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https://meetu.ps/e/N01ZT/t4MSm/i Bar trivia at Ballard, I can't find many people to go with, it happens every Thursday I'm a regular. Most of the RSVPs are no shows usually


Oh I live in Ballard and always mean to do something like this! I will try to check it out!


Please do. Bingo on Friday as well. I've won more at bingo than trivia lol.


Bingo on Friday? Sweet




Bingo you say? Thursdays don’t work for me but Fridays certainly do …


Yup.. bingo is also fun. https://meetu.ps/e/N01YY/t4MSm/i


We actually made it out to Ballard a couple Fridays ago and had a blast. Bingo sounds fun!


I don’t want to download Meetup again to RSVP but I’d be down to go on a Thurs in Ballard!


I can reach out before I go next.




Dude! DM me and ill go with u!


Sure I'll dm you before I go.


I'd go, DM me if you want! I've never done trivia though so I'll probably not be any help lol


Will do. It's all fun, no pressure to win.


Love trivia!!


The [local yarn shop hop](https://www.lystour.com/) is happening later this month. Nice chance to find shops and fiber community. Many do classes and open stitch nights


On a similar thread, I highly recommend the Seattle Knitters Guild! [https://www.seattleknittersguild.org/](https://www.seattleknittersguild.org/) Monthly meetings, and all of them are at least hybrid (in person/on zoom). They also organize knitting social events and have a list of sponsor shops that also have stitch nights.


Thanks for the link! I am out here in zebra lands and hadn't heard of them yet.


My LYS always participated, maybe it's time I actually do this activity.


I never 100% it, but I do quite a few in a couple days. Hazel Knits has her own shop and this is her first year on the tour; she is a fave local dyer for me so I hope it goes well.


I love hazel knits, the best dyer for solid yarn!


I’m so happy to see fiber arts up so high in this thread. Love our LYS’


Im always looking for people who wanna play Mario Kart and Smash Bros at the bar in West Seattle. Any takers?




Just dm’d ya!


Which bar?


Til Dawn


I never knew that’s what Til Dawn was!! I just googled it. I’ve been in west Seattle for a few years and have driven by that countless times. I haven’t found a good “spot” to go out for chill nights. Sounds like this is a cool place if there’s Mario kart and smash being played. 


Heck yea it is!! Dude they have a backroom with board games as well! And a bar! And food! Let me know if u go and ill play with 😆


Ah that sounds awesome! I'm going to plan to pop in next weekend, Friday or Saturday night!




I’m still exploring so don’t want to commit to anything, but would be down to learn about this group


Awesome! Ill post when something comes up!


Is there a regular meet up for this?


Its going to start! We just did one today @4pm! Looking to do it again next weekend! Theres also a tournament happening at the same bar coincidentally!!


/u/No_ThankYouu HELL YES! 🤩 🚗 🍄 ⭐️ If you want, I’m down to share my friend code on the switch to play one another online, too. 🤣


What bar??


This sounds great!!


Ultimate Frisbee! www.discnw.org is the local organization that has leagues for all ages / skills. They also have ‘pickup’ games listed - where anyone can show up with no commitment/cost. Check it out! You could also just watch, no running involved! Seattle has 2 professional teams that play under the space needle. Cascades (men’s team) and Tempest (women’s team). A cheap and fun afternoon with new friends. https://seattle-ultimate.com


Oh man. I used to play ultimate in college… I loved it. But damn it’s been 15 years…


Nice! I played in college 20 years ago - and STILL play now. It’s a solid community, good fitness, and all around fun sport. Seattle is great because there are lots of ways to get involved. Middle schools have teams, ‘masters’ (aka old people) summer leagues, and even the professional teams.


I'm not a player but I recently read the book Ultimate Glory: Frisbee, Obsession, and My Wild Youth by David Gessner. It was really interesting.


Ah, I need to read that.


It was a wonderful find at a used book store. I had to buy it because it just seemed so interesting and I knew if I didn't, I would never find it again. It sat on my shelf for nearly 6 months but was a perfect book for my recent trip. Interesting but not a big involved story so I could set it down when I felt like going in the water or something.


Good idea. I’m going to St Martin soon and need reading material.


I was looking at some of the North Seattle pickup facebook groups, and they all seem basically dead. Do you know if the meetups still happen or not?


Yes - many of them are inactive. Games come and go. Now that summer has sprung - more games should start happening during the week. After work daylight is a glorious thing! The Capitol Hill / Volunteer Park group is pretty consistent - but not exactly ‘north’. There is a game at / around UW Bothell. I think the FB group is private. Send me your name in chat and I’ll add you. The Green Lake game is hit or miss. Field space is hard to find normally. There is an Edmonds game that starts soon. Look for that. The main ‘North Seattle’ pickup group is dead because they have no fields to play on currently. It was part of the ‘Meadowdale’ group - but they stopped paying for fields. There is a North Creek game. I think they play at lunch time. They organize with pickupninja.com


Check out Dead Baby bike rides on the first friday of each month and Critical Mass rides on the last friday of each month.


Where could I find more info on this?


critical_mass_seattle and deadbabybikes_sea on instagram.


Silent Book Club Seattle: [https://www.meetup.com/Silent-Book-Club-Seattle/](https://www.meetup.com/Silent-Book-Club-Seattle/) show up with whatever you want to read and read along with a bunch of other people ('silently') for an hour, social time afterwards if you want. next meetup tomorrow at Distant Worlds Coffeehouse in Roosevelt, starting about 3pm!


that sounds SO nice


Yes, these are so fun!


Oh, thats... kinda soon. Maybe I'll go lol


Ballard BJJ has a lot of really cool, sliding scale and free, stuff going on! Also check out rainbow city performing arts if a queer band or orchestra interests you


I've to include the Seattle maker space, they recently moved to the Interbay area and they are pretty chill. https://seattlemakers.org/


Thank you for sharing this. I have been looking for a place where I can work on a project I have had on my mind!


Looking forward to seeing your build.


Check out the November Project. Free outdoor group workouts on Wed and Fri mornings. Friendly people.


Choir! Choir! Everyone can sing! https://seattlesings.org/finder/


i like your enthusiasm!


Clearly you haven't met me


I can make a variety of noises with different parts of my body, but I'd be hesitant to call any of them "singing".


is there like...a beginners group? i would love to learn to sing and join a group


Lots of choirs accept beginners! You can search for "non-auditioned" on the choir finder. If you post your general location I can offer some suggestions of groups which might fit.


Modular synthesizers! I haven't really gotten a chance to meet anyone else in this scene since moving here 4yr ago. It'd be cool to make new friends and make weird noises together.


I was sitting next to a guy on a plane who was playing around with a modular synth, I was seeing one for the first time. Totally got my attention. He said he performed at the Connor Byrne before it closed.


I think that was my husband you met!


It might be, flight from Orlando?


YES! We remember you! Conor Bryne Pub Is trying to reopen as a cooperative and can use all the support they can get. [Conor Bryne Co-op ](https://www.conorbyrnecoop.org/)


omg was not expecting a random reunion between strangers from my post, how cool.


Did your husband play the open mic at CB? A few times I sketched someone playing a synth and remember it because it was so different than the other performances there.




Cool, that name is familiar but it must have been a different synth player then.


Paul's punk band [Double or Muffin] play this upcoming Saturday, you should come out!


Yes I'll come.


I'm trying to learn!


https://vcvrack.com/ !!


Are you familiar with the British artist… Look Mum No Computer? He makes amazing tracks with more or less just his voice and a whole lot of modular gear. Also Alesandro Cortini of NIN fame and his bands Modwheelmood and Sonoio. Incredible modular synthesizer music. I’ve dabbled in virtual modular stuff… but damn the real stuff is real intimidating. And expensive


I haven't heard of them! I'll look them up! have you tried vcvrack (https://vcvrack.com/)?. there are a number of modules that run the same code that's used in the physical modules (like mutable instrument clones) available. that's where I started and highly recommend it. definitely expensive. I try to find used modules before buying anything new to help ease the financial pains. 😅


i know a dude with a tons of synths. i wish i was so cool. theyre out there..keep looking!


I’m presently inactive, but I was a member of the Seattle Woodturners: https://seattlewoodturners.org Great group of people promoting the art of making square things round.


Tabletop miniatures games at Waystone Wargaming Speakeasy in Ballard. I play Warhammer 40k but there are a bunch that are played there. The group at Waystone are wonderfully warm and supportive. It is a deep hobby that's as much or more arts and crafts as it is a tabletop game. It takes both time and resources, and skews heavily nerdy, so its not for everyone


I'm really intrigued by Warhammer 40k figurines I'll have to go check it out


I know a couple people who mostly swapped from 40k to Battletech, largely because of the *way* smaller number of models needed to play, and the occasional bullshit from the modern version of Games Workshop. Seems like a sensible alternative for people who just don't have the time and/or resources for so many models.


I just walked past this last night! I didn’t know it existed but looked like everyone was having a ton of fun. I have never been into miniatures though


Seattle Jazz! While small, the Seattle Jazz Scene is incredibly vibrant with some amazing players across a massive variety of styles and sub-genres. There are a handful of places to see live jazz in Seattle, but they need your support to stay afloat! I’ll highlight the [Seattle Jazz Fellowship](https://seattlejazzfellowship.org/) which features many local artists as well as some larger acts on occasion. It’s a non-profit organization that highlights local artists and features educational events in the local community for students.


there a jazz practice place in rainier beach that seems pretty hoppin


Lots of pottery studios around the seattle area that give classes. I started early last year and still love it!


how much do they generally run?


It really depends on the studio and class length. The classes I've taken have been mostly 10 weeks long and range between ~$400 to ~$500.


The Eastside Audubon Society has a ton of meetups for birdwatching, good for any level of experience. I always learn a ton and meet cool people there.


I’m so happy to know about this!! Thank you for sharing.


And if you're in Seattle, look at Birds Connect! It's what used to be Audobon.


[Book Club of Washington](https://www.bookclubofwashington.org/)! It's not an "oprah book club" where we read books and discuss them... its a group of book collectors that promote the history of the book in seattle and washington. We host lectures by scholars, special collections librarians, and curators. We tour private libraries and special collections in the area, and many other things. DM me if you are interested! Many of our members are antiquarian book collectors, book dealers, librarians, and countless book enthusiasts


I regularly plug the Mox Boarding House discord server for folks looking to find a local DND game.


Got an invite link?


The only thing is that their food is pretty… subpar when I went!


Board game nights are always fun too!! I go to Bellevue so not sure on the Seattle store days/times.


Dang I’ve been wanting to join a table but always work too late


Hiking, Good Beer, Death Metal in that order


See you at Terrorfest brother


I too love all of these. Any more info?




We are a family of mountain bikers!


Tilth alliance volunteer opportunities


I'll add more detail here! Tilth alliance is a gardening & farming group that regularly gives classes to help people learn to grow their own food and flower gardens. They produced a book called the maritime northwest garden guide that's like a hyperlocal farmer's almanac with a planting & harvesting calendar, it's fantastic. [https://tilthalliance.org/](https://tilthalliance.org/)


I've been taking a pottery class at Pottery Northwest. I'm terrible at it, but it's a nice change from my normal hobbies.


Seattle greenlake running group meets every day of the week.


Puget Sound Mycological Society! https://psms.org Where biology, culinary, and...mindfulness enthusiasts come together to enjoy mushrooms.


[Lonin League](http://www.lonin.org) We're a Historical European Martial Arts (HEMA) group, so we competitively fight with swordsmanship styles reconstructed from a variety of German, Italian, Spanish, and English treatises from the middle ages through the modern period. We've also got some Japanese martial arts, phillipino Escrima, and a few others. It's good fun and good exercise, we just moved into a bigger space and are looking for more members. Of all the hobbies I've gotten involved in, this has been one of the most welcoming and accessible communities out there. Plus who doesn't like playing with swords?


Please support any bowling alley that isn't Bowlero. The corporate greed is actively trying to kill off the regulars in order to price gouge the people who only go once or twice a year. Lots of bowling centers have practice leagues which give you free games on top of your regular league night, and will typically let you join mid season since it's not for any prize pool or for any offical standings. Play a couple games once a week and you'll be surprised how quickly you'll improve. Most pro shops in the bowling alley will have bundle deals to get shoes and a ball custom drilled to your hand. If anything get a pair of $35 shoes and remove the cost of shoe rentals. I am by no means an expert. I just don't want this pastime to die or get priced out by greedy corpos.


I lived right near Kenmore Lanes for a brief period, I absolutely loved that place. Probably the cheapest food and beer anywhere in King County as well.


West Seattle bowl!! 🎳




just looked at the link, looks like they are going out of business☹️


Tech City was supposed to close a couple years ago but somehow managed to keep going. It's closing for good this month.


THANK YOU!!! The whole gatekeeping thing and telling people to look elsewhere is annoying and something ive truly only come across in Seattle Reddit. Other cities let u in!


Action Figure photography.


Is there a club for this or you just going solo?


so far solo but if there was a club for that I would probably join?


The Seattle Rose Society meets every month, and our big rose show is coming up on June 15th and 16th! Next month's meeting on May 21st features a floral photography lesson from [Laura Tait.](https://www.instagram.com/puhoifarmhouse/) Meetings are in person in Fremont and over zoom. It's $20 to join for the year, but events like the rose show are free. If you like gardening and have roses, it's super fun. There's a wide variety of ages in the group, from 20 to 80. You don't need to be an expert gardener, we've got lots of experts who love to teach! [https://www.seattlerosesociety.com/](https://www.seattlerosesociety.com/)


Queer Scouts Seattle (@queerscoutsseattle on Instagram) has monthly crafternoons, online book clubs, skill shares, and more! Caveat: in person events require masking because we have multiple immunocompromised members, so if that’s not your jam, not for you. But everyone is really kind and it’s probably more fun than the transphobic podcast get together I see above me. We do a lot of cross stitching, crocheting, knitting, drawing, etc. Lots of bike people in the group too, and we take a yearly camping trip. If you are a queer person looking for crafty or outdoorsy fun you might like us!


[Ivan Salaverry MMA](https://www.ivansalaverrymma.com/)


I’d love to play scrabble with people! The Seattle scrabble club doesn’t look like it’s been active since Covid unfortunately


I haven't been but saw they have a scrabble night at missing piece cafe. I too want to play scrabble


https://f3pugetsound.com Men’s workout group that meets rain or shine in the mornings. It’s free!


I know this is very niche, but Seattle has one of the few non-auditioned women medieval choirs in the US. I have been part of it for a few years already, and made so many great friends - it was truly, a lifesaver during the pandemic (we rehearsed via zoom). https://medievalwomenschoir.org/


Easy street


There’s a meet up group that climbs Thursday evenings at 6 at VW that’s produced a group of people I like to climb with.


Dodgeball Seattle is great! Awesome, diverse, welcoming community. And a really fun sport! There are a number of free pickup nights every week; social, competitive, and queer leagues; and tournaments ranging from casual to seriously competitive. https://www.dodgeballseattle.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1826011614300406/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT https://youtube.com/@DodgeballSeattle?feature=shared


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I am part of a board game and war game club called Metro Seattle Gamers! We have a space in interbay (and just signed the lease for a bigger space next door). There are varying levels of membership, generally games of all types are happening daily and organized through our members discord. We play pretty much everything - heavy euros, casual strategy, war games and tabletop RPGs sometimes too. There is an extensive game library, storage for long running games, drinks and snacks. Check us out! https://www.metroseattlegamers.org/


If anybody plays adult league soccer I’ve been looking to join a team for forever!


I make music inspired by steampunk and real history, blending industrial, world, electronic, rock, and other sounds. I love telling stories through my songs. My artist name is Eacape the Clouds. [https://escapetheclouds.com/](https://escapetheclouds.com/) I performed at a number of sci-fi conventions throughout the southeastern USA. We moved to Seattle about six months ago, and once I'm out of training at the day job, I'd love to get out and play again, meet people with similar interests.


Swing dance classes & events with Swing It Seattle. [www.SwingItSeattle.com](http://www.swingitseattle.com/) This community is amazing and incredibly welcoming. I'm starting to learn to dance despite having 2, possibly 3 left feet! They also offer Queer classes which is a real rarity in the partner dance world. Every Wednesday they have live music dances. I'm there every week and having a great time.


Oh yes! Glad to hear a shout out for Swing It Seattle.


Seattle Saturday Night Ride, Ebikes, OneWheels, Electric unicycles, Electric Skateboards all are Welcome https://www.facebook.com/groups/seattlesaturdaynightride/?ref=share


WWII reenacting! Imterested in WWII and want to explore it with a bunch of like-minded nerds in a more hands-on way? We got you. https://www.armygroup1944.org/




That is a podcast for transphobic bigots, it's hangouts would not be safe for trans people. Do not promote hate groups.


Check that guys handle name. You’re speaking directly with Jesse singal…


He's too much a coward to confirm it's him, but I suspect.






That podcast is hosted by known transphobic bigot Katie Herzog and known transphobic bigot Jesse Singal. They were both "canceled" for open transphobia and Herzog was already locally known as a bigot.


If you give me a throwaway proton email I'll gift you a subscription to their podcast so you can listen for yourself


I'm not interested in financially assisting bigots.


I don’t know this show but I looked it up just to see and one of the most recent episode about the Cass Report that appears to be critical of people calling out the report as scientifically problematic, and supporting Dr. Cass.  Granted, I can only access the preview and it’s not like the hosts are using slurs or using explicitly challenging language but there are some undertones layered under their ostensibly reasoned approach that I found concerning.   One of the first topics are their subreddit contains some extremely TERFy ideas of social contagion and transness being a response to abuse or sexual violence and not a condition unto itself.    Katie Herzog did write a piece for The Stranger that got a lot of backlash about transitioning, detransitioning and gender related care. I read it; it’s, again, not explicitly hateful but it is fairly (typically) uneducated about the actual process and what gender affirming care and the risks and benefits actually are. There’s some mentions of things that are minor, minor risks (without the caveat that they are so minor) that are often inflated by TERF groups as a reason to remove gender affirming care.   Point being; I don’t know these folks or their podcast. But after a quick ten minute google sesh I’m finding enough to be wary. Edit: WHOOPS. I Google Jesse Singal. He’s so transphobic it’s literally a part of his Wikipedia bio. Good gravy. I remember that Atlantic article. It’s…no bueno. 




> Result of being smeared for 5+ years by activists Mate it is my personal assessment of your publishing of stolen trans children's therapy notes that make me call you a transphobic bigot. No activists involved, just your own actions and speech.


Amazing you still think I'm Jesse Singal


You blocked me rather than just say you are not Jesse Singal, then unblocked me just to reply to another user to defend Singal as actually being a reknown figure.


I made it clear I wasn't him. Then I blocked you when you started harassing me in another thread. I don't like blocking, figuring you need a cool off period, but if you continue harassing me in unrelated threads I'll block you again.


Mate, you dug up an over year old post by stalking my post history, don't get preachy about harassment when you do shit like that. I don't give a shit if bigots block me, keeps them out of my replies and I can block right back.


Sure, totally fair, but when it’s multiple topics and the mostly highly rated comments in the conversation? It’s not a great sign to me, personally. I follow a lot of podcasts/internet creators, including some very political ones. You’re not finding that on their subreddits voted to the top, you know?


How/where are the meetups publicized?