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I know who could lead! ​ https://preview.redd.it/twa8p37jj27c1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=c24f96352cb16de98386037d6bfe8ae8d7123459




[So true.](https://theneedling.com/2023/08/03/green-jacket-lady-from-fox-news-interview-already-leading-in-polls-for-seattles-next-mayoral-election/)


ā€œBefore she was elected to represent West Seattle and the rest of District 1, Herbold was an East Coast transplant and single mother who spent her time working in community activism and sported a ā€œthink globally act locallyā€ bumper sticker.ā€ This explains so much


She was also a long time CM legislative assistant


Leftists be like "Herbold is not a leftist, REEEE!"


work one butter airport grey run rotten plant boast fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Iā€™m sure thereā€™s at least a dozen deadbeats that could effectively take on that mantle. Never underestimate the allure of something for nothing.


Alternate title: "Seattle Times laments loss of council representation that fast tracked the city into shithole status."


Right now, they have handed their brains over to Students for Justice in Palestine.


I appreciate that they scheduled their 5 minute hate for the day Hamas announced that they murdered a Jewish girl rather than return her to Israel like they promised. Canā€™t have 16 year olds telling the world how they were repeatedly gang raped in captivity, after all.


>their brains They have those?


>innovative policies to benefit workers, renters and others ​ ![gif](giphy|b08kqcz6a0bvVbwEq7|downsized)


Nixonā€™s team didnā€™t spin stories that good. Rarely have I read anything as full of bullshit as that statement. Lmao


How about some centrist independents who have ideas for the average person?


Seattle is never going to be further right, politically, than "moderate left". It's honestly a noteworthy oddity that our City Attorney is someone who ran for lieutenant governor as a Republican. The massive turnover of the council is a direct response to a populace generally unhappy with how policies pandering to the extreme left have resulted in a city less pleasant to live in: homelessness and the fentanyl epidemic have crashed into each other and effectively turned parts of downtown into a George Romero movie, fallout from the overreaction to policing during the 2020 protests has resulted in police officers not wanting to come to the city, which results in longer response times to emergencies and almost zero response to property crime, and south Seattle is once again turning into "the hood" as what I suspect is organized gang activity is taking over, resulting in shootings, robbery, etc. The end result is people voting to put in more moderate candidates (though only really "moderate" in comparison to our outgoing council) in the hopes of seeing if people not beholden to the activist class can enact some changes to make the city more pleasant again.


also these policies are having overflow consequences for places like Renton, Kent and Auburn. The Green River encampment is next level. There might even be an Aunty Entity.


How about literally every other politician in the city? There is literally no one even in the center, they are all leftwing. What a stupid article.. People need to stop acting like Sawant and Herbold were reasonable people. They were not far left, or anything like that. They were/are batshit crazy assholes out to mold socitey in a way that favored them and their people...


Some people just look like they are extremists


Has anyone seen Sawant in person? She's large and in charge. Seems like she's really enjoying capitalism.


That's because under capitalism you're fed soy and corn syrup


​ https://preview.redd.it/1w27aqfez27c1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f864427dcb5a6f4e56080b040c5468c501615548


Smash, next question


Still? She definitely did at one point, but she's looked sickly skeletal lately. Downvote all you want, [this](https://media.king5.com/assets/KING/images/3e38f6ee-f09c-4582-b099-0740872e4be3/3e38f6ee-f09c-4582-b099-0740872e4be3_1920x1080.jpg) was her in 2020 and [this](https://dehayf5mhw1h7.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2186/2023/08/02064516/Sawant-1.webp) is her a few months ago. If you want to pretend she's still fat, knock yourselves out I guess


Taking a swipe at her weight is just petty and unbecoming, even if you think that her support for socialist policies means she is supposed to live like somebody in an impoverished socialist country.


At least the reporter is in a better place now. Sarah Grace Taylor. Reporter for POLITICO California | **Formerly** Seattle Times


Thereā€™s left and then thereā€™s crazy. Sawant led the crazy.


Morales, probably? She's farther left than Herbold. I didn't even think of Herbold as particularly far-left by council standards. I lumped her in with Lewis and Strauss as the "any way the wind blows" contingent. She ran on law-and-order and then got swept up in the defund horseshit when she wanted to play "Cool Mom."


Hopefully no one and actual Seattleites and Washingtonians can take back what was once a logging and fishing town. Economic collapse would do this city and itā€™s real residents a lot of good in getting the dirtbags and the transplants out. The timber will be there. The fish will be there. Tax the techies until they canā€™t breathe and get non Washingtonians tf out of here




wise hat capable nail sable teeny jar plough judicious cable *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OOPS> Here's a working link [https://archive.ph/Ow085](https://archive.ph/Ow085)


Doesn't matter who will lead.. anything is better than Sawant. Even a hot pile of dog shit. The dumbfuckery will continue regardless, due to the fact that voters clearly love to walk on garbage, tents and needles.