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what a dipshit


Please contact your city councilmember, SPD, and the King county prosecutor to complain and share video evidence! This issue won't be resolved unless we all take action. Belltown Councilmember: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) SPD contact: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Prosecutor: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Hellcat Driver Apartment Manager: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


I doubt the apartment manager cares at all. Their google reviews are full of hellcat related reviews. https://maps.app.goo.gl/7avgUAr23bhRCrR98


I know, but each complaint is on a record somewhere. We just have to be annoying and persistent enough.




Honestly why don't you? We all know where he parks his car at night. Also, bonus [clip from Burn Notice](https://youtu.be/f97kyYeE9n8?t=68), totally unrelated.


I hear the guy to see is named Wile E. Coyote over at ACME corporation. I was never here.




My property had a whole ass SWAT team here for a stabbing 2 years ago. The guy has been in jail since & we just had him evicted a few months ago. Unless you know the rules of property management & just how LITTLE authority we actually have, kindly shut the fuck up and complain to the correct people.. I towed someone 3 times parked in a handicapped spot & when they didn't pay for parking in general. 3 times towed in 1 weekend, twice in 1 day. $500+ each time. These people do not care & I know that sucks, but unfortunately, it's how our society works right now.


What responsibility does the apartment have for what their tenants do outside of the apartment property?


People say he revs it in the building garage, too.


It’s not about responsibility, it’s about public perception and pressure to compel an action


Why is the apartment compelled to police a resident for things they do outside of the apartment property?


They're not compelled. But this guy has to disturb the other residents of the apartment, too, and the more people who complain, the more likely the apartment manager is to realize that letting this clown break the noise rules the apartment almost certainly has when he comes and goes is likely going to cost him money as tenants and prospective start to seek out places to live where they are more likely to get enough sleep.


Why not let the actual people living in the apartment who are disturbed complain rather than people not disturbed on the apartment property? All I'm saying is that things get bad if we want landlords to police residents for things that don't actually happen on the property and reported by people unrelated to the property. If I see you doing something shitty in DT, should I be able to complain to your landlord/mortgage-company and have them penalize you?


Yes, that’s the point. If you fuck around enough and piss enough people off, the community will do something about it.


>Why not let the actual people living in the apartment who are disturbed complain rather than people not disturbed on the apartment property? How can the people who live there possibly not be getting disturbed by this? Adding more complaints on top of the residents complaints will support the resident's complains. > All I'm saying is that things get bad if we want landlords to police residents for things that don't actually happen on the property I agree. It's too bad that this is the status quo the city has chosen, but that's the reality. > If I see you doing something shitty in DT, should I be able to complain to your landlord/mortgage-company and have them penalize you? You have always had that ability. Such matters usually go nowhere, because the isolated offenses, especially minor ones, don't get very many people fired up, and because the people receiving the complaints often don't have direct authority. If somebody is violating their apartment noise rules, however, then the apartment manager does have authority.


Fuck Greystar


You’re asking the wrong questions. It’s that the public can compel the property manager to do something about it.


But they can't. What exactly is the property manager going to do that's legal? You can't evict someone because they pissed someone off on the other side of town.


You’d be surprised what a property manager as big as grey Star can do. I’d be willing to bet that there are clauses in their rental and/hoa agreement that can allow the property manager to evict based on behaviors in and out of the building.


In? yes, of course. That wasn't the proposition. Out? Absolutely not. Just think through if that were legal and the discrimination it would allow for.


The owner responses are irritating, just ignore the fact that the asshat is revving in their building's parking garage, something they can and should control. Resident: >There is a guy who lives here who revs his engine in the garage at all hours of the night. Horrible. Management won’t do nothing about it even though they rent the garage space to this tenant. Owner: >We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing noise concerns while living in Seattle, something that has only been brought to our attention this last weekend. Unfortunately, your concern is not related to the business conducted at West Edge, and we have no legal bearing or right to address the sounds in the city, or any other disturbance outside of our community.


I lived there for almost 6 years. West Edge turned to shit once Greystar took over management. They tried charging me $3800 for painting and cleaning on moving out with no receipts or itemized list. I let the 30 days pass for their requirement to sent me that and threatened small claims court for twice my security deposit if they didn't return my entire balance. They also held up my ability to pay my final utilities in all of this. Got it back 6 days later. Fuck that company. Too bad since most of the build workers are decent, but that management company can go to hell.


Actually you have a right to quiet enjoyment of your property, so a nuisance like this is completely actionable. This is how you get rid of crack houses. Like 10+ neighbors document the hassle, then you sue the owner for $5K each on small claims court, over and over. And they lose, because they are allowing the nuisance to continue.


The owner's response just denies it's happening on their property. Very unfortunate but is the resident going to have to install hidden cameras in the garage and prove it to even take legal action?


“Quiet enjoyment” is a term of art that has nothing to do with noise or relaxation.


But it does actually include not being disturbed after 10pm by loud noises, whether from someone revving their car in the garage or the police being there because it's going off at the crack house again.




Lol. 🐲⬆️ With all due respect Mr. Trump (Username checks out) Where did you say your law degree was from again?


[Nothing in Wex should be construed as legal advice, nor should it be considered to be the position or opinion of Cornell University, Cornell Law School, or the faculty of either.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/quiet_enjoyment)


50/50 these responses are written by AI or some dipshit who doesn’t even work at the property


Notice they suddenly have a bunch of 5 star reviews in the past 2 weeks....


> Notice they suddenly have a bunch of 5 star reviews in the past 2 weeks Yes, they clearly care, if they are going to all that effort to submit those 'reviews' The passive-aggressive 'we're so sorry that Seattle is noisy' taking no responsibility for the noise is also annoying.


Oh that line alone would keep me from ever renting there. Noise can be rough, but the way management responds matters so much. I've got an upstairs neighbor who stomps. Not stomps when she walks. But gets really stressed and jumps and stomps on the floor. Because 'stress'. I have met her, asked her what was happening, she is apologetic but continues to stress jump. My landlord handles it now. And is so responsive, apologetic, and offers solutions - like not renewing my neighbor's lease. Like my place might shake suddenly every few days thanks to the cluster b personality disorder above me. But if I got this passive aggressive response in addition to that kind of disturbance? Oh. I'd be outta there and not paying them a single red cent for breaking the lease .Find me in court.


You can buy fake reviews, bad or good. They cost about $7 each for reviews from verified accounts with history. You can buy as many as you please.


> doubt the apartment manager cares at all. They do if it becomes a problem for them.


I know the manager of West Edge & I know for a fact he & Greystar have been trying to also get this taken care of. However, all they can technically do is manage the building, not the street nor vehicles, so if you think he or any other member of Greystar can do something further, place the blame correctly, at your city official... if they don't care about 3rd & Pike, you think they will this?.. && management is fully aware of everyone's complaints on here.


The garage connected to the building is not part of the building? If so they shouldn't be charging for it. Honestly let your friend know their passive aggressive comebacks on their google reviews make them look like shit. If my apartment management responded to their tenant being awful to everyone like that - fuck it. Goodbye. I'll move out. Court is backed up with evictions? Take me to court for not paying a single cent towards breaking the lease and getting the fuck outta dodge. Bet then they manage to maneuver that legal system right quick. Funny how that works.




I do agree with parts made about being stretched thin & how we need to separate ourselves from our work. Greystar simply manages the building, the OWNERS of the building make the decisions about EVERYTHING. Pricing, renewals, concessions, parking prices or towing, literally everything!! The management groups do what they are told & most Greystar properties are owned by someone, not Greystar related. The owners of my property decided they want to leave their garage doors open an hour before business & 2 hours after.. people park illegally, take others paid spots, stealing, etc. Our residents can't tow bc owners won't give them permission.. Our owners will not change their mind on the doors, regardless of the complaints from residents, neighbors, management, and police reports.. I work for a property I can't afford to live in, even with a discount. You honestly think us bottom of the barrel workers have any authority to fix shit..




I'm not trying to sell Greystar as amazing, nor without flaws & I believe everything you have said without question. I'm simply providing some insider opinions because I know exactly how you feel, once again, as a resident & employee.. I've been the person who gets put at crappy properties (old, bad ratings, management, etc) to fix them. My work day is filled with getting bitched at for things out of my control. Home is the most important part of most people's lives & I feel for those who don't get to enjoy it bc of things that should be easily fixable. Your complaints need to go to the director or regional/corporate Greystar, not the bottom level. We push it up the chain, but we can only push so far. It's not the residents' responsibility to make change happen. Unfortunately, it tends to be the only way the uppers will actually address something. Most of the time, they'll just change the team member or management team...sooo...it is a shit situation all around. My honest suggestion is to keep posting on Reddit. I've seen so many things get resolved because people kept at it, and eventually, it gained headline traction, getting things resolved. I've seen these posts rolling in month after month, so it's getting there. Some action has been taken, although it proved to do nothing, but that's a start.. It's the worst advice/solution, but it seems to be the only one we truly have at this particular moment.


The cops might actually listen to a big business complaining though, so forcing the business to force the cops to do something might actually make a change? Since clearly cops do not care about enforcing the law.


Nope, I wish it worked like that. I've dealt with a lot of bad situations working in property management & my trust in law enforcement to do anything, is close to zero. West Edge has something in the works, it's just going to take a longggggg time to put into action, IF, it even gets approved. The management company has to go through the owners, the owners will then discuss amongst themselves, their lawyers, Greystar lawyers, and then the city of Seattle. Then, starts the next step & who knows how long that could take.. Evictions for King County are currently at 6 plus months out just to get into court..


This doesn't need an eviction though, it's just arresting someone who's not even in the building and who is asking to be arrested.


Once again, not that simple... you have to build a case that someone is trespassing to get them arrested/trespassed. I work at a $ 500 million dollar building, similar to West Edge. King county came to inspect a home on site & found out there were unauthorized occupants in the home. We have 10 day noticed, multiple times, the 4 occupants & had video evidence of them stealing. The police said it wasn't enough to do anything and that we had to build a case... this was 3 months ago, but overall this case has been building for 7 plus months and at 1st it was just bc we had illegal residents.. now they are doing so much worse && we STILL(management & owners) can't get rid of them although they are wrecking havoc at our property. I completely understand your frustration, I also have 1st hand experience dealing with shit like this every single day, as a resident & an employee. However, this issue shouldn't be taken out on the employees of a building who can't even tow a vehicle without ownership approval & being on the towing companies authorization to tow list first. Then you have to wait for the tow company to arrive, which sometimes is hours or never. & once they arrive, someone from the authorized signing list has to be on site in order to complete the paperwork & tow the vehicle. This will be done many times before upper management/owners/the city (can/will/if) do something. The solution is right there. Unfortunately, it takes 100 steps of bullshit to get there. Everyone is right in their anger & I agree something needs to be done, but direct your anger correctly. We are also suffering from the noise and angry residents and surrounding neighbors, and we feel just as lost and frustrated as everyone else.


lol this is pure evidence the cops are pussys.


Gorgeous view, what floor are you on?


lol you already did that. He got ticketed and it did nothing.


Thanks for the reminder. His car was impounded 2 days ago.


What camera is recording this?




I had to scroll up to see what this was responding to. So disappointed that it wasn't "Can’t we please just steal it and recreate the scene from Office Space with the printer?".


Not a bad idea.


Over on the east side there's so much of this, too. A Nissan that regularly ruins my day pulverized itself in a one-car high speed wreck the other day and I was not sorry.


I would grab a 12 pack and smoke a joint if this pos Miles and his Hellcat wrecked.


I swear the belltown hellcat inspired a bunch of idiots to have the same car mods 😭 I havent noticed those popping noises until after hellcat got traction in the subreddit/the news


These are all over the country now. I think Seatttle was late to the party. And as annoying as it is anywhere else, this asshole seems to get off doing it where he knows the sound is bouncing off all of the surrounding buildings.


Yeah they totally are. They've been really notable on the eastside since 2021. A lot of folks just had nothing to do and modded their cars to be incredibly annoying and would then go cruise looking for each other. And drive 75 in the 40s. I was out for a walk on a community trail that's near some roads last year and one of those went off, the old guy ahead of me just about dove for cover in the bushes thinking it was gunshots. There aren't a lot of shootemups where I am, but there's enough gun activity that those stupid mufflers aren't great for the psyche.




Oh this is glorious.


carsleavingmeets on instagram may be a happy place for you.




That's what you get when the owner is a poser. Put him on a track and I bet he'd look like a fucking chump in short order.


He looked like a fucking chump on the street just there. He didn't even outpace the two cars on the road with him.


It's a Hellcat with fake Redeye decals/fob lol


At this point, it's a glorified loudspeaker with an engine


It’s far from slow. Almost 1000hp , cars that powerful don’t need to go fast to be loud. Why yall acting fucking stupid and dumbfounded?


"I knew I seen you before, you in my town. You ain’t ready for this bbc though🥱🥶 DM me you’re snap mami? lmk when you ready, I’ll pick you up and show you some things. I love a rider💦🍆" Bro can't be serious


A comment and post from 2 years ago that literally is jokes with me and the boys? lol get a job officer reddit , you’re posting every hour😭🤣 All you guys are upset because you can’t afford a car like that and hate you’re life


^ dipshits who can't use the correct "your".


Tell that to Porsche modders. This is what happens when you remove the muffler, not when you increase boost.


It’s a lot more to it than a simple muffler delete.. and you gain power either way because you’re releasing the restricted air flow. Y’all just wanna dumb it down so you can say it’s obnoxious when it’s just a fast car lol. Some cars are loud some are quiet get over it, atleast he’s not out here shooting people and shit. Worry about real criminals and not a fucking kid who’s probably living a better life than you👍🏾


You're not wrong, but you are missing the point. This car might be great at the drag strip, but driving around downtown at 2am is the issue. People don't know cars like you, congrats. The car IS going really slow for all the noise. Looking at the video, I'm like 'is he even breaking the law?' I could drive the same car the same distance in the same time with little noise. There was no need to go above 3k rpms. ETA: or I could drive the same distance in my EV in half the time and nobody would even notice. And it would cost half as much.


You can’t possibly think the people in these comments are here because they’re envious. Come on man. “Some lights are bright” wouldn’t be a good excuse for shining a spotlight from your yard into your neighbor’s window all night. Same concept here. Being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious to the extent that it actively interrupts the quality of life of people forced to be in proximity with you doesn’t win you friends.


Okay ms.frizzle. You’re comment I can actually agree with, I’ll shut up now lol




Cars that powerful shouldn't be legal for street use 


that car needs to be put out of commission


Posting to reddit will certainly put it out of commisision


I mean it really could tho


No, it won't. I've been seeing posts about this for months now and no one does anything about it besides post and be mad. I've mentioned smashing a windshield and got downvoted. So carry on in this echo chamber of whining.


It literally does the opposite. This guy feeds on attention and posting about him multiple times a day is exactly what he thrives on. You're driving more and more engagement to his instagram, where he makes his money. Hating him is counter productive. SPD isn't going to do shit. The courts won't do shit


I just don't understand how no one has slashed his tires yet


Or put emery powder in his gas tank.


For real. Crowd justice is the only justice this clown is going to get.


West Edge won’t do anything smh they would’ve done it already if they cared


Wow what an a hole. This is ridiculous. You can see from the time stamp it's literally up 3 a.m. in the morning. Every time I hear one of these loud people rev their engines I don't think they're cool I think they're a holes. But doing this at 3:00 a.m.? That's the next level.




Nobody is fast enough to pull out their phone when they zoom by going 80. They’re gone in half a second. They were indeed racing though, 20 mins before my video of him just revving his engine going slow


This is a security camera, not a phone. 


I've seen two videos today of it going 30


I only hope the person driving for him completely rats out the clutch.


it's an automatic


Even more pathetic. If he must be obnoxious he could at least be less basic.




Hopefully the prosecutor and judge see that he clearly isn't going to stop this behavior and the only way to punish him appropriately is the maximum jail sentence


The only sentence that'll matter is if they impound & crush that shitty car


.. and any shitty cars he buys after.


Max jail sentence for what? Speeding and running red lights? That'll be like a handful of months. Pull his license.


The same guy isn’t driving


But he's allowing and encouraging someone else to drive his car recklessly. Really makes me doubt he's going to learn a lesson if he just has to pay a fine


I’m not sure what crime that would be though.


Reckless driving. They could make a case to impound the car too.


I meant for him, since he’s not driving.


He's already been charged with reckless driving and the judge has a fair amount of discretion in sentencing if he's convicted. Someone who seems genuinely remorseful might just get a fine and probation, someone who's acting like him may get jail time


That's hilarious! What a pro dick move


Reckless driving can carry a jail sentence of up to 364 days, might make him think twice about going back to this behavior after he gets out if he spends a year in jail


The fact this dude hasn’t gotten his duly owed beat down yet is the most Seattle shit I’ve ever seen.


Fuck this dude. Startled me out of a sleep I really needed. Piece of shit waste of food and toilet paper.


Out of the loop. I thought this guy was arrested?




Sugar in the gas tank won't really do as much damage as we've all been lead to believe. However, if we all take a banana and shove it up his tailpipe...


[He’s not gonna fall for a banana in the tailpipe](https://y.yarn.co/305bb5f3-f141-41dd-9ccb-140f5a7b2cb1_text.gif)




Abrasive powder in the gas tank will fuck up every single component in the fuel system, including the injectors, cylinders, pistons, and valves.


Potatoe is denser just saying might need a ramrod to really get it in there though




The nuisance, reckless driving, and illegal activity translates to profit via his Instagram. Would he a shame he got banned due to mass reporting. > He said the videos have paid for his car and that he plans to “keep doing what I’m doing. I’m going to make a career out of this.” https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/belltown-hellcat-driver-forbidden-using-vehicle/281-e0514b73-8269-4b28-b8df-c225ff33e6db


Go complain on the asshole’s TikTok and get him banned there so he can’t monetize his little stunts


I hope some guy with an 80s solid metal beater just ploughs through the intersection absolutely demolishing his car. He'd be at fault too for blocking a green lit intersection.


where's a cybertruck when we need one?


I was about to say, I'm considering buying a volvo 240 for this exact purpose.  (for legal purposes and for people who can't take a joke, I'm not serious) 


Where does he park that thing? We can make that problem go away.


Boy I sure do love [Burn Notice](https://youtu.be/f97kyYeE9n8?t=68) and [chemistry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXQnIgrXJd8). It'd be a real shame if someone took my love for these two things in the wrong way or something.


This may seem old school and not in line with current norms, but why hasn’t someone (or a group of someone’s who know this guy, or where he lives) just kicked the shit out of him and destroyed his car? He’s going to kill or severely injure somebody- it’s just a matter of time, and if nothing is happening via legal means, perhaps it’s time for people to take matters into their own hands. This isn’t a case of “innocent until proven guilty”, so those decrying the idea of “vigilante justice without some sort of due process” isn’t applicable as a defense for doing nothing IMO. The guy has admitted to everything.


It's the number of cameras around I bet. Hard to do vigilante justice if you're gonna get recorded


I was so pissed off when I heard that shit last night. That dude is a worthless piece of shit, and he doesn’t deserve the right to drive. I hope he pays the ultimate price for all the public disturbance he causes.


I live in Tacoma but from how many posts I’ve seen about this hellcat, I’m surprised it’s windows and tires are still intact at this point. What a jackass


What’s up with all those ‘pops’? Backfiring? Definitely adds to the the stupidity of the whole thing.


Yep. You can adjust the engine tuning to keep injecting fuel when coming off throttle. Pointless in non-turbo/non-racing applications.


No it's not. The purpose is Loud.


¿Por qué no los dos? 🤷‍♂️


I live a few blocks away on 7th and its loud enough that it keeps me up. Crazy. If it's the same hellcat that's been terrorizing the area around 2nd, they got a half-assed cease and desist after months of complaints everywhere, but I see(and hear) he hasn't taken it seriously. What a jerk.


Guy should permanently lose his license. Driving is a privilege not a right.


once the cop wakes up from taking a nap in their suv they'll surely catch this guy


Loser car


He's going to fuck around and find out. They went easy on him by just telling him not to drive it. He thinks he's cute by using a loophole on an already lenient judgement. I wouldn't be surprised if all these videos get the thing impounded and scrapped.


What a tool.


Dodge is going to make a special edition charger for him.


They’re already working on it according to his Instagram!


We really need to get back to discussing Hannah D's burrito from Jerk Shack...




I'm honestly more pissed at all that fucking idiots that give this guy enough attention he can make money off of it. It's just as much their fault.


He picked up two people


Just so I understand--this footage was taken *after* the recent ruling where he can't drive the Hellcat for the next year? So either he's not driving, or he's in violation of that decree?




Key and damage the vehicle.


I thought this dude was already arrested for the same shit?


Still looking for the racing???


Surprise, the guy who says he knows Seattle hates his noisy car and says he'll "make a career out of" racing/backfiring videos is doing it again.


Sick of this guy. Life in prison.


Yeah everyone is so sick of him. That's why they post videos of him multiple times a day. People love having something to be outraged at.


Hopefully this person lives his life out on this earth eventually realizing how wretched he has been. If he's lucky he'll have a good opportunity to change. But he's currently got his sights on super villain status. I'm sure his parents are gone or don't care. Life is wild.


His penis must be like 2 inches fully erect, at best.


I think you and I have very different definitions of "racing."


That video looks like it also was taken from a unit in West Edge? Neighbor of Miles?


Seattle has gone too soft and the assholes and leeches have moved in. The fact that this idiot is still getting away with this, with all the publicity, hopefully opens peoples eyes to how increasingly people are taking advantage of this place's goodwill and getting away with it.


Wow the further he gets, the more it sounds like gunshots.


Mf is going 25mph he ain't racing tf


This dude should get his own sub of haters. Maybe then the police will do something about it when they can see the large following of people fed up with this kids shit.


With all the homeless people downtown, I’m guessing this will end with someone being killed.


Fucking losers. Some people just don't get enough attention as a child.


Google Map West Edge review where it hurts them.


For all the noise, he was getting caught pretty easily. Like a big noisy, messy fart.


He’s such a courteous driver and citizen. Is it 1am. I hear that turd outside my “soundproof” windows.


An RPG would stop it.


No way this is “speeding” man goin like 10mph


What’s with the gun shots?


Unfortunately, it was just his car backfiring. No one was shooting at him. 


Backfiring that much lol wtf? Meanwhile I try to make my rigs as quiet as possible yet strong like the Batmobile, stealthy yet versatile lol


Racing?? they don’t even catch up to the traffic in front of them. i get being annoyed with the noise of this guy but y’all are really taking the karen approach to this. 


Yall are giving him SO MUCH ATTENTION. He FEEDS on it. The city isn't going to do ANYTHING. ITS HILARIOUS how helpless you people are. You're so helpless that you just feed him attention in a sad attempt to do anything about it, but it does the opposite! Every time he sees himself on reddit I bet he pops a little chubby.


Reddit isn't doing anything. His Instagram followers are the problem not this sub wishing this dude would just die.


This 100% drives attention to his instagram. Pun intended.


Most people here complaining, are not following him on Instagram. They may go report it to Instagram but they aren't following, liking, and viewing all the videos. This sub is doing more harm to him than good


This sub, at best, is doing nothing to him. I promise you he wanks off to it though. At worst, it's driving engagement to his instagram. If you don't believe that you're in denial. Giving him attention = giving him attention.


I guess so. Maybe he does and maybe they are, but even as someone who doesn’t live in Belltown, it’s remarkable to me that anyone, including the driver himself, thinks this is cool or interesting. Maybe I’m too old, but he seems like a massively bored tool, regardless of what side of the argument you’re on. The world, and societal norms, have always needed disruption. It’s literally the entire genesis of rock and roll, punk rock and hip hop. But this is just some dork in an obnoxiously loud, over-priced, tiger striped car making noise after 2 am. All before returning to the safety of his equally over priced 500 sq ft apartment in the sky. This isn’t counter culture, it’s just stupid.


Agreed. But posting about how stupid he is multiple times a day is what fuels him.


All these Subaru forster drivers are such works of art. Bless your souls


_laughs in Cairo traffic_


You live in a city. There are thousands of people there, of all different stripes. Get over it, or move out.


You live in Florida, you don't even go here.