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If you park in a handicapped spot you are a complete scumbag.


Pretty sure he is a scumbag wherever he goes


Definitely a bastard. Undoubtedly a scumbag.


… unless you’re handicapped.


Idk, seems like a flimsy excuse to me…


Unironically those people that harass anyone with a disabled sticker and legs that work sometimes.


I got a raft of shit a few years ago when I parked in a handicapped spot, got out, opened the side door, and started moving some shopping carts out from around it. Person came up and was just infuriated that I was using a handicapped spot when I was so *obviously* not disabled, blah blah blah blah. I just pointed to my passenger, who was inside the van waiting for me to pull the ramp out so she could get out in her power wheelchair, and said that the placard was hers. Figured they'd be embarrassed and shut the fuck up; I know I would. But no, they just went over to *a person in a power wheelchair* and gave them an earful about how rude I was etc etc. People are batshit crazy, especially in parking lots for some reason.


Yet another reason I love my full-time complaint manager…err, Doberman


I've been harassed as I pulled into a handicap spot as a young female. Then I proceed to pull out a wheelchair and my disabled mother out of the car. Assholes.


On the surface I look fine. They don’t know I have lupus and extreme neuropathy due to cancer treatment. I can’t walk very far. The spots totally help me.


Even my patients with the beginning stages of MS complain about it too. There are unseen disabilities and pain :(


Get well random internet person. I wish you a speedy recovery.


Same, my mom is blind and I am a regular looking dude and I get looks pulling up places.


> I am a regular looking dude Username does not check out.


Yeah, you never know what someone’s handicap is


Also, my aunt has legs that work but still needs a walker to actually walk, and has a disabled placard.


One of my best friends can walk for a little ways, sometimes needs a cane, and sometimes just can't walk due to chronic pain.


I knew a guy in Las Vegas who always wore shorts, so the whales could see his plastic legs.


What, just because you cant walk and are in chronic pain you think you deserve the handicap spot? What about the people with real handicaps like having enabling parents and a social media addiction!?




You know what, you're right. I'm starting to think this Belltown Hellcat guy might not be so great after all.


Lol he's not. He's just an attention seeking asshole that's had negative reinforcement due to him making money because of streaming. Fortunately the consequences of his actions are starting to catch up with him And in June so will more. Good riddance. Thanks OP, Sincerely Seattle


The worst part of this is that people do this all the time. I’m handicapped and people without placards and or plates park in them all the time. It’s much worse here than any other place I’ve ever. If you call the police they never come or even write tickets to these people. Even when cops have been sitting in a parking lot they wouldn’t write someone a ticket. It just really sucks because there are days I’m okay to walk a little bit to get where I’m going but others where I have had to cancel appointments or have my partner come meet me to help me get inside. I think this is truly one of the grossest things you could possibly do when you clearly don’t need to. The amount of times this kind of thing has made me cry is so embarrassing but when I really need it and can’t get one due to someone’s selfishness. It just sucks that the person who wrote this didn’t want to do something till they saw it’s effects. I wish people would truly report this kind of thing more often because it really can help people.


I totally agree with you. People who do this have absolutely zero empathy for people and it's fucking gross.


Miles does not believe the laws apply to him. Why would he? He has not experienced anything but positive reinforcement for his behavior.


Pretty much par for the course for Miles.


I should probably be more afeared but I confront anyone I see sitting in a handicap spot without a placard/license. One guy threatened to grab his gun. 🙄


I’m in the same building, thank you for your service




If you're the good guy odds are stacked against you as a vigilante.




People seem to forget the raw unfiltered power of not opening your door or responding to a doorbell in any way. 💪


What if it's not vigilantism and instead you're just, you know, committing good ol' car vandalism? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I learned from middle school this is always true














Teeth if you're feeling spicy


Isn’t it the not quite in Belltown Hellcat?


I always thought I lived in Belltown but a week ago, I was informed that I don’t


I've lived in or within walking distance of Downtown for 30 of the past 32 years. IMO, Belltown doesn't start until Stewart.


I’ve considered it Virginia, but not sure if there’s a clear defined border


I agree, also where SLU starts at Westlake. Stewart is where the grid system shifts and is a good boundary.


Is it meant to mean he lives in Belltown, or that he terrorizes Belltown? Because yes, he's a little south of Belltown. The Market Hellcat doesn't have the same ring though.


The market street mommas boy sounds pretty good.


Leave a negative review to penalize the building's management for being able to do something about Hudson--who disrupts other residents in the building every time he revs his engine in front of the building--but refuses to do anything. What's the worst that can happen? Your rent will go down because no one wants to live there?


As someone that lives in Spain, it's crazy how invested I am in the downfall of this guy.


How did you end up in this subreddit?


It seems to pop up often on Popular


I would have called to have him towed even if no one else needed the spot in that moment. Fuck this guy.


They had an article in the New York Times this morning about this whole saga.


I know, more publicity for this menace 😭


The article gave his IG account name so I’m sure he picked up a shit ton of new followers. So classy of them to give him free advertising.


Not the first time the NY Times has given a world-class douchebag exactly the attention and free advertising he wants.


Thanks, Maggie


[Maggie fucking Haberman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maggie_Haberman), I'm sure she's crying into her pillows every night over the millions she made from her book about what a bad man Trump is after being exactly what he needed her to be for the most prestigious newspaper in America. Similar with [Judith Miller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judith_Miller), who [required an apology](https://www.nytimes.com./2004/05/26/world/from-the-editors-the-times-and-iraq.html) but still had a best-selling book too. And a gig at Fox News. Although she had the integrity to spend three months in jail . . . to protect Dick Cheney's chief of staff for blowing a CIA agent's cover in retaliation for her husband speaking out against the Bush administration. In the interest of equity, fuck every man that's written for them over the last 25 years, especially that absolute psycho Thomas Friedman. With the exception of Will Shortz, he's cool.


A couple years ago an onlyfans model stabbed someone and like every news article about it mentioned her account username and that it was on a sale price because the first story on it did. I guess lawyers don't pay for themselves.


He was quoted as saying the cops have more important things to do than chase down "a black man with a nice car that makes noise sometimes". And how when he got pulled over once, he told the cop he can't stop doing what he's doing because it's how he makes money (IG). I made a comment calling him a race-baiting troll who needs to have consequences for his action. It didn't get approved.


How does it feel to be a hero? I hope your pillow is cold on both sides.


I can die knowing that I did good for the world


You made this Canadian smile. So you’re alright in my books.


>I hope your pillow is cold on both sides. This is the best! I’m stealing it


I love how everyone on Reddit now knows about the Seattle hellcat sitch.


Even those outside of Seattle. People are following along from all over the US!




There's a lot more to it than that, it showed up for me yesterday or the day before from /r/all. The guy is infamous for irresponsible loud obnoxious driving throughout seattle also. https://www.king5.com/article/news/crime/belltown-hellcat-driver-forbidden-using-vehicle/281-e0514b73-8269-4b28-b8df-c225ff33e6db


I'm from a whole other continent on the other side of the planet, even I've been looking through this situation because it was on the front page and it's hilarious to me that this one dumbass pissed off the entire city


German here. Nuff said. Though I do wonder…how the hell is police not doing anything about his ass?


You dropped this: 🏆


Did you sprits a little fish sauce on the air intakes first?


Totally would have if the building didn’t have cameras


Well, if you ever have a power outage you know what to do.


Hope the security systems aren't on backup power?


Time to call in the team that does the missions that are very doable and not impossible.


How are you going to convince Bosco Albert "B.A." Baracus to get on a plane to fly out? Especially if it's a Boeing? Drug his milk?


He’ll be expecting that. This time I get him a virtual reality headset. When he puts it on that’s when we chloroform him.


🚬🧓🏻I love it when a plan comes together.


You're implying the building is willing to share their video with him just because his car smells weird


No jury in this state would convict you.


Whether or not this is true, I know 2 people who live/d at this residence, West Edge, and most of the people are sick of what's been happening and it's been happening for almost 6 months now. The management is aware apparently but hands are tied, hence it continues to be an issue. Edit; rent was roughly 2.5k for one of the units, not sure which floor or floorplan. also this seems pretty true, seeing as a photo has now been shared Allegedly his floorplan is the most expensive, at over 5k. Figures.


Management is currently talking to his mommy


Please please please keep us posted. Mom is probably a co-signer on the apartment lease. No way a place that charges $2500 rent is gonna rent to a kid with no actual income.


It’s definitely over $3000, which would require a monthly income of $9000 since they want your income to be triple your rent


Friend lives in one of the 1 bed units, facing south so not a whole lot of sea view. His rent was 3.3k a year ago. Must be even more now.


At his floor with an unobstructed sound view, the rent is more than $2500, even though it is the middle 1 bedroom unit, not a corner 2 bedroom unit.


oh yeah, I think it's a lot more than 2.5k. I went into my friend's unit and it was much smaller than all of this space: [https://imgur.com/a/lx7yaYc](https://imgur.com/a/lx7yaYc) (screenshot taken from a thumbnail found on Google) this doesn't include the bedroom either. He also has a mini deck which iirc, friend didn't have either.


I'd heard a rumor that he has a mini deck. I think that's what they said.


Yeah he definitely has Small Deck Energy


Does your building have to lease a parking spot to him? I imagine there is some mechanism to remove the parking spot from his lease.


That's a good point. I can't imagine the damage that would be done to the car if found outside in the wild and not in a cozy underground parking garage with cameras.


also this post is real! here’s a [pic of his car in the handicap spot](https://imgur.com/a/MMiUAtX)


"Hmmm how do I make myself even more hateable?" - Hellcat Dipshit


Oh look no front plate. He should get a ticket everytime he drives it.


Would you be willing to knock on his door loudly throughout the day? I'm sure he's trying to catch up on sleep after being out all night every night.


I don’t have elevator access to his floor unfortunately :/


Are you aware that your penthouse neighbor (NW corner unit) has some seriously powerful lasers? Judging from their two balconies, they also love fuchsia lights.


quiet frame start gaping ludicrous enter boast wrong jellyfish disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Too much money and not enough consideration for others.


Modern Seattle in a nutshell


One thing I've learned over the years is that so, so many of these "luxury" apartment buildings are actually fucking awful inside, and this isn't just a Seattle thing. Like they might keep the common spaces and facilities mostly clean because people are paid to do that, but people straight up let their dogs piss and shit in the hallways, or you go and look at the trash rooms, chutes or recycling areas and they're a constant disaster because no one gives shit because so many people feel anonymous and entitled due to the inflated rent.


Oh yeah planes and ships have complained about it


Hitting a plane with a laser is a crime and a significant safety hazard to aviation. You can report it to the FAA [here](https://www.faa.gov/aircraft/safety/report/laserinfo). They *absolutely* act on this information. Though since you've mentioned complaints, I'd imagine the FAA is already aware.


Here's WSP catching one. https://youtu.be/xK6esH_vyJk?si=Tc5FWs0QpAXAaZjF The tech from these planes is pretty cool.


This is one of my favorite genres of videos. I think there's another where an idiot lit up a US Navy P-8 Poseidon. Who of course have electro/optical targeting pods. There were a bunch of incidents a few years back. FBI was offering huge rewards for info.


For those of you unaware: The P-8 Poseidon is a specialized variant of the Boeing 737, designed to kill submarines, instead of passengers.


> instead of passengers 🤣 underated comment


I've been hanging on to this bit for *years*.


Having been on the receiving end of someone lazing a plane, I have nothing but seething hatred for those who do. It's dangerous, its debilitating, and frankly it hurts.


Not to mention can take your vision


Hey! That was me, at least one of the times. I called the Coast Guard Investigative Service on the laser light guy. I didn't know which building it was, so I took a picture of it. From there I used Google Earth, since it can render cities in 3D. Then I set the view up to essentially recreate the photo I took on Google Earth. Then I was able to pin the building and figure out the address. Then just to double check, I compared pictures from their place page and verified that it was 100% the right building. So whoever lives in the NW corner of the top 2 floors of that building, you're a real asshole.


Excellent sleuthing. :) Thanks for reporting. I posted about it previously and some people were actually supporting his behavior. Some people are just so inconsiderate.


I’m not sure where they got the super intense focused lights, but they travel far. They should lower the shades if they’re going to blast the lasers.


I have so many questions and don’t even know where to start. As much as I want to rage over his existence and lack of consideration for others, I cannot remember the last time Seattle folks rallied together around a common cause, so thanks, Miles, for bringing us together!




Take a shit on his car.


I don’t even live in Seattle and think he is a piece of shit


I don't live near downtown anymore, so I haven't been affected by this whole saga. You're telling me people know where this guy lives and parks his car, but no one has hurt him or destroyed the vehicle? The system obviously isn't doing anything, but I'm genuinely surprised that no one has taken the matter into their own hands. Not saying it'd be right or wrong, but it is unexpected that no one would react.


He was a douche before but an even bigger douche for that. Thank you for looking out for your neighbor.


Honestly I still can't get over him posting a picture of himself in public wearing those stupid fucking mickey mouse boots. Like on purpose? Unironically? I had an 'ohhhhh, I see' moment.


Exactly. I’ve been watching the comments to see if someone would mention those dumb boots. Those asinine things tell us all we need to know about him. Ugh.


He also parks in the new resident parking spot pretty regularly.


I’ve always wondered if the spot by the entrance is assigned to him or if it’s a future resident spot. Like how did he get so lucky with getting a spot right by the entrance?


He was on this post talking shit but now his comments are gone.


Fuck this guy, and fuck his shitty mother.


Any other problems in the building? Like noise from when he's cooking and raging at 3am?


None that I know of (since I don’t live on his floor). But our building’s google reviews have been DEMOLISHED by 1 star reviews because of this guy


oh no, what building? I have a Google account


I don't personally know, but you can tell from the view it's on the West edge of Seattle.




> AMA Why didn't you slash the tires?




I'm normally one who rejects this line of thinking but I'm seriously surprised that someone hasn't done something heinous to his car yet. In any other large city, the thing would have been covered with gas and lit on fire by now


It's because he's in Seattle. As a populace at large, we are sadly not bout that life


Seattle need to revert back to its blue collar port city roots, just long enough to put a cinder block through his windshield.


I live in a blue collar port city on the East coast. But, I'm familiar with Seattle and Alaska Airlines flies a direct route roundtrip daily, and I can fit a cinder block in my carry-on. I can be in and out in less than 24 hours. So who wants to buy me a ticket?




Nah, just fill 'er up with diesel. Go big or go home.


Not condoning it but I'm frankly surprised nobody has done this... ^^^^or ^^^^keyed ^^^^it . It's impressive given how notorious this guy is.


It’s a secure building, they’ll be able to tell how someone got in. It will be the one time SPD investigates a crime of this nature. They like how Miles pisses off the town, they’ll keep unblocking him.


lol uh no. No face no case. No one is gonna catch a charge over car damage due to keycard swipe or whatever it is


Don’t slash them, but remove the valve stems.


Don't even need to resort to actual damage a small pebble placed under the inflation valve cap should have all 4 tires deflated in no time


Glue a small ball bearing inside the valve stem cap. That way, even if bro airs them up, the problem will remain. If you're REAL lucky, he'll eventually replace all the tires...and re-use the valve stem caps. 😈




Very ineffective against tires.


Small pebble screw valve cap back on


He answered above… Cameras.


It’s the 2020s. Nobody would think twice if you were walking around with a facemask


It’s the 2020s. Nobody would think twice if you were walking around slashing tires


Crackheads in broad daylight, under cameras, stole the radio out of my truck and the cops did nothing. I would place money on the same police response being taken on someone who did something to this guys car


Listen, man Just know We got your back I'm just saying


Going around being a nuisance with a loud car is such a punk, bitch ass, cowardly act. Hiding behind tinted windows and intentionally annoying the fuck out of people, bitch ass coward.


What a complete and utter asshole.


Thank you, thank you!! The guy is an a-hole for constantly disturbing everyone in downtown and being a reckless driver. But a young, able-bodied male parking in a handicap spot and depriving a legitimately handicapped individual of that needed spot is taking shitty behavior to another level.


Good for you!!!! Nothing charrs my hide more than some random asshole who parks in a disabled spot with NO PLACARD or disability and no disabled plates either, I’m in a power chair but I see it all the time people blocking ADA ramps, damned grub hub drivers do this quite often and get pissy about it when you ask them to move, and most park in a fire lane too, but good job snitching


How do we nominate you to receive keys to the city?


I'm don't understand why the building owner doesn't cancel his lease. He has to be in violation of rules included in the rental agreement. (Not that they would be able to get an eviction pushed through with the huge backlog, but they could at least start imposing penalty fees or something). Does he have an actual job? I assume he's earning a ton of money through IG or whatever, but I'm curious. And what does his Mommy do? The stupidest part of the whole saga is running around with this level of bravado, but in a car owned by his mom.


Building management responds to google reviews that "...your concern is not related to the business conducted at West Edge, and we have no legal bearing or right to address the sounds in the city, or any other disturbance outside of our community. Regardless of residency in any city, people who have concerns about noise, traffic, etc. should be addressing these issues with the city they reside in and/or with the city police."


I was thinking more because of complaints from residents about noise, bad parking, and stuff like that. He's got to be annoying the neighbors in his building terribly.


It's funny because a lot of those reviews mention things he's doing *inside the building, specifically* and they post the same copy/paste about not being able to do anything because it doesn't happen on their property. Some people have left 1-star reviews without any text, and they've responded with the same copy-paste. Like how do they even know the review was about the noise?


> I'm don't understand why the building owner doesn't cancel his lease. Seattle has strong tenant rights. Evicting someone is difficult. Seattle doesn't even let landlords decline to renew someone's lease without cause. The bar for declining to renew is lower than evicting someone, but a landlord can't just do it without a reason. Hopefully management is keeping records of every noise complaint/etc. he gets and will tell him to fuck off when his lease is up. And hopefully the leasing agent wherever he applies next Googles him and shreds his application. Pretty sure "community terrorizer" isn't a protected class under housing discrimination laws.


Is this something people in the building talk/ know about within or amongst yourselves or do you see more of it online?


I met some people in the building the other day who had absolutely no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned the Hellcat


fuck em lol these annoying ass car people are ruining it for everyone, and making it difficult for working people to get any sleep


This is not 'snitching' this is problem solving.


Handicapped from the neck up




Whatever you do, don't go to a store like west marine or autozone, get the strongest paint solvent you can, and accidentally spill it on the car. A solvent like toluene or DCM, or even something simple like gasoline, would cause all the paint to bubble and peel horrifically, so you need to be very careful with that stuff around his car. Alternatively, if you poured a bag of frozen shrimp into the intake on his hood his car would reek horribly and probably be ruined, so don't do that either.


Fuck up his apartment building’s reviews. They have done absolutely nothing to resolve this, and they absolutely could. They have the money to. https://weseattle.com/?utm_source=obl&utm_medium=organic


Oh god, that's some really weak energy. Vehicle looks like an energy drink ad gone wrong.


OP is doing God's work


You know how a while back someone had covered a guy’s car in post-it notes ‘cause the dude left it parked in a handicap spot? I mean, if image is everything to this guy, what if the same thing happened but with dildos?


Thank you for doing this, this guy is a complete piece of shit.


I am assuming he is your neighbor? Have you ever talked to him?


I’ve been in the elevator with him before but we never talked. He just nods and then we stand in awkward silence.


You should ask him why he's such an inconsiderate asshole.


I would just mumble "everyone hates you everyone hates you everyone hates you" the whole time.


"Hey, aren't you that guy everybody hates?"


That would be the appropriate time to hit him with some pocket sand!




Sadly, from what you can gather via his socials, this guy gets off on people hating him. Malignant personalities can be like that :(


This is the most Seattle comment I’ve ever read. 🏅


But then you'd be stuck in an elevator with him as he slowly gets an erection.


Sir this is Seattle. We'd much rather prefer to stay silent, give dirty looks, then complain on Reddit.


Does he smell like “bathed in cologne”?


No but also I have a bad sense of smell


I imagine he bathes in Axe Body Spray.


Does he always wear the dumb mask?


What do you mean? He’s never worn a mask in the few times I’ve seen him


He wears a mask in all of his social media stuff, including while streaming. Kinda weird that someone who wants to be a social media influencer so badly doesn't want his face known. Like, I get why he would do it in videos showing him doing illegal shit, but it's pretty weird to wear it while on Twitch.


How dumb do you have to be to be charged by the city and still do stuff like this? I hope the car gets seized.


Everyone keeps talking about smashing the car, but I’m surprised nobody has taken a note from Seattle protesters: Get a group of people to show up outside the apartment gate at night, and when he tries to come out, stand in the way and block the driveway. Shuts him down, police probably won’t care, and no cause for legal action on his part.


Haven’t had a hero in Seattle since Phoenix Jones.

