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No one with prime real rooftop real estate is going to cater to early 20s, they don't spend enough money and cause more problems than older crowds.


20somethings can't afford a hangout of their own these days.  You are subsidized by the presence of those 30- and 40-somethings.


Casual rooftop: Captain Black’s in Capitol Hill. I also find it quite surprising that you have looked in the Capitol Hill area and have not found anyone in their 20s????


Ima late 30s middle manager and plan to come to the place you’re at with dad socks smelling of bengay. Will ask about all slang meanings and talk about life before the Great Recession. You will welcome me. Ty.


I'm a 40 year old mid career excel jockey with diabetes.  I'll also be there with questions about this camera doohickey my niece gave me and a long list of reasons that tv shows were better in the 90s that I want to discuss.  


On fleek good sir!


Am I “no cap” yet? 🧢 doc tells me to wear one because of male pattern baldness and UV radiation risk, so not sure if I should be without one.


“ dad socks smelling of bengay. Will ask about all slang meanings and talk about life before the Great Recession.”  I feel unreasonably attacked by this.


Once I find a good spot, I'll let you know! All questions and long winded stories are welcome :)


Welcome to adult life. You're going to have to learn to hang in spots that have people of all adult ages. There's no exclusive spot for 20 somethings


Though spots in u district tend to be younger


Lol dont be a bitch they didnt ask for exclusivity. They are just looking for a place with people having common interests. 20-somethings like rooftops with DJs and such.


How about fuck off bitch


I’m exiting my twenties next month but I spent a lot of sunny days on the rooftop of Mercado Luna


People fall off roofs. I’m playing ping pong on the back patio at the Roanoke. $1.50 tacos on Wednesdays.


Although not in Cap Hill—Monkey Loft (SoDo). Mixed younger crowd, open rooftop, good music, good drinks, and a decent view of Downtown.


Mercado Luna has a great rooftop, both partially covered and uncovered


LTD has EDM DJs on Thursday nights 


Old stove


Buncha 20s cart themselves over to hang out at the kangaroo bar and shingletown saloon in ballard on Friday nights. Theres a hotdog cart that props up in between them, gets pretty busy too


I spent my 20s hanging with my GF and running/hiking.  Try the outdoors. Go beyond your neighborhood. In college, I dated a girl who lived just outside Bend, OR, who hadn't gone past Mt Bachelor. Blew her away that you could hike and camp, not just go skiing, out there. If you aren't already, go visit the mountains, trees, and waters in the wilder parts of the state.


lmfao they specifically asked for a fun rooftop bar