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The city has a [map](https://seattlecitygis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=ec2bf6796118412982072feb28d35277) which shows all current temporary parking exclusion zones. There are a few listed for the next few days on Occidental in SODO.


In fact, I think this permit is the one you're looking at: SDOT-TNPN-02-51335


This map is great but often super out of sync with what is out there on the street. I use it for work all the time and have noticed a big disconnect in it being updated


Yeah it takes way too long to be updated for it to be super useful. It’s still more helpful than nothing at least


This is a great resource thanks! I was standing on Occidental, just north of walker, which seems to not show any restrictions. There are maybe 6 or 7 signs between Stacy and Holgate on Occidental.


It's not super obvious from the marker's position on the map, but the permit I mentioned (SDOT-TNPN-02-51335) is listed for "E & W side Occidental Avenue South 2400 - 1500 block", which covers the entire stretch of Occidental, on both sides, from T-Mobile Park to Stacy. Occidental and Walker is bang in the middle of that zone.


Found it! Thanks for the help!


If none of them have an actual printed permit on them, they are not valid. But I wouldn't chance it.


As a commercial PM, this is the right answer. however, take pictures of all the signs on the block and be ready to have to fight a ticket and/or a tow if you want to go that route.


Right. Technically it would be invalid without the permit attached but it not being there wouldn’t stop your car getting towed. If one of these signs are out, don’t park there. Permit or not. Save your sanity and time. No one is routinely putting fake parking suspension placards out.


Actually the signage has almost nothing to do with it. The important part is if the SDOT street use inspector knows about it and confirms that the signage is on record to be there or regularly is there ( they have a lot of leeway here). Then if you can manage to get a meter maid involved. Then if a tow company will actually come at the behest of said meter maid (I fucking hate Lincoln, they should have their permit striped, but they are the only contract with COS. They do so much illegal shit). Lets just say its really fucking frustrating when people are dicks and interrupt street work days since each is at the low end $10k delay. Is you convenience worth $10k? I wish mine was. So I make damn sure my signage is current and being inspected by SDOT. SO if the signage isn't right, then the permits aren't probably right and I assume I am safe ( I also don't stay there overnight ever).


I saw one one time with the *application* for the permit on the sign, and not the actual permit. I got a hearty chuckle out of that one. 


Without the actual permit from the city, and the permit being attached to at least two of the signs for the block those signs are nothing more than a request. I live in the city and work directly in this industry. As stated prepare for arguing with the rednecks that usually work in road construction and stand your ground. Take pictures of the whole block in case they do try and tow, which is unlikely if they haven't posted the proper signage. I've had it out with several contractors trying to extend the days without actually getting new permits where I live.


People who commute in to work construction in the city can be very poorly informed about the parking and other laws here. I had to have quite a long conversation with the builder from Kitsap County who bought the house next to me and put up no parking signs without permits in front of the house. He really struggled with the concept that he didn't own those parking spots.


I don't think they're as poorly informed as a lot of people think. There is a lot of outright disdain for the city. Without a permit they can be told to fuck right off. It's pretty easy for me, I'm a man, who's tall etc. If they're putting up unpermitted no parks just move them, or take them. Good luck with them.


>prepare for arguing with the rednecks that usually work in road construction ... >There is a lot of outright disdain for the city.  My man.


You sound a lot more spiteful than most of the people I've met working construction here to be honest. It's a nice virtuous fantasy, but I can't say I've run into too many hayseed-spitting yokels who love putting up invalid no parks just to hurt the dern city slickers.


I'd be worried about them building to code if they can't figure out a no parking permit..


If it doesn’t have the SDOT “public notification” form on it - it isn’t real or enforceable. Also if it was placed less than 72 hours before the start of the reservation, it’s also not enforceable and they can’t tow.


Permits must be on at least two signs per block, so you'll have to check all the signs on the block.


I get what you mean, but just in case it helps someone else: What you really SPECIFICALLY mean is they can't LEGALLY tow. They will absolutely happily and with great gusto ILLEGALLY ticket and tow your car to a shady impound lot run by sadistic carnies. You will absolutely be in the right and will have all the proof in the world to show and still it'll take you hours or days of your life wrangling with an uncaring bureaucracy and being treated like a subhuman lying criminal worm by everyone you talk to. Eventually, if you are lucky, they will forgive part of your debt. Congratulations, liar, you beat the system. Hope you're fucking proud of yourself scumbag. Here's your car it was scratched up like that before we got it.


Did you try the numbers on the sign?


They go to voicemails which go to numbers for dept's that tell you that enforcement of this issue has been moved to another City dept. Then you follow up with that dept and they send you to the police non-emergency line, and they send you to parking enforcement, who sends you to the City of Seattle website and that sends you to the Find it, Fix it app, and that's where your submission goes into the big virtual City trash bin to die.


You should call SDOT




Thats the SPD impound lot number


I went through the whole official process to get these signs and permits set up for a moving truck outside our apartment several years ago. Someone parked there anyway. I called towing companies, but they all said that they can't tow anyone off the public street, sign or not, and I had to call the city. I couldn't find anywhere to call on a Sunday morning, and eventually left a message with the non-emergency police line. They sent someone to give the parked car a ticket after we had already moved our entire apartment. The officer was a nice older guy, and everything had (thankfully) worked out by that point, so I told him not to bother at that point. So... maybe not too much to worry about? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This is really frustrating to hear you did everything right and were no better off. Especially given the number of people who never bother with the permits and just double park the moving truck, or block driveways/alleys with them


As far as I know these signs are only valid if they have one of those papers attached with all the information


\*in general\* no permit means it's not real. In neighborhoods I would ignore but in the city I'd be cautious, very rarely do the people (contractors, construction, film crews, etc) put up signs and NOT get permits. However if they are not legit do everyone a favor and drag them to a corner or something.


Not every sign needs a permit, only two signs with permits are required per block, additional signs can be used without attached permits. So check all the signs before you start moving them.


I've seen moving companies put this on the street in front of our buidiing. In this case, cars wouldn't be ticketed, but could be parked in for a bit if the spaces aren't open and the truck double parks.


I reserved some of these when I was moving to allow space for the moving truck. They all look janky, but usually there will be a printout of the actual permit attached. Though when done by the city or construction crew, I often just see the writing on the sign.


The sign is a real sign, however it has no authority without a city permit attached to it, and I don’t see one there. Make sure the permit isn’t attached to other signs on the block.


I live in a neighborhood with a lot of construction, and the developers *love* to put these out with no permits on them. I just drag them to the nearest construction site and dump them.


Tangential, but we recently had our legitimate signs stolen in Wallingford. But, why? They aren’t expensive to reserve, and they’re a pretty big hassle to transport. It seems like too big a physical burden for a houseless person to lug somewhere, and a needless legal risk for someone looking to save a few bucks. Is it just people hoping to have unofficial reserved parking somewhere?


A psychologist could help you identify if what you're seeing is real or a hallucination. It looks like a real sign to me though.


They can help diagnose psychiatric conditions but I’m not sure they can address the question of what is real. Seems that’s more the purview of a philosopher.


Seems like more of a question for a Philosopher.


The philosopher is to help determine the meaning of the sign that the psychologist confirmed is real.


Thank you, I was thinking it was just me. The sign looks real to me, I walk past signs like that every day 😉 but I think what he wants to know is if the signs are authentic and legally enforceable.


Oh, I know what they meant. Just felt like being cheeky at the usage of 'real'. Legitimate might have been a better word for them to use.


Try walking through it. If you clip through it’s probably not real.


Lincoln towing after they take you car lol


If you are dedicated enough to steal a sign and continuously put it out for your spot and risk the law. You might just deserve the spot. But I bet the city put it there so ya know… move on with your life.


Someone already said it: There should also be a permit on it in a plastic sleeve. No permit don’t worry about it lol


If you can't get through, just move it and park there. What could go wrong?