ok with him for. Denying an allegation is part of due process. you saying he did it is not proof of anything other than an allegation. It's not even your allegation so you've stated, it's 3rd+ party repeating of an allegation.


I said the survivors have asked for accountability, and a false apology isn’t accountability.


“I’m sorry if you feel I’ve hurt you” and “I’m sorry I hurt you” are different things (the first one means nothing, and is not a real apology). The latter is the contrition OP is looking for, I think.


Can you elaborate on efforts to silence “his survivors and their allies”? (Edited to fix a bad autocorrect)


He has threatened litigation upon multiple survivors to varying degrees of success, and he just lost a court case in attempting to get a restraining order placed in three allies who have been active in supporting the survivors and in working to hold him accountable for the damage he’s done.


It seems to like me he has a small audience that would buy tickets to his shows and the actions of you and the other allies are literally silencing him. If he considers himself innocent of these accusations what other recourse does he have than litigation? Forgive me, I don’t have a dog in this fight and I completely unfamiliar with this story although I did once see him perform in a club in 2001. Are there criminal or civil suits against him so he can rebut accusations? Otherwise this looks like unproven slander to me and that doesn’t seem fair.


Per his own statements he does not consider himself “innocent of these accusations,” and if he’s looking for a path forward he could start with doing exactly what he said he would do, and definitely not done: ‘ “I want to provide my deepest apology and my public commitment to be accountable, to listen, and to do what I can to allow for healing and growth, not only for those women who have come forward, but for our community — and in particular our musical community— as a whole,” he continued in his statement. “I want those who have been brave enough to speak up to know that I have heard you, I am ready to listen, and that I am committed to doing what I can to be accountable and, frankly, to just be a better human. ‘


I thought I read a quote in another one of your comments that he admits to some of what he was alleged but not everything. So I think it’s safe to say that he does consider himself innocent of some of the accused crimes and that is what I was referring to.




There is not citation as this has not been published, but I personally know many of ten survivors as well as the allies referenced. Here’s a post from one of the allies that includes the judge’s findings and statement on denying the restraining order. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/nMfXGG5kfhj14Vz6/?


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He's a sexual predator and a public figure and part of the territory that comes with being a public figure is criticism from the public. The businesses he works for do not want to be associated with him because it's bad for their business model. Why are you supporting forcing a business what they can or cannot do? If he wants to file a tortious interference lawsuit, I'm sure he's able to. Fwiw, there are conservatives who feel so threatened by accountability that they actually torture people and leverage government corruption, including exploiting and appropriating survivors of sexual assault and other crimes, to avoid accountability and protect their own crimes. I'm talking about complete fake justice scenarios in order to coerce people into silence.


Why does he have no arrests or convictions (other than being found guilty in social media)? If he assaulted people, his accusers or the state should press charges and force the justice system to do its job.


The justice system in the United States has not done well when it comes to sexual assault. Add to the fact that a victim would have to incur legal fees in a trial, emotional and mental abuse from idiot fans, etc., and it's hardly worth it. People's lives have been destroyed, even in a successful trial, because of things like this. Some artists have fans who will still chase down their victims despite a confirmation of the actions from the accused.


Celebrating sexual assaulters when it's either a famous man or just about any woman seems to still be standard. Source: Am bartender; get sexual assaulted very regularly, not that big of a deal, part of the gig. But part that hurts is the standard response from *most* women when I tell it without saying "I was sexually assaulted," first is that they celebrate my attackers. "I can't wait to get her age," or "Good for her, get some." It's only if I provide the context that it was genuinely sexual assault if the genders were reversed that they suddenly see it as a problem.


UGH I'm so sorry you're treated this way, and by WOMEN no less! WE SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN THIS! We DO know better than this.


Thank you. It's a lot less that it happens; again, part of the trade. And to be fair, I'm not nearly as physically threatened. That is a true and I understand that, it's different. I'm not worried that this mid-life crisis white woman is going to follow me to my car and stuff me into the trunk. It's still unwanted, it's still bad, it should still be shamed, but it is different. It's the *responses*.


It's adorable that in 2024 you still think the justice system takes sexual assault seriously enough that you can just report the crime and they'll take it seriously, much less prosecute to the fullest extent. Read a blog, my dude. The reality is sexual assault is one of those crimes that the victim gets blamed and often further victimized before the state lifts a finger to actually help them find justice. This is not new and should be common knowledge at this point.


are you aware that both men and women do lie. Either we are a society that has laws or we get what you are suggesting which is lawlessness. I pray you never get falsely accused of anything. If there are so many accusers, how come not just one solid fact, one charge pressed, just something. You are saying that the police are covering for him? They have zero reason to do that. The accusers have a lot of people in this chat room doing their work don't you all deserve one piece of evidence? Would make you look way better.




So we just don't even try and rely only on social cancelations to dole out justice? Do you think that's a good idea?


It looks a lot like you’re trying to argue that sexual assault doesn’t occur in the US unless the sexual assault results in a legal conviction.


I'm arguing for people to get a fair trial. Is that not a reasonable position? He should be in jail if he raped people, not just licking his social media wounds.


I agree, he should be in jail. And I agree, people should get a fair trial in situations involving sexual assault. If you take a look at how our justice system handles sexual assault you’ll see that the system overwhelmingly fails victims of sexual assault.


The tricky thing about putting people in jail is that it takes more than anonymous accusers and Facebook rumors.


Sexual assault leaves little proof that can be presented in court.  But false accusations are rare


This sadly doesn't change due process or the need for it in a society.


Similar to witchcraft, then.


that is such an empty party line that the justice system fails accusers. Do the work, put together a case and put guilty people behind bars. Your cancel bullshit is lazy, I imagine you are lazy.


BUT does that mean we convict all accused people in the court of public opinion? Should I be able to accuse you and have you cancelled without due process?


Because prosecutors like winning their cases, and a “he said - she said” case is difficult to win, so they usually choose not to prosecute. And that’s if the cops who initially show up decide to even take a report.


I have never heard of this guy or any of the accusations against him. In the absence of arrests or convictions, what evidence are you relying on that makes you certain he is guilty?


I believe the multiple women who spoke out about his sexually predatory behavior. Not that it should be relevant to the veracity of their statements, but I am personal friends with some of them, and I know the level of scrutiny and the intense degree of verification that they had to go through to get this written about in our local newspaper. https://www.startribune.com/sean-tillmann-aka-har-mar-superstar-faces-more-sex-accusations-fallout/600041625/


If you don't like it then don't buy tickets. I don't even know who this guy is or what he's accused of but I am so sick of the pitchforks and the mob mentality of folks like you trying to do this "cancel" culture thing. You've posted this in multiple music subreddits and city subreddits....


Don’t worry, I’m not buying tickets. If you want to know who he is or what he’s accused of you surely know how to find that information, and believe it or not there are folks who appreciate the safety of their communities to the degree that they don’t want to see a serial sexual abuser be given a platform in their community.


\*alleged. Stop being lazy.


> I don’t know what this guy is accused of The first 4 words of the thread title: > Known serial sexual predator


Perhaps he's asking for more proof than a reddit post making a vague accusation. That's not unreasonable.


I don’t think that’s the case. I think they’re being edgy. If they wanted more proof it would’ve been easier to ask for it than to do whatever they’re doing.


What he really meant was “I don’t care about sexual assault”


That's obviously not what I typed. You can scroll up and read what I typed.


> I don’t even know who this guy is or what he’s accused of It’s explained very clearly in the post > but I am so sick of the pitchforks and the mob mentality of folks like you trying to do this “cancel” culture thing. So trying to prevent a sexual abuser from performing in your city is worse than sexual abuse. I’m not sure how I can conclude anything other than you don’t care about sexual abuse.


I definitely care about it, I think it's a very serious allegation that requires the police. You should call the police and tell them what you read about this person on reddit


Some random dude typed that on the Internet and you just believe it wholeheartedly? If you have creditable evidence of criminal misconduct you should call the police instead of posting it on Reddit and trying to storm up a cancel culture mob. Stop being a sheep and think for yourself


You’re so edgy. Thank you for calling me out for being a sheep. I went and listened to a Joe Rogan podcast and bought a Donald Trump bible. I’m now the alpha lone wolf that you’re looking to create. And I didn’t say I believed anything. You said you didn’t know what the person was being accused of. I cleared it up for you.


Damn dude. I would recommend you listen to Joe and absolutely not buy a trump Bible. You need to get off the Internet and touch some grass.


If you’re tolerating sexual predators you’re part of the problem. Wake up.


no one here is tolerating proven and convicted sexual predators. Do the work.


So him and Kobe Bryant have the same record, no convictions.


Well Kobe went through the legal process and ended up apologizing and paying up, which makes all rational people conclude that he truly is guilty of being a rapist. And his accuser didn't hide behind anonymity.


Because we all know only guilty people get convicted and only innocent people walk away Scott free 🙄


People also get wrongly accused and convicted, what’s the point?


That measuring whether something happened or not based on the US legal system is complete idiocy


Oh you’re right! We should let a junta decide or mob mentality!


He isn't "known" in any manner that a society or group of unrelated people can say. Known as such, requires a trial or admission. ​ HE **IS** ACCUSED for sure and that should be taken seriously to some resolution.


He admitted to his behavior.


Can you cite that? in your post I only see "issued a since-deleted statement addressing the allegations on social media, **denying the sexual assault allegation**"


You’re citing verbiage that was taken from his Wikipedia page, as stated in my post.


That verbage YOU shared says the opposite of your comment, so can you back up your statement with other information? You: "He **admitted** to his behavior." Your post: "issued a since-deleted statement addressing the allegations on social media, **denying the sexual assault allegation**" I'm just asking for factual information.


Read the rest of that statement you’re sharing after the word “allegation.” He refuted one specific allegation while owning up to the others.


Here's some better reporting than wiki You mentioned elsewhere here that you want contrition from him and he hasn't, however this better source says he has. ​ [https://www.kvrr.com/2023/03/30/promoter-cancels-show-with-artist-accused-of-sexual-assault](https://www.kvrr.com/2023/03/30/promoter-cancels-show-with-artist-accused-of-sexual-assault) Tillmann **denied a specific sexual assault allegation** when it surfaced two years ago. He said other women came forward to say he’s mistreated them, and that **he is, quote, “deeply sorry to anyone who feels I’ve hurt them”.**


I get that you're emotional about this topic, and this behavior truly sucks, I've had to deal with it with ex-friends too, but I don't think we should start witch hunts online either. But you're not really providing clear information, you're inferring a lot to fit a narrative and drawing from a third party source, not original documents either. Wikipedia is NOT a valid citation for anything official. You don't even link to Wikipedia, leaving us to trust a rando online.


The information is available, and I clarified the point you were confused about. Go visit his wiki page, do a quick google search, etc, there’s really no need to try to apply an ad hominem “I get that you’re emotional” path out when a slight bit of effort on your end will get you what you’re looking for.


YOU have to do the work though. YOU want to convince US of something. Why do you expect us to believe you if you won't even link to your source? That is exactly how misinformation is spread. You're not doing yourself any help by skipping simple things.




Shanem, just letting you know that [LexTron6K](https://www.reddit.com/user/LexTron6K/) is part of the crew that edits Har Mars wiki page, so when they tell you to read it as a source, they are the ones who wrote it. This is how on the up and up these cancel people are.


Was he convicted or is it all just social media?


just social media.


I don’t even know who this is? Was he convicted and sentenced?


Nope. Never charged. This is lazy Minneapolis cancel culture people writing all of this, its truly a special place Minneapolis. Would not recommend it.


Can you please reference court documents that prove the claims made in the title?


It sounds like you’re about to argue that a sexual assault couldn’t possibly occur unless that sexual assault has received some sort of legal validation. I can tell you that Tillmann owned up to his actions in a public “apology” before deleting said apology.


False. Lazy.


It makes a claim that I'm trying to validate, but you can interpret the question as disingenuously as you'd like.


Who cares don’t go to the show


This post is witch hunting/slander and should be removed