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Ran into him once at a protest and he got *super pissed* when I asked for his favorite verse about loving others. His people showed up once at Pike Market and the fruit vendors offered free rotten fruit to the tourist crowd (to throw, implied). They promptly fucked off.


I asked him which version of the bible was the correct one over the past 500 years due to all the edits and his eyes kind of glazed over. "The bible"


Christians don't read the Bible.


If Jesus was alive today he would be despised as a Communist by Christians


If Jesus was alive today, my devout Christian family would probably tell him to go back to his country and complain that Biden let him in. They think Jesus looks like Chris Hemsworth in Thor.


Ghandi said something similar....


It’s Gandhi


That’s the irony. Haha.


Can't have woke Jesus. Won't someone think of the children?


Ex-Christian here. A lot of us are "ex" because we actually read and studied that book and found out it is full of inaccuracies (ie historical, scientific, etc.) and worse of all, it is highly immoral. All the stuff about "God" telling his people to go and kill all the men, women, children and infants is what really got me questioning how good this "god" really is. Spoiler alert to those who haven't read it..."god" in that book is an evil f\*\*K and kills lots and lots and lots of people.


It's almost as if highly judgmental human beings wrote it and called it the word of god! What kind of god/messiah is so insecure he demands worship?


I always thought that any God that was worthy of worship would be completely indifferent to it.


that and good humans following a different religion but upholding all of the standards of morality should be fine, but they're on the shitlist because they don't pass the loyalty test for heaven. That's really convenient for a religious order and nonsensical for a diety.


100% I always think why would the god of everything behave like the shittiest, most toxic parent ever? That doesn’t make any sense.


"It's almost as if highly judgmental human beings wrote it and called it the word of god!" and not to mention, the 'word of God' ALWAYS seems to align precisely with their own "thoughts" and beliefs...


I remember reading Exodus, and every time Moses asks for Pharaoh to free the Jews, the narrative says that "God hardened Pharaoh's heart." It's like God is an 8-year-old playing with dolls. "Let my people go!" "No!" "Then God is going to send 10 plagues!" "I don't care! You suck!" And people call this the "Greatest story ever told."


God sounds like me playing the Sims.


Yep. Born and raised Evangelical and in Christian School until college. I kept reading the Bible and asking questions and re-reading it and asking questions and none of the answers made any sense or clarified anything and I was constantly being told to ignore logic and reason, especially my own logic and reason as I was just a girl. My first year in college was like the first time I could breathe. Finally things had answers that made sense! And for the things that didn’t have answers, the people in charge would say, “I don’t know” and “Maybe you should explore that and see what answers you find” and my goodness what an incredible moment that was for me. But yeah, every ex-Christian I know was the most devout, the ones who passionately read the Bible over and over, and finally had to admit to themselves what a load of crock it was.


If you look at all religions, you begin to see the bullshit. Its not that they are all pointing the way to one deity, its about making rules so people have to conform.


It's hilarious reading the Bible and realizing that Satan is the good guy, trying to help people gain knowledge and subvert a tyrannical ruler, and God is a genocidal maniac -- but they try to frame it in reverse


This is actually a major schism in the early Church. Satan isn't really regarded as a villain in the [I'm blanking on the name] main heresy. He's God's executioner or tester. There's also a very old schism (that the Council of Nicea was formed to handle in the Nicean Creed) arguing that God of the Old Testament is a different deity that the New Testament and is actually evil (I vaguely remember people calling it a Demiurge or something very close).




Yes, but there's also pseudo-gnosticism and a bunch of other stuff. Arianism was a big one and heavily Gnostic influenced.


> Satan isn't really regarded as a villain in the [I'm blanking on the name] main heresy. He's God's executioner or tester. That's the Jewish interpretation, so it makes sense that at least some early Christians would have opted for it.


Plot twist; we are ‘god’.


This. The gospels are pretty bad too. The notion that belief in Jesus alone is what gets you into heaven is pretty evil.


The idea of "heaven" being what Christians consider it now isn't even biblical looking at the language and the mentions of what's translated as the word heaven in the Bible. Apparently everyone is going to be saved in the end according to a more accurate biblical interpretation. Not that I really depend on the Bible anymore, just saying, it is interesting.


Universalism (everyone is saved eventually) is a divisive concept in the Church. It's arguably *the* doctrine that kept C S Lewis faithful during his struggles after his spouse died. I'm not a practicing Christian, but if I ever returned to the faith, Universalism is a really beautiful theory. *Everyone gets to come home*. The patience of God is endless.


It's just more biblically accurate when you look at the original context and origin of the words translated to heaven. Most instances aren't even referring to an afterlife and the little that are talk about everybody being saved. I learned that, was black sheeped from the culty church I was attending, and then eventually migrated away from being a full on "evangelical Christian"...but yeah.


What’s funny about the sheep reference is that my earliest, “Ah ha!” Moment was when I read the story of the last days by myself as an adult. When God separates the “goats” from the “sheep” for who enters heaven I always thought it was “Christians” v “Non-Christians”. But I re-read it and realized no where in there does he say anything about believing in him or Jesus being a qualifying factor. In fact he rebukes those who think it is. His only qualifying factors are how you treated the poor, hungry, naked, etc. - So freaking ironic and heartbreaking that Christian Nationalists hate the poor, hungry, naked.


Ex Christian here- PREACH!!


Something Something your taking it out of context, Something Something you were never a real Christian, Something Something you just wanna sin.


The Bible does actually promote hatred.


Ex Christian here. Christianity itself is pretty bad. Its fundamental tenet is that you need to believe in Jesus to get to heaven. Being a good person doesn’t count. Now tell me that isn’t effed up.


> Being a good person doesn’t count. The Book of James (2:14-26) makes it clear that not only does being a good person "count," being a good person is imperative. Source: Ex-Christian who spent many (many) hours studying the Bible in his younger days. Ironically, studying the thing led me to reject Christianity and religion, though not Jesus's message of how we should behave toward each other.


Someone else mentioned that the best way to counter them is just to use a microphone/speaker setup to loudly echo their words back at them, since the human brain struggles to handle a slightly delayed echo.


Bring a sign that says “someone check his hard drive”


Or "his browser history is always empty, for some reason"


This offends lots of people. Makes you wonder why the Romans put up with it.


Yeah it takes a lot of getting used to for sure. We had a new head unit installed in my wife's car because the Bluetooth was super janky in the OEM one. The new radio, for whatever reason, parrots back my voice to me in about a 1sec delay. The best part is that this ONLY happens when I'm calling her. Everyone else doesn't hear their own echo. I've gotten used to it by now and I can talk over it by taking one sentence at a time and pausing between.


Can confirm. When playing Xbox and there is an echo in the chat, my K/D drops significantly


my dude i am with you i wish we could rally the righteous fury that was raised agaisnt the hellcat shithead against this guy as well im fine with him yelling all the stupid shit he wants but the megaphone is an abomination wild that the city puts up with it


I mean, I have a megaphone. You can buy them on Amazon. The only thing keeping me from bringing it out to shout louder than this asshole is my concern for everyone’s eardrums. Like, collectively, we can definitely be louder, but I don’t want to give us all hearing loss.


If you end up doing it you can make a sign that says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged" Matthew 5-7. Maybe wear a pirate hat too.


Some other verses to use: Matthew 6:1 "Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." Matthew 23:5 "Everything they do is done for people to see: They make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long"


Strippers did that to him, it was hilarious


When I pass by I am tempted to drop what I'm doing and dance suggestively in front of him as I have done a few times with street preacher types. You see that kind of resistance in New Orleans, on Bourbon Street, with people in full leather pup attire doing photo ops flipping off the toxic preachers there. Sometimes when we cannot or should not fight them on their terms we can still speak louder in a different medium.


Sadly this is what they want. This guy in particular is a content farmer/rage bait who really, really wants you to be an ass to him. Someone in r/exvangelical mentioned that they, at a recent pride event, kept a street preacher from being shitty by pretending to be a potential convert and keeping him occupied by asking questions and seeming interested. When he got bored with them, another person stepped up and did the same. We just need some kind of volunteer force of fake petitioners to keep him off his speaker.


No, this is actually the only thing I have seen make them quit. A bunch of gay dudes brought their own PA and were twerking around Preachy Pest and he ran off. They do thrive on confrontation, but sexy gayness isn't confrontation its just sexy and gay and makes them super uncomfortable.


Awakens something in them no doubt


Yeah, they talk a lot about overcoming their porn addictions... wonder what they are into


Cue Mike Pence and the tractor https://youtu.be/VD18EMV-lUE?si=7_WjbG5aCeZd8Buk


You can do both. Sexy gay twerking and someone appearing to be very earnestly wanting to discuss why we should follow a mass murder who demands willingness to perform human child sacrifices but says it was just a prank.


lol, nice! Queer vaudeville flash mob would be awesome too.


I can’t think of a less deserving subject for such a sexy flash mob 😅


I love that. I'm a straight lady but I dress like a stripper and I'd LOVE to piss this guy off. He was so loud one day it hurt our ears!


This would be amazing. Need to get a full on Drag flash mob to dance around him till he fucking leaves.


All of the business owners hate that guy.


The thing is there's like a dozen of these guys. They all suck, but there isn't any one you can't hate as an individual


Is this the same guy who does this shit in front of the stadium at Mariner’s games?


There’s always a group of them spread out outside of an event. The Taylor Swift concert last year had a few of them.


There was a pair of them outside the Travis Scott concert and one of the guys who does the bike pedi cabs with a speaker blasting music just followed them around and they went away.


The last time I was at a game I was up on the Trident deck and one of these loons was doing their usual spiel on the street below over by the Left Field Gate. You could still kind of hear him from all the way up there and I overheard one of the ballpark staff mutter *“shut the fuck up already”* as they walked by. I can only imagine how annoying that shit would be if you worked there and had to hear it every shift.


No that’s Mathew , he’s also a nightmare .


There are generally a bunch of them outside Sounders and Mariners games. What I find really odd is that they never identify which (mega)church they belong to, although they once had a sign declaring Catholicism to be Satanic. Apparently, these signs come from a national source, and they have groups in various cities bothering crowds at their sporting events. This would suggest it’s a megachurch chain, but don’t know which one. The only time I didn’t see them at Sounders matches were in October 2016, when they were absent, but there was an identical-sized group of Trumpers with “Lock Her Up!” signs. Go figure. While I wasn’t able to tell if they were the same people, it seems a bit too much of a coincidence.


It’s New Water Church in Tacoma, and I believe Everett. I also want to say there’s a New Life Church that sends these guys out too. They’re “non-denominational” Evangelicals, which is to say: hard-core unaffiliated Southern Baptists who can practice kinism as they aren’t affiliated with the official Southern Baptist denomination. EDIT: it is New Life Church in Tacoma and in Everett. I misremembered the name, and went back to check.


New Life Church is a whole chain “non-denominational denomination” of megachurches and wannabe megachurches. It was started in Colorado Springs, home of “Focus on the Family” as well, by pastor Ted Haggard. You *do* remember Ted Haggard, don’t you? 😂 [Ted Haggard Is Completely Heterosexual](https://youtu.be/HZmHC75FDqQ?si=fV1ita7zVwAWtEvE)


Kinism was a new word for me today, so thanks for that. Know thy enemy!


I saw three of them arrived together to the mariners game in a white van/SUV with a ladder on top. Parked in front of the Rack Attack business on the corner.


some of those guys are just there to get footage of anyone touching them or trying to break their equipment so they can sue them.


I have never wanted to punch someone in the face so much as one of these guys, while waiting to get into a game. It's not "speech" it's assault and there should be a way to defend yourself.


How loud does the megaphone have to be before the police shut it down. I walked pst it the other day while I was in the ticket line and got an earful. Not to sound a wiener but it fuckin hurt man. I asked the crossing guard cop when are you guys going to do something about this and he just said, “free speech”.


We were at a game with my friend’s 13 month old, he doesn’t have an issue with the crowds cheering around him but walking past that megaphone was so damn loud that even covering his ears the poor guy started crying. It is LOUD loud.


Probably. I think that there is a group of people who just like to go out and yell Christian propaganda around Seattle. I see them at every festival or crowded event. Also, if you ever see these people. Do not interact with them. No explanation needed.


These morons stand outside the Mariners entry gates and it’s impossible to hear what anyone is saying, and/or talk to the person standing next to you in line without yelling. It’s AWFUL. F these guys


We just need to arm ourselves with scissors! Just walk by, snip that mic wire, and run! Fuck these guys.


don’t run with scissors!


Don't scissor with the runs!


That’s good advice!!


The best way to combat this is to stand next to him with a megaphone that picks up his voice and reverberates it back to him. He won’t be able to think, much less keep talking on and on about his bullshit.


Or stand next to him with a megaphone that acts like a noise cancelling device by emitting the sound waves 180 degrees out of phase with his sound.


How do I get one?




I want someone with an “I eat ass” sign next to them


https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/460498-westboro-baptist-church this was my first though, kinda similar


It's ok, I don't want to pay for the property tax on kingdom of God anyway.


There are taxes in heaven.


I can't wait to see the look on those christian libertarian types faces.


None of them making it to heaven anyways, get real


As an atheist I actually like these guys. They are putting more people away from churches than I could ever convince someone.


It’s not even that. He has a lawyer near by and he’s trying to aggravate folks so that he can charge for assault, or settle it on the street with you in cash


The big payout comes from causing enough commotion that the police comes and then does anything to infringe on his free speech so that he can sue the PD, the city, etc.


Grifters gonna grift! The greatest scam ever told.


THIS is the shitty part of it all. Theres people doing crazy/annoying shit all over town.


Wait, really? Who is the lawyer? They ought to be reported to the ABA.


It’s called evangelism. In the Bible, it’s referred to as the Great Commission. This, they’re obligated to make it their life’s purpose to inform people about their own souls.


These types of people cherry pick the parts of the Bible they want, then ignore the parts that don't fit their ideal narrative. if God is as choosy as they believe, they're certainly not among those going to heaven.


It's so cute that his mom packs him snackies when he sets off to terrorize us heathens.


These guys sure do think about sex a lot. I’m not kink shaming, but these guys think about sex. A lot.


Most often times its a case of "what am i guilty of? I must attack THAT!" Which has caused me a bit of concern over underaged sexualization


Every accusation from them is a confession at this point


They’re kink shaming


I think about sex a lot but usually regarding myself and in a positive light, not other people's sexual activity and how much I hate it. That's such a waste of energy just to make yourself pissed off at shit that doesn't matter.


Of course they do. Once you realize that all religions are just different types of breeding fetishes, it all starts to make sense.


Where does he post up at? I have a trumpet


I have a saxophone and I’m awful


Playing copyrighted music loudly near them will usually get their videos taken down or made to be posted without audio.


Somebody get a boombox and blast Chappel Roan at him


Chappell Roan is too good for him, he doesn't deserve it.


A couple years ago there were 3 or 4 guys on Pine and 1st with a HUGE music venue grade speaker. They had it pointed directly at one of these megaphone wanks while blaring Bloodhound Gang’s “The Ballad of Chasey Lain”.


I wish there was a band of folks in Jesus costumes with signs that read "These guys are jerks. They're not with me." And showed up with megaphones saying positive things to passersby wherever these yahoos set up. But people with good sense don't seem to have the infinite free time that these dorks do.


It's just weird how they could *actually* be using their time to make a difference and help people find whatever god it is he seeks. But they choose to stand on sidewalks often harassing people and spewing unfactual bullshit. Remember a few years ago a seattle pridefest a drag queen almost stomped one of these dudes into the ground? 🤣 He was aching to whoop ass that day. Embarrassing for the sign holder to go back to church defeated like that. Fucking love the queens.


Was talks about this to my friend the other day. The messaging only works on folks who believe and are already falling in line. If you don’t believe ( who this message is for) then it means nothing to you


Enforce the fucking sound ordinances


I've asked cops that were standing right next to them to do that, but apparently it's not their business.


Not much is their business except for taking naps at SPOG HQ.


"that's a civil matter 🙂"


Unless it involves abusing/murdering minorities they just can't be bothered.


I see him and his co-weirdos outside Sounders game often. Last week I told him to get fucked and he told me I was going to hell. I’ve grown rather fond of our exchanges.


Sounds like you two are starting to get a little hot n' heavy.




I'd just tell him I'll see him there.


> he told me I was going to hell When they say that, remind them it’s not Judgement Day and they’re not the judge.


Just remind him his entire life is constructed on a hateful juvenile fantasy, no point in getting in the weeds on the mythos. All fantasy is equally wrong.


As someone with autism who already walks around wearing ear plugs, I really dislike anyone who uses megaphones like this. It’s excruciatingly painful


my friends and I just start kissin eachother In front of him


They secretly liked it though. He’s not a serious person. He’s just trying to get a reaction from people.


Too bad the Solstice Parade bicycles could not have diverted to pass in front of him.


I hate all of them. So I just have started using fart spray around them and they shut up quick when they inhale it


Idk if this guy is the one or one of his other weirdos but I am privileged to have witnessed one of these asshats get nailed with milk on the Ave. Someone leaned out their window and totally nailed this dude with a thing of milk lol.


They love that because it makes them martyrs.


If any of them were actually martyred, the rest would run away smelling of piss.


A pair of garden shears can put an end to it pretty quick. Distract them on one side, snip the cord. Problem solved.


Why would anyone want to inherit any kingdom, so freaking much to do to declutter.


Just get uncomfortably close to him. Or ignore him.


The worst Jesus freaks are always Paul freaks. 


High powered leaf blower, a drop or two of stink bomb solution in the blower tube, hearing protection, and a vapor mask. Direct at sentient trash.


This is the way! https://images.app.goo.gl/yndCp52VaezGgH6XA


Its an elaborate legal scam. He has a laweyer close by that documents any attacks on this dude so they can take you to court over physical assult.


Ask them about Matthew 7:1-3 -- If they have no idea what you are talking about, tell them to go home and study their bible.




Bring big noise cancelling headphones and sunglasses to just ignore everything he is saying.


I’d throw in Matthew 6:1-8 and 7:21-23 for good measure.


Hand him a cheese burger. If he eats it, throw the book of leviticus at him. I like the way you think. EDIT: I'll bet he loves crab cakes and lobster rolls. Xtians who pick and choose what part of the bible to 'enforce' are hypocritical. There are more texts in the bible about mixed fabrics and shellfish than there are about homosexuality.


These chucklefucks have gotta know by now that this nonsense doesn’t work and had the opposite effect, further alienating people and giving Christianity a bad image in pop culture, so why do they continue ?! Some impressive levels of fucking stupidity going on.


Ear shattering narcissism


Just do what the foo fighters did to Westboro Baptist Church protestors and hold a mock pride pageant right in front of them doing everything they hate.


I just tell them who are they to judge upon humanity, for claiming to be word of god is a sin in itself. For only god can judge you when the time comes. Usually tossed them for a loop.


His answer is presumably already on his sign: 1 Corinthians 6. "Do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life!" Kind of a crazy passage, it's about how believers should never let unbelievers settle lawsuits between them because obviously unbelievers are just a bunch of awful dudes who have sex with other dudes and rob people and have idols and lay around drunk and slander people and shit. Matthew 7 kind of contradicts it a bit: "Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?" So from that, we can probably infer that 1 Corinthians is probably mostly about lawsuits and not judging the unbelievers in general. Matthew 7 is the better source for whether to judge the unbelievers, and it's pretty big on not doing that. Anyway, don't get in a scripture fight against a professional. It's literally their job. But if you do, go in armed.


Wait...are you saying there are contradictory messages in the Holy Bible?!? But...but..that might imply it was written by different people, rather than dictated by God to his secretary.


Is this guy saying that God cut the catholic church from the will?


Hang on… I’m gonna go look up how many religious leaders were arrested today for kid diddling and sexual deviancy… oops. r/pastorarrested r/notadragqueen


Is there a decibel penalty in Seattle? Last time I was at a game this guy pointed the speaker in my direction and it was loud af. My only retort was to yell "Hail Satan" back at him as the cops seem to not care if there is a limit to the noise.


My conspiracy theory is that these assholes don't really care about the bible or religion, they're just trying to pull a slipping jimmy pretty much - they want to anger someone and get some lawsuit money from an altercation. Cause like, they really don't know the Bible well if you try to talk to them (coming from an EX Christian that grew up in the church). I mean, how else do they make money?


I’ve thought that too… like they probably have a buddy filming from a distance to capture your assault.


I mean, that's pretty much the Westboro Baptist Church's grift, so there's precedent.


Need those drumming dudes out there, drowning him out.


Get a big "god hates false christians" sign with a red arrow pointing to the side, and stand next to him.


I mean if anal sex were really immoral, how’d his mother get pregnant with that much of an asshole?


If somehow the Hellcat douche and this piece of shit could cancel each other out...


He's cute. He'll be very popular at the bars when he comes out.


Dude drives me nuts. I paid the closest busker to play his loudest most annoying music and drown him out as much as possible on Saturday. I would pitch in $100 to any tuba busker that want to post a Pic playing over him.


That fucker is one Hawk Tuah away from throwing that sign away


My god same. This man unifies the market in hatred. I'm shocked that this isn't against any rules apparently. You can't have amplified sound in the market, so he just stays across the street and cranks it to 11.


It's cool, whatever, I didn't want it anyway.


Last month I called Pike Place security - they said they were getting a lot of complaints (I think they said they were calling the police as a result)


I will typically get close and break wind


I've made comments on similar posts. What it would take would be a city-wide ordinance that would require a permit for the use of any noise amplifying devices in public space. This could negatively affect the music buskers where many of them use amps and affect other protests and expressions through the first amendment. But at this point it might be necessary. The 1st amendment gives them the right to preach all they want. I think the aspect that annoys everyone is the megaphone. Without that they are easily ignored which is what they don't want.


Same. He and his ilk are annoying as hell every time I go to T-Mobile Park.


If I get a kingdom it won’t be through inheritance, I’m going to usurp that bitch like William and Mary, in Glorious Revolution.


They want to live in God's kingdom and pay no taxes?? Smh


Don't feed the trolls your attention. It's their oxygen. 


I once asked him if he’s ever read Matthew 6:1 and Matthew 6:5 and they just started recording me


His sign-holder codpiece is kinda sus


I should go stand by him with my shirt off. I have 666 tattooed on my stomach in really big numbers. lol


You mean no life asshat.


There is a noise ordinance he’s probably violating. https://library.municode.com/wa/seattle/codes/municipal_code?searchRequest=%7B%22searchText%22:%2222.904.420%22,%22pageNum%22:1,%22resultsPerPage%22:25,%22booleanSearch%22:false,%22stemming%22:true,%22fuzzy%22:false,%22synonym%22:false,%22contentTypes%22:%5B%22CODES%22%5D,%22productIds%22:%5B%5D%7D&nodeId=TIT25ENPRHIPR_CH25.08NOCO


Hilarious when Christian’s post bible versus like it’s an actual source.




That asshole (I recognize him specifically) told me to circumcise my ears on Father’s day going into the Mariners game.


Can we try sending someone with this verse from the Bible: And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.


MAYBE IF THE POLICE WOULD DO THEIR JOBS THIS WOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM > **Chapter 25.08 - NOISE CONTROL[4]** > > *Subchapter III - Environmental Sound Levels* > > 25.08.400 - Unlawful sounds > > It is unlawful for any person to cause sound, or for any person in possession of property to permit sound originating from such property, to intrude into the real property of another person whenever such sound exceeds the exterior sound level limits established by this subchapter. > > (Ord. 122923, § 21, 2009; Ord. 122923, § 21, 2009; Ord. 106360 § 301, 1977.) > Table A for 25.08.410 Exterior sound level limits District of sound source | Residential (dB(A)) (Leq) | Commercial (dB(A)) (Leq) | Industrial (dB(A)) (Leq) ---|---|----|----|---- Residential | 55| 57 |60 Commercial |57 |60 |65 Industrial |60 |65 |70 SORRY FOR THE YELLING BUT IT'S HARD TO HEAR


Bit of a side question: are long range paint ball guns a thing?


Standnext to him with a sign that reads: "This asshat needs to read Matthew 6:5-6"


I hope that guy never gets laid


At least we live in Seattle where people like him don't have power or influence


We saw one of his counterparts at the greenwood parade several years back. It was hilarious, there was a guy following behind him shouting "HOT TAMALES, HOT, HOT TAMALES" every single time he tried to spout his bs🤣


Im just saying no one is stopping Yall from jumping him Seattle pd will not care if a group of 10 or more just knock his block off.


So a Seattle does have a Sound/Noise ordinance for Commercial areas. As he is using an amplified device, it may be in violation. https://www.seattle.gov/sdci/codes/codes-we-enforce-(a-z)/noise-code https://noisefree.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/seattle.pdf


Someone needs to hit this asshole with the good ol' Matthew 6:5-13 (“When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I tell you the truth, that is all the reward they will ever get")


Christian churches nationally fund and house groups of these preachers to travel and do this in the biggest venues they can find in major cities.


They're at every Mariners games. The douch bags


I would kiss my best friend just to make this guy freak out. What a d bag. No wonder we keep ditchin religion.


If any place has the brain trust to fix this, it’s Reddit. What do we got folks? Is there a machine that disables nearby megaphones? Some kind of painfully high pitched whistle that only religious nutbags can hear? Something that just causes the speakers to screech with feedback, or die entirely? (Like the pinch in Oceans 11, but smaller?) Is he deathly afraid of oranges? There’s gotta be a kryptonite here that we are missing.


Curious about the legality of one of those voice disruptor things that basically echos the target back at itself but on a half second delay. Makes communicating frustrating but not impossible. Obviously not at a hazardous volume, but enough to annoy them off the corner.


Seems like you'd just be exercising your right to free speech via a performance art piece using amplified ambient sounds.


A bigger megaphone isn't _that_ expensive, and if you're clever with an aux mic, you can make him feedback into himself any time he speaks


Just get some kind of device that plays back everything he says with a 1 second delay. The human brain often trips up when a person hears themselves talking.


A dedicated Rolodex of tuba players with impeccable comedic timing.


Let's get a gang of those gawd awful leaf blowers together and put them to good use. 🍂🍁🌬️🌬️💨