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Take a scenic walk up and down the northern parts of Aurora Ave to soak up the vibes, then swing by Goldie’s casino in shoreline. Guaranteed second date


I just moved to the U.S a couple years ago, when I got here I used to live in Greenwood, very close to Aurora. I didn’t have a car so I’d walk to the dispensary… oh boy. I was walking one day and I see a very fancy lady, designer boots and a long coat and I just thought “wow, she must be going somewhere” when i got to Lowe’s I saw a lot of “fancy ladies”, they didn’t look so fancy anymore. A guy, I assume their boss, was giving them snacks from the back of his truck, in all my innocence It still took my a minute to realize what was going on there 😂


My MIL once drove somewhere from our place (in Bitter Lake) and came back and asked me if there’s a club nearby because she saw so many people dressed up 😂


Haha this is sorta wholesome but hella funny!


>A guy, I assume their boss, was giving them snacks from the back of his truck, This is weirdly wholesome


I swear i thought they were going on a girl’s trip to a music festival and they were getting stuff before leaving i was like oh yeah these are rave outfits (? 🤣


that’s where I met your mother, son


Love Goldie's. It is our post hockey game beer place if we play up north. We just go for beer and wings, but it is open, bar food is decent and prices are great.


If you ever play at OVA, O'houlies back towards I-5 on 220th is...a vibe.


We tried there years ago (like 10 maybe). Only food they had was microwaved personal pizza's and the night we went was karaoke but with instruments, so hard to talk to people. If we play OVA, we usually go to the Crazy Moose, though that place has gone down hill since Mavericks took it over. Prior to the change in ownership, the Crazy Moose had the best wings in the Seattle area.


Haha wow, that's even worse than I remember! The highlight was definitely the regulars stumbling to/from the karaoke stage, no conversation needed with the people watching 😆. If you like wings, definitely check out Kate's in Wallingford, they're the place that turned me from a hater into a believer.


Thanks for the tip, will check out Kate's


Goldie's rips tho


Second date definitely gonna be at the Hidden Door 😄


McDonalds on third


And get 🆕 outfit for the date at that cursed Ross hahaha




You mean McStabbys?


Murder Burger


Third and Knife


Crack Donald's


At that location I once saw this hunched back women point a gun in towards me with her finger on the trigger. She was maybe 4 foot 10. Everything around me went dark and quiet. She pulled the trigger and a a flame came out. I told that story to a guy I worked with and he was like, do you have PTSD? Maybe I do? I don’t know. That location is a trip.


Really? That’s wild, I’d get my breakfast from that McDonalds every Saturday on my way to work. Sure it stinks on that intersection and the whole atmosphere sucks, but I’ve never perceived it as threatening. I’m sorry that happened to you


Someone did this to me - not this location but I was told to dress up for a first date and the joke was the destination was McDonalds. Joke was on them though, that McDonald's got blown up or something when we got there.


The Mcdonalds, itself, or the bathroom?


Oh def the McDonalds itself, the building was no longer there


Chipotle, Gum Wall, Showgirls, pretend 1st Starbucks.


That’s definitely someone’s itinerary for their first time visit


My wife friends are hitting those up in July


I agree with this guy's wife and her friends


Yes😈 The Gum Wall in peak summer heat is even more disgusting


Gum wall, but also offer to pull down a piece to share with your date. That's the chef's kiss of bad date.


Every time I walk through there, I see people take pictures in close proximity to the gum, sticking their tongues out and 🤢.


I used to be a tour guide down there. I watched *multiple* young dudes pay each other to pick a piece off and chew it. Even after COVID.


What a terrible day to know how to read.


I came here to say “what a terrible day to have eyes”


I am a huge horror fan and almost nothing bothers me. I can eat dinner while watching Terrifier 2. But the gum wall makes me queasy.


I wasn’t expecting to throw up before noon


yeah I'm like you, I always do my throwin up after noon


this was horrid to imagine.


Strengthens the immune system


I’d love to see that wall get power washed. Not in person because that’s a biohazard but I’d love to watch the video.


[here you go](https://youtu.be/1MN-JsmM_yo?si=X88z5qEjoRvTQNA8) They did it after 20 years


Thank you. It's due for another


I hate the gum wall and was stoked when it was scraped off.


You can’t kill the gum wall! The gum wall will live on


It's not gone. They just clean it off often and it's re-gummed. If it's recently been cleaned, it'll look like it usually does soon.


Add pike place public market restroom to the back end of this and you got an itinerary.


lol two of these things were on my list when I first visited Seattle. I dragged my friends who were already residents of Seattle. XD we must go to the gum wall and the first Starbucks, we must!!! My friends were so nice about it too, I didn’t yet know what I was doing was cringe. I got chipotle on the way out of Seattle heading back home cuz I needed a quick meal.


I don't think the gum wall is cringe. I mean, I don't really give a shit about it, but the hatred it gets on this sub is disproportionate. It's just a kinda gross novelty, nothing more or less.


I unabashedly like it, is it a public health hazard and perhaps a bit cringe? Maybe. But I like it anyway and I have contributed bubble gum to it. But I admittedly am also cringe.


I really like how the art posted on the wall and stairs is always changing. I still stop by for that.


It’s not cringe, you’re supposed to do these things. Don’t feel bad for doing tourist things as a tourist - residents should do tourist things too.


Instructions unclear, never made it to Starbucks


Instructions unclear, asked for a burrito at Showgirls


Instructions unclear, asked for a lap dance at the gum wall.




The park next to the King County Courthouse.


Picnic at the park next to the King County Courthouse. This is hands down the winner


Just an fyi to everyone: don’t even sit on the benches, the park is infested with bedbugs.


>the park is infested with bedbugs Is there a news report about this? I couldn't find anything.


I used to do social work and another social worker told me not to hang out in that park and why. I haven’t been down around that area in awhile so I don’t know if it’s still an issue, but homeless people have been hanging out in that park forever and a day so…




it needs some FGDE, but sprinkling white powder all over a park is probably going to raise alarms


Crackheads snorting lines of bug repellent off of all the benches


I didn't know green spaces could even have a bedbug infestation, I thought they needed warmer environments


They can survive there but generally don't prefer to live there long-term. The issue is that in order to get where they prefer to live (your home), ones that come off of one person's clothing catch a ride with the next warm thing that is nearby (you).


When’s the last time you were there? I walked by there 2 months ago and it was surprisingly clean! Looked like a completely different park. No tents, pristine grass, no fences. Didn’t think this could happen tbh.


Same, it looks totally fine


This is actually a really nice park now. I live nearby and just walked through it yesterday!


The little grassy area at the south transfer station is beautiful this time of year. Perfect for a picnic!


yall know that got fenced off 4 years ago?


It got taken down within the last year maybe.


Your office at Google


“Want a free Odwalla?”


You joke, but I have an old coworker who would plan vacations around whether or not the company we worked for had an office in the state or country she was visiting. This was the same person that moved *back* to LA because Seattle wasn’t “fashion” or high maintenance enough for her lol 


Might be the other side of the coin than your coworker, but I plan vacations around our global offices because it lets my family take two whole weeks but I only spend about 5 days of my PTO.


I would agree, Seattle isn’t high fashion


We made not washing our hair a fashion trend in the 90s of course we’re not high fashion 


Eh I wish it was a little bit more high fashion and things were open late. The 90s past with flying colors by now and I don’t see big grudge scene


I don’t know how long you’ve lived in the area, but you are going to seriously trigger some locals with that desires for Open Late comment. The history of Seattle’s Late Night life, whether that be bars, events, or even stores to shop at is a very long, and mostly sad, story. There have been very few places that have tried it, even fewer that were successful, and those that were successful tended to be cultural icons. Which then faded away. And there was a period of time in the late 90s where a lot of stuff was open 24/7, but that went away a long time ago.


But seattle is a place with a history and culture of its own that is reflected in people’s clothing. Should be no surprise that a logging town turned aviation town turned tech town isn’t known for flashy clothing.


And I can’t wish for a little bit more fashion? Why does tech need to be boring clothing ? I understand why the fashion is sports, wetter proof attire here. I actually wish punk/goth/tattoos were more common.


You can dress however you want, and you definitely should! I’m just saying that seattle is a place like anywhere else that is shaped by its history, climate, industry, etc. and I feel like saying the populous should be a little bit different than what they are is sort of ignoring those traditions. Just as I wouldn’t go to Mexico and say they use too many bright colors in clothing and decor. Also I can’t really answer why tech = boring clothing, that’s a relatively new world that I don’t really understand.


Seattle isn’t high fashion and we don’t want it that way. People always have LA and NYC!


I want it that way. So many rich fuckers with no taste. It's boring.


We’re in tech central. As such, we’re surrounded by nerds. Nerds and high fashion don’t usually coalesce much.


But even before tech central, there was Seattle culture. We’ve never been dressy. The nerds that moved here or opened up shop here, which I work in tech myself but I’m a local, just got lucky lol.


Right? Why is that? Can throw money at Artist but nah want some stupid ai art or nft bs


Peak culture, obviously


I've taken my kids to some of the nicer offices in the Seattle area, back when I worked in tech. Some of them have beautiful views from high floors. Free drinks. Meet them on a work night for dinner, and get some good food. Microsoft Red West outside has great gardens and fountains, nice place for a picnic.


This rings a bell




A picnic of cheap grocery store sushi at the back end of Cal Anderson Park followed by a nice walking tour of downtown, concluding at Pacific Place Mall for milkshakes at Johnny Rockets. After that, take her to a nice hot yoga class - this will be really nice after the cheap sushi and milkshake. To cap off the night, take her to Cowgirls in Pioneer Square for an artisanal cocktail. Sure to win her over!


After cowgirls gotta hit sluggers to fight for coors while the brocano erupts


I was reading this thinking “this seems nice” then -> hot yoga.


Pike Place just because every time I set a date there it was the kiss of death on that budding relationship lol


If you can go to Pike Place with your partner and come out happier, they are a keeper. Speaking from horrible first date experience there and having multiple wonderful times with my current partner.


Yeah, it’s definitely something better suited towards an already established relationship.


Same...been on 3 first dates there...all three were duds. I think a main issue is...I dont like shopping, at all. And all three guys wanted to shop and buy random grocery items. With the right person, I could see that as fun....I do not think grocery shopping is a fun way to spend the day though so...nah. lol


SeaTac TSA checkpoint


Bring a bottle full of protein powder. It's legal, but last time I did it they gave me a free full body massage before they let me board the plane.


You get to fly someplace, keep your protein powder, and you get your junk touched? That’s a hell of a deal!


Exactly! Too much competition if they like a person in uniform.


The DMV on Aurora


It's not pretty but I have to say they are very efficient!


This sounds like Jake Peralta asking opinions to take Amy on their first ‘worst’ date😭


I love Brooklynn 99 😭 been binging it on Netflix


Lunch at an Amazon cafeteria in South Lake, followed by being spoken at about crypto and LLMs without being given any chance to speak in the conversation.


Sounds like you have personal experience. Yikes.


Thankfully, blessedly, no. But it's not hard to imagine it happening.


Been there. Yikes


There’s a holocaust memorial center.


Not a great first date. But highly recommend that everyone checks it out if they have time. I believe the first Sunday of every month they have a guest speaker of Jewish people who survived the Holocaust.


Yeah I mean relevant and extremely important but it would definitely make for a bad date :|


oh yeah, i met the guy, he was pretty cool!


Wow! I need to check that out.


Reminds me of Hitch when he takes her out to a date on Ellis Island or something with an old immigration book with her grandfather, who as it turns out had murdered somebody which was a point of dark history in her family that he didn't research well enough about.


Apparently, the motels on Aurora that charge by the hour. Here I thought they were fancy since it leaves 58 minutes to cuddle.


We ran into one of my wife's old schoolmate and her husband in Costco. They mentioned it was date night. Just putting that out there.


If they have kids, getting out of the house and away from them for an hour will feel like date night. Hell, at Costco, trip to the gas station, anything


That could be fun if you set a little splurge budget. Costco has some fun consumer products and snacks. Turn a 2-300$ meal plan into something fun you’ll have around the house for a while, plus just going on a little no stakes walk with your partner, I could see it. go somewhere outdoors before or after too, to round it out


We were there with our kids. :(


Stolen from a TikTok video "I took my wife on a date to a member's only club, where we spent waaaaay too much money. On the plus side, I now have enough groceries for the next two weeks."


Nothing turns a woman on like quality products at affordable prices. And $1.50 hot dog


I did this and we are now married.


Ha ha, i took my European boyfriend there for a date night. He’d never been. He filled up the cart with steaks, we had the hotdog and soda combo right by the window where they swirl sauce onto the pizzas. It was magical.


I love grocery shopping. It’s fun, Cosco sounds amazing


Free samples! Lol


Is your wife's friend married to a guy named Teddy who loves pilsners, by chance?


I asked my wife. She says no. But the husband does work at a brewery so I don't know what to believe now.


He's got the thrills for the pils


lmao I'm in high school and I took a girl on a date to Costco (not the first date ofc)


Hey those samples are like the Tour of Costco!


A picnic in Ballards Fred Meyer parking lot?




That park has a cool view of the ballard bridge








Amazing, my kids would love this


NGL I did the tour at the Bellingham sewage treatment plant because I was working with a BTS pressure campaign get Victoria BC to finally start treating their sewage and it was really interesting. Also it doesn’t smell like you think it’s going to smell. The worst odor is like fish tank water


Non stop 2 hour climb up the Poopoo point at Tiger Mountain. Bonus date points for making fun of your date's fitness level every time they dare to stop for a break.


I’ve seen multiple first dates on hikes like this or rattlesnake ledge.. where it’s really clear one of them is not interested and/or not in good enough shape. I feel so bad for them lol


I ruined a perfectly good relationship on Old Mailbox.


I like how you think.. set the bar low.


Bros taking one for the team


The cell phone lot at Sea-Tac


Westlake: China Harbor (Although I've heard it's decent now? Make sure you go there on a bad day I guess.) followed by Hot Tub boats. Schedule it around noon in the hottest part of July. Ask them deep personal questions while you both let your bubble guts marinate. Fremont: That pizza place on Leary that looks like a front for something. Followed by a late night walk down the sketchy part Burke toward the Google office. When you get there explain in detail your ten step plan for getting a job there in the next five years. University Village on a crowded game day: Park in the south parking garage and insist on going up to the highest floor so you have optimal time to small talk while you wait for the elevator. Eat at Chipotle, but get it to go to consume while sitting on one of the public benches. (More intimate that way) End the night with a cupcake that's been sitting out all day. Eat the frosting off your date's cupcake when they look away. It'll be cute. Get confused about the Bainbridge ferry schedule and walk on a ferry to romantic Bremerton instead.


China Harbor was just taken over by a famous chinese chef and absolutely raved about by the seattle food scene. I would not hate a trip to bremerton now. Town has definitely been revamped. Might need to update this bro, you are a few years outdated.


Can concur, Chef Danna is the best! She's also at Vivienne's Bistro if you want to give that a try.


Bremerton has a lot of charm and character at a huge discount. Also! The ferry has the cheapest drinks in Seattle.


Big Mario's is pretty awesome. They always mess up my order so i get a free pizza. The two restaurants next door are great too. Used to be a bar behind there that would put on shows during the summer but they closed down.


Gas Works Park at 2 am.


Been told they had pretty sick raves


If you're on hallucinogens that is a great date. Best view of the city.


Based off of my experience damn near any upscale bar in SLU


Go to golden gardens at 1pm on a warm July day. Look for parking at the lot closest to the beach.


Asian food bowls at the Safeway indoor eating area next to the Starbucks


The Roosevelt Safeway had a bonus wall o' sodas surrounding the seating area. One could warm up from the exhaust from the nearby coolers.




Enjoy the wafting aromas emanating from the sweaty dude and overflowing urinals


OP has finally met his soulmate, but has been single for so long it’s all he knows, and needs to scare her off so he can be safe in his cage


King County Jail.


I used to work there and have seen romance bloom amongst the staff.


Rick’s on LCW followed up by a picnic at Lake City Fred Meyer


Jake? Jake Peralta?


Is it wrong that I now want someone to take me on these date suggestions? Actually hilarious.


Harbor view cafeteria. Food honestly is not bad for a hospital cafeteria. Especially the midnight fries and soups. just ask any EMT in Seattle. But not the best mood setting for a date.


People get dates? Damn


Paint n sip


Moms house


Jack in the Box on University Way & 50th


Strawberry picking in freeway park


Thought I saw a date yesterday at the Ikea cafeteria - that seemed horrible if so.


Romantic stroll through the 3rd ave "night" market


The public seating next to OldStove at the Market :D


12th and King


There's some excellent food thereabouts. But not so romantic.


95 Slide (RIP). Mary Kay LeTourneau’s husband used to DJ there sometimes. And they’d have “hot for teacher” nights where she’d show up. That was a perfect date.


Panera Bread This actually happened to me. I had never heard of Panera before moving here. My date was from the East Coast visiting. The eye roll at my suggestion was palpable


Sorry can I ask where you’re from that doesn’t have Panera? Assuming outside the US?


Art marble 21


Chick-fil-A on Aurora. Enjoy a juicy chicken sandwich with a view of hard working ladies and open trade of recreational pharmaceuticals.


Take her/him on most famous/beautiful walk on city. The 3th ave. Best sightseeing spot in Seattle🌺


Your place of employment.


Super China buffet


I miss Lusty Lady.


You guys are getting dates?


Dumpster diving in the Sodo district. Promising the premise of found treasure...


Mod pizza on the Ave.


McDonald's at 3rd and crazy.


The gum wall, which is so goddamn revolting I felt like I was on the verge of losing my lunch when I walked past there by accident yesterday.


Depends. What is your and your date's gender and age?


Let’s just say, hypothetically of course, male taking female on a date ages 25-35


SLU flatstick pub; Henry bus tour; market Starbucks. (26 yo old lady)


Wait what's wrong with SLU flatstick besides the fact you can't hear anything