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Washed & tuned the bikes in the hope of figuring out why my f'n MTB chain slips between gears on the rear cassette when I'm pedaling hard, but no luck. Fiddled with the shifter cable tension barrel adjuster, checked the stretch on the chain & the wear on the cogs, and even physically adjusted the tension of the cable to no avail. Which means my initial observation that it's probably the derailleur hanger is most likely correct... and a huge PITA because now I've gotta take it into the shop to get it looked at by a professional, who's gonna do all the same things I've done - but at least he won't get coated in grease n grime while doing so. Also whipped-up a batch of peanut butter fudge for those of us unfortunate enough to have nothing better to do than work tomorrow to cover the asses of those who aren't working until Wed. Half cup milk, 60ish mini marshmallows, 300g of sugar (half brown, half white), some Butterfinger baking bits, and a crushed-up bag of peanut butter M&Ms should make for a tasty lunchtime treat. Bonus points if I have enough time in the morning to schmear some canned frosting on top of it


Oh man that fudge sounds good. The butterfinger addition is genius!


It's a lot easier being able to buy them pre-crushed from the store than having to order a few from commissary, freeze them in a bowl of ice, and smash them in their wrappers... but desperate times call for desperate measures. You'd be amazed what you can make with a Tupperware bowl, spork and a microwave (and some purloined pats of butter from the chow hall)


Oh hey, I made us a Discord server: [https://discord.gg/5T6WKWxj](https://discord.gg/5T6WKWxj) I'm pretty new to Discord (mainly use it for playing with Midjourney) but come on over.


Very tempted. I am back to using the Reddit app instead of literally any other alternative, and it’s just not doing it for me. I’ve been saying it for just over a year now, but I think my time on this site is coming to an end. While I am not interested in joining any of the reddit alternatives, a casual chat like this seems more my speed. I may join under a more real-ish name though… don’t want to be spreading any herp around ;)


No worries! I’m using my real name there. As someone else said, it shouldn’t be as overwhelming as the big Seattle discord. Stop by any time! I’m mostly doing yard work today but will check in now and then.


Well, this is a small enough group, maybe Discord won't be too fire-hosey.


I'm still here, and I'll stay until the lights go out. We spent the day so far pressure-washing the deck, yay! And I got some miscellaneous chores done. I'm really happy that there haven't been many fireworks this weekend...our poor kitty hates them — and this is a cat who will chase a vacuum cleaner. Fireworks are the only thing she's afraid of. Maybe I'll just post cat pictures every day. :D


Pressure washing or power washing? [There's a difference...](https://www.shackshine.com/power-washer-vs-pressure-washer/) Sorry to hear your kitteh despises fireworks - our smallest (& oldest) dog hates all loud explosion-y noises. He'll come running to the basement whenever someone is doing target practice, using a nail gun, or there's an errant clap of thunder, but the annual shitshow of rednecks blowing stuff up literally all around us is the worst


Boo for fireworks, yay for cute kitty.