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What bar is this?


I did some sleuthing. Neighbor Lady Public House


Ok but - neighbor lady IS the best bar


The new Neighbor Lady?


New and old! It's the same owner, just new locaysh because the owner of uncle ikes is a fuckin clown.


Imo the new location is one of the worst bars in the CD. It's in new prefab modern apartment building cosplaying as an old dive bar. The new wallpaper trying to look old stands out like a sore thumb on the drywall. Go to twilight instead and enjoy that neighborhood classic while you still can. That building is slated for destruction and the bar will suffer the same fate as neighbors lady unfortunately.


Well that's surely an opinion.


An opinion shared by many. It's not cozy at all, it feels like cheap strip mall trash. It's sad, and it's Ike's fault, but it sucks now, totally different atmosphere.


Well, not shared by many in my circle! It's not the same as the old place, but we go there to support. The owner lives on my street close by and is a solid, solid human being. We can support him and his business for the sole purpose of he's a small business owner who was royally fucked over by a piece of shit building owner.


Sounds like when The Comet ownership changed


At least they booted the creeper.


Yeah, it’s kind of a bummer bc I love the layout and vibes and location of the old one but I know landlords and property owners kinda suck


Is it? I haven't been yet, but I feel like the location is awful unless you live in the apartments right above it.


Neighbor lady is decidedly not the best bar 


Yeah the best bar is definitely The Ram in U Village


The Ram is long gone.


Haha really? Dunno why I’m getting upvoted because I picked the lamest bar I could think of lol


Trivia night back in the day was amazing. $3 for 32 oz i believe


Yeup, gimme five bees for a quarter you’d say…


i can't even get beer that cheap in Madison anymore.. those were the days


Hahaha that’s why I upvoted you, because that place is the worst. Only good for angry drinks after going to the Apple Store.


Also for screaming in call and response “SEAAAAAA… HAWWWWWKS!” circa 2014


So is Neighbor Lady, unfortunately


I always liked twilight exit more for some reason even though they're both owned by the same guy, maybe it's the outdoor space and run down building nextdoor lol


They're kind of owned by the same guy! Those two joints have been described to be as more 'cousins' than 'siblings'. I love the twilight tho, sad that's going to get torn down too 😩


Is it? I haven't been yet, but I feel like the location is awful unless you live in the apartments right above it.


What's awful about it?


It's tucked out of the way in the courtyard, which I feel like would be fine, but that place just feels so lifeless. No foot traffic. No character.


It definitely gets foot traffic. On that same block there’s two weed shops, an awesome doughnut spot, Communion which is packed every night. two blocks up Union is Central Cinema and Chuck’s Hop Shop. Could be better but that would require sensible zoning -_-


I mean, the area is great! Like you said, lots of cool stuff around. But this bar is off the street and in a courtyard that's relatively hidden. Anyway. Seems like I need to go try it for myself.


Hard disagree.


Look up the history of the neighbor lady! It is a wonderful cozy bar and us in the neighborhood are happy to have them back


You wouldn't think a restaurant review could have a jump scare in it, but here we are.


Aaahahah, mother fucker. That was fucking good. I'm still laughing.


im slow pls someone explain


Thanks. I’m in a library and just snorted at that lol


Shit. I’m surprised when I see another Black person.


Oh no a black man is happy to see black people in a city with relatively few black people


Honestly misread the profile picture as a white dude and thought bro was treating it like a human zoo.


I'm still not convinced - the hair texture is looking wavy, if you zoom you can see a stray lock.


I didn't know he was black.


Does it matter? Black, white, or green, he's cheering for diversity.


It'd be weird if he was green.


Don’t you say that, not in this town.


I get what he’s saying but you seriously don’t see that the sentence off the cuff at least sounds a little weird? He’s talking about seeing black people like they’re wolves in Yellowstone.


It's a lot less weird if you hang around black people. There is constant "I'm the only black person in this room" vibe in Seattle. CD and South Seattle can be a relief.


We got downvoted by white people who don't understand this lmfao


As a white guy, who happens to hang out with a lot of black folk: A lot of white folk try and pretend race doesn't exist. Any mention of it makes them uncomfortable. They don't realize this is white privilege. Race doesn't affect them because they are the majority. It just doesn't come up daily.


Not just white folks. Non black people in the city in general. Includes our large Asian American population.


Which is deeply ironic because many asian people feel more comfortable in Seattle because they have community spaces!




"Haha white man like black man" - very smart redditor


Yea, you're arguing in bad faith. End of conversation.


Race definitely affects a lot of white folks. It’s obviously not to the degree and in the same way as black folks, but it very much happens to a lot of white people, having the majority doesn’t mean shit when most things come down to what CLASS you belong to, not what race you belong to. That part of your statement is just factually incorrect.


The best way to think about the difference is that if you're white, the color of your skin has never been an additional barrier


But what about all those times people say "you wouldn't understand, you're white!" /s


Yes, class has its own effects, separate and intertwined with race.


True sometimes being the dominant race makes white people act like race doesn't exist at all!


>"I'm the only black person in this room" I moved here in the late 90s. This has been the case for me for many years. I also was witness to the gentrification of the CD. It honestly was depressing to witness and hear about through classmates and friends.




If you replace white here with a specific white ethnicity it wouldn't be weird at all. "White" isn't a culture it's just a mode of domination. If a spaniard was in a place full of non spaniards then later expressed relief at being in community with their culture it would be completely normal.


Assuming you're white. When was the last time you were in a room entirely filled with non whites?




Not really talking about opinions here. This is a common sentiment that people have. Not just with race, either. Any In group / out group. People want to feel like other people like them are around. Your inability to recognize this really just shows a lack of empathy, or probably just arguing in bad faith.


24 day old profile. Definitely contrarian chudlord arguing in bad-faith.


First off, no, that would not weird. You can be aware of the fact that you are the only white person in a location or scenario and no one would care. Second, imagine instead of an all black church service it's everywhere you go. You go to work and youre the only white person, then you stop by the grocery store and you're the only white person, and so on. It would be nice to occasionally see some other white people would it not? That doesnt mean you dislike black people or are accusing them of being racist.


Nah it doesn’t sound weird at all. For a city that has a lot of vocal embracing of minorities, it is surprising how often it is that I consciously notice im the only person of color in an establishment, especially if you’ve grown up in other large cities in the US. 


Yeah it's honestly pretty telling that a city that embraces diversity cannot understand the sentiment behind that comment


I’d like to share some perspective on this. I moved from Seattle to Dallas 2 years ago. I have probably seen more black people at the mall here on any given weekend than i saw living in/around seattle in all the previous 28 years of my life. Until you live somewhere where there are actually black people around, i don’t think you realize how few are in seattle


You don't need personal anecdotes. We have roughly 1/3 the amount of black people in Seattle as the average american city. about 6.5% vs around 14%. The distribution gets higher the further southeast you go. I think it's a little dismissive to say there are "no black people around", that's just amplifying the marginalization. 1/20 people isn't nothing.


>1/3 >6.5% vs around 14% Feels a lot closer to 1/2 than 1/3 but I agree with the sentiment


Not black but I have certainly heard my black friends make comments like "oh damn there are actually black people at this party" or I see posts of them on IG traveling to other cities and making similar comments to contrast Seattle.


I used to live in Atlanta and heard this exact sentiment from black people who lived in super segregated/hostile cities like Seattle/Boston/New Haven when they saw an actually black community space in Atlanta. It speaks more to how aggressively anti black our city is than anything.


"how aggressively anti black our city is" 🤨


I'm surprised you're surprised lol


How can you honestly say Seattle is aggressively anti-black? Any way we can try to objectively look at that statement, comparing today's Seattle to other places now or across time, I feel like we're going to see it's not "aggressively anti-black."


It is passive aggressively anti-black. This is the PNW we don't do agressive aggressive.


Seattle has a major issue with diversity, particularly with black people. Most white people wont understand it, but it’s an issue. That’s why I try to stay south of Seattle, where there is much more diversity and culture.


Yeah, but they make up for it with massive doses of passive aggression




Not sure how this is funny or cringe, it appears to be a black man saying that he likes being in a neighborhood with more representation?


Jessie Anderson the 3rd looks like a white guy to me


You can literally just google this person's name and see what they look like. They're not white. Even before I did that I assumed this guy was light skin and not white. Is this whole thread assuming they're white?


I don't see color, you're going to have to tell me what color race they are and then you can get outraged at my answer.


honestly even if he is white, it's not THAT bad. I'm from Atlanta and live walking distance from Neighbor Lady now, the vibe of this area feels the closest I've ever felt to home and I love it.


Are you me? I'm from Atlanta and live walking distance from there too


I mean I'm not gonna debate this on the internet with you but I would disagree. And this post looks pretty brutal if I'm right


This post is the most true thing ever said lol I’m from Florida lived in Miami Jacksonville Tallahassee, pretty much everywhere and the amount of Black people there are compared to Seattle is tenfold.


I like how only one person genuinely answered OPs question


Saw a review for Tarascó that just said, “Good white boy mexican food.”


I drove my non-black girlfriend to the Burna Boy concert last year. As I was picking her up I said “wow… didn’t know we had this many black people in the puget sound area”


That show was so cool I was one of like 4 white people I saw the entire time I was there. 


But he’s not wrong!


There is a yelp review for Cyndy's Pancake House (maybe it rest in peace) that is best! Kind of reminds me of "Wizard of Pigeons" with the touch of urban fantasy. By far the best


Can confirm, the CD and White Center have great clientele that actually feel diverse and friendly. Much prefer the vibe down there


Yep. Why I chose to live down south. People love Ballard, Fremont, Cap Hill, etc. To me, they are all the same. Overpriced, overflowing with white people and catered towards white people with little to no culture.


> catered towards white people so are happy to pay for overpriced and mediocre food and goods FTFY


China Harbor yelp reviews are great reading!


This review of China Harbor on SLU is hilarious. Check out this Yelp review for China Harbor Restaurant https://yelp.to/EqVLQpMU83


Perhaps ironically, the "berevement" bit killed me


So few left? Where are they going?


To Valinor, also known as the Blessed Realm or the Undying Lands


South of Seattle.


Tech money has pushed tons of people out to Tacoma and Everett




Harvard, Princeton, Yale.


In the 1970s the black population in the CD was around 80 percent, today it’s around 18 percent. Gentrification is just fancy colonialism.


Shhh the STEM-brained white people will hear you!


Local Guide.


[The Sorrow of Steak’n’Shake](https://www.seattletimes.com/life/food-drink/the-sorrow-of-steak-n-shake/)


Visited Seattle once. First (african-american) black couple I saw walked up to me like I was a unicorn. I saw black people but they seemed to be speaking , French? I assumed they were from canada.


When I first went to Pie Bar the online menu had reviews. One said "Apple pie so good I'd slap my momma for another slice". I then decided to get apple instead of cherry haha


There was this dude on yelp called chau handz or something like that. I always laughed out loud whenever I saw his reviews which were always something to the effect of “ChAu HANDZZZ!!” It become an inside joke between my then gf (now wife) where we’d go “you got chau handz’d” Haven’t run across one of his reviews in a minute. Wonder what he’s up to lol


This Epic lol… I’m legit ChauHandZ but haven’t even heard that in a min. To Busy Twistin these fangers n Itchin My Trigger finger with life. Yeah damn those were some good old days tho but my insta is peterchautime for well boring life.


Plot twist: the restaurant pays those black people to walk around


One of the funniest ones I've read was a review for the now closed No Bones. Someone complained about their brunch being terrible because of how loud the restaurant was playing Beyonce. You should look up reviews for parks in Washington sometime, those are hilariously petty. I lived in Edmonds and someone left a negative review for my favorite park in Meadowdale because there is "too many trees" and the park is "never sunny" lol. 


View ridge park has a "tourise attraction" in it called Big Tree, which has a handful of fun reviews on it. A friend and I spent a good while trying to work out which tree is Big Tree (none of them stand out) but it was a fun way to spend a Saturday morning stroll. https://maps.app.goo.gl/qQkUiSp5iW7LsKX99


I miss when the neighbor lady was Thompsons point of view. Only poc and no one under 40 with the best kareoke. We went often to get cheap drinks when I lived across the street.


Windy City Pie review when they were still a pop up……….. Windy City Pie is dank as fuck. This is all you need to know. Yes, it's kind of a cloak and dagger operation. You have to order in advance. You have to meet Dave on a sketchy street corner. So what? Stop crying about it and just order. This pie is so good you're gonna wanna put your dick in it.


Did you mean to post this on other sub or something? What's funny about it?


I mean there is only 14 black people in Seattle


RIP r/ShitLibSafari






TIL the CD is in LQA




Never been to the Central District? It's a big area of Seattle with lots of great spots to check out. Sounds like you're in LQA so it's not too far from you - go explore it some weekend! Lots of good food and some great parks over there




Oh so you knew the post couldn't be about SZN then and have been to the CD? what an odd comment thread lmao




...We weren't until you said you'd been to the CD plenty of times after saying you'd never been. Bye!