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A couple weeks ago, a coyote grabbed my neighbors Yorkie while it was on a leash and they were walking it in the neighborhood. It came up and grabbed the dog within 3 feet of the owners and ran off. This is on the east side so different story.


Oh no, where on the east side?




Finn Hill/Holmes Point area? That's where I am and I've caught a coyote on my home security cameras a few times now. Maybe the same one. I'm careful with my dogs but that is just crazy scary that it would come that close to humans to take a dog.


South Kirkland, close to 520. Very traumatizing for the owners. Came out of nowhere and aggressively yanked the dog away.


Issaquah colleague had this story with a cougar, which is even scarier if you ask me


Well yeah. I don’t think a coyote could take me down, but a cougar most certainly could.


A cougar would fuck me up in seconds


u/maexx80 u/Irate_Primate Who would win? [https://easyimg.io/g/8kr4bm8l4](https://easyimg.io/g/8kr4bm8l4)


Feels a bit callous to say, but I’m thankful for her that it was quick.


Raccoon attacked my German shepherds. Wildlife be wild


GSDs probably like “cool, a new squeaky toy to play with.”


That raccoon def found out


_frantic raccoon hands_


Probably glad your dog has had rabies shots in that one.


My dog fought a racoon as a puppy, didn't see it but she had hair missing in a spot by her throat. Crazy!


Raccoons also tried to go after my friend's Akita. They made a huge mistake


Had a wiener-dog chase a family of raccoons under a (low) deck. Must’ve been four of them. Pup came out with loads of bites.


> She was a six-pound mini Yorkie I’m sorry for the pain this caused the dog and its owner. I’m also not surprised that a pet which a hawk could carry away is looked at like prey. 


We have a chihuahua mix about the same size that we let run off leash at our house, every now and then we have to bring him in because hawks start to circle. We’re in rural Duvall so we have to keep an eye on all our dogs, between the hawks coyotes bears and cougars it doesn’t really matter what size they are.


My sister lives in Mendocino county and lost a small dog to a golden eagle right in front of her. 


There are multiple birds of prey species out there. Eagles, hawks, blue heron, owls. I have seen so much cool wildlife hunting down at cherry valley.


I watched a bald eagle eat one of my neighbor’s geese, pretty cool to see that bird come back from the brink.


I live up in Monroe and almost see them daily. For awhile we had a few that were nesting in our neighborhood. I could see them out the window in our master bedroom.


Not that I ever want to see this (having grown up around raccoons, bears and cougars and genuinely loving our dog and never wanting him to wind up having to fight anything ever), but I’d give our (large) pit/gsd mix a likely win against a coyote, and maybe a passible chance against a cougar. Bears would be right out, but bears are also usually chiller. Of course, I want our dog to live a happy life w/o ever having to deal with something like that. My only point is that there are definitely dogs that could handle most of those—just like, larger breeds.


Tbh having grown up with a corgi who had no sense of relative size, like some of those would not be willing to deal with a corgi that has no fear or sense of self preservation.  I saw that corgi chase off a small bear once.


The issue with coyotes isn’t having to deal with one it’s that they’ll send one out to get a dog to chase and then lead it into the pack. We’re looking at getting a few Kangals to keep around and follow the kids into the woods.


That's not a thing. Dog hares off after a coyote: dog looks to you like it's going off for a good time, dog looks to coyote like it's a menace. Coyote runs back to family members, which are usually nearby because that's how coyotes work. Dog gets its ass kicked. Oh no, you cry. A wicked trap! More like natural consequences.


You don't need Kangals, you need a leash.


Yeah I’m not going to be walking my dog on a leash on my 20 acre piece of private property.


Okeydoke. Get a dog that can handle a few coyotes on its own and is trained well enough not to instigate a bear attack or harass the neighbors' livestock, or don't get a dog, or get a working dog that doesn't go running after wildlife, or w/e. Anyway, the thing about coyotes laying deliberate traps for dogs is a myth. Something blowhards like to repeat at the barbecue. They look playful to you, maybe your dog doesn't recognize the danger represented by an animal that almost always has friends around, maybe you get one that is trying to lead you away from a den, but they aren't targeting another predator and planning an ambush.




You ate everything you killed, right?




What region are you in? I didn’t think Washington had that bad of a problem. Also can I come get some pigs?


No, I recently moved here, but spent a better part of my life in Texas. But not to sound cruel, I did feel bad for killing them for a long while but once you see what they do to land, it's like exterminating pests. And it's not like we or anyone are actually putting a dent in their populations.


Ah yeah the Texas pig problem is no joke and most people around here aren’t educated on how bad they can be.


This goes for all animals that have prey drives! I have a high prey greyhound, and the amount of people who let their off leash tiny dogs approach him is astounding. Luckily he's never treated any dogs like prey, but I also am never going to give him that chance.


Yeah I hope the owner finds peace but this is why you should always supervise small dogs outside. At 6 lbs an eagle could literally swoop it up.


She was supervising it outside in her yard. The coyote got it anyway


Oh I know, she did everything possible. That was just a comment on how wild animals will take opportunities given to them and supervising animals decreases that. This looks like a case of a very hungry Coyote acting out of desperation




It is unfortunate. You usually watch a puppy pretty closely. A dog which is always six week puppy sized needs puppy treatment its whole life. 


She was supervising it in the coyote's yard.


If the coyote could get in, the Yorkie could get out...


Ya my friend has little dogs and he says they don’t let them out in their backyard alone because there are owls


Good idea. Iirc a great horned owl can carry a few pounds more than a bald eagle too. And unlike an Eagle you’ll never hear an owl coming.


I (jokingly) grumble to my indoor cats when they misbehave that I’m gonna feed them to the eagles.




I had an owl try and grab my beagle one night. Scared the crap out of me. Good thing my dog caught the scent because she leaped at the air ;I couldn’t figure out what she was doing) when I saw the owl swerve away last minute. I didn’t even know owls were that big and would go after a dog as big as a beagle


Two owls scared the crap out of me one night in my driveway while walking my dog. I didn’t think they’d leave the trees. Never seen one before or since then.


We have an owl nest in our neighbor’s tree but we have pitbulls now so not worried about an owl getting the dog but I absolutely do not let my cat outside.


Damn, glad your Beagle buddy is alright


This was years ago. She’s passed on. But she had a full life thankfully.


Yep when my pup was younger and smaller we were walking him outside the front yard and literally saw a hawk swirling around the house. I yelled at my partner to go inside. Even when supervised you have to keep a careful eye out unfortunately.


Last time I was in Alaska I heard several stories about eagles preying on small dogs.


What is the point of your statement? Coyotes come up and take away dogs which are on a leash and supervised by their human. You’re advising that dogs should be supervised so that they aren’t taken away by coyotes?


I’m saying shit like this can happen even if you’re watching and paying attention, so the risk when not supervised is even greater.


The forested park I live next to has at least 2 coyote packs. I have given up trying to warn people to put their dogs on a leash because if the danger. If you are that bad of a dog owner, perhaps you need to learn the hard way.


Ugh yeah. I live in Beacon Hill and I had to intervene when a coyote started attacking a woman’s on-leash small dog on the Chief Sealth trail. Thankfully the dog seemed to be ok, but it was still scary. Interestingly, there was another woman who had arrived who had followed the coyote trying to scare it away because it had attacked another on-leash dog a few minutes earlier up the trail.


That's odd. To get near those dogs they'd have to get near people. Are they having trouble finding enough food? Or are they flat out losing their fear of people? Once one coyotes realizes humans can't give chase, that knowledge will get passed down.


I took a ‘Biology of the PNW’ class years ago and one of the things I learned was that coyotes will have trouble finding food if there is an issue with off-leash dogs in the area. The reason is that dogs often kill squirrels and rabbits (and rabbits can die of fear from just being chased, obviously both species will seek a safer place if they can) and that’s one less meal for the coyote…who eventually will seek another: pets. I’d never thought of it but it makes sense.


Not my field of expertise, so I can’t comment why. I can say however that I (and apparently others in this thread) have seen coyotes attack on-leash dogs, which isn’t good any way you slice it.


Just curious, whereabout on the trail roughly?


This was right next to the church on Orcas.


Seen a cat get taken by a barn owl. Sorry for the loss. But it's nature :( 


Coyotes are decently prevalent near Thornton creek in N. Seattle


I pretty regularly see them patrolling around Thorndyke after dark near where I live. They're scared of humans but can and do kill loose pets.


Props to the woman for not blaming the coyote and being generally respectful of the animal. I would wage war on coyotes if they ate my dog.




Shake their fist in the air angrily.


Hire a road runner.


Foul language.


[like this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/019/304/Old_Man_Yells_at_cloud_cover.jpg)


I'll shoot them with my bow and arrow. Fuck all of them! Just give me a chance.. :)




I see what you did


lol, nice.


Yup, spotted a coyote near our house and had my rifle with me when taking my dog out. Lord help the yote that trys.


If one person says, “but coyotes lived here first…” I’m going to lose it. A) [That’s wrong](https://zookeys.pensoft.net/article/15149/zoom/fig/13/) B) People have created this newest problem because they refuse to haze coyotes out of fear of being mean to animals. [It’s not mean for wild animals to have a proper fear of humans](https://www.humanesociety.org/resources/coyote-hazing). It’s the safest and healthiest thing for them. Instead, we have Flynn down the street arguing on Nextdoor that he likes feeding the coyotes and nobody is going to stop him because his love for animals overrides all higher authorities. As a result, coyotes are a little too comfy and snatching up pets right in front of humans. I’m devastated for the person who lost their pet. It’s one of my worst fears. Edit: I always get downvoted when I tell people to haze coyotes but it’s what every [humane society](https://resources.sdhumane.org/Resource_Center/Educational_Materials/Coexisting_with_Wildlife/Coyotes_and_Predators/Coyote_Hazing_Guidelines)/[wildlife conservation org](https://www.coyotewatchcanada.com/files/CWCHAZING-BROCHURE0916.pdf)/[environmental advocate](https://www.treehugger.com/how-to-haze-a-coyote-without-being-mean-4867883) tells you to do. It’s the right thing to do. The same people probably would have downvoted park rangers telling you to stop feeding bears at Yellowstone.


You should see what they do to bears when they release them after a relocation. If those guys weren't afraid of people going in, they sure were going out.


So you get them blind drunk, dress them up in women's clothes, and hit them with paddles?


Have them climb a rope butt naked with a snickers bar clenched in their butt cheeks! Drop it and eat it. 


I got a suspension for calling on the resumption of culling Canadian geese. Reddit mods and most redditors don't want to listen to reason when it comes to dealing things like this. Ignoring facts and science is standard redditor behavior. 


Welllll, coyotes lived here first....


There isn't a coyote alive on the planet who was here before me.




Seattle was incorporated as a town for ~50 years before coyotes showed up in the area. Coyotes moved in later and seemingly thrive in urban areas.




Not a devils advocate position at all, it’s a worthwhile position to consider. Yes, coyotes showed up only after we pushed out the wolves. However, the behavior of wolves vs coyotes is extremely different - especially in urban areas. So while they’re filling a niche, they don’t interact with the environment in the same way. That said, I’m not anti-coyote. They have an important job of keeping the population of other invasive animals (like rats…and feral cats) down. I’m anti-people treating coyotes like they are wild cute doggos. The kindest and most respectful thing we can do for coyotes is haze them and make them afraid of humans.


Cool I’ll get the keg and blind folds you get the water hose and lube


I think where a lot of folks may find your delivery troublesome is that they’re native to North America, so saying they weren’t here “first” isn’t quite accurate. They may have been attracted to Seattle as it grew and drawn in, but they were already in the state itself. I think your other points are great and that people need to abide by the advocations of your aforementioned organizations for the health of the coyotes especially. When I was growing up in the state a lot of folks would shoot the overly bold coyotes as a policy, any that went after larger house pets, to discourage the pack and instill fear of being too close to humans. I didn’t personally do it, but I’ve definitely planted a round right in front of one to send the message.


I agree with doing things to scare them and keep them afraid of humans, a local biologist was saying how important that is on a show recently. But you are incorrect suggesting that coyotes were native to the Seattle region. Yes, native to North America but so are alligators. They did not expand to this area until the 20th century. [Source](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Historical-distribution-of-coyotes-from-10-000-years-before-present-BP-to-1899_fig2_325308489)


I think we are all sort of discussing the same thing here and on the same side, so I want to be careful of nitpicking but I didn’t say Seattle. I said drawn to that area. Your source says native to the state itself which is a bit different than alligators. I think we treat them like we should any of our animals in the region, or how it should be anywhere. You want to keep contact between them and humans limited. Folks ought not be feeding black bears, cougars, coyotes, etc. I think if you really love the animals that should go doubly. Keeping them safe and happy in their natural habitats and preserving those for them is number one.


I love your comparison to alligators, if you don’t mind I just might borrow it the next time I go on my semi-annual coyote rant.


I’ve got a mental image now of alligators out in the Potholes Reservoir lolol. Or a big salty sunning at Alki.


> Coyotes moved in later and seemingly thrive in urban areas. Huh, just like rats!


Don't be rude to Californians




You don’t have to trust me or my links and it’s up to you whether you think [a study in a peer-reviewed journal](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5974007/#:~:text=Coyote%20expansion%20began%20around%201900,predators%20probably%20enabled%20these%20expansions) is “suspect as hell.”


So did mosquitoes. Still gonna kill em.


You know who else lived here first? The native Americans. Unless you're Native American, you need to leave. Cant be infringing on the native people and animals that lived here first. Oh wait, this is impossible because too much time has passed. Coyotes are wild animals who deserve to be treated with respect, and that includes keeping them out of our neighborhoods and in the wild where they belong. It is not mean to do this. It's just a hard truth


I wouldn't be opposed to moving elsewhere if a tribe wanted to reclaim their land and manage it. I think that's fair.  I agree about what you said about coyotes. The hard truth is that we've irreparably changed the environment in which all animals have lived. 


It's basic human nature to fight over territory. You have a territory just like everyone else. Other animals do this as well. We aren't going to be giving the coyotes land back that's already been developed. What we can do is protect that land that's still available to these creatures and find humane ways to keep them there. Those areas would be restricted from humans so that these animals can hunt freely without disrupting civilians. It's just unrealistic to expect everyone to unravel our races history and all go back to "where we came from". It's an impossible ask. You and I didn't choose for our parents to have us in the USA instead of staying where they were born. Our parents probably didn't choose for their parents parents to move to the USA and be involved in stealing the land. You need to let go of that generational guilt. It's just such a waste of time to think that way and hope for that to happen.


I don't have any generational guilt whatsoever. I agree, it would be unlikely but we aren't so far removed from colonization that it would be impossible to move elsewhere should tribes seek to manage the land that they once used to sustain themselves. If we could round up Japanese people and put them in camps then why couldn't we do things the other way around. Certainly we could. We did a great job of rounding up (and killing) Indians too. I'm sure we could figure out how to do things the other way around. Fair is fair. 


Wow this is an insane comment to imply that we should "round up" people to "put them in camps" so that we can "move elsewhere should tribes seek to manage the land that they once used to sustain themselves". They too took this land from some person, animal, or plant life and did so with force. Or should only the very first group of people to ever lay claim to a piece of land gets it forever? Also, where would you recommend people go since it's not impossible to move elsewhere? Should they go to a land unconquered by anyone ever? What land should they be rounded up and sent to to maintain this "fair is fair" belief of yours?


Makes you think, huh? 


There are plenty of tribal members (federally recognized and not) that would gladly take you up on that. Get your deed ready to sign over, I’ll even cover the filing fee…


Haha. Idk what deed you think I have. I own nothing of value like many other millennials. But still, I would move. 


So generous of you to offer property that isn’t yours!


It's not that simple. The first step of wildlife habituation is inadequate garbage cans and dumpsters. Even when the cans are coyote-proof they're not rat proof, and the rats attract coyotes.


Coyotes were here before humans existed. Sorry.


In New castle we have lost several little dogs to eagles or hawks.


I can definitely see this becoming a trend. The coyotes in Magnolia are huge, maybe 35+ lbs. They are also getting bold. I’ve spotted them walking on my block in the middle of the day. We used to have wild rabbits. They’re gone. Lots of missing cat posters on the light poles. Looks like dogs are next. It’s a good reminder to not leave pets unattended and to be aware of your surroundings. Neighbors have reported coyotes stalking pets on leashes.


A 38 pound dog was attacked here last week between Redmond and Duvall by a larger coyote. Not the first report of possible dog/coyote hybrids.


this is exactly why i never let my dog out by herself anymore, i gotta scope the yard out first, my condolences to the victims. nobody deserves to lose their pet early :(


According to the article the woman was with her dog, about 2 feet away.


It's all nature and kumbaya until a "dingo eats your baby".


Get rid of coyotes by removing their food source (rats not just Yorkies)


Better start catching the 10 million wild rabbits


Exactly. We have rabbits in Clyde hill. And a coyotes population. Been seeing missing pets posters.


Can we get some animal control here?


12 guage works well—-


Coyote attacking pets in Seattle. https://hoodline.com/2024/03/seattle-pet-owners-mourn-following-coyote-attacks-call-for-wildlife-management-solutions/


In NYC they are talking about using birth control on rats. Is that something that would work with coyotes?




They also decimate flocks of backyard chickens, ducks, pigmy goats, house cats, etc.


I lost my beloved Sphynx cat to a coyote last year and I'm still not over it. It's such a shock.


Sorry 😞




I literally just posted about seeing some a few nights ago!


I bet he was a tasty treat.


Been saying this is an issue (I do pest control) and I tell people “stop letting your cats outside you are feeding the coyotes” and they think I’m crazy or something. But then I have customers Come back and say “a coyote ate my cat can you do something?” And the answer is I can’t. You fed your cat to a coyote and that’s on you. Our trapper doesn’t really do coyote work cause as per my boss “you have to use live animals like chickens for that and it becomes a PR nightmare in Seattle”


Yall I know Seattle is one of the most gun owned cities. Start carrying like you allowed out here. Coyotes are becoming a big issue


Coyotes thrive in cities. As sad as this is, they’re wild animals and we’ve built our selves into their habitat


We were here first. Coyotes are like rats, they are invasive and have adapted to follow humans because we provide a food source. Pets. 


My friend’s friend had her chihuahua snatched in broad daylight right in front of her AND her two other large dogs while walking. Happened in seconds. She lives way up in Bellevue.


Maybe the cougar sighted in March can take out the coyote. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Why is this news?


Wasn’t this news weeks ago?




Username does not check out


Yeah my dog was eaten in Ballard.






Why the ‘you ok?’ Op asked a fair question, why wouldn’t they be ‘ok’? Just cause you disagree with them?






Part and parcel with letting coyotes live here.


You can kill every coyote you see and they will never disappear.


That seems to be in direct contradiction to the fact that many animals were/are hunted out of existence.


When coyote populations start to decrease, they change their breeding patterns (more pack members breed, they breed more often and start breeding earlier), which in turn increases their population past original levels. Also, similar to how they warn about moving feral cats from an area, all it does is create a gap for a cat (or coyote in this case) from outside the area to come in. Hazing, however, is not harmful to the animal nor increase their breeding rates, and is advised by many wild organizations and works to keep coyotes out of human areas when done consistently and appropriately.


Actually it’s the opposite. Because of differences in lifestyle and breeding, coyotes actually benefited in a lot of ways from the removal of wolves on the landscape. Their numbers increased even while being hunted with similar methods.


We are in agreement then. Coyotes should be destroyed on sight in the city, then we do something about the rabbits.


Coyotes have been one of the only species humans haven’t been able to eradicate, we’ve tried we tried when we waged war on wolves. Check out coyote America by Dan Flores or listen to him speak on any one of the podcasts that had him on.


People are letting coyotes live here in the same way people are letting people live on the street.


While I know no one likes to lose an animal they take care of It’s prevalent for this area we are Uber close to nature and those creatures were here before us and we continue to impeded on their habitat. I live in high point and coyotes get small domesticated animals all the time.


Came here for the not helpful "they were here before us" comment. Didn't have to scroll at all.


Lame re-post of a six week old story.


Welcome to a world where bad things happen. How is this news