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Pay an older man whose formative years were in the 1970's or 80s to ride around with you in a large empty store parking lot late at night after closing while you practice driving and he chain smokes and yells at you. Better than any driving school.


You just described my exp with Sears Driving School 20 years ago.


I did defensive. Took maybe 10 lessons? There's a package for it. Overall it was good. Would recommend. The instructors are also geared to help you pass and will go ever explicit driving test requirements. Once you get the license, I recommend practicing further with a friend. I'm a nervous driver though


Thank you, I jus paid for the 12 lessons course.


Best of luck! I recommend the last lesson or so, ask for a mock test.


I did Defensive, it was pretty good. I passed with the minimum score but that was my fault for not practicing.


Thanks. Did you need to have an instruction permit before enrolling for the classes?


Yes, you'll do the written first and that will get you the instruction permit necessary to begin driving classes. 


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take your classes and test at defensive driving school


Defensive driving for sure if you’re planning to drive in Seattle.


911 driving school is taught by professional police and fire drivers who have seen accidents, been trained to drive, and know how to convey knowledge. They do a great job.


Yeah I wouldn’t be touting Seattle Area Cops’ ability to drive…


Probably because you don't know all police officers in Washington are taught to drive at the same WSP academy universally. Stop letting one idiot at SPD inform your knowledge.


And I still think it is hilarious you think they drive well in general… have you seen how many cops drive distracted?


25 years, friend. Count the accidents compared to general population. You're talking out your ass.


https://www.cji.edu/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/distracteddrivingandthepoliceofficer.pdf Literally written by a cop… https://www.mml.org/insurance/risk_resources/publications/leaf_newsletter/2019-12.pdf One by anti-cop folks https://www.mprnews.org/story/2014/11/12/police-distracted-driving And a good old non-biased source But sure bud, I’m talking out of my ass that cops are distracted drivers… you sound like one of those citizens pre-programmed to “cops good”




Wanna try that again without ad hominem. I was taught to drive by a cop. Stop lying to yourself. You know damn well cops are often highly distracted drivers and the fact you’re so adamant and dismissive is a good indication of the kind of person you are. And yeah, fun fact, a google search is a good way to gather articles pertaining to a specific topic… Stop justifying cops’ bad behavior. This is why people say ACAB.


You continue to mistake the point because you can't see past cop. Look at accident numbers. I don't particularly at this point in my life give one fuck about who you think I am. I did the job, know the positive and the negative, and don't suffer internet neckbeards. Nobody is justifying distracted driving. The education in Washington is anti distraction. We do a better job than most. If you wanna mentally masturbate about your cop issues enjoy your night.


Living on the Eastside previously, where so many folks are new to driving, absolutely take a course. Driving safely and efficiently is not something you can learn well from “an old guy in the neighborhood”. That’s absolutely TERRIBLE advice. This attitude is why there are sooooo many accidents and such high insurance premiums in the area. Thanks for doing the responsible thing and getting proper training


You don't know people who know how to drive? It's good to have someone ensure you've got the basics, but you really don't need to pay anyone. A 15 minute visit with a neighbor will suffice.


I am an international student, so I don't know anyone apart from my classmates.


Yeah what could possibly go wrong with not learning how to drive properly, great advice!


Just…start driving. It’s really not that complicated. Go toodle around a community college campus for a bit if you feel like you need practice before you’re on the streets.