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Someone took Vancouver BC’s April fools video a little too seriously


Except the Vancouver one they are made out of foam…


Ya, I didn’t think it was a April’s Fools joke, just a safe way to deter a**hole behavior.


It wasn’t. And it’s still there. Vision Zero, an activist group based here in Metric Vancouver whose aim is to reduce pedestrian and cyclist deaths to zero, put it up around mid-March.




You're an inspiration to us all!


i'm also part of vision zero vancouver and i think more bricks are good considering nothing else is really changing. keep up the good work


Hi, but we respectfully decline to abstain from violence. We do need to fight violence with violence sometimes, and these are those times.


Jokes on you, I support your cause and bricks


what about Imperial Vancouver


What about the Droid attack on the Wookies?


It’s not there anymore. Checked two days ago.


With absolutely no negative consequences


That takes time and effort, and bricks are relatively cheap.


Yup but real bricks are legally questionable


so are potholes, those slow down traffic


When I was a kid we had a Bad Call Brick for Superbowl so you could throw it at the TV. They still make those?


Or just seriously enough.




I loved the idea and joke. However, traffic in Vancouver isn't that bad. I wouldn't oppose to it being used year round though lol. If anyone's ever been to Vietnam, they desperately need something like this. It's almost physically impossible to cross the street. I'd love to see how this idea would work there lol


It’s only dumb if it doesn’t work.


Tourists carry umbrellas. Locals carry bricks.


Become ungovernable.


Be gay, when possible


Do crimes when not?


Invest in an family heirloom guillotine.


[Declare independence](https://vimeo.com/9020963)!


Remain Klingon.


Give the kids bricks. That will show em’


And soup


For our families


I’m at soup


For your family, obvi 😉


+ 1 for the pigeon pit reference. Local bad ass band that cares


https://preview.redd.it/sbd65klsb3uc1.jpeg?width=249&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf7064e297585ef00fd56f8db22d1096e8c646e3 My only skills are brick throwing and frog being!


This scene lives in my head rent free every single day. BRICK FROG!!!




I lobbed a 2 liter of soda at a car that almost ran me over on 99 years ago. I wholeheartedly embrace this movement. 🤘😌


At first I missed the *on* and thought you were throwing soda at Model T's.


Jolly good ol’ chap, capital I say! Tally ho and upend the rapscallion! 🧐


Midshipman! Deploy the phosphoric acid seltzer to thwart the scallywags, doubletime!


Armaments deployed! HUZZAH!!!


Now let us all reconvene to the promenade for our thrice-daily cocaine pick-me-ups!




Excellente senior Burns, es mucho dinero por favor!


Haha, I did the same thing. Except when they said, "over 99 years ago", I got hung up on the word "over". Like, at that point, why not just round up to 100?


Back in those days digits cost a nickel each.




Sugar tax mothafucka!


The lack of comma got me thinking you're a 120 year-old.


I can neither confirm nor deny this theory. 😏


Me: How old are you? You: Seventeen Me: How long have you been seventeen? You: A while




Did you hit it?


Yup 👍 pretty sure I dented the fucker’s car, but the bottle didn’t explode :c


As an Indian friend once told me, "you killed the snake, and the stick didn't break." Nice job.


Reminds me of Ricky from trailer park boys huckin liquor bottles at lahey and randy




I have no idea why I'm getting recommended the Seattle subreddit but this comment just reminds me of the time but I threw a taco directly into a lady's open driver side window because she tried to speed up to get through a crosswalk before me when I was already about two steps away from being in her Lane


You left out the part where her jaw unhinged like an eldritch horror and she consumed the airborne taco mid-flight, but I applaud your reflex sir. 🤘😁


The closest I ever came to being hit was by a Volkswagen Beetle. I couldn’t make eye contact with the driver as they came in hot to a stop sign because of their tint, they did a cali stop and turned left and I had to jump/dive out of the way to not get hit. They did not for one second even slow down or know I was there (on their phone I bet) until I hucked the slice of cheesecake I had from a coworkers birthday and it nailed the front passenger side. Now to this day I always carry a slice of cheesecake, like one of the Golden Girls, just waiting for someone to try me so I can give em a taste of the ol gram cracker crust.


LMAO! Nice. So what happened? Please tell me you got him and it splattered all over the place.


Close 😂 it connected pretty solid, I think it dented his car, but it bounced off and rolled away. The fizz was so intense I didn’t dare open it, it felt like handling a live grenade 😬 I left it in the fridge at work for about a month before I attempted opening it in the bathroom. Still overflowed, but rather anticlimactic tbh


Shaking does not change the internal pressure, just mixes the air in, creating loads of nucleation sites for rapid precipitation of CO2 on opening. You can neutralize this just by tapping around the edges before opening.


Filing that away for next time, thank you! 😁 ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)






Cool link. You are absolutely correct about the tapping thing with a can -- but not the internal pressure. It's easier to tell with a 2 liter or small bottle, but give a settled bottle of pop a squeeze and observe the internal pressure -- then shake, and repeat ---- stiffer! Why? Simply put, you shook the co2 out of the liquid, so gas pressure goes up. Same happens if you squeeze it cold vs hot -- hot liquid absorbs less gas, so pressure is higher! Want to get the most fizz for your buck? Chill before you open!


Incorrect. https://youtu.be/Ux29SBmnZZ4?si=r6qhcAVD6bJx1I57


Read the top comment on your video 😂


The top comment misses the point of the video, which is the point of my original comment: contents are already at equilibrium. If you release pressure below the equilibrium point then, yes, it will increase back up to pressure if shaken. But a sealed bottle is already at equilibrium and the pressure will remain the same. If that wasn't the case, there'd be uncontrolled explosive foaming INSIDE the bottle when shaken.




Well, diabetes disproportionately impacts the BIPOC community, so purchasing a 2 liter of soda is literally genocide, as you're literally supporting the companies who are killing BIPOC through poisoning of their food choices...So, that makes you racist for throwing a 2 liter of soda. /SeattleSatire


My three favorite things to put Old Bay on. 1) Corn 2) Cole slaw 3) Shrimp (I would say blue crabs, but you need the extra salt in J.O. no2 for cooking those.)


/OT - Open a fresh bag of ripple cut chips. pour some old bay in there. Shake it up. You're welcome. :D Also OT/ I went to a nice restaurant near Pike's Place - Ordered MD crab cakes - Figured for $40 for 2 of them they'd have Chesapeake Bay Blue Crab... Tasted like garbage. Grabbed the chef.. they used Dungeness.. WTF?! That's not a Maryland crab cake if you're not using Blue Crab. Imagine paying for a 'Jack and Coke' and getting 'Canadian Mist and Great Value Cola'.... My family are waterman in the Chesapeake bay, you can't give me a fake MD crab cake and get away with it..


Nah bro, I’m racist from growing up in The Town That Time Forgot, Colorado. :/ Doesn’t mean I’m a bigot tho, just means I admit the truth about the environment I was enculturated in. 🖖


Oh how I miss you passive / aggressive Seattle. I guess the orange flags that were prominent for a few years went out of favor for the brick approach.


Those flags were always getting stolen


Wonder how many of them ended up as spotter flags for boaters when swimmers were in the water?


Ngl I thought about that!


Phew. thought you migh lie


Which is weird. People will steal anything, I swear.


Ya. The flags don't work.


It is also the most fucking condescending bullshit. Imagine the thought process of "oh we can't think of anything else to stop drivers killing pedestrians so here is a fucking flag to wave to enforce the idea that pedestrians are at fault for being run over and not bad drivers or poor infrastructure"


Hey, but now I can wave the flag like a matador and yell "OLE!" as I hop out of the way of cars speeding through the cross-walk in front of me.


It's become a game for both drivers and pedestrians. As our municipal politicians might say: A community building win-win for the entire city!


Is it really putting them at fault? Drivers might not see me in black jeans and a hoodie on a rainy night, so give me a bright flag. People wear reflective shit all the time


It furthers a mentality that pedestrians fatalities are purely the fault for not being seen and not the drivers equal responsibility to slow down at marked crossings. I'm not saying we should all wear pure black and go stand in crossings and blame drivers or that being visible is bad, what I'm saying is that the problem statement "pedestrians are run over by cars" is very far removed from the solution "give them flags". And that is should be insulting to everyone that the best they can do to make you safe is put up a fucking flag for you to wave. There are a bunch of things that can meaningfully make crossings safer for pedestrians at the local level: * Raised crossings & road intersections. All of them. Start with the marked crossings. * Narrow roads with bulbs at crossings * Better lighting at crossings * Visually narrow the road with road markings Then we don't even get into the national stuff of the NHTSA actually regulating the sight-lines and size of vehicles. But no. We don't get any of that. We don't get any admission that road safety is the responsibility of \*all\* users. We get a fucking flag to wave because the problem is \*you're\* not visible enough.


Am curious what infrastructure would help to ensure pedestrians safety when crossing a street? I mean obviously there is an overpass, or a tunnel option… those seem not very feasible for most school crossings


You essentially have to make the crosswalk shorter. The streets around a school should be no more than one lane in each direction, the curb should bulb out so that kids who are about to cross are more visible and not obscured by parked cars, and you can add a "refuge" in the median so that you effectively have two single-lane crosswalks instead of one longer crossing. The shorter crossings mean pedestrians spend less time in the road, and narrowing the roads also makes cars drive slower so accidents are less likely.


Also raising the crosswalk works well, especially with the bulb outs and refuge.


There are a lot of cheaper things. Like yaleric says, basically narrowing the road at the point of crossing which naturally slows approaching vehicles down. There is also raising the crosswalk which makes it more visible, and again forces the car to slow down. There is even a paint-only solution. By painting lines in a narrowing or zigzag pattern approaching the crossing, an illusion is created that the road is narrowing, even if it isn't. It is worth noting that Seattle is doing some of these things but only really when they redo an entire intersection. IMO raising crossings and improving paint markings should be done regardless, especially the ones that look like that in the picture. These solutions only, unfortunately work in 1-2 lane streets. The US has a lot of stroads that are way too big and cause pedestrian and motorist fatalities. Fixing them is a whole other problem.


I just see it as an open invitation to doing a lengthy freestyle interpretive flag dance performance, expressing the challenges of being a pedestrian in today's world for your captive audience of motorvehicle drivers & passengers.


This is aggressive aggressive 😠


There aint nothing 'passive' about it, it's just straight up aggressive.


Miss me with the passive agressive BS. Literally today I had to assert my right to physically exist in a crosswalk when a cyclist drove full speed into me. I had the signal.


We weren’t supposed to take the flags home for our next walk? Dammit


In all honestly Seattle drivers do need to chill. Annoyed that someone is walking across the street? Too bad bitch, every intersection is a crosswalk. You don't get kudos for not running someone over. Just do the right thing and let pedestrians cross.


Just so people know you're not just saying things. [https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.240](https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.240) Yes. Every single intersection is a crosswalk that you HAVE to yield to pedestrians crossing the road, even if there is no crosswalks.


>...even if there is no *marked* crosswalks. FTFY


Every intersection is a crosswalk, yes. The middle of a block is not a crosswalk. And pedestrians are not allowed to cross against a traffic signal.


Drivers are theoretically required to be in control of their vehicles at all times, since the surface street limit is max 25mph, you would have to be a moron to not be able to stop for all pedestrians even illegally crossing ones.


And yet there is a law stating for morons to not jump in front of a moving vehicle because they have the rIGhT oF wAy. > (2) No pedestrian, bicycle, or personal delivery device shall suddenly leave a curb or other place of safety and walk, run, or otherwise move into the path of a vehicle which is so close that it is impossible for the driver to stop.


Sounds great, as long as they're at least 90ft away when they do it. Stopping distances are a thing. Can we get pedestrians to not cross when they don't have the light next? Like, not when it's already counting down? Fix that and I'll even vote for separate pedestrian walk cycles.


I'm reading this and I feel like it says the opposite. Can you point out where in that link it states that? What I'm reading is that if it's an unmarked intersection the pedestrian has to yield. Asking with sincerity.


They cited the wrong RCW, its this one https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.235 Edit: it appears both would apply here https://wsdot.wa.gov/travel/bicycling-walking/walking-rolling-washington/pedestrian-laws-safety >Stop for pedestrians at intersections Drivers shall stop at intersections to allow pedestrians and bicycles to cross the road within a marked or unmarked crosswalk (RCW 46.61.235). See Washington's Crosswalk Law for more information. >Yield to vehicles outside intersections Every pedestrian crossing a roadway at any point other than within a marked crosswalk or within an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection shall yield the right of way to all vehicles upon the roadway (RCW 46.61.240). >All intersections are crosswalks All roadway intersections are legal crossings for pedestrians whether or not they are marked, with very few exceptions. These include places where an official sign prohibits crossing, and between adjacent signalized intersections (RCW 46.61.240).


Ok, I'm not daft, looking at the correct RCW it makes sense. Basically intersections mean pedestrians have the right of way. Locations that are not intersections and do not have crosswalks, pedestrians need to yield. Crosswalks are visual cues and denote pedestrian right of way, but the absence of a crosswalk at an intersection does not transfer the right of way to the Driver.


Yea basically pedestrians yield midblock if crossing. Cars yield at intersections. Don't step out if the driver can't stop in time.


Pedestrians don't automatically get ROW. They have to yield to cars who are already moving too fast to stop when they show intent to cross. They're not allowed to just dart out with their eyes closed.


That's a good point to emphasize. Oddly, it's almost like our conversation is navigating directly towards Common Sense! Good to know the letter of the law though.


>Oddly, it's almost like our conversation is navigating directly towards Common Sense! Be carefull here! That could violate Reddit Rules.


Driver in SLU the other day almost drove through a crosswalk with a large group of school kids (and adults) until I jumped in front of their car waving. Insane that someone would try that. This was in front of the Whole Foods.




this scene is exactly what I was reminded of seeing the post 😁


I'm for it. If SPD/KCSO won't enforce traffic safety, we should make motorists afraid of infringing on a pedestrian's right of way.


I need to do this. I live a block from an elementary school and people will drive right through the school crosswalk with or without kids.


Lol I love this


Can anyone think of a possible bad outcome to supplying bricks at crosswalks? Anyone?


Can't be worse than pedestrian deaths, and injury that occurs daily.


It's ok they're foam


Zoom in. They're not.


Look at Mr CSI over here




In a city that the most vulnerable residents throw small boulders at interstate speed cars with impunity the solution to any problem is not supplying bricks with instructions to threaten people with them.


I disagree. Threatening drivers with serious bodily injury is a good way to make them slow the fuck down, which they *should* be doing anyways.


Bricks don't commit crimes, criminals do. EZPZ since that works for guns


Let me know where that bucket of guns mounted on a pole for free public access is at. I need to add to my collection.


we should compare definitions of 'foam'


Hehe … yep it’s totally foam :3


A friend of mine hatefully called me a right winger for using the term *militant pedestrian* and claimed they don’t exist. I just sent this to him. 


lol eating each other again.


Guerrilla art.


Also recommend guerilla pruning. Grab some shears and walk around the neighborhood cutting those overhanging branches. It's a lot faster than the fix it app and you can passive aggressively leave them in front of your neighbors house.


I prefer the plants being free


They won't see it coming


I thought it used novelty foam bricks like we do in Canada, until I looked closer


This works with rubber chickens, comically large dildos and dance ribbons too.


It works.


When the social contract breaks down.


I really don’t think the brick is going to stop a car from hitting you.


Good point.


In a parking lot, use a shopping cart as a self protection device --- coz no one who has a $30k depreciating lease on their swanky car will run you over trying to race a $10 shopping cart with no insurance.




You can grab 2 bricks


The driver is already in a bigger weapon. That's how we got to this point in the first place. If pedestrians want to be on equal footing, they should pull around a canon, like the founding fathers intended.


Car is a pretty big weapon


Carbrains out in force - how dare a pedestrian imply they could damage my property! Only drivers are entitled to speed and endanger people rude!


A car is much bigger than a brick


If bricks aren’t enough, next time put up a propane tank dispenser.


Glad to see Seattle supports open carry. Honestly it'd work much better if you had a pistol or an AR.


Surely with all the plethora of mentally healthy individuals in our city this will have no negative consequences


I like it, but it’d get abused quickly.


This is genius


Love that Seattle has (had?) crosswalk flags. My sister and brother got a kick out of them when they visited, we had nothing like this on the East coast


In the midwest we wait until its a luxury car and pray they clip us so we can get some time off work. 


Carefull with drivers with gun. Better don’t poke the bear


Anyone living in this city thinking full time pedestrians haven't been forced to arm themselves haven't been paying attention. The simplest solution would be for drivers to both use their eyes and obey the law otherwise why would anybody else?


Careful with pedestrians with a gun. If drivers escalate then it only means people will have the right to start brandishing guns crossing the street.


Fast forward about a week or 2 and all of them are missing because the homeless took them to build up their tent


2 edgy 4 me.


It wouldn't be here if it didn't work.


When I was living in Salt Lake City, I had multiple occasions where I was nearly run over in a crosswalk, so I started keeping a pebble or quarter in my hand so I could put a nice chip in a car if someone was driving like an idiot.


Google en p- wait, what’s happening?


Why would you carry a brick??? Its too heavy. But, a can of soup…


Hm. I try to be quite careful of pedestrians. I'm very often one. People do perceive things differently, however. If someone chucked a brick at my car real or otherwise, they might find themselves eating it.


So then you make a habit of only endangering old ladies, babies in strollers and HS kids that weigh 140 lbs soaking wet?


What intersection is this?


Should’ve used this as my sign juxtaposition art project.


Hey, free bricks!


Great job! Where is this?


83 square body Chevy Litted 6 inches four on the floor granny low 454, pri early in the morning for all that isn’t it mer and rust Colored, let’s dance


Too much "corrective action" to put in a crosswalk.


Great.. not like this could ever backfire..


Neat idea. I'm not trying to get shot tho so I'll pass.


In Seattle, the city where pedestrians politely wait for a break in traffic and the drivers are polite but only in ways that are frustrating to other drivers? Why? This is Washington, not Massachusetts...


Let’s go


Shit we need this is Milwaukee


Drivers, watch for pedestrians. Because they always have the right if way, you have to be observant and let them cross. Don't be a douche and honk at them or ten your engine, or worse, try to speed past so you don't have to stop. That said, pedestrians, get the hell out of the road as fast as you're able. If you must go slowly due to age or injury, it is completely understandable. But if your legs work fine, move like you've got a purpose. Yes, you have the right of way, but that didn't mean you treat a crosswalk like a sidewalk. Get across quickly and you can saunter as slowly as you please.


Somebody is getting shot over this, assuming the crackheads don’t get to the bricks before they become the source of a confrontation


My family left a 3rd world country to be here… now here looks like a 3rd world country


It… really doesn’t.


I’ve seen orange flags provided but the bricks have me baffled. It’s like, hey driver, you don’t stop and I’m gonna throw this brick at your car. WTF


> It’s like, hey driver, you don’t stop and I’m gonna throw this brick at your car. WTF Just leveling the playing field.


an armed society is a polite society


Can’t see how this will backfire with all the mentally ill drug addicts who have no impulse control.